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good morning sir.
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Tere maa ki chut
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chuche hi chuche yaara
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gm yaara
too rude yaara
Bald returned

just another rat
that wants views from india
broke my 10 day streak and smoked a cigarette last night bros
try to not smoke for 11 days now, you can do this
Will try
Save it for winter and chainsmoke then
this post inspired me to go smoke
why do they let these fat fucks in ? wasnt he caught trying to fuck a little girl in thailand ?
how much money can you make by making low effort youtube content?
dalitendra and MHA is useless because just a few days ago they not only let some kangali imam faggot in to "preach" but they also let him get back
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people that buy that a country can have an average IQ 30 points lower than the threshold for mental retardation are profoundly retarded
what the fuck are you talking about?
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nice try muzzi
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uh, timmy bros... they are doing it again :(
where can i watch the game bros
Jai Shri Krishna. Playing a regional sports tournament this Saturday gonna get absolutely wrecked
when are they going to deport you faggot
Which one?
what's the earliest stream for getting doctorate
I won't go into details but very recently I was mocked and ridiculed in our family gathering for being a 2nd class degree holding mechanical engineer
I want to have a doctorate
but I know it's hard in engineering what's the easiest stream to becoming a "doctor" ?
ind vs bang going on rn
better to ask in some subreddit bro most people here are retards
social science in general is quite easy, I had a friend who was doing doctrate in some International relations or something he made chat gpt write his synopsis
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>for being a 2nd class degree holding mechanical engineer
>ind vs bang going on rn
Hasan Mahmud is raping the team
don't watch
wait they unbanned airtel?
yep, Jio too I believe
to bad
should just ban all indian ips
cpim citu instigating workers in Samsung
trust our commies to ruin investmens and industries
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Yeah I know, but kept calm cos some retard here wasn't happy with bringing up cricket
>Top order fail
>Pant not high score
>Jaddu ? Can never estimate his performance
>Ash anna ? okay
Could go close i would say ,
33% off saar
buy now
do they actually give useful advice?
Everyone keeps bringing it up all the time it has been nearly 4 years after graduation
what kind of social science like history or something like that ?
my friend told me ayurveda degree is pretty easy to get
lol wtf
>Everyone keeps bringing it up all the time it has been nearly 4 years after graduation
5 years for me
I did MTech in the meantime too
>no money
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>too shy to tag the post
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Maulana Modi doesn't care about Hindus.
kangurat you're such a bitchass that you're still posting under VPN
Fuck just a bit ago I thought of jaiswal scoring a ton
Hello /bharat/, I have a question, what do you think of the UK?
I think about uk at all
You meant to say "don't think" didn't you
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Largest empire that colonised on foot {ifywim (not like American empire with invisible arms)} that cucked itself with war - debts
Britain was now overshadowed by the United States
Well, that sucks.

Britain was never going to maintain its global empire, just like all the other European powers lost their global empires

The US is very different because they're already a huge country with tons of land and people, therefore lots of domestic resources. And they don't really have colonies around the world, instead they just have military bases, which are a bit different.
disgusting pakis
On another note what might be the next hegemon ,
Militarily it's impossible to beat US, idk why conspiracy schizos and RW push for the notion of another alternative /multiple polar is soon which seems far fetched given the situation
A couple of years ago there was unrest in Leicester (in England) between Hindu immigrants and Muslim immigrants

China is definitely the 2nd most powerful nation after the US, aren't they. Whether China can overtake the US, I dunno. Maybe over the coming decades. We'll see.
who won
Dunno I think they just fought for a while and some of them got arrested
62k accepted
were you one of them since you stopped posting for a year
Good place to work and maybe see all of europe
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>what do you think of the UK?
Although i prefer ireland now
Christcucks and mudslimes want you to hate them so they can be victims

Remember that rome was so powerful that only such a religion can bring it down
the time for apologies of over
you will play the blood price soon enough
listen to this SiR song sirs
I don't listen to African music, sorry
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gonna order momos to eat with tea bros
I don't get it
some Paki stole her McBook?
I'm neither Hindu nor Muslim. Also I've only posted in /bharat/ a couple of times in my life.

