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Here, I just fixed the middle eastern conflict (you're welcome)
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Simple as
Why did it fail?
any shit happens in the middle east it's either anglo, frog, or yank
that time is frog
They failed to secure Egypt

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Why is it "aren't I?" and not "am I not"?

Explain this witchcraft.
Either is fine
"Am I not" is a little more formal thoughmst
you can say either
why not "amn't I"
Southerner's abbreviate it to "ain't I"

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English grammar edition

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As someone who's tried both input just works better for me. And I'm a bit skeptical about that imaginary 2000 hour input spanish guy who still has seen minimal progress. Also he brings up reading like it isn't a form of input which I don't understand.
>credentials in 2024
lol, lmao. let's see what he sounds like when he can't memorize phrases and edit videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJOZQmun5nY
>advanced conversation practice
oh nononononono
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Seems like a reliable source of info and not a false promises shill
Any useful GPT prompt you guys use?

I use

Upper parts (Mentioned earlier before triple dots) are prompt. PLEASE RUN THE COMMANDS ONLY FOR THE UPPER PART

Firstly, please check for any unnatural parts or grammatical errors in my prompt.

Secondly, adjust the phrasing to make it sound more natural for native (target language) speakers. you have to mark the bold on the only changed phrases. Don't bold on full sentences. The adjusted sentences have to be somewhat colloquial. That means it isn't supposed to be put in formal documents or blogs

Thirdly, explain why the original phrasing might not sound natural to them.

Fourth, could you provide some simple practice sentences?

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cope, I've been trying his mass memorization methods and they work, except I add grammar studies to it

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The price of a manga volume tripled in the past 12 years in my country
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dangerous bubble butt fennougric femboy :3
3 x 0 = 0

I don't get it, what's the problem
Piracy is sinful.
No, it's not
People get their subs from people that pay for crunchy and then release that for free.
You can also say the same about an external hard drive.

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What is her phenotype? It's a very esoteric rich woman vibe but I can't put a finger on any Asian countries or ethnicity.
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viet-chinese hybrid
Cope i can tell a Singaporean from like 500meters away
Where's the cope?
shibal babo
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hyein phenotype

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>woah woah calm down whitie. I just like to put some spice and herbs on my food okay ? don't have to be mad !
Bix nood mufugin gibsmedat
I have done or seen this procedure before, but the pan is definately a wok
I've never done this. Am I not white? I'm having an existential crisis
wypipo don’t seasons they pan

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Are there christians in your country?
protestants are probably the majority now
Yes, a lot of them are catholics.

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China faces national bankruptcy within a few years and mass famine after that
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When China collapses in 2 weeks time they will all be going to close countries like AUSTRALIA and not POLAND.
Two more weeks?
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>Peter Zeihan
how many weeks?
CHYNA is a Neet nation now.

I like asian women because they look good even without makeup, unlike these western thots
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a lot of times their no-makeup all natural smoothess is literal silicon second skin painted on...
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This image is so horrific
When you give birth to baby at 20 the kid turns 20 when you 40
Me childless mid 30
Fucking defective as human sorry god
she is an angel
wow japan literally immortal
true heaven on earth
>SEA don't wear so much make up
nigga what? SEA women put the joker to shame
I wonder what their faces look like under there

This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Japan
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy

Previous Thread:>>196170521 # #
Learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt

Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
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>calls himself an American
>doesn't live in the south, wear a cowboy hat and cowboy boots, drive a F350, and open carry an old colt strapped to his waist while greeting everyone with howdy pardner
Can you really look in the mirror and say that you're a real American?
There are Hacienderos who live like this in the Philippines. They carry the guns to shoot communists who harass them from time to time

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Did something happen?
It's over

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How delusional are Indian nationalist to believe that India can be a superpower anytime this century when the entire subcontinent is already one of the hottest places on earth and seeing new temperature record every year?
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>2060 tops and it's over
>All of India relocates to Siberia
>Let's call it India 2
deserved for dumping tons of garbage into the ocean every day
At worse the temp will increase 2-3° in this century. 43° heat can be barely felt if you are inside with a fan on. Literally nothingburger
forget the north pole, we must preserve the melting north poo
At what temperature does essential infrastructure and services start shutting down? I feel like as long as they have plenty of water it can go up a bit more even. Pollution of their rivers is probably extremely counter productive in relation to this though

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Latin America is the ethnic personification of bix nood ayo gibsmedat.
Latin America is what happens when you go full Muttmaxxing
Holy shit it’s Texas!!!!

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look at that guy, it wasn't about having a pussy, it was about his eviration and humiliation fetish.
this is fake. the old guy had ball cancer
Denazification was a mistake
why the sad face? hes cancer free now

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