DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese: references: of older threads: requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djtPrevious Thread: >>204523384
Started reading my first level 4 reader and it's not too difficult, the one I'm reading is an adaptation of yuki onnaHopefully I'll be able to start reading Yotsubato once I'm finished with them
>外人:/>人外(^o^)日本人s do be like that ですね
>>204679085>able to start reading YotsubatoYou will still have to learn a lot because yotsubato's modern day vocabulary, casual slang and grammar are different from folktales. お釈迦様 isn't going to save you.
>>204679085>yuki onnahere you are :-|
>total 2000 natrium per bowlInsane amount
よるならば 月とぞ見まし わがやどの庭しろたへに ふれるしらゆき
>>2046805162000 what?
水洊至、習坎君子以常德行、習教事Where water, in repeated flows, arrives, there is 習坎 (The Doubled Hollow)The lordly man, thereby, makes constant his virtuous practices, and keeps to his service that instructs九二坎有險求小得Second Nine:The Hollow has its dangers;In searching, one gains only a trifle(求小得,未出中也)(In searching, one gains only a trifle—this is not yet having escaped from within)
straight up not having a good time
>>204682441sad to hear, hope things get better
白雪の つもれる歳を かぞふれば我身も倶に ふりにけるかな
When I count the years that pile up behind me now just like the fallen snow,Withered, white, just as it falls, so too does this body growふりにける:降る、古るの掛詞
ふるべ ゆらゆらと ふるべ〜_(:3」∠)_
>>204687628物心ついたときから習得済みやで! ( ・ิω・ิ) 俺も
It's going to happen.
>>204691362>TELL OTHERS TO VOTEPecora out, Kiara in! >:3
>>204691795「リ」なの!? 読めんかった(´・ω:;.:...入り下車伊勢!
thou shan't perish
>>204673753>「それに、某も力を貸すのだ。二人で戦えばどうとでもなる。先陣は某に任せてくれ」>どうとでもなる。>なんとか「It'll all work out somehow」みたいな意味があると考えつくが、俺に文法的に分からん。誰か説明してください。"Xとなる"="it will be X(a situation)""どう" means "how", in this case it is more like "how the situation X is".With this でも, very roughly meaning "no matter (what), no matter (how)", >(cf. in a J-J dictionary, でも's meaning #4 (不特定をさす語「なに(なん)」「だれ」「いつ」「どこ」などに付いて)すべてのものにあてはまる意を表す。「なんでも食べるよ」「だれでも知っている」) "it will be X, no matter how X will be like".Plus, we can assume that this X must be favorable to the speakers, it is more like>"we can make the situation favorable, whatever it would be">"we can achieve the favorable result in the end, whatever it would be"All that remains is to turn this into a natural English sentence.This explanation has too many logical jumps to be called "grammatical", but this is the best I could do.What is subtly nuanced about this expression ("どうとでもなる") is that it is not exactly the same as "なんでも(or なんとでも)できる"="we can do whatever we want"."どうとでもなる" describe a situation where it is difficult or impossible to predict exactly how the things will proceed and what the final situation will be at the moment, but considering enough competence and flexibility, the outcome is surely to be desirable in any case.Their difference can be sometimes so small and negligible, though.Sorry for being wordy and beside the point, and poor English.
link for 5chan, pls
早歩き早引け早撃ち早生まれ早食い早じまい早咲き早採れ早押し早指し(早い者勝ち)(早合点)How many "早(はや)..." words did you know?
>早とちりis also used quite frequently.
>>204695279今少し分かるような気がするが「味」はまだ掴んでいない。わざわざ説明してくれて礼を言う!>Sorry for being wordy and beside the point, and poor English.英語が結構うまいと思うけど。
>>204700427>>204700854早送り (はやおくり)早起き (はやおき)早寝 (はやね)早死 (はやじに)早業/早技 (はやわざ)早口 (はやくち)早見 (はやみ)早耳 (はやみみ)早足 (はやあし)
早勃起 (J○見る時)
早弁 ŧ‹"ŧ‹"(o'ч'o)ŧ‹"ŧ‹"
Is there a light novel that I can grind which doesn't contain too much slang?
