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>What language(s) are you learning?
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Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

Previous thread: >>202289624
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What's the coolest Scandinavian language to learn if I already know German and want to learn a language on easy mode? Particularly if I'm interested in history and literature since if I ever go to Scandinavia they will refuse to speak to me in anything other than English.
i signed up for english c1 exam, but now I fear it might be too easy.. didn't wanna go for c2 because I don't know how hard it'd be, so I wanted to go for c1 first. but the exercises are banal
Why is Ankiweb saying that the size of my collection is 0.14mb when I have literally no decks or cards? I deleted everything, deleted everything from the trash bin as well, checked media and checked the database, one-way synced to Ankiweb and even after all that it's still showing 0.14mb, my Anki is literally empty...
Maybe the empty deck metadata is 0.14mb.
Isn't 0.14mb huge for a deck, especially an empty one?
140 KB? Not really
maybe some left-over data, check media2 folder
but if it's clear, then yeah maybe it's huge. but it's not critical software, so why do you care?
Anki says a 25000 card deck is 25mb, then 0.14mb would be 140 cards...
Not really, 25000 card deck could really be 25.14 MB

I too think it's quite large, but again why do you care.
Because it could make a difference if I ever reach the size limit, I'll be short 140 cards.
>hear lots of bad shit about Duolingo
>try it out to see what all the fuss is about
>Do Japanese
>Asks me to translate a Japanese phrase to English
>Marks me wrong because I used the kanji characters instead of only using kana like a 6 year old
Yeah Duolingo is good for really starting out
what size limit
>*App asks you to translate with kana characters*
>Heh, I'll just translate using kanji, surely the app will praise me
>Yo, you didn't do what I asked, that's wrong
>What the fuck? This is shit
Just do what it asks next time.
>Collections on AnkiWeb are limited to a compressed size of 100MB, and an uncompressed size of 250MB
Are you making a 100,000 - 250,000 card deck?
Is that limit per deck or is it for all decks combined? If it's for all decks combined then I can see myself reaching that limit after several years (I'm planning on using Anki for everything I study).
Make a second account if it's possible
I found out there’s a huge archive of Soviet era films with English subs on YouTube so I’m gonna go through them. Pretty kino and will help me learn while being more enjoyable than watching the 101th comprehensible input slow talking or puppet show.

Also, I know this isn’t the place, but wtf do I do with my life? I’m learning a lang, but what are the odds I’ll ever be able to do anything with it? I’m basically a stemcel comp sci grad neet that can’t afford to do shit and work is hard to find, not that it pays well nowadays. Do I just ride it out and suffer?
>have broken conversation in tl
>people are still impressed
I also don't feel like working, I just wanna stay home reading book, studying stuff I like, playing games and watching movies or anime. I'm thinking of getting into microtasks, it doesn't pay much, but as long as I can survive that's fine.
>a stemcel comp sci grad neet that can’t afford to do shit and work is hard to find
Some 80% of the thread is in the exact same position as you
Life isn’t fair to us 4chan incels
It hurts. If I post here everyday, will you guys at least be my friends?
>If I post here everyday, will you guys at least be my friends?
Overwatch / gamingslop edish

>I do not play videogames
>my girlfriend plays overwatch
>I think I'll erase my steam account

>My mother is addicted to mobile games. I can't bear watching her play candy crush all the time.
>My girlfriend is wasting the best years of her life gaming. I wish she'd do something about it.
>I don't have a favorite video game anymore. I stopped playing that shit a long time ago.

>Videogames are one of the prime cause of the rise of ADHD among youths across the world. It's time our governing bodies do something about it
>I kind of feel like a boomer complaining about videogames so much, but I can't help feeling like the way society is headed is deeply flawed. I might be able to comment on other ways our society is headed towards unchecked hedonism if I were any smarter, but I am unfortunately part of the intellectually challenged masses.

I'm a dirty ESL so please don't incorporate my spelling errors in your translations.
>ez vîdeo lîstikan nalîzim
>hevala min overwatch dilîze
>ez difikirim ku ez ê hesabê xwe yê steam jê bikim
>diya min bi lîstikên mobîl ve girêdayî ye. ez nikarim tehemûl bikim ku ew her dem dilîze candy crush.
>eevjîna min salên herî xweş ên jiyana xwe bi lîstika xwe winda dike. xwezî ew tiştek li ser wê bikira.
>min êdî lîstikek vîdyoyê ya bijare tune. min demek dirêj berê dev ji lîstika wê şitlê berda.
>vîdyolîstok yek ji sedemên sereke yên zêdebûna adhd-ê di nav ciwanan de li çaraliyê cîhanê ye. dem hatiye ku saziyên me yên rêveberiyê li ser vê yekê tiştek bikin
>ez hest dikim ku ew qas ji lîstikên vîdyoyê gazinc dikim, lê ez nikarim hîs bikim ku awayê ku civak dimeşe pir xelet e. ger ez jêhatîtir bûm ez dikarim li ser awayên din ên ku civaka me ber bi hedonîzma bêserûber ve diçe şîrove bikim, lê mixabin ez beşek ji girseyên ku ji hêla rewşenbîrî ve têne asteng kirin im.
I don’t understand. Is this to make fun of me or saying it’s painfully relatable?

Either way, I will watch Soviet films and dream of a better life somewhere while I (futilely) apply to jobs in this meme world
I start
>Não jogo videojogos
>Minha namorada joga Overwatch
>Penso em excluir minha conta de Stchimy
>Minha mãe é viciada em jogos de celular. Não posso mais ver-a jogar candy crush tudo o tempo.
>Minha namorada gastou os melhores anos da sua vida jogando. Desejo que faça algo pra reparar.
>Não tenho videojogo favorito mais. Ha muito tempo que parei com essa merda.
>Videojogos são uma das primeiras causas do crescimento do TDAH entre os jovens pelo mundo. Já é tempo que nossos governos façam algo ao respeito.
>Sento que sou um pouco como velho me reclamando dos videojogos tanto, mas não posso deixar de me sentir como se o jeito que vai a sociedade é muito errado. Tal vez podería comentar sobre outras maneiras que nossa sociedade vai em direção do hedonismo selvagem se fosse mais inteligente mas, infelizmente, sou parte das massas deficiente mentalmente.
>Ax nimo tlatsotsontok ipan videojuegos.
>noyolikni tlatsotsontok ipan overwatch.
>Nimoiljuia nijtekiuis no cuenta ipan steam.