Fair assessment.


I would like to be a friend of India, not an enemy
did anyone notice insta recommending you a lot of muslim reels? i chose not interested a million times but they keep doing it
they get paid by katuwa nations to shill them to normal people
I've not followed anyone and yet I see katuwa reels and paki stuff in my feed
They are trying to convince India to be another balkan dilapated shithole
>Saar hindu muslim christian together one place temple ground saaaaar
ya i thought so. i feel like these muzzis pay them to push this to kids. It worked on the ameritard kids on tiktok
they push Christian videos too
Once I was on a bus a kid in front of my seat was watching youtube shorts and there must have been a dozen videos shilling jesus
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people who use mainstream social media shouldn't be complaining about mass media propaganda
>150 runs partnership at 7th wicket
Thala for a reason
it’s funny how the comments are so much more positive in the afghanistan video than this one kek
>I would like to be a friend of India, not an enemy
doesn't matter
karmic justice is inevitable
whytes really can't dance
I guess some memes are true
ya ive seen ads from korean chrsitcuck missionaries
thats true
bro where are u watching
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Good evening sirs
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watch this taqqiya
>kid in front of my seat was watching youtube shorts
Should've snatched the phone off his hands and tossed it outta the window to show your utter distaste towards mass media.
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a tamil christkike ministry channel is being sponsored from pakistan
all jewbrakikes do taqqiya don't forget it
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post link plox
go back bhangi
Their recommendation algo is also a shit i kept doing not interested but still it is coming
I finally get rid of it when it showed me the same "karke dekho zaroor hoga" reel where is showing liking some reel on his phone and sharing it to everyone is making Instagram magical like shining and like that
I never did anything bad to India though
Jio cinema
:( (does itean bengali?)
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>recommendation algo is also a shit
Their algo is working perfectly fine except its (You), a plebian, who thinks that pressing da little box will prevent it from showing you the slop you just disliked.
Every sloppa is categorized into multiple slop categories based on multiple criteria's such as updoot/downboot ration, shares and general views. The moment you "Not interested"d the thing, the slop was added on a backseat recommendation loop where it will keep projecting the slop onto you of different categories, tirelessly recommending varieties of slop until (You) give your seated attention to just one category, only for it to bombard you with similar slop until it drags you off to the socially correct mass media pipeline.
It is the reason why so many people these days have so much fundamental likes among them, even in the most niche categories and the only way to avoid this is too project yourself as a stale/deactivated account so you can be ticked off the active crowd.
and I never abused anyone being born less privileged than me
yet I suffer for all the past sins and so shall you
Century for Aswin kek
the channel name is anita kingsley
it kept showing up in my recommendations for a while that's when I checked why am I seeing this ad and that's when I found out that someone in pakistan is paying for this ad
What you are saying
What slop means
>still no gf
it's over
Collective punishment is a breach of the Geneva Conventions
I am surprised pagers weren't banned in india
Time for girlfriend was 10 years ago
It's time to get married now
any good noodles brands ?
don't want to eat maggi or top ramen
but don't want to waste money buying all those korean or chinkaporean noodles
Will you suck my dick or is that is illegal also?
koka laksa singapura
geneva convention can't stop divine justice
mass report bald and bankrupt's channel
let's get him banned
they make you pay extra 200 rupees just to order a single set
>muh feefees :(
back to bluedit
typical malaun
see this is the problem with most Indians
the moment some Indian baiter does something they report immediately and they get banned but only temporarily
if there is something we can learn from the CCP or muzzbots is that they consistently keep reporting and down voting all of their content
sometimes they dig up old stuff from the channel and report it again hoping this time it the algorithm finds it offensive and takes it down
3 stikes is all it takes
and if you're consistent and motivated enough you can easily do it
mass reporting isn't going to fix anything if anything it just encourages more baiters
Please go to the board where such discussion is appropriate: >>>/lgbt/