仏説摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経観自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識亦復如是舎利子 是諸法空相 不生不滅不垢不浄不増不減是故空中無色無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意無色声香味触法 無眼界乃至無意識界無無明亦無無明尽乃至無老死亦無老死尽無苦集滅道 無智亦無得以無所得故菩提薩埵依般若波羅蜜多故心無罣礙 無罣礙故無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃三世諸仏依般若波羅蜜多故得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提故知般若波羅蜜多是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪 能除一切苦 真実不虚故説般若波羅蜜多呪 即説呪曰羯諦羯諦波羅羯諦波羅僧羯諦菩提薩婆訶般若心経
shit ur mom's ass
改めて言う:君の mom's ass を shitting
>「滑稽だな 何をチマチマと刀で払っているのだ霊圧で一息に... 押し潰せば済むものを... 」Why ものを?悲しいな
>>204718573it's a kind of compound particle with a meaning like のに "even though"もの nominalizes like の does, and を makes the nominalized phrase the "object" of a thought or statement like に makes it the indirect object or directioneven though you could lay them all flat all at once with your 霊圧, when it's something where you could lay them all flat with your 霊圧, doing that to something that could be laid all flat at once with your 霊圧the line between literal meaning and derived meaning is sometimes blurred>ものを (conj,prt) (usu. at sentence end; with nuance of strong discontent) although; but; even though; I wish that
>>204718573The following article might be helpful.ものを
ふみわくる 我より前の 跡を見ば雪ぞ山路の しをりならまし
なんーなんで〜オナしすぎるじゃ?お大事にしてください ><
異世界で美少女になっているかもしれないね \(o(≧▽≦)o/
>>204727092では僕が美少女守る勇者になりたい!>>204727176huh どうして??
I have one ochinpo and two kintama.
Please to be excusing me, sirHow many chinpo you are of having?
spaghetti and chinpoes
Just out of curiosity, does anyone want to tell me countries whose national flags that doesn't contain any of red, white, or blue?All I could come up with are Jamaica and Sri Lanka.>>204728047Sounds good (pic related).
>>204729891>doesn't containdon't contain*My bad, I messed up.
>>204729891ESL subtitles.
>>204729950Is English subbed anime by non English natives common?
>>204730216Yes. That's not even the worst. There's Japanese -> Chinese/Korean -> English translations. There's AI slop translations. There's people who don't even translate and make up a new story. Even professional "translators" use "localization" as an excuse to ignore the original Japanese text and make garbage up.
>>204676835How do you ask out a 日本人, bros?I don't want to be too direct, but I also don't want to come off as too passive.Though I'm more afraid of being too forward and messing it up.On a related note, how do you even say "ask out" in Japanese? 告る seems close, but it's way too strong.
>>204731472I hope you're wrong, because I could really use some advice.
>>204730746Asked out is (デートに)誘う in Japanese.Maybe going to dinner together is common, buuuut I don't know how to do it.
>>204732078ボブネミミッミ超えたぜ! Σ:3
happily sniffing cock stinkくんかくんかくんか
>>204732606Thanks, I was wondering especially if I should use the word date, but I don't think it's a good idea.>I don't know how to do it.I'll try it out and report back if it worked.>>204733679Thank you, but we're not on a 俺、ちゃん etc. basis yet. I better swap out some of these words with their equivalent polite ones.>行こうIsn't that way too direct? I was thinking of using negation, that's what our teacher taught us at least.Thanks again.
>>204734644>we're not on a 俺、ちゃん etc. basis yetWhatever you do never use 僕
>>204734723Is this some kind of inside joke I don't know about?>僕and 自分 are all I use, though I'm not sure whether I should use あんた or stick to きみ l
>>204734644Meant for >>204732579 obviously
>>204735590Jokes aside, isn't what you posted way too direct? Sure I don't want to sound overly polite, but I'd reckon going the other way is worse.
>>204735356あんた is a rude word, so you should use きみ.
>>204736052Even when you're talking to someone you've know for a while?
>>204735902>what you postedI am a different poster :>>I think you'd be better of just asking normally in German!
Whats a good source for beginner audio japanese input I'm just horrible at it. I need a good strong Playlist to ease my way in and put all this vocab to use. I can't parse spoken Japanese at all
>>204737145Oh, my bad.>in German Sadly the person in question doesn't speak German very well.