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france soccer team call japanese player as jap
japanese is very angered by this
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>comment of japanese

What? Why did you write JAP?
Isn't it JPN?
The accumulation of such small things can be regarded as discrimination.

Guys,I know Japan called JAPON in French.
If it omit,it can see that it will be JAP.
However,this alphabet is the same word as discrimination against Japanese in the English-speaking world.
I want you to understand that.

Did u guys remember what Dembele said to the Japanese??

The French Football Association discriminates against Japanese and Asians, JAP being a derogatory term for Japan. As a Japanese person, I find this kind of response by the association extremely regrettable.

The French don't notice. JAP is a discriminatory term against Japan
They make a big deal when they're discriminated against, but they discriminate against Asians without any problem.

I'll say it if you take that kind of attitude, but I want you to stop acting like you're superior. There are many things in which Japan is superior, and I think Japan is superior overall. I said it because you guys come at me with that kind of attitude.

After all, you made a fuss and demanded an apology to Argentina when you were attacked, but you don't even look up the history or the WORD of what not to say when it comes to those you regard as lower than you.

A country of discrimination.
Shame on the world.
Shame on the tricolor flag.
A country of discrimination.
Never again have anything to do with Japan.


France is a country of discrimination. As was the case with Dembele, it seems like they have no qualms about being the perpetrator.

Fuck you racist country

Why do those guys look like they're getting buckbroken
why do japanese flags always try to sound cute
get help
They're begging for Big Gaijin Cock
get over it why do I care u got offended by small little words ?
Looks like a case of the social media manager being retarded. FIFA has official abbreviations for a reason. You'd be surprised how many relatively important corporate accounts and brands have given some random retard with zero work ethic the capacity to ruin the brand reputation in seconds.
>japanese is very angered by this

Nobody cares
La Japafrance est inarrêtable
it is not small little word idiot
you do not understand verbal violence is same serious as physical violence?
hateful words do deep scar to mental status
it is not joke to say insult
kek based nip!
that's a good band
>Nigeria vs germany
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stupid kim
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*drops a sun on you*
40000 of you Kim's die in atomic bomb idiot
yes white is just stupid
french also did racist thing to japanese before with dembele and grizman
I really hope Japanese aren't as fragile as the retards who post here.
Someone calls you the wrong word by accident and you make schizo threads crying for a week. Grow up.
just respond them with: "escuchen"
You are acting like a french 'man' right now.

You constantly berate and insult other nations, that have genuine complaints about you like Koreans. You are pissy for a misunderstanding, you are no better than the French.

If you do not like it, you should commit Sudoku by Teriyaki, Kagada
are you fucking serious? this thread is a ''look at those japs complaining online'' thread
you aren't supposed to take what the op says literally
how is jap racist? its just the first 3 letters of your country and nothing else.
Japs should be banned from the Internet.
Yeah fuck the frogs.
They called us DPRK at the opening ceremony, pretty racist.
are you fucking serious? it says both fra for france and jap for japan, there is no insult here
Jap isn't an insult in the french language either
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you are stupid
even in french dictionary it is say jap is racist word
Jap twitter is like this
I really hope you're a troll, otherwise it's sad.

How do you manage to be fragile and low testo to this point?

I wanted to insult you my dear mexican "man" but in in fact it's useless. There's literally a 50/50 chance that you and your entire family will be massacred by a cartel in the coming weeks.

There's no point in insulting poor retards like you, life is hard enough in your third world country. So hard that your only way to cope with your mediocre existence is to pray an imaginary jewish god in the sky.
Is "jap" really considered a slur?
Your source is invalide. Try Larousse or Robert.
yes even french admit look >>200235593
idiot it is french dictionary source
see >>200228833
this word is remind us of hardship and racism by american in ww2
I've never heard anyone use that word to insult the Japanese
Why would we even do that? We have no Japanese diaspora and we love mangas and animes more than anyone after Japan, unlike the Vietnamese that we call Niakoués or Asian people in general that we call Chintoks
I don't know the guy that wrote that, but his use of "Jap" looks more like how we call Italians "Ritals"
You'll surely see it is described as a slur, but it really has no connotation

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