>No nana tlauel kipaktia juegos móviles. Ax ueli nikijiyouia kemaj nikita nochipa tlauisoki ika tlakuali.
>No ichpochtli kipoloua nopa kuali xiuitl tlen inemilis ika tlauisokilistli. Nijnekiskia ma kichiua se tlenijki ika nopa.
>Ayokmo nijpia se videojuego tlen nechpaktia. Ya uejkajkia nijkajki nopa tlatsotsonali.

>Videojuegos elij se tlen nopa tlamantli tlen kichijtok ma momiakili nopa ADHD tlen telpokamej uan ichpokamej ipan nochi tlaltipaktli. Ya ajsic tonali para to tlanauatianij ma kichiuakan se tlamantli ika ni tlamantli.
>Ni moiljuia keja se boomer tlen tlauel mokualankaita ika videojuegos, pero ax ueli nimoketsa pampa nijyolmati kej nopa ojtli tlen kichijtok nopa altepetl tlauel amo kuali. Uelis niueliskia nikijtos sekinok tlamantli tlen ika toaltepe yaui kampa onka se hedonismo tlen amo tlanauatia tlaj na nieliskia más nitlalnamiki, pero amo kuali pampa niitstok se tlen nopa maseualmej tlen amo kipiaj tlalnamikilistli.
even by duobingo standards, the jap course is trash

dont even think its good for that.
나는 게임 놀지 않아요
여자친구가 어버와취를 해요
스팀 계정을 지울까 해요

엄마가 모바일 게임에 다 빠지셨어요. 캔디 크러쉬 맨날 하시는 걸 봐서 답답해요
여자친구가 게임해서 젊음을 낭비하는 거에요. 그거 대해 뭔가 하는 걸 바라요
더 이상 좋아하는 게임 없어요. 옛날부터 그만했어요
교포 아니라, 스퀴드님.
you made him delete it as I was replying to him gfys
I do wonder if he is a native Quechua speaker though.
just a little correction, canadianon

>Minha mãe é viciada em jogos de celular. Não posso mais ver-a jogar candy crush tudo o tempo.
not ver-a but vê-la
not "tudo" but todo

>Não tenho videojogo favorito mais. Ha muito tempo que parei com essa merda.
Ha -> Há
+ add an undefined article before videojogo to generalize it
"Não tenho mais um jogo favorito/Não tenho um jogo favorito mais"

>Sento que sou um pouco como velho me reclamando dos videojogos tanto...
sento = i sit
sinto = i feel
i'd also tell you to forget about the "como" before velho but if you are learning pt-pt then it's fine because they say it like that

>...sou parte das massas deficiente mentalmente.
"i'm part of the masses disabled mentally"?
saying "sou parte das massas desafiadas intelectualmente" would be a proper translation
muitobrigado mano. Estou me enfocando no português brasileiro. Há uma ração pq o sustantivo precisa dum articulo indefinitivo? Eu pensava que pudesse se escrever sem e fica igual.
>Yo no juego videojuegos.
>Mi eneamorada juega Overwatch.
>Creo que borraré mi cuenta de Steam.

>Mi madre es adicta a los videojuegos. No soporto verla jugando Candy Crush todo el tiempo.
>Mi enamorada está desperdiciando los mejores años de su vida jugando. Deseo que hiciera algo sobre ello.
>Ya no tengo ningún videojuego favorito. Dejé de jugar esa mierda hace buen tiempo.

>Los videojuegos son una de las principales causas del aumento de TDAH entre los jóvenes alrededor del mundo. Es hora de que nuestras autoridades gubernamentales hagan algo al respecto.
>Me siento un poco un boomer quejándome tanto de los videojuegos, pero no puedo evitar sentir que la manera como la sociedad está encaminada está profundamente errada. Sería capaz de mencionar otras formas en que nuestra sociedad está encaminada al hedonismo desenfrenado, de ser más listo, pero desafortunadamente soy parte de las masas intelectualmente discapacitadas.
Don't blame it on him. I delete it to correct some mistakes.
Unfortunately not. I just have a basic kwonledge on vocabulary and grammar.

Me alegra que lo volviste a enviar.

>Me siento un poco un boomer

'Boomer' here should either be treated as an adjective or a substantive, and be treated accordingly.

>Me siento un poco boomer (adj)

>Me siento un poco como un boomer (subst)

El resto me parece bien, a mi modo de ver las cosas (gringo), pero quizá alguién más pueda decir más.

Cuéntanos, que tál esa bandera y aprendiendo español?
>tfw should have been fluent in Spanish by now but am a lazy piece of shit
Happened to me with German, took it in highschool listened to a few rammstein songs and all of a sudden I turned 35.
Don’t beat yourself up for it just immerse yourself again
when argentina and messi won the world cup at the end of 22 i made up my mind i was gonna get serious about spanish
it's now over a year and a half later. imagine how good i could be after 18 months of serious study WHEN MY FUCKING WIFE SPEAKS SPANISH so i have a built in conversation partner
i am just a lazy, ADHD riddled, undisciplined piece of shit
Watch telenovelas bro. Just put the subtitles on. Do this forever. I learned English as a child that way.

Alternatively buy a notebook and pen and write. It doesn’t matter what lesson it is just write and never look back that’s how you start studying.
Saying "me siento un poco un boomer" might sound okay in a colloquial speaking.

Perhaps I could also say "me siento boomer (subst.) un poco" to avoid some confusion.

Bueno, con esa bandera he vivido toda mi vida y el español es mi lengua nativa. lol
I know most of you don’t like Mexico, but you can watch this and just WRITE what’s being said. You can’t get enough of this even when you are at a level where you can just watch with subtitles

If movie are too long for you you can also translate songs
I am also a lazy, ADHD riddled undisciplined piece of shit. I only manage to get good at languages by doing everything I do to waste time in my TL. Watch spanish brainrot, watch spanish shitty TV instead of english. You already know the formats, you already know the formulas, so you don't even need to understand everything correctly at first. You just need the passive exposure.

