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Do people suffer in your country?
No, people who suffered left to suffer in other countries
I hate life. I'm so frustrated I could strangle an infant and feel nothing
late at night i usually think about how i'll go to a forest in light clothes and an hero from hypothermia come winter
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Germany was created by Franciscan monks sometime during the late 15th century as the ultimate, albeit indirect proof of God by building something so monstrous that any sane person looking at it would take the eternal suffering of its people as a proof of Satan and thereby proving the existence of a creator God

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would you accept me in your cunt?

pic related is me
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¿Kalcifer? ¿Eres tu?
No, you massive pathetic faggot.
Kill yourself.
hope you get deported and die
We don’t like drawings around my parts
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Hvilken er den beste superman filmen synes du? Liker Man of Steel veldig godt, er liksom av min generasjon
Nå må du dursje
sifrgene dine becrefter jo det ja jaja får vell bare durdsje jeg da snaxs on a plain
Fint, jeg legger meg i mens. Sees i senga :)

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They already do
Can’t lay a finger on them no matter how wrong they are
Privledge poodles
i want to be lincoln
Yeah that one is Leni
>I'm so tired I want to sit in a chair for eternity.
Girl on the left looks like she would become white trash and the one on the right looks like an anime girl

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I’ll keep it short and sweet. Typically black guys are only capable of discussing pussy and money. I guess it’s because those are the only two things they don’t have easy access to. Additionally they’re always homophobic and generally ignorant af. The sad part is they don’t realize how boring and annoying they are. This is less true for rich African immigrants, but they mostly get sucked into it as well.
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>This is less true for rich African immigrants, but they mostly get sucked into it as well.
True. Africans who aren't influenced by American culture are extremely nice.
>White guys don’t do that and they still have more sex in the end.
You seriously don't think a ton of white guys don't also go clubbing or chase women?
boo hoooo.
>Africans who aren't influenced by American culture are extremely nice.
You do know we can be mean lol. Also what the fuck does "influenced by American culture" even mean at this point? EVERYONE is influenced by big cultral powers. Why do people have this weird fixation on what Africans do or partake of in particular. It just seems so controlling and autistic to be honest.
negroid ramble

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When was the last time you flew on an airplane?
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No, I'm the babysitter of the pets of ones that go on vacations.
about 4 weeks ago, my 11th flight of the year so far
would it be taboo if i tongued those toes during the flight?
i've gone to foreign countries 3 times and never really enjoyed it. so i probably wont either
i kinda enjoy the airport experience. looking around the tax free perfume shops that are all somehow 2-3x the price of what i paid and then finding some seat off to the side to observe all the different kinds of NPCs there.
i used to be able to get cheap lounges to stuff my face with unlimited food and drinks for a couple of hours but the price went up and the quality is shit for most of them now so only business class ones are any good

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need one of these industrial fans, the 110 degree weather is killing me

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If Asia were united, it would have the world's largest economy, the world's largest population, and the world's largest area.
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The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
Typical thirdie mentality

Nobody cares about "largest" economy

The only relevant metric is per capita standards at scale

This is why a say Netherlands or Sweden completely mogs an India or Brazil despite having a smaller overall economy
Now Japan, the last time you tried this you did so many war crimes Korea and west Taiwan still haven't gotten over it.
You quit it with this united peoples rhetoric, you had your chance.
Uhhh something something BBC
>no argument

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dobro jutro radni narode
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zaboli me kurcic dbi dbi
Rivotril Rivotril da mi srce umiri
neda mi djavo nejebice mira moram ga izdrkat
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sad ce oni nesto tu ka ronit

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I live in Idaho and I'm way more scared of moose than bears.
Bears only kill humans when they're hungry.
Moose kill humans when they feel like it.
ah, a wise American.
did you know the top predator of moose is the Orca?
You're not from Idaho why are you lying
Yep me about it please, I like Orcas. I think I heard something like that but I don't remember the details
there was a bear in estonia that ran in front of a bus and died, after meeting a woman in the woods
You have woods in Estonia?

