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>sno min bild
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vem var det som gav upp? janne eller rapportus? >>200219602

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>tfw no bug hating, stacked gf edish

Nuke'd : >>200152750
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Damn, so close
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Fastest qt claimer in the whole West
cool hat
Counterfeit aubrey plaza
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guess we're waiting

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The whole world was expected to watch this show. Let that sink in.
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this is what makes the west different from the oriental cultures like islamistan, pajeetia and china
The elites are losing ideas
what a vulgar clusterfuck, afrench are truly something
Europeans have always been degenerates
China, UK, and Brazil had the best opening ceremonies.

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Why are thirdies like this
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Ok but why is this so common though
I look like that and say that
Literally me

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Wtf bros I'm not racist anymore
My skin... it's producing melanin
My gated communities... gone
My social class differences... erased
Insects are good now
Women see me
Fish fear me
Me, I'm impressed by the amount of faggotry that was on display. How do you find so many overt faggots, and then manage the logistics of getting them together to display their faggoty like this?

Also this was obviously a satanic/masonic/jewish tour de force:
>moloch bull statue oversees the upside down raising of the olympic flag
>that jesus table scene replaced with trannies and a faggy diogenes, even managing to insult ancient greek gods
>tranny faggot nigger spam
>white boomer passing the torch to niggers who then light the globe on fire but it's accompanied with a serene music (fiery but peaceful)
>and then it's the end of the beginning
You guys should have sex with your girlfriend and go to sleep instead of noticing things
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I'm and incel who chugged a whole Pepsi bottle after midnight. My fifth eyes are so fucking awake across multiple astral planes right now.
The Parisians must have loved the opening

What is he thinking right now (in France)?
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You were posting about nigger dicks
I merely answered OP's question, paki
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Basé et peninsula-pilled
Yeah, this probably. He also made a political power move recently by saying "no way fag" to the potential new prime minister.
>nafri secret boyfriend in the background

Are you looking for a girlfriend in your country?
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chud physiognomy
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no i got ripped for a while but nothing, now i have completely given up and dont even desire one anymore
That’s a man, I knew Jews were fags.
I have an Asian gf.
Thank god I'm tall and white or I probably would have died a virgin

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worldwide, we all yearn for love
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Having a girlfriend would just be a big problem as she takes your money, attention and then cucks you
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alone forever
>girl messaged me on tinder saying I look like a serial killer
>she was into me because "some girls like danger" or some shit like that
>wanted to know about creepy shit I've done
I had no idea how to react so I just stopped responding.
I feel like she would have been disappointed if we met and she found out I'm just a boring autist.
Shit hurt, people can see I'm a weird cunt just from a tinder profile.
>I feel like she would have been disappointed if we met and she found out I'm just a boring autist.
Without knowing you, I will tell you that she was more boring than you would ever be. Rock on.

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Kuck Fuck Cuck
I'll have 20 dinner rolls and a medium gravy.
What a strange coincidence. Just finished eating a Number 9 Chicken Sandwich combo from KFC.
He doesn’t speak English, though
I'll have a litre of cola then.

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we have saguis
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I have a WFH job and would learn Spanish, and I wouldn't move to CDMX. Was thinking Monterrey. Why? To save money and I guess...life experiences.
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Getting skinned alive by a brown midget is a life experience I guess
Free Palestine
No, don't. You'll be beaten, tortured, raped, and killed to death.
i saw a post by some sex pest saying it was a good city to go to
CDMecos is full.
Move here instead.

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What's Botswana like as a country?

What goes on there?
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That's thanks to her night time efforts with the athletes
She’s just a comfort women
They got those anti sex cardboard beds doe
botswana is bolivia tier but people treat blacks as children so they are painted as some utopia
Apart from the HIV rate, but being next to SA makes it look good.

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Northeast North America

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Countries for this feel?
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best answer
no, u
So many African countries had a designated white woman. It does make you think.
why is a random white woman representing Botswana tho?
>Is that a BLACK GUY standing next to a WHITE WOMAN
It be like that frnocap

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france edition
프랑스 혁명과 같은 프랑스의 근본 가치와 일반적인 대중들에게 익숙한 여러 작품들이 나오기는 했는데, 주로 나왔던 건 대부분 게이였다
이걸 보다가 중간에 유튜브를 켰고, 베이징, 도쿄, 평창 올림픽 개막식을 봄
개인적으로는 우리나라가 잘 해낸 것 같음

우리 나라보다 여러 부분에서 앞서있는 프랑스는 내세울 게 이따위 것들 밖에 없나? 전 세계에 알릴 것들이 분명 많았을텐데 아쉽다
다양성이 잘못되었다는 게 아님. 시간은 한정되어 있는데, 그 시간에 프랑스란 나라의 가치를 다른 나라에 잘 보였어야만 했음

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