I was "el gato es negro" level 'til I watched a shit ton of spanish reels and shitty telenovelas like la rosa de guadalupe and caso cerrado and then I had enough vocab to go chat with random kids online for a couple months before a real immersion irl, where I learned how to speak properly. Adapt this method to whatever your ADHD-riddled brain compels you to waste time with.

Ah buena, entonces hay alguna razón por qué viniste en este hilo? Estás aprendiendo otro idioma?
thanks bros. i am actually moving soon and my commute is gonna be long enough that i can listen to pimsleur or michel thomas or whatever in the car. from there i am just going to get back into watching telenovelas and reading
> la rosa de guadalupe and caso cerrado

Lmao even I don’t watch that garbage. Maybe Rosa de Guadalupe if I feel like jerking off but never Laura en America

Como dice el dicho is a tad little more decent
Vix and YouTube have the good telenovelas if you want to stare at Ariadne Diaz ass
If you need something classy, there’s Laura pausini and Alejandro Sanz to listen to


There is good music in Spanish, but it’s 2024 and you won’t hear from it talking to the subhumans
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>Alejandro Sanz
Ninguna en especial, solo daba un vistazo en /int/. Por ahora me interesa empezar a aprender japonés y tal vez ahora aprenda algo del hilo respectivo.

¿Y tú aprendes otro idioma además de español y portugués? ¿Qué tal tu experiencia con las similitudes?
Ah que bueno, ojalá te quedes por aquí y logres tus metas pe

Mi idioma nativo es francés, entonces aprender el español ha sido muy fácil. Pero me parece que lo que funcionó la primera vez ya no da, especialmente porque el portugués es tan similar al español. Antes las similitudes me ayudaron, y ya que mi idioma nativo ya es bien cristalizado en mi cerebro no se podía confundir uno con el otro. El español se quedaba en su propria cajita mental y ya. Pero ahora que toca hacer una nueva cajita, el cerebro se confunde caleta las entre los dos idiomas que ningún ya se ha cristalizado totalmente. No hace daño a mi español ya que llevo muchos años hablándolo, pero confiar en que algo si se puede decir en portugués o si es portuñol es muy difícil para mi. A veces resulta que si sabia como decir algo, pero no confié en que si existía (me pasó recientemente con "hacer algo al respeto / fazer algo ao respeito")
नमस्कारोमी मया सह संस्कृतं शिक्षन्तु !!
hello! who wants to help me learn sanskrit by learning sanskrit with me on a stream??
no one, you fucking faggot
저는 요즘 게임을 안 해요.
여자친구는 오버 워치를 자주 하더라고요.
스팀 계정을 아예 삭제할까 생각중이에요.
엄마도 모바일 게임에 빠지셨어요. 맨날 캔디크러쉬 하시는 걸 보면 답답해요. 여자친구는 게임하느라 젊음을 낭비하는것 같아서 걱정돼요. 뭔가 조치를 취해야 할 것 같아요. 사실 저도 예전엔 게임을 좋아했는데, 이제는 좋아한다고 꼽을 만한 게임이 없어요. 오래전부터 게임을 접었거든요.

Colloqual version:
난 요즘 게임을 안 해. 여자친구는 오버워치를 자주 하더라. 스팀 계정을 아예 삭제할까 생각 중이야. 엄마도 모바일 게임에 빠지셨어. 맨날 캔디크러쉬 하시는 걸 보면 답답해. 여자친구는 게임하느라 젊 음을 낭비하는 것 같아서 걱정돼. 뭔가 조치를 취 해야 할 것 같아. 사실 나도 예전엔 게임을 좋아했는데, 이제는 좋아 한다고 꼽을 만한 게임이 없어. 오래전부터 게임을 접었거든.
I actually don't care at all
Tfw my second language greatly affects the accent of my third language. It’s nice because I don’t have an American accent, but I clearly still sound foreign
What are your second and third languages
Portuguese and Spanish, respectively
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I'm once again motivated to learn German, let's fucking go.
The easiest would probably be Swedish, simply because Swedish has more speakers than the rest and more learning material/content to consume.
German or Russian for a uni module course?
>Je ne joue pas à des jeux vidéos.
>Ma petite copine joue à Overwatch.
>Je pense supprimer mon compte sur Steam.
오징어 게임을 봐 더 자연스럽게 들린 얘기를 배워봤어
잘못했습니다, 교수님! 자-잘모- 어어어!!! 하.... 아, 꿈이었어. 하... 꿈만이었어.
How you doing nigger? I hope everything is well.

No one cares about perfect tl, only stupid test holders that want to make lose your time.
is there a worse reason to learn a language than learning for girl/boyfriend?
>나 비디오게임을 별로 안해
>여친은 오버와치를 많이 해
>스팀 아카운트를 삭제할 까 해

>우리 엄마는 게임에 빠졌어. 그녀분이 항상 캔디크러시를 노는 모습을 보기 싫어.
>내 여친은 게임을 너무 많이 놀러 평생의 최종 행복한 시기를 던져 버리네. 어떻게든 그만하면 좋겠어

>청년들 가운데 전 세상에 게임은 ADHD의 주요 원인 중 하나입니다. 우리 정보 기사가 어떤 조치를 할 시간이 됐습니다.
>게임을 많이 불편해서 좀 노인네인 것처럼 느끼지만 이 사회가 향하는 방향은 깊이 고장날 거 같다고 안 볼 수가 없어요. 저도 자기가 좀 더 똑똑하면 우리 사회가 확인되지 않은 욕심으로 가는 식에 대해 얘기하려면 식이 다양하지만 유감스럽게도 교육적으로 잘 나지 않은 인구에 속돼 있어요.(this sentence feels the most yuckily "translatey" out of them all)

