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247 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
That's how every single of your posts reads t b desu
>it's le bad
>how is it bad
>its le bad, its bad, bad bad bad bad
>ye, but how, why?
I do believe that even an AI bot would manage something better than this.
Thus you are either sub 60 IQ, which is hard to believe, even for you.
Or you are simply making shitty bait to get (you)s and bumps.
Hello Balts and Antipodeans

I assume the Balts have gone to bed, and maybe the Antipodeans haven't woken up yet because it's early morning there

In which case I will just post a picture of a Baltic woman
Bump although I'm going to bed soon so this thread will probably just die
perhaps letting this die is the proper way of things

Do you feel you don't sync to your country social wise.

t. Introvert
Yes I don't get the point of talking to people about the same stuff over and over idk it's more emotional than logical I just don't really care
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Extroverted cultures are basically poor warm countries that rely on social relations to survive

Introverted cultures don’t have that need
It has nothing to do with density
Life in the north requires a lot more of cooperation to survive as a community
You're right but I didn't know what word to use. It's mainly social structure and the way we do things, it's changed. Whatever the case, a 17th century village "extrovert" would not be able to handle a modern social dynamics
You still would have "introverts" in "extraverts" in that 17th century village tho. And the cities and city life were always like that for thousands of years since the bronze age

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Drinking beer at the gas station, enjoying the quiet, you /int/?
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Drinking vodka and laying in bed, listening to sum music
Why are you guys building shit when they're won't be any Worst Koreans left in 200 years? You should start a war or something
Drinking Dr pepper alone in my room listening to a storm with a job hunting site open (I've applied for no jobs the last week)

Urbex edition

Old >>199219173
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Disregard the flag.

If there is any creature on this earth more soulless than a slav woman I have not witnessed it.
All women are soulless vile creatures that need to be exterminated, Women are worse than niggers
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It is my experience that slav women are determined to win this competition of cruelty.
Seemingly they are born into it and then spend their developing years molding themselves into temples of hatred and cruelty either by cultural tradition or pure instinct, I can't say.
You don't seem to have much experience with asian women.

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That’s true it’s pointless
It’s unfuckables caring about fuckables that don’t care for them
>I'm indian btw
=( Fuck.

Imagine waking up and finding out your Indian
Then you probably look normal. Guys that complain about how their dating life sucks are almost always delusional and withholding some information.
I'm a fat retard but then again if I had bbc I reckon I could do better.
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Plot twist: I’m not jeet but Turkish

Womp womp

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Mijn collega komt uit Nederland. Hij is gierig met geld. En telt elke cent. Ik heb nooit geweten dat het stereotype over Nederlanders waar was.
Misschien is hij gierig met geld. Maar wie weet stopt hij als jij met een lekke band naast de weg staat.
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Hebben jullie zin in Dick?

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TIL that cities and communes in the UK can (and do) declare bankruptcy if they run out of money. That sounded very unempathetic and like Brits lack solidarity for each other. In contrast, in Germany it is BY LAW illegal for only a part of Germany to declare bankruptcy.

In the *worst case* scenario the next higher instance would have to step in and bail out the bankrupt entity (so for example a city being bailed out by the corresponding state, or a state being bailed out by the central govt).
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UK culture is based around worship of transsexuals, supporting the rape of underage girls by Pakis, and turning them into kebabs.

Most of the British posters here on /int/ - including >>199278454 - support unlimited migration into the UK and the grooming gangs of Rotherham, Rochdale, and Telford. Many of them even defended Jimmy Savile. Britroaches have sold their country for a chicken tikka masala. The Prime Minister is a pajeet
Brits live rentfree in my head. I make pro UK threads, anti UK threads, "brexit" threads, etc etc
Are you okay germ bro?
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No, but neither are your bankrupt cities
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>the Prime Minister is a pajeet
>cunt with a literal pajeet president saying this
what did he mean by this?

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>bloody bich basterd!
Sometimes happens on Black Friday but thats a nigger holiday anyways

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Do you guys play on console or pc?
PC always.
Can't play indie titles, roguelikes or strategy games on console. Games which work fine on consoles, like metroidvanias, can be played on PC too.

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är en ukrainsk kvinna i Polen
Du borde operera in en ballong i kuken så att du kan få en knot likt en hund och knulla tjejer som en hund favä.
hemma hos din mamma och bjuder på runkbulle

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Forrige tråd >>199067544
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kan åbenbart ikke ligge i sofaen uden at megaklø min pung
ankommet til min billige lorteseng
spiller wow
Hvilken version?

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Edição agro
Anterior: >>199252097
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não confio em gente escura
>bump limit
eu costumava criar novas edições perigosamente fofinhas do /br/
se fosse verdade, você teria razão
mas não é não
sempre cai e vai cair
e caiu pro lado que a merda tem mais imposto e inflação

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Mit der Klarer durch die /nachtschicht/

Verliererausgabe für die Ösis auch zudem
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und was sagt die momentane Farbe über deine Laune aus?
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"ich liege hier auf dem strand und entspann mich und da kommt mir dieser typ angekrochen. na, es wird eh schon dunkel, also nehme ich halt heimlich ein foto von ihm, damit die polizei im falle des falles bescheid weiß, und gehe nach hause"
das drückst du alles mit einer Haarfarbe aus?
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farben sind ja ein kontinuierliches elektromagnetisches spektrum. theoretisch kann man da grenzenlos information einkodieren. für ein animemädchen sind ein paar sätze schon nichts unmögliches.
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>captcha JAPVG

I got 139. What's in score in your country?
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>actually went down since the last time I did this
Just do this one you lazy bitch
it's hell down here

total 111

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מהדורת סטריאולאב
89 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
לפעמים זה עושה את זה יותר גרוע, אתה מתרסק ב6 בערב וקם באחת בלילה
it takes self control to do right i did it yester day and fell asleep at ten and woke up perfectly at five, well time coffee makes kt much easier
Stay away from my communities.
Stay away from 4chan.
מה אתה ער

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