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Did you pay the tax man yet in your coutry?

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Why is “high school bully” such a common phenomenon in america?
I recognize the mugshot second from right
كسمك يا هندي

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bist şahlandı yaw inş gel gel yapıyorlardır
evet maliyet düşürdüm kar cebe yakışır
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O'nu çok özlüyorum
bankalar +%4'te aylık getirileri +%40 olacak bokunu sikiyim ilk yerli teknoloji şimdi bankalar. bundan sonraki ne olacak acaba? eğer çıktığım bist30 hisseleri yürürse çok pis kaFFam bozulur.
USA tişörtü vay vatan haini vay yahudi köpeği vay puşt vay

Instead of looking like a dishonestly, shifty, scoundrel, you can looksmaxx and look like a ladykiller, a womangenocider, if you will.
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he's caked up on the right
he changed the make up lady
The glow up
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why is a photoshopped/ai altered image getting spread around as if it's real https://www.instagram.com/zuck/reel/C56JwCSRMiS/
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Some Jews already do this, thoughbeitmorever.
How is shaving every day more comfortable than having a stubble

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Communists like Vitomir Pajić think that the meaning of life is to eat, drink, do drugs and fuck, but that is not true because the meaning of life is to commune with the Lord. I am truly happy only when I pray to Christ.
>Vitomir Pajić
Who the fuck is this guy? Nothing comes up on Google.
some retard from /ex-yu/

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I'd rather live in Poland (Kraków) than in the United States of America
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Where are the Polish twunks?
hiiiiiiiii <3
Ever been there? I mean its probably an upgrade on britain but it definitively made appreciate my country a lot more...
he's a jeet too

>Can pay millions of 10/10 Euroepan females to be his wife.

>Marries an ugly mongoloid female instead
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And ?
She is ungly chink.

If I had his money I would pay a 10/10 European female to be my wife.
>marries the woman who he was dating before he became a billionaire
If zuck entered the dating market now, he would have to contend with hordes of gold-digging whores thirsting for his wealthy Jewcock. It would be impossible for him to find love.
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Such are the tastes of the rich and fabulous
>irish flag
>not posting about palestine

The IRA isn't going to like this one mr. O'brien.
havent you played CK3? he can still have lots of hot concubines to fuck on the side but the spouse is there to give you suitable heirs. His heirs will be 300 IQ superhumans because he diddn't waste his seed on vapid whores

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this is what brazil used to be about
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I mean clearly
2bqh, i have a cap same as the guy on the webm :)
do you incelwalk with it takahiro?
im not him. i have put him in his place, because his post(s) made me uncomfortable. i didnt want him to stop posting. but im too autistic.
ever since he doesnt post here in 4chan so much. im really sorry.
Are those women?

Honey, wake up! New net salary map just dropped
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>unreasonable amount of their income in tapas and beer
there's nothing unreasonable in enjoying life, you're not "Italian" or "Spanish" if you don't get this basic thingy
all these funny numbers represent just a degree of commodification and that's how u should view it, dont feel bad about it, belarus is an alright place lukashenko just doesnt participate in the rat race if u want to experience how awful unrestrained capitalism is just hop over the border, get a refugee status and see for urself shit sucks
Please tell me more about your sluts. What city?
Why is Cyprus so ahead of Greece and Turkey? What do they do besides tourism?

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Thought of Finnish tech entrepreneurs?
He looks swede tho
He is Finnish.

나는 바보입니다
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예, 맞습니다.

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what makes norwegians inferior to other scandis? why can't they innovate?
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moomins, nokia, linux, sauna, silly meme country
countless video games: angry birds, max payne, noita, cities skylines, fear and hunger, my summer car

that was a hundred years ago. and ibsen had similar thoughts about norwegian people as i do.
I am resting and applying steroid lipgloss to prepare for my next ski trip, don't ask me to think about anything
Biggest finnish contribution is that harvester machine so we can use resources from brazilian and indonesian jungles that wouldnt produce anything otherwise
It's in our soul to explore rather than innovate

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What's your opinion on trans people in sports in your country?
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wtf is a 'biological man' as opposed to a regular man
Biological man is a person who was born with a penis.
Who is "regular man" depends from the country and its culture.

For example, in Poland if you wear tight jeans you are considered by majority of society and by politicians rather as a woman, not a man. To be consider a "regular man" in Poland you can't wear tight jeans, long hair, and you have to be able financially support your wife.

If you are adult and single, in Poland society would never consider you a "man".
wtf are you on
>Who is "regular man" depends from the country and its culture.
no it fucking doesnt
a man is an adult male human, im just asking what a 'biological man' is

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My life is bread, but in French
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I'll breed you in french
>haha nihilism and hopelessness so funni
I thought this cringy shit died out with Millennials.
une baguette
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Why do Serbians hate them? He seems like a chill dude.
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hes going to give us Vojvodina, in exchange for letting him in the eu
He looks like a literal chud
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Wholesome and cute!
i think he is based, but he plays a dangerous game
using low iq serbian populism while leading his country into a european future will create contradictions eventually

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