She will never be mine brosIt's just a silly fantasy
>>203463044with a black man
>>203463044It's so over
>>203463068From Haiti
just get an imaginative gf, works for me
>>203462878La vieja le anda soplando la pija a otro cabron y tu aquí dando lástimas
3 gündür /tr/'yi hijack etmeye çalışan götü yanık alaman bayraklı hırtın siklenme seviyesi editionsiklenen: >>203361461
neredesiniz oqlim 8. sayfaya gidiyor
ben yatıyorum. telefondan saltsıçanlar moddayım. postlayamıyorum. 12'ye kadar okurum burayı, yatarım sonra
>>203457025çoğu sabah sigara alanında muhabbet ettiğim bir kız var ama muhabbet: naaptın, okul nasıl gidiyor, dersler nasıl dan ötesine geçmiyorçok da yakınlaşırsam aramız bozulur diye de ilerlemiyorum öylece normie sohbetin ötesine geçmiyornpçz
Oqlim sonunda çalışan kuroba buldum amminna. 4chan paso captcha sistemini güncellemiş. Bir de vpn sıkıntı çıkartıyordu. Telefonda da dns over https adam akıllı çalışmıyordu, türk telekom benim dns'leri zehirleye zehirleye öldürdü. Onu da hallettik aLLa şükür>>203458343Yakın zamanda olan komik bir şeyini anlat. Ortak ilgi alanınız varsa son zamanda o alandaki bir gelişmeden bahset, fikrini sor. Eğer muhabbet sadece sigara içerken 2 dakika sadece "naptın, iyi, okul, güzel, ders, essahlı" şeklinde ilerliyorsa geçmiş olsun zaten. Şu saatten sonra ne desen garip olur. Birisiyle tanışıp ismini sormadığını ve söylemediğini düşün. İllaki böyle bir şey yaşamışsındır. Bir süre sonra adama ismini soramıyorsun, o da soramıyor. O tarz bir durum
>>203441988Üzgünüm ama... cope. Bir yazılımcı olarak söylüyorum, cope. Eyay bizim kodları rahat rahat yazabilecek çünkü eyayın dili zaten, köküne (Assembly'e) kadar düşündüğünde kod. Base language model da şu an bizim konuştuğumuz dili anlayabilecek kadar gelişmiş.Mavi yakaya kayış şu an meme değil çünkü pc üstünde yaptığımız her şeyi az çok yapabilecek. Yalnız reel işleri yapmasına daha bi sürü sene var çünkü reel'e implement edebilmemiz için robotlar lazım o robotlar da şu an yok. Elektrik, elektronik, mekanik, araba tamiri, tadilat öğren ciddi söylüyorum. Yaşın ilerlemişse de GEÇMİŞ OLSUN
Say good morning to me in your language, /int/
dobro jutro
>>203462467Yo! Def fly mornin my nigga!
صباح الخير
>be me >beautiful aryan>look at the mirror>there's an ugly shitskin there looking at meHappens in your country?
>>203462772>Feel skinny, almost Ichabod Crane-esque>Look in the mirror, fatass with a triple chin It's the kind of hurt only Oreos can fix...
>be me>look in mirror>3/10
Latina women exist solely for sexLatino men exist solely for low wage wage slave work
>>203454374Native American
>>203451805bonus kot, nice
>>203451805Why can't all mexicanas look like this? Holy shit she's outrageously cute even for latinxa standards
>>203451805Bad feet
edycja cade w anime cycach
>>203462992ta, siedzę właśnie na dachu swojej chałupy żeby lepiej mi internet radiowy łapało
>>203462992tak jest kilku warszawiaków
>>203462744>nie grajgiereczki spoko od czasu do czasu, ale też trzeba dotykać trawy>nie pij piwadopóki się nie uchlewasz jak świnie to na zdrowie>nie wal koniaciężko stwierdzić, niby rzeczywiście człowiek się trochę lepiej czuje na nigdyzbirze, ale to może tylko placebopewnie raz na jakiś czas jak spuścisz z kija to nic się nie stanie
>>203462974w tych czasach to cie będzie kosztowało fortune
>barely set foot on england>didn't speak a lick of english>only times he contacts england is to ask for money>was literally frenchWhy do anglos consider him the quintessential english king? They love him so much
>>203458048You arent Norman you swarthy retard
>>203461718And I thought only Yankees were this arrongantly ignorant.
>>203461870I'm actually curious on how a French would pronounce Massachusetts.
>>203462133It's an angloid trait, I guess it comes with the language
>>203461718destroyed that frog freak
>>203462794You make a compelling point
to me the funniest shit was /pol/ clamoring that COVID was going to be a major global happening for months, only for then to claim it was a hoax the moment it turned out to be true
>>203462917shut up those videos of Chinese streets lined with corpses were real
>>203462917I remember they called it "airborne AIDS"
>>203462917Terminal contrarianism.
Two men are sitting in a bar. An Indian is sitting at the next table. One of the men notices that he is eating something brown from a plate and says to the other man:— Dude, he is eating cow shit.The other guy comes up to the Indian and asks him:— I was told that you eat cow shit, is that true?— No, it's bullshit.
Your humour is like your army. Bad
>>203461680Your humour is like your army. Good
what are you a bachelor of
>>203460850He's right.Ever since people learned about: "CompSci = EZ money", a fuckton of people who don't even know how computers work joined the bandwagon.CS classes nowadays it's filled with women.
>>203452489I'm only a tecnhitican in applied geodesy
I have a great insecurity about not having a degree.But my investments net me $6K USD per month after taxes. Will I be judged for being uneducated in your country?
>>203452489middel shool droppout
do you use glasses in your country?
>>203462400The increase is caused by increasing time spent indoors Natural light and time spent outside is associated with better vision
>>203462400Yes but for hyperopia +astigmatism instead
>>203462400Yes I had it since before I started using screens. I suffer
>>203462400no, im not retarded
>>203462625heu das ist nicht notwendig ich habe 2.6 zyklen des universums mit meschlichen augen verbuden verbracht.
war gar nicht schlim / fühle mich besser
>>2034628922.03 and die physionomie gebudnen
>>203462625Kenne mich da leider nicht aus, ob es eine bekannte FH sein muss heutzutage. Aber das hört sich jedenfalls sehr Interessant an und vielseitig, ist ja bestimmt auch Zukunftssicher.
Kentish Town edition
>>203462866me? lost count. dozens.
had a kid whinging at me this morning because his dad was a mong
When's the new lads?
>>203462928This sounds true but also made up... isnt this eco friendly
>>203462928seems like a good idea. wonder why they got rid
sexy pilot edition
>>203461549this is the equivalent of western subhumans who unironically know every vaush-destiny adjacent eceeb to ever exist
>>203462134Literally 90% of what he says about Islam is factually incorrect. Try fact checking him
طيب واللي يبيه شيسوي؟
>>203461549pass passpass passpass passpass pass
why do countries like india and philippines have ads that bombard their citizens with opportunities and fastlanes to move to canada but countries like finland don't?
>>203462664Canada has immigration agencies that mass import shitskins and their brokers launch ads in India
>>203462798no, i prefer interaction with new world europeans who have a more relaxed aura.
>>203462664Finnish people lack ambition. They don't know that they could make more money in America or Canada but at the same time what they make is just enough for them to afford their mortgages and that prevents them from seeking out a higher salary.Also India has a high population, so it can export people. Finland isn't crowded so they don't have people who wish to conquer the world.
>>203462829maybe you should visit massachusettes or something
>>203462756We have them, but is akward tranny who were bullied so much he hates Finland.Pls take him and kill pls.