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Which country's police outfit do you like the most?
I like the Portuguese :D
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Morocco and Slovakia daddies can arrest me ANY time
>Wrong size and poor quality
Also that guy looks like a hobbo, qhy is long hair allowed??
the zogbot unity
I am not defending rape but you are deluded if you think even a weak ass man couldn't overpower the majority of women on the planet.
only browns are allowed to be armed in europa

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>Yoo bro Rule 34 artists are so talented!!

When will this meme fucking die. 99% of the images you'll see on Rule 34 are not worth wasting your time on. They're all low brow garbage. They also can't fucking draw. What kind of psyoped joke is this? Within your geographical location, what do you think of such nonsense?
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Same. And I'm not even sure how I know it's AI most of the time
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skill issue.
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most AI fags tend to generate without img2img or controlnets.

So AI tends to generate the same average poses and compositions.

There's not reason why AI can't generate more interesting stuff if used by someone with art skills.

pic related.
>>>/b/ is this way sir
This with starfire x beast boy

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I made some night snacks for me and my boyfriend what do you think ^^ it's katsucurry!!!
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Color varies depending on the type of spices and seasonings used.
When the spices are burnt, they also approach brown.
Never mind the terrible Japanese curry. Is that a Sony Ericsson on the above the keyboard?
why do I hear people say it's weird to just drink milk ? it's MILK it's good for you, I don't get it.
it's red rice !
it's a device to pay bills with ^^
>>>200224277 >>200224304 >>200224323 >>200224325 >>200224370 >>200224456 >>200224529 >>200224606 >>200224976 >>200225245 >>200225320 >>200226075 >>200226859
do you use a tray at home in you're a country?

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the holy trinity of bald
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TFW part dutch subhuman
high t*stosterone
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you wish I was yellow
too much body hair growth*

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Here's your American gf, bro
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Here is your French gf
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i fucking wish they were that skinny
So close to being perfect man, such a waste of genes.
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What are your thoughts on /int/ernational relationships?
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It’s not okay. >>200227057
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I am currently in an interracial relationship
International in what sense? I dated a woman from the UK who had BPD and a woman from Norway with schizophrenia. I also dated a woman whose family was from Brazil. Horrible experiences. I'm just going to stick to normal American women who like Taylor Swift and Starbucks.

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I wonder what kind of person you are behind that screen
Do you consider yourself a good person?
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I do not consider myself to be a good man, but I do strive to be better even at rock bottom. I wish I could go back in time to stop myself from doing the things I did, but I can't. I must move on.
probably not a good one, I don't care anymore either way, I don't bother people and they don't bother me
Bad or good is something that you do everyday, and I'm not a good person.
No. I would like to, but I would like to have and be a lot of things that won't happen. I have to live with my mistakes and the knowledge that I can and have done awful things to people I care about.
I don't exist

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12°C nachttemperatuur, denk dat paddenstoelenseizoen vroeg zal beginnen dit jaar
Ga je nog iets geestverruimends plukken?
het is wss nog wat te vroeg voor die soort
In theorie kan het al vanaf midden augustus, maar in onze streken heb ik er nooit vroeger dan midden september gevonden. Misschien in de Ardennen wel.
In theorie heb ik niet in m'n broek gescheten

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Some browns went up to me at work today (retail) and called his friend chimado, what does that mean?
It means they're going to decapitate you the next time they see you.

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Why are you unironically browsing this board on a Friday night in your country
It's not friday in my country
I am a lonely desperate loser
its morning already
It’s Saturday 5:44am.

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There's not AI board yet.
International Anime? That doesn't make sense, idioth.
merging god levels of autism with AI is probably a matter of national security, that's why
There is
every board who wants their own AI general already made it.

How tall are women from your country?
>Looking for a boyfriend
>Look to express myself with you guys :)

Yyyyeahh something doesn't quite add up
Average is apparently 163cm, but that's considering all ages and all ethnicities. I live in a university town, which is predominately white people under 30, and the average height of women is probably closer to 173-175 cm.
The one I like is 5’4”
non existant

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we thirdies learned the english because there wasn't enough media to consoom on the internet back then but know there is, so we can forget this shitty language now

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If British girls are ugly, who do I want to fuck her?
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You’re not a woman THOUGH

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France is so brat
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why is dionysos blue
Not a ban, it just lifted a national mandate that forced every state to allow abortion in some form.

It also didn't matter because the cultural and social consequences of mass abortion already had half a century to take effect. So the conservatards got a meaningless consolation prize after losing to the march of progress.
Pierre bro, what is all this?
Charli XCX album thing it's like that " giving mother" thing but with Brat now and the giving part also gone
Just say Bacchus like the rest of us you disgusting hellaboos

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