구글 번역 사용한 단어는 3번이었음. 난 intermediate인 것 같슴
>file name
if you're talking about Greek, we're not used to foreigners learning it (besides immigrants). People would probably be impressed by broken A1 or A2
damn i suck at 'rean
You're doing well, but all of your translations sound somewhat robotic.
>Non gioco ai videogiochi
>La mia fidanzata gioca a Overwatch
>Penso cancellare il mio account di steam
>speak HSK4
Chinese do spiritual backflips when I speak
>Germans, Norwegian (Scandinavians)
don't care
approve of me trying
>Italian, Spanish
do literal backflips, give me free food
>Polish (A2)
offer me free alcohol
Wtf Germanic bros??
At the begging of June my paid Spanish courses ended, it was pretty nice, the teacher was a Mexican girl living in Bratislava, I even bumped to her once while walking in the old town and we had a coffee. During the 25 clases I had, some beginner stuff sticked on me and I can understand basic stuff, make out what Spanish songs are about, and sometimes understand some parts of conversations. I didn’t take any courses during summer as I was busy. Due to financial reasons I can’t go to the courses anymore but I’d still like to learn Spanish but how do I do it alone? How can I be my own teacher? How do I get practice material and know in which order I should learn various things and concepts?
>Je ne joue pas à des jeux vidéos.
"aux jeux vidéos" would sound better imo

>mon compte sur Steam.

Mon compte de Steam, ou simplement mon compte Steam.
>ja ne igru videoigru
>maja zhenzhina igra overwatch
>ja dumaju a ja delet moi steam account

>maja mama eta addicted v mobil igru. Ja ne hochu smotrit' ona igru candy crush vsegda
Is the use of diminutives in Spanish more of a Mexican thing? I don't think I've ever heard anyone from Spain or Colombia use them
고쳐주셔서 감사합니다!
thank you.
can you give any advice and tips on how to sound more natural and less robotic?
also, did any of them come across as less robotic than others or some more robotic than others? or just all robotic?
그런 힘이 없거든
네, 댓글이 드디어 올랐다고 그걸 삭제했어. 고마워
씨발. 난 유일하게 할 수 있는게 구글 번역을 사용하는 거야. 그래서 로봇처럼 들려. 그래서 아까 여기 스레드 누군가가 나한테 '진짜 한국인들과 얘기해봐'라고 조언을 했어. 할 수 없어. 침실이 훨씬 더 편해. 로봇입니다. 반갑습니다.
What is this language?
looks like broken russian
반갑다, 호주봇. 방에서 나가고 싶지 않으면 그냥 드라마 보거나 만화 읽거나 포켓몬 하면 된다.
Yeah, I thought that it's Russian written with the latin alphabet.
so sleepy bump
the work at work didn't funking work
hans teach me german
any recommendations for books in french?
Got non-prescription non-stimulant ADHD meds replacement from my main doc
time to learn rooski
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I would be fluent in Japanese if I actually consistently studied it
I would have had a 6 figure income if I didn't waste my 20s.
I now have a distinct memory of my TL appearing in my dreams.
A girl said a sentence (grammatically correct) with a strong slavic accent. It's odd too because I watch podcast italiano and he speaks russian (but never in his videos), so I think my mind just wanted to know what a Russian-Italian accent would sound like.
How did you waste your 20s?(So I can avoid your mistakes)
Does Luis use AI for different video dubs/translations or does he record them himelf manually? It's his voice in every language
It's AI. Listen to the Japanese voice.
Pretty cool
Is anyone else here having voice conversations with AI? I've been using character.ai to practise my Spanish skills but my pronunciation is so bad the software doesn't understand what I'm saying half the time. I guess that's just more reason to improve my pronunciation. The problem is the ai kinda sucks compared to something like chatgpt which is far from perfect to begin with, but the ai voices are pretty good
It was a bit of a hyperbole, but if you are learning a second foreign language in your early 20s, you are probably on the right path.
Wh-what do you mean?
I wouldn't be so sure, the demand for people who speak foreign languages is going down. I recently heard from two forty-year-old normies that they don't need to speak english because when they get an email or something, they click on three dots and it translates the text to polish. When I heard that, it hit me like a ton of bricks that my language skills are probably not going to help me as much as I thought.
I don't regret it or anything, the access to the cultural wealth that certain languages give you (like english, german, french) is enough of a reason for me to learn them, but Im not so sure that it will help me in today's economy.
>I recently heard from two forty-year-old normies that they don't need to speak english because when they get an email or something, they click on three dots and it translates the text to polish. When I heard that, it hit me like a ton of bricks that my language skills are probably not going to help me as much as I thought.
That should tell you the opposite
>Polish (A2)
>offer me free alcohol
wtf im gonna learn Polish now
Yes. Learning to get a girl/boyfriend/random mid pussy
How so?
Apparently ChatGPT5 is "improving" their NLP which is likely just lies for investment bux
If what you said is any indication, people are going to rely on translation tools more rather than actually learning languages. Which means in situations where those tools aren't available, those of us who have the language skills will be in demand.
learning to tell your gardener to stop blowing lawn clippings under your garage door
When would such a situation arise?
Maybe if you need to speak with a foreign client or business partner irl, but they have enough people for that and the demand will remain low compared to even a decade ago.
>they have enough people for that and the demand will remain low compared to even a decade ago
Sounds kind of like you're making assumptions anon.
You could be right, but imo it's better to focus on the positives. It motivates me to think that my TLs could be useful in my job even though that's not the reason I'm learning them.
Yeah, I really hope I'm wrong but I also don't want to delude myself.
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we are currently looking for Polish wörker*innen of all qualification levels.
ze only requirement is yu pass ze 5 questions of A2 Standard German without translator.
anyone got a pdf for the Compelte Irish?
Checked OP.
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>>I do not play videogames
Ego ludī magnetoscopicī nōn ludō
>>my girlfriend plays overwatch
Amica meō Overwatch ludit
>>I think I'll erase my steam account
Ego cogitō meus Vapōrem e-pistulam ērādō.
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please never transliterate russian ever again, tyvm cпacибo
Pekka what the fuck is this
Is input seen as a bad thing?
No, but if you only rely on input, its kinda bad.
Give an example question.
Any tips on how to establish a balanced language learning routine?
My plan:
>PART 1: Drill this 1 main resource that builds the foundation for the whole Russian language.
>PART 2: After I finish that resource, I would drill input, grammar books, vocabulary frequency dictionaries, etc.
How many hours a day should I throw into this hobby that makes it sustainable and doable?
Today I didn't do my daily study of Russian, but I am thinking of either doing it first thing tomorrow or take some rest and do it now.
Я нe игpaю в видeoигpы
Moя пoдpyгa игpaeт в Overwatch
Дyмaю, чтo yдaлю cвoй aккayнт

