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I am totally hooked
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This is a femboy body.......
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He is soooo cute bro
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perfect feet for putting in my mouth.......
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Holy F.U.C.K.

Dats some quality GIRL you got there.

Would fuck until losing consciousness, positively.

But wouldn't date, not a fan of the whole Chinese language thing. I'd be expecting some "kimochiii kansamnida" squeals or at least some SEA "xin chao selamat" talk but I'd get the ick from the nauseous "wo jiao shi ni ma" Chinese audio.

IF you want an honest opinion.

Physically they look 100% top tier though, I do admit
There is X name on the pic
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u niggaz is so fucking gay. yo mama would be ashamed if she knew how much of a little gay bitch nigga u are
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Idgaf if gay sex partner looks like that
>has tits
thats a tranny, m8
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He has dick m8
Holy fuuuuck
Enjoying this new outbreak of Green posting.
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More for u
need to beat that Russian guy who posts tashka there can only be one /int/ tranny
would impregnate
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God I wish I was Han Mei Mei
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His self-portrait
Abu bakir Al bagdadi
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>she's into BBC
Any vids of him getting dicked down? The best thing about living in China as a Sexual Tyrannosaurus bi white male was the sheer amount of pussy and femboy bussy I got over the course of a year.
Post source
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picture is too graphic but just google hanmeimeiispig she's wearing chastity with multiple QoP tat
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>implying this doesn't just make her hotter
bratty little chinaman begging to be dicked down
thing is I'm not american
does he do nudes though
Yes, search for "Green茶茶酱" on Kemono.
thank you m8
based thanks
Meanwhile, chinese women...
You are more gay to fuck this "thing" than that femboi desu
>It's more gay to fuck a woman than to fuck a man
Political correctness gone wild
>300k excess males in China
I can save him
I live for this shit
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I liked her frieren cosplay.
Communist Party of China should enact law stipulating that 80% of male babies should be fed estrogen after reaching 5 years of age
the most diverse board on 4chan is also the gayest. there are many conclusions to be drawn from this
Every 4chan board is gay and the ones that aren't are pretending
You should hook a noose around your neck and kill yourself
literally an angel
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thanks for sharing
literally insane how this chinese boy is cuter than most women
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not gay, but I kinda want to kiss her and tenderly make love to her
wallah in poland we have saying for life to have flavour one time it's a girl one time it's a boy but since we aren't gay the boys should look like girls too
eh, i've seen better
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You niggas gay
who? porn?
Literally more attractive than 90% of the Asian women posted on this board and look less plastic too. I'm not gay at all, but this is fact.
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I like this and want to fuck this so I must be gay.........
for you
yeah not falling for this until he shows a penis
I don't mind either way
File deleted.
what do you think that is?
(if janny is upset, check the archive)
a dildo
So it's a girl
No he's wearing a cock cage and is stroking a dildo you can see his testes hanging out.
all smart people are bi
the image is not in the archive please repost
can be fake ive seen impressive fake chink dicks
That's a woman
she's wearing a cock cage
would stick my dick in him
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don't you lie to me boy
i checked the archive and there was no image to your post, but TY

got a link to the nudes?
works on my machine
but she's a huge slut FYI
the Australian anon who posts Chinese femboys and the Argentinian anon who posts Chinese girls are indisputably two best posters on /int/. i miss that country so FUCKING much it's unreal
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>getting triggered by pronouns
ok snowflake.
God does he have butthole pics?
Russia's straightest male
I don't want w*men in my gay porn straggot
Holy based.
as a straight man what's gay about this aside from the penis which is likely concealed in a cage anyways? wouldn't be that much different from fucking a skinny girl in the ass
because it's a guy
what's this post, do you think gayness is androphilia or something
if you have XY chromosomes and you're attracted to someone with XY chromosomes then you're gay
not how it works
the butthole of a guy and a girl are the same, as long as you are penetrating and not the one being penetrated, it's not gay
problem is chinese men are too womanly and at that point I fell extra faggy for spaffing to them over trannies or femboys
straggots >>/out/
tapped on this thread so fast i damn near knocked my phone out of my hand
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Which ethnicity is this?
My guess would be Filipino / German hapa
Incel fetish and he will rope at 30
if only women roped at 30 too
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>China has the best femboy
You have not seen the marvels that is a filipino "man". It's okay, I'll show you my friend
you know jamaica has the highest number of transwomen per capita in the world right
Explains why he has that opinion. Only difference is Asians have low sexual dimorphism, so there's no need to rope when they pass so easily.
i think jamaican transwomen are more likely to be raped, killed, and thrown in a gutter somewhere than suicide tho
Wait, do they really?
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its hard to find accurate numbers because Jamaican census data / gender identity data isn't particularly accurate. But the number of guys wearing women's clothing in Jamaica is HUGE. it's partially a safety mechanism since they all live together in the slums and keep each other safe

just like how being a ladyboy is a profession in Thailand I think being a tranny in jamaica can sometimes be a way of life more than a gender identity
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have mercy on my benis...
He has a black boyfriend.

