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Anis edisi
I've jacked off to Anis so many times I lost count
too early chud
This is the thread
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ꀤ ꒒ꂦ꒦ꏂ ꌃꂦꂦꌃꌚ ꌚꂦ ꎭꀎꏳꀍ ꀤ꓄ꌚ ꀎꈤꋪꏂꍏ꒒
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>Mp4 test
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gn pedos
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gn fren!
>still no sound
it's over
We’re not >>>/gif/ yet
I lost
You win
I make next one though
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Why white girls so pretty bros
she looks WALLED already
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Yes, walled to my cock
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The world is so gay
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omg hiromoot finally remembered this site exists
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10 years ago libs were blaming lack of sex ed

Now they're blaming "too much gadgets and social media" LMAO they're no different from the cuckservatives who blamed dota was violent.

The average filipino vermin simply breeds young to produce more fresh grads.
wtf literally how
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i don't have many without sound
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I will report it again.
lame general
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>not pignoy-created thread
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Bros… how to block the sun, I don’t think I can handle a month of night shift with no sleep.
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>mind control obsessed chara.
Hot af
>sleep at 9:30
>woke up at 2
fuck me, i really should fix my sleep
you should pee before going to bed
I installed block out curtains when I used to work at night shift
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Is that his pet or livestock?
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Much better with the song
window blinds and air conditioning, also consider soundproofed room
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it would be a lot fatter if it was livestock dough
>bogor line
>not crowded
It's crowded getting on at bogor and it just gets worse every stop until near the end, shit is actually crowded enough to be painful. The other lines in jkt arent nearly as bad
there is an anime
attack on the torah
have you watched it?
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kot thuy
sure hope Bugle Call won't be the next FOTM
don't need more normalfags calling Zoe pedobait
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>don't need more normalfags calling Zoe pedobait
why should we care what normies think?
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why do they bounce so much
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no bra = titty freedom
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mornin chuds
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thankyou stingray
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>new video codec is here
>it's just regular AVC
what's the point here? VP9 is already better for short memes. just give us AV1 already
kys pedotroons
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stay in bluesky nonce
based if true.
I can't stop looking at fb ethots. There's something about women whoring themselves for money and attention that makes me rock hard
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gms/pagi ges
looks like this painting
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get fit
anis baswedan
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Anis (masculine name)mean "genial", "friendly", "close friend"
feminine its anisa.
It's the current year, our hobbies should be acceptable to mainstream community.
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anisakis in your fish
Cook it well bro.
Also before having sex
It doesn't even support HEVC, lmao. what a joke
People who tell you to go to gym and become fit = Lamest people on Earth riddled with insecurities.
post your lunch
I wanted to make pan fried chicken breast to impress my crush with my lunch but the wet market is already closed at this hour :(
>our hobbies should be acceptable to mainstream community.
why should it?
why not buy it at the frozen food section?
I think you can get some chicken fillet there, no?
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lol, good luck wasting 2 hours of dethawing frozen meat under running tap water for a mere quick lunch.
I'm just gonna leave this link with this time stamp on.
TIL I learned filipinos are descendants of okinawan karate masters.
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fugg it, i'm playing genshin again
Trust me, shit was much much worse back in the day. Post Covid KRL isn't as crowded as it used to be, let alone the <2014 CL. Don't make me to bring up the SOVLFVLL KRL ekonomi, riding with my roker homies on the roof.
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Manliest Malaysian male be like
>now compiling shaders
nah you clearly havent tried bekasi/cikarang lines during peak work hours
ps games?
this is a sfw board air
What paradox games can I play on a low end pentium pc?
Please, Kranji, Cakung, Klender, Buaran and such aren't nowhere nearly as bad and crowded as Bojong Gede, Citayam, Depok, Pocin, UI, LA, tanjung barat, Ps Minggu and so on.