Moя мaмa пpиcтpacтилacь к видeoигpaм. Mнe нeвынocимo cмoтpeть, кaк oнa вceгдa игpaeт в candy crush
Moя пoдpyгa тpaчит зpя лyчшиe гoды cвoeй жизни нa видeoигpы. Я хoчy, чтoбы oнa cдeлaлa чтo-нибyдь c этим
У мeня бoльшe нeтy любимoй игpы. Я oчeнь дaвнo бpocил этo дepьмo
>Today I didn't do my daily study of Russian
Excuse me while I die of shock
Faggot i had to do 530593 things today ill do it now
Is time blocking a chunk of my day and making it compulsory and obligatory to always free up that chunk for Russian a good strategy?
I am confident that I can actually pull this off, if I somehow organize myself better.
PART 1: Buy a pager from Israel.
PART 2: Tape it to your head and wait for the call.
I don't know why you hate me so much in particular
maybe you are an extremist serbian who thinks i am pro bosnia, albania, kosovo or some shit?
i don't care about politics as a whole, especially eastern europe
get off my ass faggot
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>ill do it now
>1m 33s later he makes another post
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this board is more concerned with shitposting about me than helping me actually learn a language
This board has tried to help you countless times, but you never take the advice seriously.
im a bit independent now, maybe i can redeem myself if i come back here with at least some kind of proficiency in russian.
im going to study russian every day and in time i should be able to translate the challenges.
right now i am going to review the alphabet and extensively review it, make flashcards in anki and then start urok 1 (lesson 1)
the problem is that i learned the whole of the cyrillic alphabet in 1 hour but i still need 3-5 seconds to spell out a Russian word before I can read it
also there are also 3-4 letters that I keep forgetting/misspelling
No one call tell you the perfect structure and organization. It depends on your situation and you have to find what works best for you.
>I am confident that I can actually pull this off, if I somehow organize myself better.
You are putting your success behind conditions and as a result you are subconsciously making it harder for yourself.
Treat it as something you are certain about instead.
Another problem is you are adding a gorillion future thoughts to your goal. You worry too much and even if you drop Russian (assuming you start it) in a few months, you still learned more than in the last 5 years.

Just do anki reps on the toilet or something.
how much chinese do I need to know to get a chinese girlfriend?
Russian is the only "foreign" language aside from English that I always come across.
So I am sticking with it for at least 3 years before I add a new one.
I calculated the time it takes to finish the course I am taking and it has 560 hours worth of content.
At 1 hour a day, that's going to be at least 1.5 years, but knowing myself it's going to take 2-3 years.
I knew about 300 but you could probably get by with 0
You just gave a perfect example of the future thoughts problem I described in my post.
Clear your head of all these thoughts and see where Russian takes you.
I'm thinking of either going to Singapore or Hong Kong. How much Chinese do you say?
I’m the American from yesterday posting here everyday to make friends. Still learning Russian, though I had a hiccup the past like 4 days where I slacked, but I attribute it to I got sick and needed deep rest.

I will use continue with comprehensible input as I have been for some time, and also sue the archive of Soviet films with eng subs to supplement with more enjoyable content.

Today, while doom scrolling here, I saw a bunda webm with Cyrillic title and translated it as soon as I saw it (it said “made for black men” but whatever). I wouldn’t have been able to do when I started
Is 5 hours a day too much?
I'd still say 0. Those places have some of the highest levels of English proficiency outside of Europe and the Anglosphere
What's the resource you're using? Might start Russian for fun once I'm better with my current TL
One more question, the more I study Russian the more I realize it's the [only] foreign TL that I want to learn, maintain, and improve.
Let's say I reach B2 in Russian, how would I maintain it? And it being the only foreign language next to English, it wouldn't be so hard and time consuming? Especially not as hard as those polyglots who speak 12 languages?
>Any tips on how to establish a balanced language learning routine?
I don't care about anything else you've said here. Just pick something you can see yourself putting thousands of hours into out of sheer motivation and determination.
If I could study 5000 hours a day I'd love to. It's up to you how you spend your free time. Studying a foreign language is better than what 90% of people are doing.
Like you do with English.
Maintaining a language is pretty easy once you are past intermediate level.
Good for you.
Why Russian?
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>french people call walki-talkis talki-walkis
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Ich zocke nicht
Meine (nicht existierende) Freundin spielt Überwachung.
Ich denke, ich werde mein Dampfkonto löschen.

Meine Mutter ist süchtig nach Handyspielen. Ich kann es nicht ausstehen, ihr beim Spielen von Süßigkeitszerdrücken zuzusehen.
Meine Freundin verspielt ihre Glanzzeit, indem sie zockt. Wenn es nach mir ginge, würde sie ihre Zeit mit etwas produktiverem verbringen.
Dieser Tage hab ich kein Lieblingsspiel. Mit dem Daddeln hab ich Gott sei dank vor langer Zeit Schluss gemacht.

Zocken ist eine der primären Ursachen für den weltweiten besorgniserregenden Anstieg von ADHS unter Jugendlichen. Es wird höchste Zeit, dass unsere regierenden Körperschaften endlich dagegen durchgreifen.
Ich fühle mich ein bisschen wie ein verdammter Bühmer, wenn ich mich über Videospiele beschwere, aber ich kann mir das unheilvolles Gefühl nicht verkneifen, dass unsere Gesellschaft derzeit rasant den Bach runtergeht. Ich könnte vielleicht die anderen Weise in denen unsere Gesellschaft auf ungefesselte Genusssucht zukommt besprechen, aber am Ende des Tages bin ich ein bloßes Mitglied der geistig behinderten Massen.
I find their literature fascinating when I first read it and want to access the OG content, and the broad quantity of people that speak it means I can go exploring vast swaths of land (someday, if I get the money and the ziggy chimp out ends) with cool people. Also, I’ve been a lonely inkwell my whole life and I hear Slavs are fun drunks so I can go and have crazy adventures with the boys.

