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Thursday night to Friday morning. The kids will be happy.
Ahhhh, a little hill, a sledge.. When was the last time I had that pleasure
In my case it is more than 20y ago.
What do you even want from life, you don't want a family?
>What do you even want from life
That's something I still don't know.
>you don't want a family?
But I have a family, I just don't have kids yet.
>more than 20y ago
Také your brother's kids this year, they'll love it
>they'll love it
Honestly - I'm not sure about that at all.
My brother and his girlfriend are both very outdoorsy people, their children also went to the forest kindergarten, outdoor vacations, winter Alps with skiing, etc etc.
So my oldest nephew refers to himself as an "indoor kid" and doesn't like outdoor activities. If I want to make him happy, I have to come up with an activity that takes place under a roof with temperatures above 21C.
I've only been able to convince them for a walk once this year.
>there's a bar in the woods not far from us
>I'll give you unlimited credit
and little niggas hesitated for over an hour

The only acceptable outdoor activity is the Zoo and Dinopark.
what a snowflake
you could still give it a try, build an igloo, snow fight...
>give it a try
I do this every time.

Unfortunately, there has been a perfectly natural evolution. Children are the opposite of their parents.
>Children are the opposite of their parents.
Are you sure about that
Usually, so far, I've always seen the exact opposite of what parents want, in every family.
The exception is children who live only to please their parents.
Where are you going to look for a wife Czech
lol what
I will never be a married man
arrange a snow fight you 3 vs parents(without parents knowing ofc) that could motivate the kids
and you POLE?
there is no reason to undergo this ritual under the patronage of the state or the church, I don't like both of those organizations, and I see no reason for anyone to care about my private life
I just like the symbolism of it personally
I understand the aspect here, it's powerful, and I'd be able to give you about an hour lecture on the symbolism of the wedding and the wedding ring, but Jung wrote it better.
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Why aren't those 3 flags the same size.
The Slovak flag under the Czech flag may touch Slovak feelings.
That picture is soooo offensive in many ways.
If it ever came to that I don't think I'd want a wedding, not a social being myself and I would have no one to invite AND it's a waste of money
If I would know that the love of my life longs to be married, I am willing to undergo a humiliating ritual at a randomly chosen town hall with 2 random witnesses to whom I will give a few hundred euros to give us half an hour of their time. I will wear my wedding ring on a chain around my neck.
>no one to invite
you'd be surprised how many people would expect you to invite them

>waste of money
I mean lots of family sure but other than family I know no one and that would be extremely embarrassing
Why not on your finger
And I won't tell anyone I'm married, and I'll hope my wife won't either.
My personal life is my business only.
It feels weird, and I'm not going to get used to having jewelry on my finger. I only wear a watch and a necklace.
>And I won't tell anyone I'm married, and I'll hope my wife won't either.
Huh, weird. Then it really doesn't make sense to get married in your case
I say it all the time. Formal acts of state and church will never define my private life or the quality of the relationship.
The love of my life will know that she is the love of my life without needing anything else.
It was -1 C last night where I am. Cold weather sucks.
>31 replies
>none from US flags
I am OK with cold weather.
I love frosts of -10C and above, the worst winter is around 0C.
Got company
please don't kill it
A real Frenchman would wonder what it tastes like, just saying
exactly, which is why I'm begging him
Why would I
He's welcome to stay and eat all the fucking ants and mosquitoes
Hope he doesn't shit inside the flyer though
>He's welcome to stay and eat all
I don't know how much knowledge Herault will actually gain from his studies but when he's done I wanna know two things
1. What species is that lizard
2. What cheese goes best with it
>What species is that lizard

Phelsuma laticauda

>What cheese goes best with it

That's a future thesis topic
It's an invasive species so local conservationist would actually thank me for eating it
Also I killed a rat in the mountains the other day by hitting it with my hiking stick, also an invasive species
>would actually thank me for eating it
here we go
Cool pet
with both niggas
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We are here
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So comfy
wew almost nighttime
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nice butt
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can model dog food commercials
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Old frens
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New frens
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Dinner time
where the fuck are burgers
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At work lmfao
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They're building GDP, superpower and shit, I forgot. I love my comfy life so much...
I should start a company
Yeah I should have money me thinks
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I like your attitude.
What kind of a company tho
Legal, illegal something in between?
Why do you always mention illegal stuff, legal of course
Business idea: either start a rival company to CD Projekt, or get a job with them

Then start making an FPS game because I like FPS games
Easy mode: selling stuff to Czechs
I hate fps games
CD Projekt pays pennies
>I hate fps games
But they're fun