If you want to go after the descendants of Churchill then please do. But not every Brit is responsible for past actions of the British government.
says a muzzrat hiding under a VPN
Really why does it matter if a literal who posts shit about us on his YouTube? Don't you people have anything better to worry about?
>What you are saying
>What slop means
Low grade, mass produced and easily made sensory stimulating content, hand crafted by the ancient merchant families who own the major chunk of ancestral wealth, mineral wealth, media houses, art galleries and banks in today's awake world. Their aim is to brush off the individuality of every person and strip you off your aatma, so that they can sacrifice your body to an inter dimensional leviathan who feeds on blood, and who they consider a god.
personally I don't care if people talk bad about my country
however I do hate grifters who use indians to build up their social media then turn against Indians the moment they become big enough
happened with juden peterstien ,benny the jew and several other people
mujhe chut chahiye yaaro ;_;
>marrying at 27
unless you're some urbanfag
it's over for you
at 27 most women around your age are rejected whores
He's back
back again
That's the thing. You marry girls much younger than you. There's no garantee she's going to bleed but you still get to get her to bear your children while she's in her prime

do not delve into the comments section
I don't have Instagram. Post screenshots
Which country do you dislike more, Pakistan or Bangladesh?

India usually dislikes Pakistan more, right?
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Doesn't matter.
He for now, on a temporary basis, has been granted complete favor of the algorithm because he has tapped many active viewers from a select population of people who regularly consume similar media and actively watch (completely), share and mention their favorite media on other social platforms. He will probably get banned but will this will only fuel more engagement and he will keep gaining views until his content is sucked dry of all the shills that jewtube could. A year or so will pass and his channel would either be banned for muh racism or left in the same pile of jewtubers with million subs but 5k views. Jewtube is all for muh equality but Social Hate based content is one of the staunchest pillar of youtube's economy and they can't resist the pure shills such dedicated viewers often cash in, this is just another example and you can find hundreds of such channels for other communities or countries even.
been having memory issues
any solutions ?
I already sleep 7 hours a day and eat vitamin supplements
it should be enough
but I having simple memory loss issues
I keep forgetting small words and stuff like that
> however I do hate grifters who use indians to build up their social media then turn against Indians the moment they become big enough
>happened with juden peterstien ,benny the jew and several other people

lol. of course you’d hate them and not the useful idiots giving them a career

most men historically have married into their mid-late twenties with women in their teens to early twenties
we didn't really dislike Bangladesh at all until recently when we found out how much they hate us
you're replying to kangu
old age, chotu
top 5

>Villagers don’t have respect

>Usual suspects

>It’s always the 711 ppl

>In India, this okay. If you have something nice, leave it at home

>Smellies are back at it again
they flip flop between whatever their it cells direct them to weekly
nowadays it’s mostly bangladesh and pakistan
24 is not old age
bjp has been fearmongering about bangladesh ever since they came into power, not that it did them much good in the end
we dont really think about bangladesh its irrelevant
>muh IT cel
says a cuck that's hiding in discord
Don't care, imagine seething about some irrelevant fishnigger. You people should practice not caring
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>>It’s always the 711 ppl
What are the chances that some 711 wagie will hear this and follow the based nigger, who started spitting in the double decker chungus burger ordered by our amerisisters
Its so over Quebec bros....
I think I will stick to curry noodles
might try adding garlic oil and cheese to it
it’s actually a black guy that wrote that
i was a bit surprised myself at how diverse all the shitposters there are ngl
I'm sure people in the Eastern parts have been concerned about Bangladesh for a while but beyond that most people were either unaware or if anything had a positive view of Bangladesh. It was only recently, with more awareness about the illegals in Assam and the murders and lynchings of Hindus in Bangladesh that people realised what's going on, has been going on for close to a century.
Interesting view