Twitter has taught me that China has it's own cadre of BBC cucks.

And they were supposed to be the chuds that led us to the promise land.
Goodness me, he/she is so beautiful
I would bring him/her to Australia and treat him/her to a happy life together, if only he/she would let me
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I read femboys and I was going to add the following, but since OP referred to femboy, just ignore my post
I thought there was a difference between femboys and troons, this just looks like a troon to me.
He has dick m8
troons think they're women
more than welcome adding ur fav fembois m8 :)
And he's a tits boy? What else you invent next?
He is cute :)
So do troons
Are you telling me the person in OPs pic that took hormones to look like a woman doesn't see himself as a woman?
it's all part of the plan to abolish women
don't worry about it

no, at most he's a man on female hormones
>a man on female hormones
Stop the cope and admit it's a troon lmao
troons cut their dicks and turn them into a fake vagina
you seem to be pretty insistent on this
how heteronormative of you
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OK I'm gonna post another Chinese femboi
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First it was Traps aren't gay
Now evolved to hormone titsboys are totally men
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traps are gay
hormone titsboys are men
this is the only logically consistent position anyone sane has ever held
Wouldn't he still look great with shorter undyed hair?
They are male, but just have more prominent female physical traits.
Can't argue with facts
how does this make you feel?
I've never in my life had a twitter account so I have no idea what you posted
Whatever i just think femboys that don't take hormones are superior. Hrt tits are such a turn off...
I mean I agree, but with or without hormones they're still men
I don't know, but it still turn me on
How does make you feel then
built for big british cock and opium
i thought chyna pipo hated gays and trannies
What's in the video?
that's christians, if tradchinks took over the world we'd be all fags
They just hate ugly deformed being like most mutt trannies and gay
>sorry I forgot X is banned in Russia
just>>204711194 chokings and jerking off himself
makes me feel erect, but other asian girls(male) have that effect.
fucking hate this bug eyed filter.... ACCEPT YOUR CHINKY EYES THEY'RE CUTE
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they're cute regardless...
troons ruined it for everyone
>those tattoos
kek i wonder if he even knows what they mean or if he just saw other troons with them and thought they looked cool
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Literally me.
The majority of traps including Chinese ones like >>204711194 >>204711569 have uncanny fridge-like body shapes where it's obvious they are male.

But Green (the OP boy) manages to pass as a woman in all aspects. His hips are amazing. How does he do it?
welp, i'm gay now.
asians have tiny dicks. I prefer colombian trannies because they are passable and look like actual women but also have huge benis
I love big dicked femboys
>cock cage
That's very gay of you, guys.
This, femboys are better when they're the top
I like them bottoms, but a cage is pure painful cringe
Most Chinese males do
Chinese trannies are all on Twitter and there's Chinese language websites documenting how many of them commit suicide due to rejection from society.
Chinese females love danmei (yaoi) but in typical fujo fashion, most of them are actually straight.
Few people are actually welcoming of beautiful dickgirls
*sigh* well, another hour spent humping my pillow like a mad dog
I'll split the difference and do both.
i want an asian gf (male) so much
Btw, does anyone know if he is on HRT? He doesn't seem to be which makes it even more magical
I'll save them.
i can save them
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I will not be seduced no matter how beautiful than most girls he is and how lovely, kind and nurturing he is than 99% of women, he is still a man.

99% of femboys do it for attention and for porn even if they were a real woman they would still do porn.

Women have become cruel and only fellow men understand. I have met actual femboys and it's crazy how kind and affectionate they are than real women it's just they know what men go through everyday.

Women are so cruel that we are turning to 2D/3D anime waifus, android waifu and femboys, we all need help.
But you're black, so what's the issue?
>has titties
>not on hrt
Might be implants or fat.
grim if true
Artificial wombs and Chinese boywives are the future, and that's a good thing.
>a male
>getting topped by a trans because she mogs you
Based and hot
If you like men who look like women, then women are good enough for you.
If I like men who look like women and women who look like men?
I am so impressed that this thread still not achieved :c
Gem thread.
I don't care anymore, if that is a boy I'm 100% gay.
How is this thread still up
bi-erasure moment
janny's weakness: asian sissies
>erasure moment
trannies are erasing twinks
I want to stomp on his skull until it cracks.
Coomer (me) life support.
bit rude
I've seen “Romper Stomper”, is Aussieland truly like that?
faggot thread
Luv me sum chyna gurl (male)
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Better show your bussy.
calling fags fags is like spitting in the ocean
Post them panties anon.
I hope all the homosexuals in this thread get mauled to death by pitbull.
If you look at his Patreon images, he's completely flat
When he appears to have boobs in a dress he's obviously using a bra or some filler material
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This is just some lanky asian man wearing women's clothes
Have some fucking standards man
You're literally gay if you don't get hard for her.
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Asian girls(male) are literally made for BWC...
Sex sex sex
In my goon collection he goes
Looks kinda bogged desu
The issue with Asian traps is that they are tiny. Usually 5" at most and often smaller.
Are there any cute Israeli traps?
What's the issue iwth that??
I fail to see the problem
Can you be my bf
Asian girls/girls(male) owe me sex
KEK! Dem batty boyyyzzz!
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You may have some misconceptions about me
straightest thread on /int/
damn im in the wrong thread it seems. can you point me to the gay one?
Square shadow dick
My pp feels funny
>troons America :I
>troons China :O
>troons ugly :|
>troons hot :O
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>Liking Bhel Esguerra
Can't blame you, I fell in love from the moment I saw this cute boy
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Bhel now has a bunch of tattoos all over and ruined himself though, shame
Liking femboys and trannies isn't gay if looking like hot fuckable women is what makes your peepee hard. It's their femininity that attracts the straight male. How many times have you found someone super hot only to find later that they carry? Did you turn from straight to gay and then back to straight? Obviously not.

