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>Do people use these in public in your country?
Here they do. From the /pol/ memes, I believed it was only black people that did it, but I live in an area with only rich Asian and whites and they still pull these things out. I went to the lake with some coworkers and some fag was blasting his metal music. We got settled down at our spot and of course my coworkers pull out a speaker of their own. I go to the tennis courts and people are blasting music. When I meet a lot of people here they say I’m the first black they’ve befriended so you can’t even say it’s black or ghetto influence
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I walk around with one sometimes but only to Rick Roll my entire neighborhood
Yeah some part of the youth fully assimilates into the wigger culture, its actually insane
Indonesia is rising
>German working class influence
>Putting people in ghettoes
... I get that history jokes aren't a gas for everyone.
From looking at the thumbnail I thought it was poppers

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Why are Amerifats like this ? Pretty sure they are the same guys who are happy with the black samurai in feudal Japan and insult you if you don't like it
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why play that when warframe and destiny are right there?
I thought there actually was a black samurai in irl japan history?
The samurai word did not even exist at this time >>199279164
IIRC he was not a samurai but he wasnt just a buck slave either

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Why has /int/ bee so anti japanese recently?
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Animefags are too annoying
why are you on an anime site then?
Top has soulless changsects, bottom looks like it still has humans
Modern Japan is just an americanized ancient Chinese culture. Before the nuke and especially before Meiji, it was just ancient pre-Mongol Chinese culture preserved on the islands which mongols failed to conquer.

It's a boring copycat non-nation. Only Worst Korea is worse.
the entire thing is based around delusion, worsened by the current support of it

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Christ respector general edition
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me (87)

don't have it, was tested for the 'tism in elementary school
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I definitely have a below-average IQ, which is why I'm successful with women and in business.
i thought you went to law school
you can't fool me you fake retard
Yes, but I didn't finish my studies, which is also a sign of lower intelligence.

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Du borde operera in en ballong i kuken så att du kan få en knot likt en hund och knulla tjejer som en hund favä.
hemma hos din mamma och bjuder på runkbulle
fiser hela natten lång
känner att jag behöver rapa och då flyttas det runt i magen så man genast brakfiser och sen så känns det jävligt bra i magen

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new russian recruitment ad dropped
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This is not true, Europe as a whole has warmed up to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in general ten times over compared to before the war.
why do russians love to larp as long-suffering when literally all their problems were self-created
I literally asked this same thing in a thread last years and Rusniggers said they didn't

>turning Iraq into an Iranian client state
>Can't get their government to make US troops leave the country
It's probably mostly desperate people

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How do you respond without sounding mad in your country?
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Pussy punches
It's volcel, sweaty.
Mutter incel under my breath and understand she never deserved to be loved
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Why would anyone respond?

I got 139. What's in score in your country?
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Just do this one you lazy bitch
it's hell down here

total 111

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

I feel the description of "cyborg" fits me.
I know normies and people who are completely detached from society and I don't really like either group all that much desú

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edición 'zellig sigue siendo relevante
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kayoko no es una shell doe
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Y esta
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Oh right, she’s Japanese. Can't blame me for not recognizing her :P

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I've decided to become an alcoholic in my country. Is this common in your country? What do alcoholics drink in your country?
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alkol is expensive in my country
Just find a booze you like and stick to it. The trick is to drink alone, drink people are the worst
>That's what you say everytime
nah i mean i'll stick to vodka and beer (so long as i have money)
i know i'll drink myself to a heart attack in the foreseeable future
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Smart ones drink wine. Casual ones drink beer.
Dumb ones drink local sugary artificial cognac called Vinjak.
Dumbest suicidal ones drink a mix of cognac+cola or beer with shots in the between.

If you want to abuse the loophole and save your liver long term just drink 1/4 of what you wanted to drink that time.
And drink lots of mineral water.

If you're American and not driving Ford Super Duty, YOU'RE DEAD TO ME
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arabia has fallen...
silly anon, you're not poor because you own an android. you're poor because of your flag lol
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Says the guy who can't even afford a car in the most car centric country in the world lol
not fair!!!! a car is more expensive than a phone!!
you will never look like that btw

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Frohen Dienstag! edition

previous: https://boards.4chan.org/int/thread/199194047/
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riko daje dupy za friko
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What's the best way to troll americans during the 4th of july
beats me. i'll be drinking beer eating ribs and watching fireworks, have fun trolling me somehow
Record videos of illegal firework activity and send it to your local authorities

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Where mogus?
you just know buzzati was fapping to this
you guys said it was rape but I still don't get it
i thought it was about paranoia and schizophrenia until someone pointed out it was about rape

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Do you think cocaine could help me get rid my alcohol addiction?
cocaine only goes good with alcohol

the ideal thing is you never put youtr heart in cocaine use. do it like a remedy, then get over it
well considering coke made me feel sober after 9 drinks, no
Probably weed would be better for that
No. Try really really bad alcohol
>french name on wine
should be Gonzalezay or Sanchezay

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