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ja volim i oblivion i fallout 3. volim sve rpgove samo da nisu japanske
Ja ih imam oboje ali za ps3
cool choviyek broski i like his cooburra and yatagen. See ya on the kosovo field duderino

Tinex shoplifter edition

Old died >>200186769
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>he isnt a smoker either oddly enough
soyboy cringelord
in 20 years once lungcancermaxxing has borne fruit I wonder what will be the next cope
felt like getting some individuality like polubrainian so I fucked 16 years old bulgarian boy in ass
I have awokended
So did i, big mistake.

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Ahh yes non-degen European culture. We Americans are unworthy.
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Stay strange, France
We love you this way

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Why do Russians worship a Jewish, Georgian cult that killed them off en mass.
Because in communism, everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. That's why if grain needs to be stolen, it will be stolen from Ukraine. You should know how this goes. Are they not starving to death? That means they are hiding grain and therefore deserve to be skinned alive by the NKVD (look it up)

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do you like cats in your country?
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sex sex
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MANY such cases
It’s kinda big :3
More threads like this and less seething nafri threads please

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Here's your Mediterranean gf, bro
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I don't require consent.

Portuguese arent meds. Theyre atlanteans

Soda editie
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is peru a real person
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pagi pogi/selamat siang
yes but a VPN
there's nothing like the wind blowing in your face tho

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a reconstruction of a Bronze age Celtic woman from what is now southern Germany.
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Her vagor would need reconstruction after a night with me hehe
That's a man

Carefully reconstructed using modern anthropological and genetic models for Med cock.
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Absolute goddess
Imagine a Hun rabidly raping her and breeding modern germcucks.

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>Average penis size in Europe has increased by two centimeters since 2010

I am officially small. It's over. Selectively bred zoomers have taken everything away from me.
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It's a result of the latest intake of Big Brown Cocks and Big Black Cocks in the gene pool
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I’m 178cm zoe
I’m training for you

dont complain
Thanks my dicka is engraved into your brain cells
I have a large willy

Kill all bostilians
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t. 81% pardolino
You spit on your ancestor’s memories
This is how you cope about being brown

Skin tone is just something people that have nothing going on in their life cling to

Theres no merit to being born pale or darker
Race is more than skin tone

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> a major disease/injury can make the average american family go financially broke, since theyve got no social security

Why do americans put up with it? It is to own the 'commies'?
91% of Americans have health insurance dumbass
Just don't get sick dumbass and if you do don't go the doctor
99% of medical issues resolve themselves

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Which countries have the most girls like Misaki that will save you?
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probably canada unironically
Lemuria maybe
The real redpill is that the most broken fucked up person in the show is misaki.
A lot of women are like misaki.

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Poland overtook all the countries highlighted in red within the 28 years between 1991 and 2019 (most notably Greece and then Portugal)
In 2023 it surpassed Estonia
Next year it's projected to surpass Czechia

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Poland has the highest % of any post-communist country, of domestic-owned companies involved in the total export value - 50%
It stands at $350 billion (at a pop. of 38 million)

compare to the largest country in the world, Russia, with the world's wealth of natural resources, 145 million people, its total export stands at $450 billion.
no one cares shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I care, Poland is finally rising from its knees.
oki doke wake me up when kurwas suck my dick

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What called this in your cunt?
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Gay smurf
Should i be suprised that black man can do judo?
Are you racist or something?
Anyways like i said im busy so see you later subhuman
Jvpiter himself has summoned all the gods of the olympus ... for the olympic games ... vgghhhhh ... what a genius
We call those things the French in my country
Une disgrâce - 恥辱

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>boss notices the anime girl wallpaper on my computer
>asks me what that's about
>instinctively reply "it's my wife"
>she looks at me with confusion and disgust like I'm irredeemable garbage
It's over
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Real men wouldn't be embarasssed and just continue what he was doing.
Your anime waifu will never betray you like an actual femoid.
owari desu ne...
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She is indeed very cute. Fuck that stupid 3DPD, you and your wife look good together

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