Plus it unlocks other Slavic languages on discount so if I ever wanna go further I can, if I knew a few words in polish, would you guys share drinks with me and get into Slav hooligan shenanigans?
Linguno is invaluable if you're learning one of the languages it offers. It's basically conjugation anki. It's so easy to learn how to conjugate verbs in the Romance languages this way. You need to use it if you're learning a Romance language or German. It also has spaced repetition decks of around 5000 or so words with pictures, and you type in the word which I feel makes it stick more.

Shame it doesn't cover the usage of prepositions and other things. Very useful site though.
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>Want to do some b1 practice exams for spanish (I'm never getting tested officially but just want to know)
>Open exam
>It's just a bunch of minor grammar differences I have to point out
Lmao, what even was the point of learning 4k+ words and watching hundreds of hours of video, they just test you on grammar? I tried like 3 separate tests and they were all like this, it's not reading comprehension or anything but stupid grammar shit.

I'm just going to ignore these things from now on, you can post your tests or whatever but I'm just not gonna do them and I'm gonna keep reading and watching videos instead.
>Translation tool isn't 100% accurate and never will be, someone will have to look it over and proofread any text sent out
>Any international business dealings
>Nearly all of the previous ways it was professionally useful
I don't see it happening, the demand will stay about as low as before. Now they'll need professional proofreaders. If it was a company that needed people who knew multiple languages they'll still need them, if the company didn't need them before they won't now, overall it changes very little when you're talking professional business stuff.
skill issue
>Chinese do backflips
Because you're white
>Germans don't care
They're also white
Spiritually black
>Italian, SPanish
>Polish A2
They're just glad someone from another country can point to poland on a map
grammar is important, you sucking at grammar means you know nothing
you got me hard at fucking 5am you filthy faggot
Go wash your face and sleep nigger
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Agustina is the reason I will become fluent in Spanish. She's literally the most beautiful woman alive and I watch every single video she makes
I will have a ridiculous rio platense accent though lmao
Yeah she's based
I like all of them though. Pablo knows how to pick them.
Are there waifus like this but for Russian? I haven’t found many besides Dasha and she’s taken
Shel is fun because she is really silly and her videos always make me laugh
Agustina is gorgeous and is just a really good speaker. It's so easy to understand her but she always talks about really interesting stuff
It's a continuum of dialects rather than a family of languages. I'd suggest Swedish just because there're so many more of them, then fine-tune it when you're in Denmark or Norway.
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1. Can anyone recommend a 30-day French challenge? Paid is fine, just kind of looking for anything to jump-start my learning, but preferably something where I have to speak in Zoom and have graded and timed writing tasks.

2. Speaking of the latter, is there a website that offers that in a broader sense? I remember one I used to pay for some years ago for German but it appears to be offline now. I'd like to write little poems and journal entries or assigned tasks like writing prompts, then get grading and feedback from native speakers.
I've seen this whore take so much dick
Para mí es Tifa
tantos galones derramados sobre esa puta

In ein paar Jahren werde ich einen Blick auf diese Grafik erneut werfen und hoffentlich werde ich mittlerweile in der Lage sein, echte französische Bücher ohne zu große Mühe zu lesen. Heutzutage ist das immer noch Zukunftsmusik aber halt das für durchaus machbar in ein paar Jahren. Als ich mit dem Deutschlernen angefangen habe waren mir einige deutsche Autoren schon bewusst, aber mir mangelt es an Vertrautheit mit der französischen Literaturtradition außer Camus.
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Guys! Help, I can't stop checking up every word I don't know the translation of. Can't stop translating in my mind, that's frustrating. But only happens when I'm reading in English, reading in French is quite enjoyable, although I've got much smaller vocabulary in the latter.
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Hana si es canadiense
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La bompe qui sauver la /lang/
buenas dias degenerados
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>4 hours of german input so far
I chocked my dick so hard that now I call It George Floyd
>If I knew a few words in polish, would you guys share drinks with me and get into Slav hooligan shenanigans?
That's what lower class people might do, and I don't think they like foreigners. Middle class people would probably try to speak English with you, even if their English is a mediocre B1.
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Do you call your right hand Chauvin?
What apps do you guys use? I tried going the comprehensible input route but I didn’t make a ton of progress. So I’ve been looking for any language app that’s having a sale and using that for a while.
I got a year of MemRise for $58 and it’s basically flash cards with video clips, plus an AI for having guided conversations with
I don't use apps but wikipedia, pdfs you find on the internet and chatgpt are fine if you wanna read.
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How is this year's Anki looking so far boys
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Only "app" I consistently use is Language Reactor, but it's more of a website / browser extension. Other than that, I recently found a really good epub reader for Windows called Aquile Reader. I like the UI and it has a built-in monolingual dictionary and google translate so it's good for fast lookups.
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aside from last week, I've only missed days when I was hungover and had forgotten that anki existed
>Want to do 8 hours of input today
>Work is once again cucking me and I only got 2 in before I had to go
So sick of this shit, might just quit my job so I can really input.
Simply move to a country that uses your target language
I can't do that until I have money though, If I move to a spanish country before I have money I'll never have money.
Oh Spanish? I'm sure you can find a job that has predominantly Spanish speaking workers somewhere in America. If you have a job that forces you to be on-site I'm sure it's not much of a downgrade if at all
I just wear earphones.
listening comprehension deck (audio on front, TL text on back)
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I think in a year I'll have finished my long relationship with Anki. There's only so much I want to learn.
pretty good so far. Been making more and more sentence cards as opposed to just single word cards.
much like your mother
I tried sentence cards for a short while and opted to turn the sentence into a hint instead. I found myself memorizing the shape of the sentence rather than the kanji itself. Sentence cards might be better for languages that aren't based on Chinese characters
Bro she's a cartoon chill
>Frequency deck in TLs
>10 new words a day
>14 TLs
Tell me why this is a good/bad plan please. I plan on studying every single European language so I got a lot of vocab to learn. 10 words a day seems very doable
Are you going to practice listening/speaking too? Or just become a human dictionary?
The backlog will buck brake you in a few weeks.
>buck brake
*buck break