I see

I'm just wondering what genuine views are

Fair enough
Iran called us enemies of islam and i just realized
1. we've been enemies of persians
2. we've been enemies of greeks
3. we've been enemies of arabs
4. we've been enemies of turks
5. We've been enemeies of christcucks like portugal, dutch and french
6. we've been enemies of britain
What's the best curry you can get in India? In Britain I eat things like chicken tikka masala (I think this doesn't exist in India) as well as dopiaza, madras, balti, rogan josh, stuff like that.

Also bombay aloo is great.
Imagine if Indira Gandhi married the Kerala hindu VP menon instead of abrahamic parsi faggot Feroze? The congress still would have been a respectful party.
North Indian hindus hating on south Indian hindus have been the major cause for all the problems in Modern India
if you're a vegetarian
I would recommend the paneer "curries"
like paneer makhani gravy
if you're non vegetarian try something like chettinad or chicken 65
It'd be pretty hard to find genuine views that common Indians hold on a site like this, it tends to attract very specific types of people.
Had to out vaseline on my asshole otherwise i will itch, does anyone else have this problem
I don't trust the (((old collaborator))) class
one of the greatest mistakes was letting all the rats live post independence
so no I don't trust her either
Imagine if he hadn't died...
Henry Cavil in ministry of ungentlemanly warfare has raised moustache
This was copied from Rajput men actually, as brits were clean faced soyfaggots
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She wasted the long-nose genes
his foreign policy was retarded
he cozied up to the west but they didn't like him meanwhile the intelligence services were buck breaking everyone and be was retarded enough to start the whole IPKF mess
they used to have excellent moustaches before the first world war, that's when everything started going wrong for them
those two things might be related
Ktuwon ki to maa behen aur betiyan chod deni chahiye
you're thinking of Rajiv
is this the one who died in plane crash?
the one who sterilized muzzies ?
why don't tamils we wuz as Aztecs and shiiet
south indian architecture looks way too similar to pre columbian architecture
I think he was sterilising poor people in general but yeah, Sanjay Gandhi
>reddit gandhi
>vacations within the country these days cost several lakhs
I can't even afford to travel 350 kms within my state and have a weeklong vacation
>No saar you can't sterilise poor people who already have kids saar, that isn't very wholesome saar
vacations are overrated anyway
all the traveling is hectic
just stay in your room
I haven't been to a vacation in a very long time
63k rejected
>yes sirs please sterilize deez poor jeets sirs
>chettinad or chicken 65
Fair enough, I looked those up and they look good, I haven't heard of them before

True. Just like British posters on 4chan have pretty different views to the average Brit.
just be rich, it's that easy
Do you reside to the north of the Vindhyas or the south?
Me? North.
North, and a few thousand miles west
In today's addition : daughter too

I love her very much bros..(it's because USA sent their ship to safeguard pakis )


"I see " fair " " fair enough " you still here brit bro?
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gooner NE gf chahiyae yaaaaaaar....
>"I see " fair " " fair enough " you still here brit bro?
Yes I am. /brit/ is the same shit every day so I thought I'd look at other threads on /int/.
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>Inb4 rape fantasies on that loli above me
The most unfairly hated people in this country, by both chuds and libtards alike, are now rural Indians.
Sex with her consent!
>Just got it on time by a sec


Not rural Indians the cringers like in this twt

Why is the municipal government not doing anything to at least cover up the drains if they can't even fix it?
This is what they get for voting a ricebag cm.

