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have you tried this indonesian health food?
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i have had it. pretty good when flavored properly and fried
it has a nice nutty flavor
Indonesian torrones?
fermented soybeans are great, especially when you grill and roast the product
a lot of asian cuisines have a version of them
Why not just eat meat? Why eat this?
what makes you think they don’t eat meat?

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Instead of marrying an Asian woman and creating a hapa, why not an Italian and create Nordic baby?
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isn't maria from northern italy? she has to be like part gaulic or germanic? some guy here I know is half italian and he looks brown as fuck like his dad
>Creates the best empire the world has ever seen
>It falls, but after a thousand years you rebuild it's glory again
>500 years later get called nigger on the interwebs

My heart goes out to all italians
It's not racemixing because they're WHITE
Because they're too embarrassed to admit they were living in mudhuts in tribal societies since the dawn of time, while everyone else had empires and kingdoms
>they're WHITE
maybe in Rome, but this here's /int/

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Which Greek city should I leave this shithole for?
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Don't be so modest.
There are no jobs all year round.
Whichever is most welcoming to pussy losers who won't defend their native country.
I don't give a fuck about Türkiye.
Where were you when drumpf stormed the capitol with his chud goons

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they will put you in an isolated island for 30 days, you only have an option to choose one companion that will be randomly choosen from the country you percieve
options are
>new zealand
which one?
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Stop picking Finland, i dont want to randomly end to the island
100% Finland
finland for sure

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>your country
>your Harry Potter school
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there should be a Florida and Louisiana school called shartebeaux that serves some of the us
There's Parvati Patil and her sister too. South Asians are Asian too.
Miguel Ronaldo olonso de santas Christianna's school of sopas y gandalf
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I can only IMAGINE how many wars would be on those schools on a daily basis.
Out of the top of my mind:
>h*tians and Dominicans
>Chinese and Japanese
>Spaniards and fr*nch
>Finlanders and Sweeds
>Mexicans and Americans
>The entire middle east battle royale ft. the Russians
>The entire african continent hunger games ft. Saudi Arabia
>Argentinians and Bolivians
>Argentinians and Peruvians
>Argentinians and Venezuelans

God this woman couldnt have done a worse job even if she tried.
i love how she makes like 50% of the slavs in the world go to the german school

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Is Baitaca a famous musician in your country?
In my country: not enough
Never heard of him, but i don't listen to gaúcho music anyway

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Which country do you hope will fail?
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united states

in that order
Mexico. Even more than what it is now.

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Why do Arabs love Bosnia?
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they have an inferiority complex, they want to live in europe but are angry that europe has different traditions/values than them.
>locals kiss their ass
>cheap whores
>good food with haram options
>lax rules when prayer and religious stuff is in question
that's not arab.

what the fuck are you talking about?
Our country is basically a playground for rich Gulf Arabs
Yep, its all richfags, plebs can't afford it.

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beep beep paging Achmed
beep beep

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Italians are a tumor that grew out of our civilzation.
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You beat greeks so hard that up until the XIX century they considered themselves romans
Say this to my face and see what happens you cockroach.
You are too fat to even move your arm iki
I have enough mobility to beat you up with my cousins.
Romans have an eternal inferiority complex to the Greeks
also you aren’t roman

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When trying sleep do you get thinking over think things in your cunt?
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I think about all the things I could do but dont do due to my weakness.
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yes damn
you no have funny voice in head?
I always go back to the fifth-grade spelling bee because I won it the year before and intentionally muffed the word so that the cute girl would have a chance to win, but she missed her word too so I won anyway. She died of a drug O/D when she was 25, and it's all my fault. If only she had a chance at some success she wouldn't have become a skanky ho with a drug problem.
yes damn you need time machine

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would my fit get weird looks in your country?
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wrong file...
the woman or man you stole these pics from is cute
You know the rules and so do I
How are the legs kicking and why is he still moving?

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thank you americans for TWIN PEAKS
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comfy, one of the shows i most enjoyed watching. Finding out season 3 wasn't set at early 90s was such a disappointing to me that i didn't even bothered watching it.
>Finding out season 3 wasn't set at early 90s was such a disappointing to me that i didn't even bothered watching it.
You should, it's a cinematic masterpiece
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I have a picture of that mountain too. (From a different angle)
Someone told me that this was like X-Files and I can't recall the last time I was more disappointed by a piece of media
It's David lynch. Much like wes Anderson, you kind of already know going in what you're going to get. You either love it or hate it

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Is Ottawa the most liberal city in Canada?
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Although ottawa is kind of an exception. Asians and pajeets aren't that big. It's like 8% asians ( east and sea) and 6% south Asian.

Toronto is 20-25% asian ( east and sea) and close to 20% south Asian
For comaprsion
>Major cities in Canada have always been pretty non white
Idk if this is cause I'm American but when I was in Vancouver I could feel how non white the city was as opposed to other American cities with similar proportions of minorities. Nice city but idk it felt more obvious.
>but they have under a million people
Yea I was looking and we still have quite a few cities around half a million which are 60-70+% white. Columbus is the only city close to a million where whites are still 60%.
I think in north America there are only 4 cities with over 500k people and are at least 70% white

Hamilton, Quebec city, Louisville and Portland

Why is this phenomenon so common amongst chud filled countries?
Men admire strenght. Women are aroused by it. We were wired up by God to despise cowardice and venerate boldness. In the past other expressions were used, but "based" is used simply to admire that spirit of honor and uncaring bravado regardless of agreeing or not. This is, perhaps, the only thing that ties humans of all races cultures and religions together; admiration for those who are based
>effective satire of fascism
Spaceballs or The Producers where the fascists are humorous and silly and act totally ridiculous. movies that would have made hitler seethe and foam at the mouth
>ineffective satire of fascism/anarchism
Everything you listed especially Starship Troopers and Fight Club because the Federation and Tyler Durden are made to look as cool as fuck and their enemies are bloodthirsty disgusting roaches or greedy corporations
Elites are really good at brainwashing the commonoids
I don't think the narrator from fight club is a fascist.

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