If you want to brag about how bad Bekasi line is at very least bring up back in the days where the long distance trains still using the same rails as Commuter Line. The departure time and delay were fucking horrendous, you'd be lucky if shit were coming right on time. You clearly haven't tried commuting from both lines Rifky.
I was actually referring to the Jakarta Kota/Manggarai lines during commute hours and bekasi/cikarang lines during after-work hours, (all these people came from Bekasi/Cikarang).
I'm not Rifky, but I have definitely tried both lines almost every single day for the last three years (my campus is in south jakarta). The Bogor lines are nothing compared to that, even during both commute and after-work hours.
Should I get a 5600X or blow the budget on something AM5?
I'd go with am5 if it is a new system. If already on am4 an upgrade might be better. I upgraded from 3400g to 5600x 2 years ago and never needed more.
roodhaarige sexo

sawadeekha boobasiripaporn
>Jakarta Kota/Manggarai lines during commute hours and bekasi/cikarang lines during after-work hours, (all these people came from Bekasi/Cikarang).
That's not a proper comparison, there are more people from tn abang - manggarai than kota - manggarai around 6-7pm. Then many passengers change their line on manggarai and not ev. Getting a train from Bogor/Depok stasions on 5-6am is a lot worse than Cikarang/Bekasi. Also many passengers getting off around Cawang and Tebet from Bogor line compared to jatinegara and matraman of Bekasi line in the morning. So the manggarai comparison isn't really that fair. The ride from citayam to cawang in the morning is hell, yet still nowhere nearly as bad as nips trains on youtube.

Bogor line >> Bekasi line >>>>> Serpong line > Tanggerang line in terms on crowdiness. Try getting one from bogor on 6am if you don't believe me.

Seriously you are lucky if you never experienced pre double tracks of bekasi line where CL had to share rails with "kereta jawa". They couldn't afford to increase operational trains of bekasi line during rush hour as it would disturb the long distance train schedules.
For a new system what I'm replacing is AM3 so anything is going to be a major upgrade. Looks like the motherboard prices have come down a bit from when I last looked too
>kereta jawa
fucking jawirs
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5600x3d for gaming and it will last you a decade
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you guys think theres any goth/alt girls left in your country?
went to 7E with my lil bro, had a chat with the cashier and once we left, lil bro said she was a cute goth chick
i'm like "goth? she just had long dark hair and eyebags"
Does 7 eleven accept a young man who has been out of the employment market for a while just trying to get his first work?
go out and touch grass instead
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go out and touch your sister instead
i thought fpi hate wowi
Explain this picture, chat
more than half of /a/ is normalfag nowadays, it can also cause drama with translators and hosting sites

ths isnt like the 2000's where normalfags will just look at you funny, they will go in and change things you like
5000 x3d chips are basically unavailable in this country
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Nonomi wants to drink your jizz
sure, they're pretty desperate
at least the ones here la
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What the fuck did Indogs do?
i don't know but i support it
so to thrive i need to be at the end of recieving spectrum, either a korean conglomerate, booze company, or online gambling site.

didnt care
ponder my wife playing guitar
i support this, as long as i can watch
SEA third worlder FOMO with shit only first world suffering from
Don't know what they did, but what they should have done, is beat them harder
7-11 employees here are desperate poor young people who get screwed by having to provide money out of their own pockets when the manager doesn't want to provide coins for change and then quit after 2 weeks due to 12 hour overwork and manager abuse.
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Not worth it. You have to go thru unpaid training for 2 weeks before they even consider hiring you.
explain fuad
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ganyang mlei
>17 hr. ago