63.5k rejected
why are dindus so dirty?
muslims do wudu 5 times a day
whatsup dalitesh
not your boogeyman. Is the woman who's divorcing dalitesh too?
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least deranged timmycel
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Abdul bros...
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This is literally how every wypipo thinks deep down even if they express contempt for it when someone expresses it openly like that. Wypipo raping wypipo is local news. Random rape from India? Make it international level news with 24*7 coverage.
>Make it international level news with 24*7 coverage.
Indians do it themselves with the outrage kike rapes only happen in India
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White person here, I don't think ethnicity is important, I would say rape is bad regardless of the ethnicity of the rapist

Most white people on 4chan are racist though of course because 4chan is a bit of a cesspool. But I think whites in real life are much less racist than on 4chan. Average white Brits, especially young people, are not racist.
sadly self loathing cucks will destroy it all
average person maybe but I think young ones are racist desu
>The Book of Jihad كتاب الجهاد

Chapter: The Battle Expedition of India

It was narrated that Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said:
"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'There are two groups of my Ummah whom Allah will free from the Fire: The group that invades India, and the group that will be with 'Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him.'"

it makes them beyond mad kek
Time to eat dinner lads
Do any of you anons play MiHoYo games? Is it worth getting into any of them now? I'm downloading Zenless Zone Zero now, but should I also try the rest?
>Do any of you anons play MiHoYo games?
I don't even know what that means bro
How old are you, uncle?
>Only a year older than me
I guess you don't care about gaymes and weebshit
>you don't care about gaymes
not anymore
What do you do for fun then?
code saar
my life is no fun
I'm miserable
I read some 70s/80s/90s manga now and then
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Hi :3
>my life is no fun. I'm miserable
>I read some 70s/80s/90s manga now and then
That's weebshit though.
>That's weebshit
I'm not obsessed with Japanese culture though
I'm a casual
Hello sir

You don't have to be a waifusfag or coomer to be a weeb. Lots of people who only care for old mostly mecha anime and manga are also weebs.
I always assumed weeb meant hardcore fags
> Lots of people who only care for old mostly mecha anime and manga are also weebs.
true literally me
Give me your best egg recipe bros
I either eat them boiled or simple omelette
they don't work on GNU/Linux so no
Based what are you watching/reading now?
Try egg curry(bihari style)
start vaping, I haven't had one cigarette since I started vaping
I want that
I think most young Brits are not racist, there might be some who are, but I'm sure they're the minority
I wanted to watch the gundam series but its way too long so I keep postponing it, but to answer your question just started watching darker than black.
based. what distro do you use?
Her eyes are bigger than her shoulders. Also iska rape karna hai
Brits are am exception, mostly because of how gynocentric torries have because. Everywhere else in Western Europe and North America, zoomer male are right wing while zoomer girls are left wing.

It's not that long if you focus on specific continuity. For UC, begin with 79, zeta, zz and CCA.
Arch Linux installed via archinstall script
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I'd be using arch too but winshit keeps nuking my grub so I just settled with debian
non-window users give women the ick
Which kind of Brahmin are you fags?
yea i am also fat
it's over
i see
mere baap sei pooch
I honestly have no idea
should I just watch the movies? do I miss anything important to the storyline if I do this?
ask your father or grandfather
okay ask him tonight ;)
windows 10 is probably the last windows OS I'd ever use, its based and better than whatever the fuck is 11. Also I use linux not because I think I'll get women but because it's simply better. I hate greedy ass corpos I'll pirate anything and everything that I want fuck them
wrong stereotype anon, arch users wear thigh highs and are usually femboys with CS degrees
Iirc the 79 complition movies are fine but the zeta movies aren't canon. It changes the ending so it doesn't work with zz. Either way, I haven't watched the movies, just the TV series.
Give a brief rundown of where they're originally from and I'll probably know
click on all 5
click on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancha-Dravida
if you're from South
1 am
good night I guess
provide evidence for those "murders", don't link old shit and have it be an actual murder of a Hindu. Without any context, you all parade every violence as anti-Hindu violence.

And guys remember just like Israel India is guilty of everything they accuse of. So don't believe everything indian hindu has to say, especially about minority violence cuz its 10x worse in India lol

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