>CD Projekt pays pennies
Then start your own game company and keep all the profits
Reselling or producing and selling
>producing and selling
you need equity or a bank loan
Why do people who produce the stuff don't sell it to Czechs themselves? Do they just not see the opportunity?
But a lot of Poles do it.
Need to do some research what products would turn the best profit
Just don't make it complicated.
Food (but I think you need some kind license to do that), furniture, all household equipment,
construction materials, car stuff - spare parts, electronics, everything...
The largest Czech marketplace is dominated by Polish shops. Hello allegro.
They literally bought a Mall group for almost a billion euros so they could flood the Czech market with Polish stuff.
same situation here
even had a classmate who "opened" an e-shop with furniture, but he was basically just reselling polish furniture
>reselling polish XXX
It is really easy mode with guaranteed success and profit if you can "find your customers".
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Good evening. Snow has fallen and the slush is freezing right now.
I have to get up early tomorrow and drive.
why and where
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84 posts and 0 burgers, wierd wednesday
Would be even less overhead if all the Polish furniture was stolen
The Swedes already did that to them once and they survived it, they'll be fine
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first burger award
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bavaria should speak czech
agree, nap time
Drinking regular sugar coke for the first time in a while
Wow it's so bad
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Delete this now
is he ok
delete this now
Released from hospital after two days
What's up, frens?
How did they not see that coming
How can americans prefers corn chips to potato chips?
Makes no sense
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I mean seriously
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these are superior anyway
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To chips? Are you mad? Of course not
Fuck yes
Let me guess, you need more ?
it has to be exactly this brand
Nah I'm sure Polish PALUSZKI are better
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>these are superior anyway
Nooooooooooo, tyčinkyyyyyyyyyy, always in knajpa, and always the same sad story
u think tyčinky are fried?
always wondered how are they made
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too greasy
would destroy them anyway tho
>too greasy
exactly, that's why I love it
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eating early dinner and watching Adams æbler
I am the dinner
How much longer?
2 months at least
I guess
Well, it's a good basis for a good immune system, she'll benefit from it her whole life. My youngest nephew will be 2 years old soon, and sometimes he still...
eh that's too much, don't see the point at that age
Definitely... But it won't hurt anyone.
2nd espresso and IKEA chocolate
bed time it is, gn
What happened to plantman?
Por isso que você dorme mal a noite mas você não me escuta então vá para a puta que pariu
flags are gone again
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"Vishnu bud you’re gonna want to sit down for this"
I drink decaf after lunchtime, just as God intended
that sounds decadent, and I'm a conservative person
Decaf coffee is cheap though
I don't know, I've never even tried.
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but seriously, where are burgers
dead general
It's just after 5pm on the east coast, so it's past their bedtime
Still, it's unusual. Their usual routine is different.
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my new company is mostly brit higher ups and execs
feel like a cuck
corn chips with salsa are a different experience
they're both good
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schnitzel for dinner laddos
pork or beef
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la concha de tu madre pelotudo de verga
why so rude
Based. British America when?
Why not both?
could have been a thing if the tories in the 1770s weren't retarded
Maybe, but you could say that separation was inevitable. All European countries lost their global colonies apart from small exceptions.
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Czechia and Czechoslovakia never lost any colony.
By British America I just mean that the U.S could have evolved similarly to other Commonwealth countries rather than it being an integrated part of Britain today.
Fair point

Probably wouldn't have made much of a difference, considering that Canada is basically the US but with some ceremonial British-style stuff
canada is cringe, reddit, gay, and retarded thoughever
pole is trapped under the sea
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Cold but comfy night.
ever had a pork schnitzel
you can take a guess
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I still have my doubts that Americans can make a classic schnitzel,
what do you think Pole
you should try it sometime
they have it in germany
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quiche la poodle!!!
Yes, the Germans have adopted that dish, but the country of origin is Austria-Hungary, especially Vienna and Prague.
Joseph Radetzky von Radetz (Czech, Austrian general) was inspired in Italy, and brought a modified recipe to Vienna.
As I said, basically the US
Don't dish it out if you can't take it
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Why the hell is there nothing but Euros in the Dixie thread? Fucking disperse
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Euros keep this thread alive, you should be grateful
He is a flaglet, so just a random anon.
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I am a sleepy boy
kurwa mać
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I don't think I've ever seen a news story about a killing that used the word "tussling" before
snow has arrived
It's 30°C with 70% humidity here
what a fucking retard
actually retarded
someone should fucking bash his skull in with a hammer
there's nothing worse than high humidity
except the shit on my hands maybe

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