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I just exchanged some obscenities with a random person on the /int/ernet. I don't know how to feel about this.
why that person is not me?
my friend, you dont know the half of it
I like Italians.
I like russians, what a coincidence

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As a young lad, were you once upon a time, friends with Jews in your country?

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>Met a Jew during college
>Wears the same shit everyday because he bought the same outfit twice
>Thinks that being edgy is cool and always has controversial opinions
>Says we should bring back slavery
>His parents have money so he can live by himself without supervision
>Only eats once a day to save up money for videogames and shi
>Is resentful towards woman
>daily thread with everyone praising jews for some reason
I just had memories of them as a child

2 Jewish brothers gave me a coin as a token of friendship but one of them complained it was their father's and they musn't give it away

I later lost the coin out of negligence
your everyday jew are cool people.
no, nobody likes crybabies with victim complex

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Are you secretly despised by your family and /pol/tards in your country for being a NEET and resisting Mammon/wageslavery?

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Not secretly, but it worth being an aristocrat.
Xavier Renegade Angel. The episode in the gif is Damnesia Vu.
The Shivering Truth
Yes. I might have to gaslight myself into thinking I give a shit about their feelings if I'm ever going to get out of this mess.
they love me because i'm the golden goose; i pay for the mortgage, i pay the medical bills, i pay my parents' debts
who gives a fuck

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what is the cutest, comfiest region of your country?
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New England or the Great Plains states
There is nothing about America that is "cute." It has beauty, but not cuteness.
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What about New England ocean shore towns?
What about your smol pp?

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is this the bihar of britian
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An incredible dump
The shame of the British Isles. Birmingham is actually the second city of England in terms of population, but when asked by foreigners, most of us will lie and say it's either Liverpool or Manchester. That's how embarrassed we are of that dump. Shame, really. Used to be a beautiful city with lots of gorgeous Victorian and Georgian architecture. Then it got bombed to the ground and we never bothered to rebuild it properly. Now it's just ugly, concrete commieblocks and soul-sapping brutalist architecture. Also filled with pakis and blacks who, for whatever reason, are far more violent and lazy than the ones in the South-East. Seriously, it's not a safe city at all. The Birmingham (Brummie) accent is also widely considered to be the ugliest dialect in the entire English-speaking world.

Dropping a nuke on Birmingham would be a mercy killing at this point.
It's a corpse of a city, whether it was a corpse already before being flooded with Indians or whether Indians caused it to become a corpse is up for debate.
seeing videos of british cities from 100 years ago compared to now is torture
filthy shitskins should have never been able to touch such holy and majestic clay
>The Birmingham (Brummie) accent is also widely considered to be the ugliest dialect in the entire English-speaking world.
Nah mate it's bostin!

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Are you the main character in your country??

i am now, anon
good thing the thing in Korea happenned, now pretty much everyone forgot

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Why do all Scandinavians unite in hating Sweden? I have two Finnish friends, they hate Sweden, I have one danish friend he really hates Sweden, I know a Norwegian gal, she REALLY hates Sweden.
So what's up? Speak up Scandinavians and explain why you're mean to your poor sister nation.
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they invaded us several times through history and they helped the nazis conquer norway. that's at least why some norwegians might dislike sweden
the majority of norwegians have never heard of bladee. i had no idea who he was before i came here
Danmark is the default Skandinavia
When it's a larger, wealthier country that has historically ruled over you, with population that is stereotyped as being richer and out of touch, it's easy to punch up. Especially when your own population seems to have a collective inferiority complex. In my experience it's all just shit talk though. Never actually met anyone who takes this shit seriously.
simple answer is that we all deal with sweden, but rarely the others, its just geography. danes are closest to sweden, finns are closest to sweden, we are closest to sweden. in the rare occation that i deal with a dane or finn we can both bond over our hatered og sweden. even if i deep down would hate the finn or the dane more if i was exposed to them, but im not, im exposed to swedes...
and its a shallow hate, i will defend them here. no one gets to hate on swedes but us, they are bro's.

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I buy cheese from Argentina and mango from Brazil while incels on /int/ tell me I'm starving and can't afford butter.
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Too expensive
thirdies truely can't suffer
And you will never buy algerian coca-cola, which is far superior to american and euro ones
вcё нa твoём пикe тaк жe cтoит >>205198254
I have never seen glass 1L bottles of this stuff in Poland
You're lucky

I'm thinking the UK is back, baby
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would this car be better received if it was painted in a different color?
i'll behead you kuffar insha allah
This isn't for paupers in the EU or the US (after Trump's tariffs nuke the economy) and while the base price is 120k the reality is they won't sell many for under 350k as it would defeat the object. You need to look at where JLR are making their money these days and how. The car was developed in Dubai for the wives of rich men in Dubai, Qatar etc. If you aren't wearing a hijab with your LVMH ensemble it was never aimed at you.

Old boomers wearing driving gloves are a dead and dying market I'm afraid, nobody else wants the "old Jag" and we know this because they stopped buying them.
Women of rich asians that care a lot about fashion
>wives of rich men in Dubai, Qatar etc
won't want a car advertised with transgenderism and by a guy called Raw Dong Lover

how do you deal with thugs in your country do you fight back or ignore them
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I offer them money in exchange for them doing a dance called the shaker.
i can take em
oh you mean in a fight?
I live in a low density suburb with no amenities that would attract outsiders so that I can easily identify outsiders and report suspicious behavior to the cops. When commuting to a place outside of my neighborhood, I mostly stay inside of a secure metal box on wheels.
Depends. I once fought back thugs and then they respected me, hang out with me. But some are schizo you just need to ignore.
Most places here aren't walkable so you're less likely to deal with one so the odds of dealing with one is surprisingly low if you don't live in a public housing or the metropolitan area (mostly Bayamón).

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What kind of men would they take along for their journey?
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Only good and loving men.
Unfree, non loving, negative men will not make it.
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Only the finest specimens of their own race.
there are no white people in nu trek

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Italian immigrant in South America, 1892

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Serious question: Would you marry a rape-victim woman in your country?
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just rape her harder then or are you too much of a wimp for that?

most women in general have
Only if it was BBC and she ended up pregnant and kept the baby
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There was an american actress that got gang raped by a group of blacks who broke into her home, her bf (who was made to watch it all) became gay and she later ended up with a black guy
/tv/ occasionally make threads about it but I'm not googling such a thing
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it's Fran Drescher

>"There was a very famous Jewish girl who kept a diary. It... ended badly. But enough about Fran Drescher."
t. American Dad

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Ukraine is prepared to become a high nominal US dollar GDP open society. Are you investing?
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It is nazi shitole.
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It doesn't look like ukraine.

The wild Ukrainian corrupt thugs in the Verkhovna Rada will soon need a powerful and very expensive bunker outside of Ukraine to withstand a Kinzhal missile strike
LGBT rights = human rights!
Ukrainian rights = human rights!
Chuds can get fucked!

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Did you have good grades in your school/university?
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12/20 from middle school to my Masters
I had perfect grades in primary school and during my master's course
High school and bachelor's I was a lazy nigger and got mid grades
around 16 in maths but i'm kinda dropping out rn
will probably switch to cs rather than waste my time with math
I don't think you are right

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