do 3 maybe 4. 14 is just not gonna happen even if you are some sort of turbo neet. I have a French and German deck going learning 15 words a day and even just that is rather tedious sometimes. Can't imagine how it'd be with 12 more.
Und Deutsche erdreisten sich zu behaupten dass sie English können. Auf solche Frechheit kann man nur mit dem Kopf schütteln.
Ich nicht. Beweis:
>I plan on studying every single European language
More than 14 languages are spoken in Europe.
I need to hand over my English license now and you forgot a comma.
Bumping because I took a break for months so I need to know if my Russian is still passable
Is there a bilingual subtitle option on youtube?
Okay alles in Ordnung dann. Mach's weiter

In einem Jahr könntest du einen neuen Englischspachlerausweis bei der entsprechenden Behörde beantragen.

(Ich kenne mich ehrlich gesagt mit der englischen Grammatik nicht so gut aus, aber ironischerweise bin ich mir ziemlich sicher davon, dass deinem Satz auch ein Komma fehlt, und zwar vor dem und. Wenn ich mich da nicht irre, erfordert das ein Komma aufgrund der Tatsache dass, das und da zwei unabhängige Satzglieder verbindet. "Du vergaß dabei ein Komma" könnte als eigenständiger Satz funktionieren. Wie schon gesagt könnte ich dabei falschliegen und am Ende des Tages würden die meisten englischen muttersprachler das beim ungezwungenen Online-Posten einfach fallen lassen.

Noch dazu und als nur anliegend relevante Frage: wie geläufig ist das Wort Beistrich im Vergleich zu Komma. Bin vor kurzem darauf gestoßen. Kommt mir eher selten vor.
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Mostly vocab only, except for Russian, Swedish, Magyar, Sanskrit and Turkic
I don't need a job so I got 18 hours a day, but I also have other hobbies
>Red: Languages I know
>Purple: Languages I will download FLs from
>Yellow: Mutual intelligibility
>Not on map: Attic Greek and Latin
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I will however complete a Teach Yourself Course in every language (in purple first) They are only 25 chapters and I will do 1 a day. This I will do for three languages at a time.
I’m almost finishing Short Stories in French. What do I do next? I’m still not good enough to read real literature and reading Short Stories in French was boring as fuck so I don’t wanna read the sequel. I wish I was already good enough to read the good books aaaaaaaaaaa T-T
read real stories (i.e. the news)
That's even more boring than graded readers... I don't care about France or what happens there.
its just news in french, not about france
Very ambitious.
Why do you want to do this?
Cool, do you have something similar for german or spanish?
German has its own one which is way better: https://klexikon.zum.de/
how the 'actuality' page looks like is depended on the language
this is the one for kids, I linked the adult version
I like Europe and linguistics, particularly Indo-European linguistics. Maybe I will go to Copenhagen or Leiden and get a bachelors in Indo-European Linguistics idk
https://miniklexikon.zum.de is a bit easier
>this is the one for kids, I linked the adult version
The one for kids is B1/B2, the adult version is C1.
>this is the one for kids, I linked the adult version
The version for kids is good for learning, the adult version is just normal wikipedia
>I like Europe and linguistics, particularly Indo-European linguistics
Then learn the PIE reconstructed language.


>我妈吗沉迷于手机游戏。我无法忍受看到她一直玩candy crush
what are you guys doing to study your TL? and what did you do while you were still a beginner/intermediate?
see the picrel book >>202437190
also I buy a grammar book + frequency deck
That's pretty cool
>tfw too retarded with learning languages to do this
I'll be happy if I can become fluent in French and German
Just find native content that balances your interest with the difficulty. There's lighter fiction like Harry Potter and other translated books from English that can bridge the gap before you jump into real literature. Lighthearted comedy movies, children's cartoons, sitcoms etc.

Try some of these:
Head hurts from studying
greece: i am forgotten
Should I just forget about learning additional languages after Russian, or should I line up potential languages to start once I am fluent in Russian?
Why don't you think about after you're fluent.
About it*
study russian for a year and see what youd like to do from there.
seems pretty good
Nah I don’t want to do the purely comprehensible-input route, I want to be able to measure my progress with CEFR levels and make sure I’m getting the core language concepts covered. What you just mentioned will teach me the word for “sneak” before I know “walk” etc.
this is not an issue if you learn "walk" eventually
Glad you dropped my TLs, Jordie. I approve of your Russian adventure.
what you need to do is find/download a collection of children's books, something like http://xn--hu1b40go5ck8x.com/
Interesting, if a little disappointing. There are lots of friendly poles near where I live so I was hoping they could graduate me from shut in to normie.

Yesterday, I watched part of “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears”, only picked up on bits and pieces but I’ll keep making the effort as I have been for some time. There’s no shortage of c9mprehensivle input it seems, but I might need to watch more puppet shows before I can do full length films sans subtitles.

You guys are my frens
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Nah I have a collection of graded readers but I still want to test my recall and conversation skills so reading alone isn’t gonna cut it.
I got a year of JumpSpeak for $69 and that’s very conversational, no grammar instruction just listening, reading and choosing the correct answer. I find it very helpful if I combine it with a notebook for writing down useful phrases/words.
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is this all you do? i've only recently been coming to these lang threads but every single time i have i've seen your goofy 2bit ass posting about learning all these languages, seemingly settling with one and then 2 lang threads over you're talking about learning 2 different languages at the same time. every time i see your godforsaken flag i know that it could only be one indecisive bastard with it, that you're going to ask questions which you've asked before, and you're going to get the same answers you've received before.