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Wenn Nicky Santoro (LocoSquad) Beruhigungsmittel nimmt scheint das Leben von vielen wieder sehr viel entspannter zu verlaufen. Er strahlt zuviel Hass und Hilfebedürftigkeit aus. Er redet über die Probleme des einfachen Mannes und startet dadurch Debatten die ins nichts führen um von seiner Schuld abzulenken. Er beschuldigt andere für Nichtigkeiten und ruiniert ihnen damit das Leben. Er nimmt ansonsten laut eigener Aussage Massen an Kokain mit Sicherheit gestreckt, dazu abwechselnd und oder zusammen Meskalin, Pilze, LSD, MDMA und das schlimmste das alles in Kombination mit Opiaten. Sein sendet dadurch ist sein von Neirotransmittern übersättigt und er ist immer noch aggressiv, obwohl er vermutlich Bipolarität und Borderline Symptome aufweist. Schizoaffektivität wird auch vermutet. Man sollte Mitleid mit ihm haben. Er ist durch diese Drogen und auch andere evtl. sogar Disoziativ gespalten. Wenn er darauf auch nur in irgendeiner Weise angesprochen wird verteidigt er sich mit albernheit. Er gibt aufgezwungene Hilfeleistungen die zerstörerisch wirken, hat ein Muttersyndrom (spielt die Mutter seiner Opfer), einen Ödipus- und einen Gottes/Mordkomplex. Er bindet Leute per Trauma an sich, diese spielen dann oft auch unterbewusst Vater, Mutter, Sohn und Tochter, unterbewusst. Das Schema wendet er auf unzählige Personen an, sogar auf ganz normal scheinende Familien, diese bekommen dann vielfältige Probleme die man nur sehr schwierig mit ihm verbinden kann. Mittendrin schützt er sich als Baby und begeht weiterhin seine Menschenverachtenden Straftaten. Er hat sogar schon Luciano und die Universal Chefs und Manager unter seine Kontrolle gebracht. Alle leiden unter ihm vom Obdachlosen bis zum Hollywoodstar.
I thought you were smashing your keyboard randomly, what an awful fucking language
Ich bin eines seiner Opfer das das Problem aufdecken möchte. Er hat mein Leben in sich aufgesogen und meinen Platz im Geiste eingenommen. Er will meine Verwandten töten. Er überfällt und oder lässt meine alten guten Kontakte überfallen um sie per Traumabonding an sich zu heften, setzt sie unter Druck und ist somit noch gefährlicher, weil er offensichtlich glaubwürdiger zu sein scheint. Viele wissen es jedoch und wiegen sich nur in Sicherheit, sobald es den minimalen anschein macht das er meine Arbeit vollbracht hätte. Meine guten Taten und meine Vergangenheit werden bei ihm verwendet um ihn zu schützen und andere in seinem Sinne unter Druck zu setzen.

Nicky Santoro, LocoSquad
Stell den Spambot ab Schlosser

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I can book a one-way flight to Mexico, cross the border to the USA, and they will give me free handouts, housing, a job, and also I can vote in their elections? Why isn't everyone doing this?
Everyone poor and smart is doing that, there's record illegal immigration going on there. Make sure Abbot sends you to NYC or some other liberal city in a bus, you get more free stuff there,
Totally. Just do it. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying to you.
Nope, you're the wrong color.
>inb4 >greek >white
Nigga just book a flight to the US and over stay thats what most people do anyway

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assembling a team edition
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Why waste their money for this

No wonder this gen is poor
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интepecнo, тoв.пpoтoиepeй caм этoгo хлeбo-coйякa нapиcoвaл? лoл
concidering this war is since 2014, and multiple things were done to avoid the hot part of it, and Ukraine was actively veaponising and preparing for it, - postpones simply wouldn't work
Huh? I guess it seems like Ukrainians are nazis

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Edition excursion en Allemagne
Amcien: >>199258100
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j'utilise tous ces mots et cette geste aussi
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Suffisait d'être devant le PC au bon moment
C'est pas /fr/ qui m'a aidé, c'est /biz/ et un forum qui s'appelle Bitcointalk. La mentalité française par rapport au fric est ignoble, personne ne t'aidera à faire quoi que ce soit d'intéressant ici
des belles jambes

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hilo anime
previous: >>199272723
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touching myself rn

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