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Is it time again to go into your lonely empty bed, and fall asleep all alone? Me yes

Good night
Not yet, I'm pooping now
Man, I swear the Finns have this much depression due to lack of vitamin D, I pity you fin anon tho I love your country
no, not yet. i got this poison to drink first
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm 28 and I've never been in a serious relationship. But I don't want to date right now because I'm a NEET and I feel I have nothing to offer.

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Evil? Free ma nigga he didn do nuffin
Why did you write evil and then posted this guy? These don't correlate.
He wasn't evil, he was great
>Bill Gates
Nobody, we are the nicest people in the world.
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what is a far away cunt from yours that you wish was close?
None, in other words, israel
Unironically Russia and I'm no zogbot.
I just really like their culture and style.
I wish the world would come back to more peaceful times between Russia and the West.
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petersburg is basically the real version of what paris used to be

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Americans today are alcoholics
My parents wrote the book on it
Founding mommies
No they aren’t. Back in the 1800s they average 7.1 gallons of pure ethanol a year compared to 2.3 now
That's like two beers and a cocktail at a restaurant

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Get out of my country, baka gaijin
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really? i thought jeets in japan were of higher castes
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It was him, the baka gaijin
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pretty sure that there are already more south asians in japan
Indians are more respectful of Japan

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I'll jerk off to anything at least once
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what will you jerkoff to next then?
have you sampled >>>/hm/ ?
Not him, but I find it pretty easy to jerk off to /hm/
do this
your grandma?

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Or can they be Mithraic
What? Where does it say the 3 wise kings were Zoroastrian?
They were called magi
I was asking if all magi are Zoroastrian or can they be priests of other religions
why are you interested in persian culture this much? you've posted on alawitas before if im not mistaken. why?
I'm curious if Rudolf Steiners writings are actually based on ancient religions
It doesn't say that they were 3 kings, but an unspecified amount of wise men/magi. 3 kings theory is just catholic imagination

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the two archtypes of USA women
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Here you go
Now where are my 5 chonky Israelian qties
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nah bro thats a 1 for 1 trade
if you want 5 for 1 get me something like this
i really like her personality.
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How do i get an Ukrainian gf ?
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slavic archetype

>like a girl
>say nothing for years
>seethe about it endlessly later
Does this happen in your country?
Never met a girl in real life that I liked
Neither did I it was all online. Failing at even an e-gf is doubly worrying

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>Is that a Ukrainian goat herder that just blew up our totally real T-14® with an IED strapped to a 10 dollar drone from AliExpress™? Clearly this must be a NATO special forces soldier in disguise, thereby violating international law.
You forget the older soldier raping him mid sentence
Not many know this but NATO (USA) was planning to put nukes in Kharkov aimed at Moscow and then invade from the Ukrainian territory towards Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and steal all the Russian gas, it was planned to happen on february 25th 2022

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I'm leaving this board forever goodbye people
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yeaaaah so i'll have the uuuhm yeah the curly fries and shit i can't remember. hey babe do i like the ts or the nuggies? oh yeah sorry dude i'm a little heheh yknowhowitis aaah geezus okay where was i so for me the wedges with extra gravy and a strawberry mcflurry
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You can't live without us.
Outline the pol-ACK flag at least cunt
Yep i'm considering too. The quality of posts here have significantly degraded recently. I don't know if it's due to the influence our posters. :(
I should too. Browsing this board is a waste of time.

Mercedes says it is not worth to design car in Germany

China is so much better at electric Germany is obsolete
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Thanks for the info, but I'm sticking with Toyota
good luck then wafflenigger
Can't find any source for this
>designed in china by european engineers
Based on those blueprints, the Chinese assemble them with warped screws and rusted steel.
Your don't have asian iq

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Normies are nonchalantly dancing rhythmically while western civilisation is collapsing all around them.

They care about their social status, their friend group, their career and dancing rhythmically to a TikTok.

A deep thought have never once passed their front cortex.

People like this have never reflected upon history, genetics, phenotypes, nationalism, the nuclear family, geopolitics, militaries, demographic statistics, traditional cultures, human intelligence, religion, philosophy and different countries.

What you ponder about on a daily basis is a completely foreign concept to them.

Would you like to be neurotypical?
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>Shitting out bait this low quality
Nigger chud is a term of respect
Troof nuke
Chuds eternally BTFO
I am a male supervisor at a company that's 90% normie women. Those don't seem like neurotypical women, they seem like mentally ill women on SSRIs who probably cry at night over wine.
You've been defeated OP. Close the thread and pretend it never happened

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What does it symbolize?
Schizos on social media say it's a mockery of the Last Supper.
the values france exports since may 1968
idk we need a Talmud specialist to tell us
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One step closer to “pedophilia is a human right”
it symbolizes how the west is mentally deranged, and how Russia is right.

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Why do normies demand constant entertainment?

>Why don't you talk?
>Why don't you dance?
>What's up?
>What's your favourite restaurant?
>Why don't you post pictures about yourself on instagram?
>Why are you so tired?
>Have you already has a dinner?

Like how do you answer these questions?
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I simply can't answer these questions.
Meanwhile 4channers be like
>Why don't you shitpost?
>Why don't you post bait?
>What's your favorite doujin?
>Why don't you post pictures of your hand so you can prove you're white
>TFW too tired for vidya
>Post what you ate today
I think of something to say.
I never had anyone ask me any of these
Then what's wrong anon? Are you eating healthy? Drinking enough water?

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