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My 23andme results came back and it turns out I'm a total euromutt. I have no primary place of genetic origin. I don't know what to say. I'm distraught. My sense of self has been destroyed. Specifically, I'm about 60% med (with ancestry in Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, and trace amounts in the levant) and 40% nord (mostly in Britain, with some German and French in there). I know it's accurate because the test even pinpoints certain counties where peoples genes match mine, and they're the counties I know my immigrant ancestors came from.

What do I do now /int/bros? What people do I belong to? How do I salvage an identity out of this? I'm lost, dazed, and confused.
Nigga no one cares
Have sex (with me)
so you're 40% white
nod bad, for an american
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I do, he’s an abomination.
many such cases
>and they're the counties I know my immigrant ancestors came from.
So if you know where your ancestors come from how is this a shock to you?
You are an amerimutt. What is the issue?
american mental illness
You would cry too if it happened to you
dios mio..
Nobody cares white boy, you are still going back to Europe whether you like it or not
Imagine if the conquistadors could see the future their lust birthed
They were christcucks, racemixing was encouraged
you can just larp as all of them at once
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Embrace the AMERICAN identity
Why would you care you're already "American", what are you need?
I hate having no culture or identity. I don't even have a home state really because i was born in california and immediately moved to texas, then moved back when I was like 5 and now I'm back in Texas
>Britain, France, German
Why the fuck are you paying to send your genes to some company?
Latin Americans have long figured it out and accepted they're mutts (though now they seem to have forgot about that and larp as natives instead). Why can't you just do the same? You're American, it's all that matters. I really don't understand why it matters to you.
Embrace your Americanness. You're the new world, you're an eclectic synthesis, take pride in it instead of larping as euro or something. There's nothing wrong with being something new
Don't you like cowboys and.. ehh.. what else you got..
New World diaspora American is an ethnic group. You are in the same vein as the Canadians, Aussies, South African whites, New Zealand whites, etc.
no, I don't care, I am myself, who cares about muh genes
>I hate having no culture or identity
You're AMERICAN you stupid faggot

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