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Man I am such a chudcel nazicel russophobe fascist, and I can't stop being so!!

I just wish and want every Russian to be killed in the most gruesome, cruel yet cheap way, I wish the mongols could come back and rape russia into inexistence, I know they are already dying since they can't breed anymore and are getting replaced by tajiks, indians and steppe people, but I wish I could have more money, power and influence to accelerate russian death even more.

Why am I such a nazicel fascistcel russophobe chud?
You want to be a contrarian against latinx ziggers
Billions must die by DPICM
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Troon larping as a nazi to cope with the fact that he's an abomination, amazing

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today's ireland edition
poo smells LOOOL :D

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Why do europeans dislike burgers and make fun of americans for liking them?
i have been an ameriboo since i was in first school
That should be more common in europe
That video made me believe God loves americans.

Still the best country in the world
thank you america for the electric guitar
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I believe the moment something like civil war happens in the US, the entire planet is going to join the fires. China's de-dollarisation experiments are more dangerous than ebola no matter how sweet the idea sounds.

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Dark hair and light eyes is the best combo

Which countries have that phenotype?
Why did she decide to show tits and pussy once and then never again
she wanted to do it in her prime and have them immortalized at their best unlike people like emma stone, etc. who wait until after they hit the wall
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she looks like a ghoul, creepy

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Like with all families with 3 male brothers, one is the brave extrovert, one is the effeminate fag, and one is the autistic weirdo.
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Yes exactly, there is something distinctly continental about them.
It's the gutteral way they talk I assume.
It should be Colombia instead of Chile
Mixing with Germans is good. Makes us productive and not weak retards
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If you want to insult my family, I will have to teach you a lesson

is dead internet theory true in your country?
apart from me not having friend lists to extend my filter bubble I think it's working okay. Around 2017-18 I got nothing new and found nothing of interest but it is coming back.
Internetz got reset late 2016 I think and it was shit getting the normieslop recommendations and rankings, 'the p*nterest pain' should sound familiar but it's slowly getting better.
good humor on the internet died around the same time (circa 2017)
but it's not just the bots' fault, users are also to blame
The internet is dead and we have killed it?

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Is glorious Nippon becoming just another cheap Asian shithole for Western boomer tourists?
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this is good for japan, since it means they will sell more exports
the white man literally cannot suffer in japan.
qt3.14 waifu when.
that export? tourism.
weak yen is good for Japanese economy. Japan has the best proportion of industrial structure. We don't need to import basic materials.
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>cheap Asian shithole for Western boomer tourists

Japan has become white women's favorite destination

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what are slovaks good at
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you're SHAKING at the thought of going out to ingerlund just admit it
being femboys
same cigatette adidas vodka slightly different sneeze albeit
Tolerating gypsies, sucking Russo-German cock, and mafia stuff.

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The white woman is the epitome of feminity and female beauty
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White women are too masculine they all look like trannies. Asian men are too feminine they all look like tomboys. Only blacks have differences between men and women.
afraid so
>Asian women mog
The Korean is the cutest. Would marry

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The young, innocent girl in the top panels--laying in her bed dreaming of the love she thinks awaits her in adulthood--becomes the jaded, angry, marginalized woman of the bottom panel, unloved and alone, used by men as nothing more than a punchline to satisfy their most coarse and vulgar desires. The pig provides continuity; she looks to it and remembers the sweet girl she used to be. And yet the tragedy of the bottom panels is ordained in the top panels, the weight problem that dooms the adult already manifesting itself in the child. We weep that it had to be this way...and yet we also know it could be no other way.
I VVILL play with 'jal dolls and you VVill watch me
she could have at any point in time choose to be something different. Not fat for once, or to have moral integrity or virtue.
Any no point in the thousands of million of steps, did she change course, and surprise surprise she ended up in a place that isn't so nice.
This was her choice, this is her fate.
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wow deep, thanks

Does this happen in your county
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Women only stop being hoes when they die.
kek no, no one gets a divorce here because your prospects go down not up
Every woman needs a BBC phase before settling down.

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Do you ever get embarrassed when you buy toilet paper and the cashier is a young woman?

I am so ashamed of it and everytime I need toilet paper I walk over 30 mins to a big supermarket where I never go to otherwise. I alway pick a cashier that is an older male there so I dont need to face a cute woman laughing at me for buying such embarassing thing.
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oh la di da i am le autistic finshit look at me
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>caring what some retail drone thinks
no. everyone here buys it so its not a big deal.
No. I slap that big 40 pack bale of shit wipe right on the belt with the rest of my snacks, frozen pizzas and other junk. Could not care less.
i dont care What Woman thinks especially some Random whore that works a shitty Job

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Does this happen in your cunt?
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Quality Serbian post.
Asian pussy is unironically worth it. It’s like having your penis vacuum sealed
shieeet have you tried it?
Kek'd. The replies to this post look like they're from 2014 which makes it even funnier.

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What have the past 15 years of your life been like in your country? Are you optimistic about your future in your country?
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>Probably going to attend a technical school
That's what I'm doing right now, just hope I'm not wasting my time and money.
I am a good student, just terrible at socializing
When you’re at rock bottom, the only way is up. Life is better than non existence.
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Only happens in movies. Life is a slow downward spiral from the moment you are born.

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