>Indonesian claim Sape' as Javanese origin in Wikipedia? Sarawakian and Kaltim/Kaltara Dayaks are mad are mad.
>They actually claimed that Sape' the Kenyah/Kayan stringed instrument from Java. Like, wtf? I'm Dayak from Sarawak, Malaysia and I'm very mad about this. Who the hell even creates this theory deserve to banned from Borneo. Sape' has the origin of Kenyah, well not known in what location it is from. But it was developed by the community themselves, not the land. Sape' don't even have the Java origin, instead, it was it has Proto-Austronesian origins! There is a lot of stringed based instrument from Phillipines and Borneo share the common unique sound. Dayak Iban, from Northwest Sarawak, has the same instrument called Belikan. The Dusun Rungus from Sabah has the same instrument called Sundatang. The Lun Bawang also has the same stringed instrument knows as Tapi'. How could these string instrument origin from Java? They need to learn history accurately. Indonesians don't even realize that most of the Dayak in Indonesian Borneo has Sarawak origins especially Kenyah! They're the descendants from the Usun Apau Mountain Range, in the heart of the jungle of Sarawak. Not only that, I used to edit the Wikipedia by adding the Malaysian achievement about Sape' which is the largest Sape' performances in the world during Malaysia Citrawarna. The Sarawakian Sape artist name also deleted by the over-patrioctic Indonesian. The world recognized Sape' player name, Jerry Kamit also deleted by them. So who is the claim country now? Sape' is from BORNEO not JAVA. I hope this will not cause the confusions for the tourist to come to Sarawak.
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Just learned that brothel in Japan&Taiwan dont accept westerner because their cock is too big. We're gmi SEAbros
uma delicia
My cock size is average (for SEA)
Proof that is little difference between semenanjing malingshits and borneo jungleniggers
Reminded me when mlei were seething with absolute fury when Google used to name Borneo island as Kalimantan that one time
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Papuan Skynet soon, aiming to eradicate any non-Melanesian blood in the country
from katipunan to mall of asia. i honked exactly 48 times
post asean facebook meme
Curiosity finally got the best of me and I joined my uncles who watch live sabong. Is that really it? You just watch a bunch of chickens kill each other? Horse racing (when they were still around) were way more entertaining
makan siang gratis
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There's an advanced civilization waiting to be discovered under all of that water right now
nweero sama
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>Horse racing (when they were still around) were way more entertaining
why isn't there horse racing there? there is some here once in a while.
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What a nice niece you got there
Want to see mine?
I was more referring to actually going to the track to watch the races. They moved all the big tracks too far from where I live.
They dont want us to gamble. They want us to gamble our lives on dangerous jobs instead. That is the college educated way of da filipinom
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Sape (Sampe, Sampek, Sampeh, Sapeh) adalah sebuah alat musik tradisional dari beberapa sub suku Dayak, yang tinggal di rumah-rumah panjang di sepanjang sungai Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Utara, Kalimantan Barat dan Sarawak. Asal usul Sape adalah daripada Usun-Apau, Sarawak, Malaysia di mana asal usul Kaum Kenyah. Kemudian, Sape ini dikembangkan kepada suku-suku Orang Ulu yang lain seperti Kayan. Sape diukir dari sebuah batang kayu tunggal, dengan beberapa alat musik berukuran mencapai lebih dari semeter. Alat musik ini berjaya dibangunkan oleh Tusau Padan dan dipopularkan oleh artis-artis dari Sarawak, Malaysia seperti Alena Murang, Jerry Kamit, At Adau, Sada Borneo dan Tuku Kame' ke peringkat luar seperti Portugal, Amerika dan China. Album Sape diproduksi di Studio LUH Production di Sarawak dan memiliki album musik tradisi terbanyak seterusnya menjadi catatan sejarah buat Sape. Di Indonesia, Sape dipopulerkan oleh Uyau Moris, Thambunesia, Baby Borneo dan seniman lokal Kalimantan lainnya

malayic hand typed this
Nice quads d00d
I want genuine love, not prostitutes.
4b chud
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their body their choice, officer
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i intentionally drive slowly when someone honks at me
I don't have a car because I can't afford one just being at home without any source of income
are there any one with toge's?
what's up with that singapore flag that keeps seething at malaysia so much
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>move to america
>get shot
diaspora niggers should perish
I could have saved her...
got any more of them pixels?
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anis too!
that smile...
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t.4chan for iphone
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I checked the source, basically you take a vacation summer with anis, she burped after drinking soda that maks you hard af, them continues to HJ, ear licking, deepthroat, semen swallowing, aphrodisiac semen burping and such.
Its pretty hot by listening to the sample.
So no ntr here, you are the commander in the story ad is.
i'm a lower middle class fresh graduate with no job
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I'm sick and tired of people. I want to lay down and rot all day and die from watching Asian porn.
Pingin nangis rasanya
>pink panther
are you a hagbro?
pengen nangis
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Our police had finally stopped fucking around with them and force them to pay all their traffic fines before our border guys let them come here.
do malay polis still eat rasuah and "uang kopi" like indog ones do?
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Procreate? I need to get an ipad to become an artist
should i buy stalker 2
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Need to have sex to procreate
it's an indog living in singapore
This place is rasuahland. This shithole is corrupt from top to bottom where poorfags who do petty theft get to serve full term sentences while richoids who steal millions get pardons and discounts. Our polis is very corrupt and violent. They don't have highly publicized super high profile cases of blatant misuse of power like the Vina Cerobon yet but they're getting there.
pengin nangis
pedees banget makan seblak lvl 5 (cabai 5 SDM) gilak
cewek pos tetek

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