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Is this Tokyo? New York Manhattan? Or could it be..
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Could it be that, me a Pole from it's capital, posted the city...of...
Wow! Poland looks like THAT?!
My city refuses to build skyscrapers and it fucking pisses me off. I want to feel like I live somewhere futuristic and important.
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london tries way too hard, every skyscraper looks retarded
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Truly a connoisseur board of skyline/geography knowCHADS
remove vertigo
You will never enter any of them anyway
All build by north Korean slave labourers
It will be bombed to rubble in our lifetimes
I miss old vertigo
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you think you do, but you dont
looks like a middle eastern city
I'll see it live in a few days
I need a Polish gf (am ethnic).
They seem very intelligent and pretty.
I have and will continue to do so, clognonce.
Remember to try żurek in bread and visit the warsaw uprising museum because it's top
How do you get on top of one of the buildings?
Varso tower has a observation deck at 53rd floor, stalins dick has one too but at like 112m so not very high up

Enjoy the chink feel in europe
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There's Skyfall 200+ m above ground in warsaw unit highrise too
I forgot
Okay thanks, hope its free
new york?
It costs 80pln in varso, 25 pln in stalins dick. Idk about skyfall
you just need pic rel and open the emergency on top floor
european tokyooooooooooooooo
Poland will look sexy af when they finish. Germans might move to Poland to live in a nice country
no, skyscrapers leave me cold

if they continued rebuilding the old town, that'd be nice
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oh no no no Polandbros, don't look!
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Do you think that gay bavarian would move to Poland?!!? No, perish that thought!!! That would be too much happiness, too beautiful too perfect!!!
i want to visit manhattan one day it looks so cool
old town was rebuild in 50s you stupid germanigger
only a small part
all of it you retarded monkey this is not stuttgard
Why haven't you guys yet demolished that ugly occupant atrocity? It pops up even when just google searching for Warsaw
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forgot the pic
maybe 30% of these vistas exist today


this used to be what you can find in the thread. now its a hellscape.
that street in 1939 was a field you stupid germgoy

cities expand you know?
it's looks like 100% helsinki tho
I love Poland.
It's the most based Catholic country and is anti-Muslim
yes they extended the street?
are you stupid
and where's the original vista? none

or this. the fact there's a church means there was a town square once
>or this. the fact there's a church means there was a town square once
have you even been to munich?

also krakow has like 400 churches
why are you so asshurt?
>you don't understand bro, we absolutely NEED needlessly high ugly skycrapers that take up all the scenery, it's very important
fuck off podlasiak
it means there was a part that wasn't rebuilt. churches were always built amidst the town

here the third example of what's gone
it means you're retarded

also poland is actually latin cathlic and not a big fucking village like south germany
Isn't Warsaw a very old city? Was it worth razing all the old buildings to build these?
this isnt a dick measuring contest
I said id be glad if Warsaw was rebuilt completely

you were obviously wrong in saying it already happened. there's at least three vista completely missing
used to be this

an entire district of grunderzeit era buildings
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you don't really now what old town means right?

is this why germans can't rebuild any of their fucking cities from ww2 damage?
why are you deflecting from the exact same situation

there's whole places and streets that were completely historical and now only exist on photos

you were wrong, just admit it.
jewish ghetto on the outskits is not part of "old town" you stupid kraut
yeah sophistics.

Prague still has that for some reason. Warsaw doesnt, because merely 40% of the space was restored. which is what I said
because warsaw is building 400 thousand living space right now nothing was demolished in prague since 40s
>and is anti-Muslim
it's not true but if it was true it would be wrong anyway
because warsaw got destroyed and only a small part reconstructed. is what I said.

and Prague didnt.
actually it looks cool and modern
Europe has way too many historical towns, Warsaw is different which makes it original and interesting
fuck off ukro
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>razing all the old buildings
that had already happened in WW2. The buildings demolished for these skyscrapers were mostly shitty commieblocks
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used to be this

there isnt even a street with the same name anymore, as it was razed to unrecognizability
funny how nowadays there is more cyrillic script in public places in Warsaw than there used to be under Russian occupation
now skyscrapers are something every thirdie/secondie capital in the world has. go to Kuala Lumpur, bangkok or Shanghai and they do it better than anything in europe

historical towns are what europe only has, and very small parts of the new world

even if you have a single one, youre already ahead of 80% of the planet
your the most retarded german on this website

also germany does not have any city 1/10 as good as shanghai
>historical towns are what europe only has, and very small parts of the new world
okay but still we compare ourselves to the rest of Europe, not Kuala Lumpur

in Europe Warsaw is pretty original, if a German is bored with seeing historical old towns everywhere where it's always 'you saw one of them, you saw all of them' he can visit Warsaw which is only like 1h by plane, to see something different and modern
youre deflecting and using ad hominem because you've been proven wrong. warsaw was never rebuilt completely. there are not buildings but complete vista gone, seemingly forever.

idk, what you mean by good. Shanghai isnt good to live in unless you like hour-long commutes, but its far more exciting than anything in europe
>idk, what you mean by good. Shanghai isnt good to live in unless you like hour-long commutes, but its far more exciting than anything in europe
you sound like the most subhuman ossi that never used a metro system
don't talk to that Pole, bro, he's retarded and clueless
I just know arithmetics. it takes 1 hour to go from a Moscow or London outskirt to where the good stuff is

shanghai is 2-3x the size of Moscow or London and has the same metro speed. do the math
its fun to prove delusional people wrong using facts and logic doe *tips fedora*
>outskirt to where the good stuff is
you're poor?
i don't leave city center
I live in a small town where living in the center is cheap

shanghai takes a lot of commute from *most* of its residents, just like any megacity. it also has really bad residential and working conditions

in terms of entertainment and 'scrapers it definitely mogs all of europe, thats also true
Looks like a csgo map.
he knows you're right, he's just trolling you, he's the guy who "herbs the thread"
fuck off ukro

>bad residential and working conditions
not a real thing you're just a retarded autsitic germ living in village in bumfuck nowhere
>not a real thing
wanna be proven wrong yet again?

every big boy company (the ones you work for if you want to be non-poor) has it, a 72+ hour working week

and about residential, just look at their street maps. its russia with better climate in that sense.
you don't really understand what a city is?
i do. there are cities that do not have an average height of 35 stories or hour-long commutes on average

albeit not of that size, which is kind of the argument. megacities are nice to look at but suck to live in

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