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I’m just gonna.. i’m just gonna go for a little swim
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There's a theory that they lived like crocodiles, ambush predators
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vgh... retvrn to the sea... vndo the the sins of yovr forefathers...
whales are most closely related to hippos
it's not hard to imagine how they went from hippo-like ancestors to whales

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Legend has it that Alamoa is a beautiful, fair-skinned, blonde, and tall German woman who lives on Pico Hill. On dark nights, she would seduce men during full moons, and when the men came closer, they would see that she was actually a skeleton of a deceased woman. Shocked by the revelation, Alamoa would kill them, believing that they were destroying nature.

Over time, the tale of Alamoa lost its dark tone. Many came to see her as a sort of Mother Nature, and she began to be regarded as a protector of the island.

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Did you know Sushi is a traditional Korean food?
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Yeah yeah, we get it. You're uncontrollably mad as usual. Anyway, never forget Koreans civilized Japan and thank Korea like your emperor (who has Korean DNA himself, just like you) did.
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Current style of sushi is started edo era of japan.
naresushi(old sushi from south east asia) and sushi (modern Japanese sushi)is totally different.
Old sushi is basically rotten fish. No one care.
Sheet form of nori(gim) is invented at edo era of japan before that people was eating nori(gim) as psste form and Korean civil people has no custom of eating nori daily
Before japanese introduced it to korea.
>As for the Japanese emperor

Korean media misinterpreted and distorted his words to suggest that the first Japanese emperor is a descendant of the Baekje Korean royal family

The Japanese emperor did not claim that the first emperor was from Baekje at all

>Emperor Akihito mentioned that Emperor Kanmu's mother was one of the CONCBINE of a Japanese emperor and that she was descended from the Baekje royal family.

However, there is no primary evidence indicating a direct blood connection between the Japanese imperial family and ancient Korean kingdoms.

Why would it imply that the Japanese emperor is Korean just because he had relations with one of the concubines of the Baekje princess?

The Baekje royal family are distant ancestors of Emperor Kanmu's mother . However, his father is Emperor Konin and all of his ancestors are Japanese. The Baekje royal family are not direct ancestors of the Japanese imperial family. The direct ancestor of the Japanese emperor is the 27th Emperor Keitai, whose existence is considered certain.

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I hope they both die of heat stroke.

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I wonder what kind of person you are behind that screen
Do you consider yourself a good person?
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no, the world needs villains
I fought to protect this world
I'll just say that I fully deserve every bit of suffering
I feel pressured to be good and do nice and charitable things. I give beggars money out of anxiety and narcissism. I volunteer weekly. I donate anything I "throw away" unless it's unusable. But it's not sincere.
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I dunno, I consider myself to be closer to George Costanza than anything although I'm neither bald nor bespectacled. Not a sperg but not normal and I'm increasingly resentful of people.

I've tried to do the right thing with two friend groups and ended up ghosted both times because the people I stood up for weren't the type to engage in social manipulation nonsense. Plus my family are annoying (even if I love them).

Anyway I try to do little things like leaving public spaces in better condition than I found them, helping my grandparents etc. I'm not even rude the internet.

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So these are the advertisers who are so offended by my posts that Janny has to keep deleting them?
itd be pretty hot if she was taller than me i heard she has a 9 incher
what kind of mentor does she need?

Okay, so, now who has hotter women, /int/: West, North, Central, or Southern Europe?

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Wow south taking a pretty big lead early!
Love her hair
Kek great ass though

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name 5 australians
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Kylie Minogue
Bruce Willis
Adam Sandler
Steve Irwin
Balcony Brah.
Balcony Brah is the most famous Aussie, but 4chan is too cucked and zoomed to know who that is in 2024.
Nick Cave
Kylie Minogue
Josef Fritzl
Margot Robbie
Samara Weaving

Brad Pitt
John Cena
me and 4 other people you've never heard of

What country has the best overall aesthetic?
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Ancient Egypt
unironically france, a good mix of mediteranean, atlantic, central european influences and other than the outskirts, inside the core of france you get everything from gothic to enlightenment era architecture to art deco and they even do modernism quite good.
italy too, I like italy more, but in objective terms I think france does better bc they have more variety than the italians, but not by much.

germany and russia are meme answers, they have some cool shit and all, but the diversity of architecture and geography just does not compare to france and italy
That's cheating, noting can top ancient Egypt
This Anglo-somalilanders an on and off poster, he generally stays pretty on topic and gives at least morbidly interesting views on shit. Iirc his dad left and he was born here,
Finnish culture was completely wiped out by swedes, pagan Finland would be great but it's not possible to revive the dead
do you think ancient egyptians appreciated the culture of their country or did they hate their lives and hate egypt?

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Your country pays universal basic income for living there right?
Is it possible to live (decently) in Alaska with only $3,284 per annum? If anything, I would expect some things to be far more expensive there than in the mainland
I should get UBI but blacks, mexicans, and my neighbors shouldn't get UBI. Also Kentucky shouldn't get UBI I don't like those people. Also anyone who votes dem.
Minimum neet income is like 15k-20k€ a year

Funny how Europe is going to shit so quickly.

Imagine being so stupid that they thought they were going to defeat Russia and steal its resources but ended losing the cheap gas and raw material from Eurasia
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i could make a meme about the usa but you're too third world now

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I love them
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[ ] - sicilian gf
[ ] - crime against humanity
They somehow some of the funniest and most annoying fags here simultaneously
irl too

Those are just fags with coquettes and good cuosinne. Them lang comes retarded.

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I live in Iowa
I was at the beach. I splashed myself with water to harden my body and mind
I don't think that woman is as sexy as her apparent confidence would suggest
cleanest water in brazil

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Do scientists really go around the world measuring dude's dicks in order to make those dick length charts?
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That sounds like so much fun
Got em
This is a good question, and do they take things like temperature into account?
It’s always hot as fuck in most of India so pajeets can’t make this argument.
It's a mix of clinical studies from various countries and self-reported studies.
Yes and they are quite thorough. This scientist dude comes over to measure my dick like twice a week. Gotta admire the dedication. Are you guys not getting yours measured?

Poland is just catholic Taliban.
The Taliban wouldn't do something as gaudy as declaring Muhammad (pbuh) the King of Afghanistan.
Except they build the world instead of doing brown people stuff.
muhammad isn't considered God in islam
honestly Islam is more sane than Christianity, its only bad thing is it's geared from the beginning for Arab nationalism and nothing else

Post SOVL from this region. The only SOVLFUL region of europe
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nothing soulful about these shitholes
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Why do Balkan niggas like those orange roofs? How did they collectively decide on that aesthetic?
basically all med cultures have orange roofs
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here's your sovl, bro
thats literally sovlful

looks like a vampire could live in there

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