get your russian books, videos, music and all other input you need, and only post again once you're willing to do it all in russian.
der Bürgersteig=the sidewalk
he's trolling all of us
he's actually a polyglot who knows all the languages he's going to "study" already
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Well... the uh-truth comes out.
I've never had ADHD.
I learn 40 hours a week to maintain my 9 languages.
This has all been a trick.
You have been trolled.
when dutch/flemish speaking people speak french it sounds like when english speakers do it
relevancy is much more important
learning a relevant language for a stupid reason >>> learning an irrelevant language for a good reason
I posted in here a lot literally more than a year ago and he was doing it then too. He's gotta be trolling at this point.
He has been doing it since 2019.
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Tacē, Bulgare! Lingua Latina est maximus āctuālis lingua in terrā!
what a cringe video
sweet mother of god
I started coming her some weeks ago and thought it was something he did for some months tops
I have seen the idea floated that the EU should build its own Great Firewall, ban English, make Latin the official language of the EU, and then this will let us build our own tech giants and platforms and acquire true strategic autonomy.
Based Idea
Sorry honey I can't have sex, I'm busy reading(speed of two words a minute)
I sometimes get sick of inputting
walk is more common than sneak (except in Hebrew) so the natural SRS of the language input will teach it quicker.
Would getting input in European or African Portuguese do me any good, even though I’m learning Brazilian Portuguese? (C1 by the way)
I got 300 pages into a book and stopped reading it because I got sick of it
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itll build the framework of the language, then a bit of immersion will allow you to understand it pretty quick. Similar thing happened with Quebecois for me.
I have to admit that every time I see the kanji 襪 I get aroused. Since the first time I saw it I've been getting aroused by the sight of it. This is most likely because of the meaning of the word, stockings. When I see the kanji my body immediately starts imagining a half naked anime girl wearing thigh highs, all by itself.
Someone make an Anki deck with the 1000 most common kanji.
Each kanji is accompanied by a lewd anime girl.
In the original text we're told that there are salmon rivers up in the hills and that a man sends his men up to these rivers to do fishing
In the translation we're told that there are rivers up in the hills and that a man sends his men up to these rivers to fish for salmon
Translations are a mistake, if you didn't read the original you'd think these were generic rivers and not salmon rivers
They didn't specifically target salmon, they just went fishing and because they're salmon rivers they caught salmon
Bump n' dump
Spanish or Italian?
Spanish or Italian?
Spanish or Italian?
I would choose italian if I had a specific reason to do so (friends, family, job, plan to move there), otherwise spanish.
>job, plan to move there
I can't decide between the two countries so that's why I struggle.
(I discarded France and French because it's an African country and an African language if you want to know.)
Okay I'll admit, I'd like to learn French but they just don't let me in unlike Italians and Spaniards so I have to seethe.
Just learn French and then you can read Tolstoy
Why the fuck would I want to read Tolstoy? Everybody hates all these Imperial dudes like him and Dostoyevsky here, it's a meme for foreigners.
I've never seen a Russian say that about Tolstoy, I thought you guys only said that about Dostoyevsky
Do Russians hate Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Gogol and Turgenev as well?
No, he just got filtered in school for not reading them.
They're trolling foreigners, nobody likes this junk.
omelette du fromage
There are days when I don't even want to consume any content in English so watching or reading TL content aimed at learners or little children gets very difficult at times
not yet ded
let it die
Shift and ship have the same sound right?
Got a 6 on my IELTS speaking test because of my autism
Fucking bigots
Yeah, they both use the pin vowel
I have now mastered English, Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese. Started learning Japanese but got bored desu. What language should I learn next?
>They're trolling foreigners, nobody likes this junk.
what do russians usually read?
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did the price of duolingo get increased in turkey? all the websites say its like $1 per month but for me its ~$8
What do you mean by 'don't let me in'?
read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/why-shouldnt-i-just-keep-using-an-app-instead
My German is getting better by the day, soon I will attain the D1 level (able to understand Drachenlord)
I agree that duolingo is not the best way to learn a language, but it is the most fun one. you can have learning streaks with your friends and cheer each other on on milestones. dont think I would have sticked with learning spanish so long if it werent for that
I genuinely enjoy Assimil more
"Learning a language with the Assimil method is a two-stage process, namely the impregnation phase (lessons 1 to 49) and the activation phase (lesson 50 onwards)."
Is this the entire method that they use? also is the book that you buy physical or an e-book?
I have physical copies of some languages and digital copies of others. The most important thing is the audio files though. I listen to the audio on repeat on my way to work and check my knowledge and fill in any gaps with the text book.
this is what I want
>>>my girlfriend plays overwatch
>Amica meō
Femina mea
German is the logical next choice.

Someone found his reddit accounts and he was posting the same inane questions for months. He's genuinely stuck, but he's also addicted to (You)s so he plays into the lolcow persona.
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ja basiert
seine Diktion ist pure Poesie
Ok I just thought you meant you were looking for apps to help with the comprehensible input route. Tbh I'm not big on CI myself and I do think there's sense in taking an approach where you have a clearer measure of your progress but I can't really recommend anything like this because my idea of measuring my progress is being able to read or listen to more difficult things. If you want to learn concepts more directly I would unironically recommend reading a complete grammar book but not with the intention of learning every single thing as you go along. Just decide to read at a certain pace and learn what you can learn within the time available to you. The important thing is to learn something that you wouldn't have learnt through exposure to the language.
If you want to learn walk before sneak you start easy and work your way up
You don't have to write 'Ego' every time. Latin is pro-drop.
FYI, on /lit/ there's a thread dedicated to learning ancient languages.
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mogłeś sobie ieltsa zrobić, on jest na oceny, też chciałem c1 bo się cykałem ale zrobiłem ieltsa w końcu i c2 mi wyszło

ich spiele Videospielen nicht
meine Freundin spielt Overwatch
ich denke ich werde meines Steamkonto ausloehen

meine Mutter kannt nicht Handyspiele spielen aufhoert. ich kann nicht ihr spielt Candy Crush spielen sehen ertragen
meine freundin ihre beste Jahren von Videospielen verschwendt. Ich wuenschte sie wuerde ueber dass etwas tun.
ich habe nicht mehr eines Lieblingsvideospiele. Ich habe dass Scheiss spielen vor langer Zeit gehört auf.

on the topic, i installed german world of warcraft recently
I was thinking of playing old school runescape in German. Has anyone tried this?

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