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Talk about cities you've been to.
Talk about cities you want to visit.
Post pictures you've taken of cities.
Post cool pictures you have of cities.
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That's because the less planning, the more natural it looks. Boston is one of the least planned US cities because of how old it is, and it's also one of the most pleasant-looking.
For me, a city is not something to be planned but something that emerge itself.
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Things are going to be fucked up here when the DNC happens
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Yeah, I agree, but unfortunately many Americans seem to disagree. Despite our supposed love of freedom and liberty, and our constitution being based around classical liberalism, we have among the strictest and harshest zoning and building regulations in the free world. You can't even buy a piece of land in the woods and live in a parked trailer, that's a crime in most states because of zoning laws.
I think NYC subway is very complicated and has cool ad hock quality.

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It was nice but it reinforced my view that the French language kind of sucks for singing (except the opera lady which was great)
Name one Brazilian song

Thats right
Samba de Janeiro
It's German
ai eu se te pegu
we have top class elevator music
and some other stuff that probably was popular here but not outside, admittedly I don't listen to new stuff, and I'm a weeb that mostly listens to Japanese stuff.
I don't know anything French other than voyage voyage and françoise hardy(barely). Unlike Italian songs, French never made much success here.

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do you grocery shop like an American in your country?
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They can't stop buying.
Time to buy some land in the green area, Giovanni.
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it's full of arsenic, it's very very bad for you
some protein but almost no fat and micronutrients, i assume it's gonna be overcooked anyway

an absolute slave
>some protein but almost no fat and micronutrients,
just buy chicken thighs? plenty of fat and micros
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70K is abysmal when houses are 300,000 AT MINIMUM. Both adults usually work so If you are earning 70k USD with only one earner you are still semi screwed. It's all relative. Here's the median price of a house in my suburb in AUD

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What country are you floughting to this summer?
You’re a traveler, right?
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Might go to Maryland or North Carolina in October. The beaches will be empty and it's a good time for bird/whale watching. Plus the hotels will be cheap and there will be Halloween stuff going on.
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How else to travel but to flought?
you should understand fellow islander
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im too efl to understand that word
I will travel. I will do ze Intel(tm) reisen
It looks like I'm saying it's not too bad, but unfortunately it's not too bad to have said that

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I need to get laid NOW !! How the darn do i have to but not chatting to women? I'm fucking poor, other reasons would otherwise be to pay for sex. I won't rape anyone anf my social skills declined over the years. I am not a zoomer.

How do i fuck a woman's slit avoiding to flirt ? I need to take a hold on women's meat.
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Downsides won't be pros, just dimwits.
White yes and no
Asian yes and yes

I tried asian but they come off too wholesome. I won't put it in and feel anyway innocent again afterwards.
God I want a Stacey GF so fucking bad!
No one gives a shit about a druggie

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What called this in your cunt?
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thats Teddy Riner you fingoloid
Gay smurf
Should i be suprised that black man can do judo?
Are you racist or something?
Anyways like i said im busy so see you later subhuman
Jvpiter himself has summoned all the gods of the olympus ... for the olympic games ... vgghhhhh ... what a genius
We call those things the French in my country

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Well, is he wrong?
only anglos are demons
>Japs commits war crimes that make the Wehrmacht look like saints
>drop some bombs on jap cities (japs wouldve done the same)
Why are they like this?
opinion discarded
pic rel is his reaction after hearing of the american's treatment of the natives

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In the early 19th century there was a myth in America that Chinese women were so beautiful white men would literally be driven mad if they visited China. Does this happen in your cunt?
Take this its yours

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Is it time again to go into your lonely empty bed, and fall asleep all alone? Me yes

Good night
Not yet, I'm pooping now
Man, I swear the Finns have this much depression due to lack of vitamin D, I pity you fin anon tho I love your country
no, not yet. i got this poison to drink first
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm 28 and I've never been in a serious relationship. But I don't want to date right now because I'm a NEET and I feel I have nothing to offer.
I'm 31 with an officecuck job and still dont have anything to offer

>for the price of a bmw z4 m40i in Denmark you can get a Ferrari roma in Germany or sweden

I hate this country so much
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>гocпoдинeee, buy the car
You people are rich so who gives a shit. I used to play a lot of geoguessr and I remember there being a fuckton of mercedes, fords, teslas and audis in your cunt.
Yeah there's alot of Mid range mercedes.
Nowadays there's alot of mercedes EQ's and BMW i4s and i5s but those are BORING and You rarely see a expensive mercedes like a S class or a AMG GT
Buy a classic car for fun and a toyota slop for work. I'm about to get a 2.8 Z3.
Yes. Hybrid version will be out in early 2025 fitting Serbian made hybrid traction motor. They will be using electric motor on pure BEVs later on. Chief of the motor plant worked his whole life in Fiat car factory. It tells you that there is substantial knowledge transfer toward local workforce too

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what is a far away cunt from yours that you wish was close?
None, in other words, israel
Unironically Russia and I'm no zogbot.
I just really like their culture and style.
I wish the world would come back to more peaceful times between Russia and the West.
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petersburg is basically the real version of what paris used to be
The far away cunts are already close to us. The contrast between Indonesia and us is insane. Same with PNG and Timor Leste. Anglo settler colony that spawned next to Asian Muslims.

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How do I teach myself to handwrite in Russian?
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Mы вce yчилиcь пoнeмнoгy
Чeмy-нибyдь и кaк-нибyдь,
Taк вocпитaньeм, cлaвa Бoгy,
У нac нeмyдpeнo блecнyть
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>I only wrote by hand at university
I'm pondering picking Russian but I'm scared of handwriting because literally all of my experience with Russian is online
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russian cursive isnt real
nobody knows what this menas
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look for пpoпиcи somewhere in bookstores
that's how they teach first graders cursive
Cпacибo бpaтaн

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>call yourself the "country of romance"
>make cardboard beds like these

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I wonder how much it cost France to make their cardboard beds. Shinzo Abe gave the contract to make cardboard beds to his brother, who has a cardboard manufacturing company. It cost $2000 per bed.
>pierre is sent to this bed without dinner because he asked his wife for a paternity test
its so short. did they have longer versions?
>the cuck shed is now the cuck bed
Where can I get one, are they expensive? Would it be possible to make one out of normal cardboard boxes?

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>meet up with cute euro boy
>he thinks we're gonna bang
>i drug and circumcise him instead
You're welcome, eurofaggot, enjoy it.
(PS: I fed the foreskin to a duck)
well did you at least bang afterwards?
Nope, I'm not gay.
not based bro
circumsicion is kinda fucked up desu. i seriously don't think it's that much big of a deal, i truly enjoy ejaculating but it's not right. i'm not going to circumcisise my children and my whole family is going to hate me for it. life is hard as a jew, you won't ever understand
send him to me if you're not going to bang that cutie buddy

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Turning is too spicy for American cars
>Drive Americ-ACK
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>Holland is small and Swede is gay
Thank you guys, it feels like before 2008 again.
in 2008 they had already legalized homo marriages
Is that a 2024 Mustang against the purple miata?
that was incredibly satisfying to watch. give me more

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