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Are you ready for summer, /int/?
Any plans?
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You pedos really need to stop. There is something seriously wrong with you.
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>2016 /tv/ was 10 years ago
Isn't she in her twenties now?
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Does that look like the picture of a 20 year old to you?

She is 25 now but the pic is from the year 2014..

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Do you support blackness and queerness in your country?
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These pseudo academics are employed by billionaires to write books no one reads, give speeches in front of 7 people in an auditorium, and teach Black Queer Liberation Dance at universities. They couldn't get hired at Starbucks, yet make $500k a year from corporate charity.
Queer women don't exist. They will turn straight if they get fucked hard enough by a BWC.
I wish that was enough to make me straight.
Imagine getting paid to write about postmodern BBC
My Swedish BWC fucking and creaming your pussy would make your dyke ass straight. You would beg me to impregnate you again and again.

Ostdeutsche Ausgabe
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Hab den Astarion übrigens romanziert. 100% war es wert
Oh echt? Dachte gelesen zu haben es gibt Gefährten die wichtig für die Geschichte sind und daher man nicht umbringen kann. Sollte dem nicht so sein, wär das natürlich noch lustiger.
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Oida extremst geile Chinesin gerade im Dschüm.
Die macht 1,5m vor mir Übungen mit so einem engen Body
Der Hitler war ein SChwein gewesen was der damals mit den Menschen gemacht hat

I like girls with a little bit of heft. What about you.
Based black man

What makes Russian so unappealing to young people?
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Don't zoomers want to read Dostoyevsky?
Russia is too negatively viewed in the West and EU as a backwards authoritarian stats and culture, China already ticks that box and it's economically more appealing to learn Chinese.
Im a zoomer and I like a lot of Russian authors. Just not enough of a reason to learn such a difficult language
I actually did start to learn it awhile back but gave up.
it's not "learing russian" it's they are actually russian
guess estonia was part of the USSR and russian was the lingua franca there, so the older generations can all speak it to some degree.
young estonians learn english today like we do

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Americans can watch the best Rugby Football in NFL and when NFL is over, they can watch 2nd-division American Rugby Football

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Latinos still write 'XD' like it's 2008 and shit kek
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Spics laugh like Germans
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I use XD, :D, :C and :L and there is nothing you can do to stop me

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english is stupid inferior language
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>English is such a data dense language
は and が
に and で
uses chinese characters
Stop being a cringe nationalist and go back to wanking to your loli drawings
Uh no they don't

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Niggas in Haití getting chopped up and boiled rn as we speak, shit aint funny
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Yes, they earned the N-word pass
mhhhh roasted nigga
my favorite
Not if he got a prenup.
You don't know what you're talking about, Kimchi, as usual.
Crazy how he managed to frenzy right wingers with this campaign

Swedes live in fear of the Badger. As children we're taught that they will attack, break your leg and eat it. Many believe this myth as adults, making them afraid to enter the forest.

Its proof that swedes are sadistic to even children.
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You guys are afraid of cute animals while we are told to fear jaguars that could actually easily kill anything they wanted to. A friend of my dad was killed by one while he was taking a piss in a camping trip.
European badgers are well behaved.
Some are getting more used to human habitation here, like foxes

Used to be very very shy creatures that you'd only see if you staked out their homes but I saw one in my city last year walking round the streets
Badgers are cute
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Does your language have unique names for certain countries?
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never really thought about it but that makes sense
I can't help but feel it's a bit awkward that we basically still call it England tho
no we only have a handful of exonyms to my knowledge, even then they're not unique since many other countries use them


what is the origin of "Ruotsi", "Venaja" and "Viro"?
there's nothing unique about this
Russia = Resei
Germany = Sometimes Almania
China = Qytai
Also Mongolia = Mongolstan


Stop calling Indians scammers, or blaming every scam on Indians. Other people do it too. You racist fucks!
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The skin colour is a bigger factor. I think humans (even dark-skinned ones) instinctively associate darker skin with increased contamination potential.
lots of retarded old russians here, they call up and pretend to be bank workers and these mfs give them the info.
great robarri ukrain saars
I assume "vermin", you mean the US, since all their money is from America.

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Why don't you foreigners eat natto? Are you a savage?
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will try that variant too someday
Green soybeans are nice with a bitta seasoning but
what did poopyface tomatonose mean by this
Is this achievable natto?

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Chester edition
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the new a s i t w e r e
Bewbs & co
best vape flavour?
there's a shit early yank new but he didn't bother linking it
stupid fucking cunt

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This grotesque freak got more action than the average man in my country nowadays.
I don't like koreans either.
get AI gf

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