If you like them purely for their dicks, then yes, you are bi at the very least.

This is for all my bros that are conflicted about their sexuality. You are welcome.
Attraction to femininity or masculinity isn't matched to being straight gay. It's androphilia and gynephilia. If you are attracted to men then you are bi/gay, even if they look like the fags in this thread.
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Last post for today https://x.com/xreixo
All it matters is how good it feels once you are inside their butthole, and what they look like. Nothing else matters, you can lie to yourself later about how they were real women all along and your mind is playing tricks on you. Trannies have a prostate so they feel amazing, and I have read accounts on here from everyone who has fucked a tranny for the first time and has also had sex with women, and they claim that sex with trannies is better than sex with women. As someone who has been cooming and off to tranny porn and can tell the state of pleasure most men are in when they coom, I can confirm, but don't take it from me.
Based. Love is about mutuality.
>that flesh horror between his legs
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
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The Anglo vice...
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So you wouldn't fuck pic related just because of a cock? What if they flashed their beautiful ass?
Just sniffed my screen, this is a new low for me
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That is just SERPs for you
i think you need to work on your comprehension
Holy FVCK I need him
Where were you when I reached out
While you were getting high,
I was fighting for life
Now you are just someone I use to know
how does a male even get an ass that juicy?
is it hormones?
The secret of Asian trannies is that they troon it out at an early age, long before it's legal to do it in Western countries, before they reach puberty
can't believe this thread is still up .....
guess Chinese femboys are /int/core
same lmao
if that is a tranny then women have no future
The kind of guy who obsesses over 'femininity' is the same kind of guy to reject tits, hips, and ass as a low bar for attraction even though those are the only natural indicators of fertility. It's been reduced to a set of behaviours, low BMI, clothing, and easily manipulatable facial characteristics. Now that socially the goalposts moved men can now compete with women in 'femininity' as if it's a skill, so like every other type of skill cooking, chess, etc. it's only a matter of time until men surpass women in being feminine altogether.
I can
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Yes that is sammy_sirapatsorn, one of the most beautiful trannies to ever exist, and pic rel is poydtreechada
butifel falafel
true, if you think of it, what is femininity? nowadays i simply see if it looked like a pretty girl im sold. didnt care if they got dick or not. dating though its a problem, pussy is a must. but socially?
dude you see this? theres nothing wrong with them, they living their live normally

>my close friend all keep bashing gay and tranny though.

personally i think its fine being weird as long as you keep yourself 15 meters away from kids around you, and you keep it for yourself, no sexual debauchery parade ever (dunno why homosexuals even let it happen in the first place since all the debauched people basically just do it for fulfilling their perverse thought).

>theres a rich homo guy in my hometown who own a villa, he only employ young buff men working at his home as a servant, chaffeur and gardener. he own a seaside restaurant who mainly employ marginalized femboy
I love femboys and trans girls but they shouldn't cut off their cocks. I want to suck on them and have my throat filled with cum
trans girl without penis is like angel without wings...
>I will not date a tranny

>Proceeds to state why he SHOULD be dating a tranny:
>Women have become cruel and only fellow men understand. I have met actual femboys and it's crazy how kind and affectionate they are than real women it's just they know what men go through everyday.

At some point you will submit and appreciate the delights of femboy bussy. Life is too short to worry about what women are doing (hint: they're not up to any good with men who are not good, and they certainly do not deserve men like us).
Only because the current level of medical technology is limiting SRS to making a gaping wound. Maybe in a hundred years they'll figure a way to make functioning vags.
if I wanted functioning vags I'd just go for females, girls with cocks are sexier
if you don't get that then this thread just isn't for you man...
Okay, fag, go suck a dick.
>one day and 19 hours

what did /int/ mean by this?
that's not a guy
It is
Jannie obsess with him I guess :)
He's a girl (male).
I love her.

I want femboy cock, not bussy
>cock, not bussy
Gay af.
Based cock enjoyer
Still alive!
The power of trans with Chinese characteristics
based and cockpilled
Oi, cunt!
Xi will give me a state mandated femboy gf
Ok, since this thread is not die after 2 days, let's start the round 3!

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