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If you look to wiki pages of music genres it says a lot of modern music genres created between 1960-1990 and it started with Rock n Roll in the early 1950s. 80% of these genres came from either US or UK. Why Americans and British became culturally so creative after WW2? What caused to that? You can see the same in the cinema and literature too. There were almost no pop culture before WW2.
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Thank you Mr. Otis Redding!

When I think about Jimi, he really did start heavy metal. I believe he was very instrumental in what we now know as heavy metal. But he also created psychedelic music." - Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metalica
for me, it's big beat

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Are you retarded
Half of those countries don't use cyryllic
Also I can immidiately know whether Spainards are around because no other nation is so fucking loud
he's not a spaniard
it's a rusdog with a vpn
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today I had some beanpie with walnuts (lobiani), fermented staphylea flowers (jonjoli) and some imeretian white wine (tsitska) to chug it all down
comfy shit

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>angers Europeans with its mere existence
I want one of those
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Whay # type of heroin is this? Must be black tar heroin right? 9 euros per g from the gypsies, I am new to heroin and tomorrow I am going to rehab for benzos and I wanted to see how heroin feels like, for the low price I would assume that it's heavily cut but it gets me decently nice with some euphoria and mood liftness, gonna snort another line now
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true, it's rocks and not tar
i never seen black tar and whatever is in the pic so idk
im glad youre still around benzogreek
i have this pic you posted saved from early 2022
you werent lying either i got a lyrica script and hooooly fuck i love it
it gives sedation, euphoria, makes me sleepy, gives me a good mood, has a strange smell
be careful, don't abuse it, take it as prescribed, it helps a lot in social situations
what did you get it for and what are your doses?

just have in mind that it makes you pee frequently and also makes you gain weight

gonna have to sleep soon after a few lines of heroin because tomorrow I start my rehab

and yes lyrica is better than gabapentin, if you want for recreational purposes look into carisoprodol mainly and maybe GHB/BDO but better don't abuse drugs for your own good
yeah i stick to my script. since tolerance rises so fast i've found its better to just take my normal 200mg per day and enjoy the mood boost than take 1200 in one night and get nothing out of it for a week. i got my script for my chronic pain
and i've moved away from other drugs thankfully, my life has gotten maybe not better but i keep busy now
stay safe benzogreek <3

New whiteness map just dropped
What's the percentage scale here? Doesn't seem like more than 1 or 2% in the US.

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Behold, the prettiest flag this world has ever seem

In Chyle if you dont have a college degree you are viewed as a worthless piece of shiet (unless you have a good excuse like being poor) Is it the same in your cuntry?:

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Why are Indians the highest paid Asian ethnic group in the USA? What do they even do?
Indian households incluce more people, they dont actually lead the individual income list IIRC
H1B tech workers
Doctors and IT mostly. I'm thankful we're not getting the bottom of the barrel like Canada.
They're recent a recent wave of immigrants who can speak native english and they concentrated on the tech sector which boomed in the past 30 years. Software really inflates their salaries. It's the only profession you can go in and make ~$150k/year starting with just a bachelors degree (if you got to FAANG or some fintech company).
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Also once Indians takeover HR, they become nepotistic as hell and hire only other Indians especially from their caste. It's well known in the tech industry. Any time I have an interview with a Pajeet I know the interview is over. You can even see this in Canada.

How to stop them?
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sucks huh
take guo hua ping back pls
l'utilisation de novlangue angloïde par un torchon libéral, oui
Pas lui mais
Susceptibilité c'est un mot français, explique toi
Je vois pas en quoi cette tournure de phrase est problématique de manière générale
Mais t'attend pas à une réponse je vais dormir
I knew it was bullshit. How would this even work? Do they pull up with a van and then do what? Rob the Chinese guy off the street and send him off to a Chinese prison in some private plane or what? The propaganda coming in this new cold war is absolutely mental
Shut the fuck up you son of a bitch. The only thing you know how to do is kiss the feet of bougnoules while saying pas d'amalgame

You wake up in Eminence...

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>you will have no escapism
>you will worship african americans
>you will be miserable
Why are Americans like this bros? Why do they waste money on ruining stuff for the rest of us?
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Based. Anime is saved!
Dont care. A slow and agonizing death to all mortgage servicers, real estate speculators, and wealth manipulators. May their property be seized, their sons sent to work in the salt mines, and their wives and daughters bonder to brothels.
>translation: schwarzstein
>sodomy, japan
Kneeling to blacks and worshiping transsexuals is the state religion of the United States and the one practiced by the vast majority of Americans, including most of those posting here under the US flag on /int/. Many of them support and even participate in drag queen story hour at the local library and kids attending pride parades, which are necessary rituals during this time, such as sawm (fasting) and wudu (ablutions) are for Muslims.

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Why are americans like this?
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Was this joke ever about how japanese people say "o hai-yooo" in anime?
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Orange Bloomf Hitler is creating the Fourth Reich and gonna round up all the brown people. All not-Nazi's should totally move to Europe. They aren't racist and have free healthcare!
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>More Americans say they want to move out of US, poll finds

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I was watching some YouTube guy and I realized the reason why Americans struggle with non-English Rs (trill or otherwise) is because they fundamentally misunderstand how these R sounds are made.
Americans think that to do an "international R" you just have to do the stupid American English R (RRRUGH), but really really fast. They emphasize their R to the point it turns into an ejective, but they don't realize their R is the exception because it is postalveolar. Almost all other sounds we recognize as 'R' are alveolar.

When you're trying to do a "Japanese R" or "roll your Rs like in Spanish", put the tip of your tongue just behind your top teeth. You need to hit that spot quickly.
If you struggle to find the correct spot, try prolonging your regular American R, and then slowly moving your tongue forward while touching the roof of your mouth.
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Do you apply the same standard for non-English speakers who have trouble pronouncing the dental fricative?
ESLs have this habit of complaining about EFLs making mistakes when they should be grateful that we're giving any thought for their irrelevant language.
It took me a minute to learn how to pronounce the dental fricatives
>Do you apply the same standard for non-English speakers who have trouble pronouncing the dental fricative?
Yes because dental fricatives are stupidly easy to learn. There's literally no trick to it. You just stick out your tongue like a retard and push out some air. The down syndrome of phonemes.
its a stupid and useless sound that only children think is impressive to do

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I couldn't think of 5 Chinese cities and 5 Indian cities even though I can easily list 10 Brazilian or Australian cities
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How the fuck do you know Wichita?
It was in gta 3
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Nagoya isn't a well known city. Like people know it exists but it has no image at all

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Oh no
I miss it when no one knew we existed.
You guys love eating poop so much that you named your country Germ-mania
Germ != poop, you illiterate.

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