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may your day be terrible and your path full of rusted spikes, i wish you all a horrible morning
may you fail all what you lay your hands on
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Lads just did some legal work for some rich Saudi guy and he is doing the autistic "have my car" thing and I need him to stop but it seems sincere since he said his garage is full
Is there a way to check if he is being genuine
I don't want my bussy clapped for being rude and stealing his car
فريع الكر
People give vehicles away all the time. It's just material, and to him it's jack
If you really want to know how sincere he is, try rubbing his balls real quick
gulfies are low iq
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@اشكره خبر

شوف الخيط هاد

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You don't ACTUALLY believe that 2014 was 10 years ago right?
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Take me back to literally any time before this happened and I'll be content
they made the clocks go faster, I'm pretty sure that night time is only caused by artificial clouds they've made
10 years ago was 2014, but 2014 was 9 years 6 months and 2 days ago
Its been more.
I aged 20 years in those "10" years.
2020-2023 counts as 1 year

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Uno dos tres cuatro cinco cinco seis
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It's so hot I'm going to die. +33c (90F) during the day, +22c in the middle of the night. I want this over
I automatically studied the eastern front for a few years and summer was considered hell because of mosquitos, humidity, lice, rats, and how unrelenting it is.
Soldiers would just go insane without seeing combat having just marched though Ukraine and Russia, it amazes me that you niggas still live there.
Just turn the AC on bro
I'm surprised but I haven't seen a single one this year. Something is off I tell you.
I'm this close to buying an ac even if it's just for a couple weeks in the year
Just buy it nigga that's what i did, even if it's only useful for a month at best. Things will only keep getting worse thanks to global warming.
Enjoy it beats the cold

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Why are the Dutchies like this?
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The Dutch are very straightforward and blunt, which can be good like in this case. They can also be bluntly wrong like in this one (and hopefully fix it)
this guy is indonesian btw
Indonesia used to be Dutch
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Give Indonesians reparations

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Why did Pajeets, Chinks and Gooks hijack the Asian masculinity movement? Why is there no representation for Pacific Islanders, Siberians, Central Asians and West Asians?
>Pacific Islanders
They're really fucking big and strong
They don't have internet
>Central Asians
Steppe nomads have nothing to do with ricecels.
>West Asians
Their entire culture revolves around machismo and honor culture.

Who else is gonna run it but who cares.
Wtf they gonna do. Round eyes will still mock them and call them lil dicks
Because they are bitter about not being liked by women
there's no way a pacific islander incel exists, they're a race of chads

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The human race is a story of the wild chaos of the celt vs the structured order of the German
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>france dodging the war crimes circle
>Spaniards are extremely racist even towards other Spaniards
Extremely true.

This just today: >>199259776 >>199259948
>The thing is, if you're not from one of these three regions you are brown and deserve to be poor.

The two-dimensional circular Venn diagram representation of four "base sets", when presented in this way, is unsatisfying, because it fails to capture all logical possibilities for intersection, inclusion, and exclusion among the four base sets. However, the situation involving three base sets is easily and completely modeled in a simlar diagram, including the set with none of the base properties, which is simply the surrounding space.

Here, there is no representation for countries that are both gay and poor, while at the same time not racist and not guilty of war crimes. Similarly, there is no representaiton for countries that are both racist and guilty of war crimes, while at the same time neither gay nor poor.
why was portugal put in bulgaria's place
All of Europe outside downtown is gay poor racist and has history of supporting war crimes cuz news told them too

Oh well

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carberg edish
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Actual new:
Would be hard to find the original since it's not a screenshot

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Map of countries where it is illegal to make fun of the head of state
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It's not illegal to make fun of Duda, retard.
This is why they can't make fun of Hitler even now?
It’s same everywhere if they feel it’s a threat
>Illegal to make fun of Felipe or Letizia
>Not illegal to make fun of the actual faggot moroccan dude 420 lmao kang

crazy how he had an attractive wife and fumbled it, granted she still popped out that dumbo eared moor

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>Viral video
>9yo trips and touches less than a inch of private property
>80yo boomer shoots 5 times at him, kills him

>American comments: 'PLAY STUPID GAMES....................'
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no pienso en ti en absoluto
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We are savages, brutes and monsters. Don't forget it Pablo

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Yes I want to be bullied by a slavic woman or latina
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yeah i know i fucked her first
how does one acquire a gf like that
I’m more of a tits man but good catch op
Why post women you’ll never touch
Coomer worship
I hate women almost as much as I love them

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Every time I see an American poster I weep tears of joy for the amazing contributions our mighty, glorious nation makes to the global hell hole of an international community.
And it's not just me. BILLIONS of pathetic non-Americans rely on US of A to make this board worthwhile. They dance, scream and cheer whenever they see an American responding to their threads.
We are Atlas carrying the world on our shoulders, Ameribros. It's our cross to bear.
so true sister
I love Americans so much.
I would fight and die for America.
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Still the king.
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fluoride induced camaraderie

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In Miami and border cities like El Paso, Nogales and San Diego, you cannot survive without knowing Spanish. Most people in public speak Spanish and only handful of people know broken English, if any at all. Do you also have major cities in your country where the majority of people speak a different language instead of the main one?
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That's utter bullshit and you know it
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My name is Diego. Is San Diego a good place to visit or is it a shithole like San Francisco?
>lower mid level Spanish

So you do indeed know enough Spanish to make basic sentences and understand tons of words. That’s not the case in places like Indiana or Montana.

Bruh I even saw law firms, doctor’s offices and universities with Spanish signs in Miami. That’s not a thing in other parts of the US
>Bruh I even saw law firms, doctor’s offices and universities with Spanish signs in Miami. That’s not a thing in other parts of the US
None of these are exclusively Spanish speaking, they're just advertising that they can also accommodate Spanish speakers. Which alone is pretty telling.
San Francisco and San Diego are both places worth visiting it's just certain sections of them are shitholes just like everywhere else

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Do you want to raise a daughter in your country?

Why or why not?
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I will raise my daughter in Japan
These girls could be very trad, faithful and asexual tho. You can’t really tell these days
faithful and asexual? sure, there's an extremely slim chance.
trad? what is trad about a half naked attention whoring slut?
>These girls could be very trad, faithful
are you out of your fucking mind?
I am a cuck, so I'd raise my kids to marry and have kids while I'd watch over their marriage and masturbate furiously

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Dear diary,
I'm a worthless retarded waste of cum in my country
Happens in your whatever?
It would've been better if I had never been born.
Telling you to kill your self got me banned for a month you shit bastard
It’s all so tiresome. Workcel, studycel , gymcel, datecel, Marriedcel.
Too much stress and drama
Sleeping is the best
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