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putain de merde

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What is more grim, russian Olympics, or the french Olympics?

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Will spend it here, just drinking tea and eating from the fridge occasionally, because I'm demoralized again. Today was not bad, not my day, and I lost expectations. Will you be around just to spend time? Post here because bant is a dead board and I don't like /soc
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Hello man, good night to you! Will you stay awake all night long or go to sleep?
Yes, I go outside to do manual tasks as taking out the trash, buying groceries etc. Mostly I stay at home, watch shit on the Internet, fap. Laptop has been broken recently, so no games. Recently tho I started to go to the beach, but it wasn't so refreshing as I think it would be.
What anime?
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He's watching me eating. Bro, I've already gave you food, why so zesty
You have a warm beach near you? The black sea ?

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Edición: época de los 90s
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whats your response
cuando parece mugre literal si, o es diabetes o pre diabetes
Dame tu chiquito, morra
Pinché Mona naranja superior, la hikimorí esta bien pendeja y la rubia una mustia

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I'm going to incelsleep in my country rn, does this happen in your country?
post a new pic fag
Apparently not tonight, it’s 2 am here and I ain’t sleepy.
You are weak, why so early?
you're cute.
good night!
why do you have cum on your face dawg

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Edizione la razza bianca moribonda che passa la torcia dell'umanità ai tori neri
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fate schifo
Terroni in the showers TONIGHT
Lo so che faccio schifo
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Lui ha la stessa energia e posa, qualcuno di capace dovrebbe aggiungerlo

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>unitedstatian singers
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This was probably faked/edited by one of those tranny/homo discords full of deranged incels that spam black dicks on this website
me too, my fellow Saaaar.
The one during her music performance was definitely real. I've seen the original video. Search it on YouTube.
No thanks, cuck.
BBC is culture around here, you chud.
Imagine it tearing her apart, this is why women are getting smaller

Just reverted to Islam after being atheist for 15 years
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There are too many to count. You have to read it yourself but also read tefseer too. You might be confused by specific parts if you don't.
There is a part about needing 2 female witnesses or 1 male witness to prove a crime. I was confused by it at first but after reading tefseer, I realized it was the correct approach. Women are more emotional and can't be as objective as men. I've seen so many women who think handsome criminals shouldn't go to prison. Ted Bundy killed like 20 women but still received love letters only because he was handsome. Allah created them this way and that's why he wants 2 female witness so that one of them can stop the other if she gets carried away
Allah forgives eveything. He's the most merciful
There's no need for that.
Read Spinoza.
Add in the Vedas and I'll consider joining
Not according to the books he claims to have given this world
Where in Quran does it say that? It only says that in hadith. Vast majority of hadith are made up and conflict with Quran.
Quran recommends you to say ''I follow my religion and you follow your religion'' when you encounter a nonbeliever

تحيا الجزائر
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الجيهة ما بين زبي و قلاوية كدرني واش حيتاش كنكفت بجهد
My mom has cancer.
ovaries cancer from me pissing inside of her ?
Mtn3soch al2khwan dba ayjikom mol 9ob3a sawda2 ayt9bkom
شكون طلق على ربك من فايسبوك رجع تقود ل Moroccan mix

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I haven't heard any propaganda highlighting closed borders, but banning asylum at the border isn't a good thing either.
Gib cute chinese wife
Facebook demands that to some people at "random", but they always ask me for it when I try to register, ot they instaban me shortly after registration and demand that I show a picture of my ID to prove I am a real person.
Did Facebook demand your ID?
This is not reality. You have a racial complex.
That's what makes Valio cheese so milky

If we were to open borders, would you send a shitton of migrants? Oh what a shame I guess Finland will have to live with less cars stolen and sent to russia

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europeans and south americans don’t have our kind of hell
Have you tried woman dating?
>dating apps
wow i can’t wait to get zero matches
>third places
spend over a 100 dollars for something that might not work
>gyms or parks
do you want to get in trouble
>social media
all bots
man dating is easy.
And just buy an apartment, instead of renting?
damn, third world wages with an upper first world rent, the pakis really did a number on them

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Will I find love in Kazakhstan?
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bunch of butterfaced bugs. at least this one >>200223166 has a nice body
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Bro I just noticed the goofy ass air fryer in the middle
Not true, here its opposite.
For me, its third from left.
That is a rice cooker

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vem var trådbrevaren som hade mongoglasögon? alltså sådana starka som mongon har
varför tände två kongoleser OS elden?
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>tfw no bug hating, stacked gf edish

Nuke'd : >>200152750
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Damn, so close
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Fastest qt claimer in the whole West
cool hat
Counterfeit aubrey plaza
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guess we're waiting

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all my life I've been told they live nice but this isn't nice. bombed ukrainian child trapped in a basement with 15 chechens has safer life than americans
would fuck this first chick
>tfw no schizo methed up redneck gf
Okay? Stay there, then.
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america is a dystopian hellscape were most people struggle to live

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