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It's ova edition
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poo steaming as it were
Brexit was right.
Lad, stop posting a cartoon picture of me
Especially one without the cans
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Begun the 1000 year STARMERREICH has
Put a bar of chocolate in a bowl, put the bowl in the microwave and ate the melted chocolate with a spoon.
Getting harveys
right yeah lets all post in the early new
screaming a poo
can only imagine how bullied you were in school you autistic humourless freak
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Evening team. Had a post toil kip. Did some studying for my taekwondo grading tomorrow. Goodness me I was exhausted today. Was on the till from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm which was madness. I also popped a spot that was in-between my boobs.
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>Gary Glitter
It's nice.
Calm down Wendell
post new chebs pic
remember that bit in Superbad where they slice the bottom of their cans and try to drink the whole thing in one go? Lol madlads. Worth a try though
i think
you should
kill your
self lad
Who makes these?
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Lad, do you want to talk about the projecting your doing?
get them work, get them toil
Charlie Veitch has too much testosterone.
you just know she's a brown girl with massive BWC craving
another post completely lacking in creativity
Canslad is unironically one of the best posters in /brit/.
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i am chudjak now
Not now mate, going to sleep again soon.

Shut the fuck up incel
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I actually did post this, lad
I thought it was amusing
Mousey, mikey and all the others are out partying. We're the outcasts
Have they found out who attacked the french railway lines then
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if you like boring virgins desperate for attention then sure
Spaino hasn't posted here for a few weeks now.
got to that level of pissed where its not even nice anymore just sending this message into the void not likely ill be finding the reply if there is one or probably there wont be anyway but this isnt where you want to be on whatever night this is
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mental how frequently people die in jail

prehistoric meme
he's been doing his canslad character loads
I was talking about Canslad, not you
Canslad is very happy, lad
knew a lad who was born in jail
What happens if i put the minixodil on my erect cock
Cansnonce wouldn't be half as bad if he wasn't so belligerent and obsessive about everyone who insults him.

As it stands, he's a 47 year old disabled judge dredd roleplayer.
hairy willy
there's never been a /brit/ quite like this one
mum was a guard and shagged an in mate like that meme slag from a few wees ago ??
>no u
yeah epic, can see why you like him now
Canslad is unironically one of the best posters in /brit/. don't @ me
was saying that just down spar
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never ate a pear in me life
they're all like this what you talking about
Employed Woman is actually the best poster in /brit/
symptom of autism
there, spaino
you have a reply from me
Are you going to continue until I get bored and remind you that you're a deluded faggot who plays dress up in his mum's knickers and bras while wanking away to the idea of a black men raping you while you scream 'I'm a real girl'?

I think more people would agree if they knew how I post outside of mentioning cans
Literally don’t have any friends I can talk to when I need emotional support, scared they’ll just think I’m constantly a big sad sack and won’t want to hang out with me anymore
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>In a horrifying incident, a pregnant woman in Punjab was set on fire allegedly by her husband after an argument on Friday. The 23-year-old woman, who was six months pregnant, died on the spot, the police said. Police said the couple had a heated argument on Friday after which the man tied Pinky - who was expecting twins - to a bed and set her on fire in a fit of rage.
nooooo you cant just drink cans
why do you call him spaino
bokkles or cans
I wouldnt be surprised if you looked like this
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So go see a therapist, lad
it's what they're there for

Autismo trick, lad
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>a heated argument
You're not funny either you fat disabled prick. Haven't you got to save mega city one instead of spamming about your crippling alcoholism here?
pinky isn't the kind of name you expect someone who dies like that to have
it's obvious when it's you posting and it's always absolute dross
never tried dmt before is it easy to get?
on the darkweb yes
otherwise no its very hard to getq
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>Israel's retaliatory offensive against the Palestinian territory has killed more than 30,500 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza.
shut up tilde you nonce
Alternate universe where Tony Blair and George Bush are a cute gay couple and not evil politicians.
Without my conspiracy hat on. Id say a lot are probably drunk or on drugs
you are cancer
Alright, Spaino?
Had to google the mega city one thing

Bit weird how you know more about Judge Dredd when you posted your tabs pretending to be me but keep at it and remember, your mum's knickers feel best when they're stolen from her used clothing
sure some paki drug dealer has got some
cansmong has been spainnonce since early may
Yeah I thought it was you, just pointing out my opinion

I don't know why some people get so rattled by a jaunty Irish lad who likes cans

Maybe those people want more posts from the Belgian interracial sex fetishist instead

You brought it on yourself
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Your body betrays your degeneracy
Yorkshire rose
We know. It's funnier to pretend.
Ohh its in prison not custody. Disregard my statement
viewing perrenialpizza instagram posts
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i know you're trolling but it's the attention seeking psuedotripping and new spamming
absolute chad
The disabled 47 year old judge dredd larper is drinking all alone in his wheelchair on a Friday night.

A cautionary tale if there ever was one.
Everyone is spainnonce until proven otherwise.
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on de bokkles of cider aha yes de lads
Ah i see. lad
i think it's mainly because of me posting the same few pictures for the general which I understand is annoying but I have my preferences

i think the biggest problem is when I do post and spaino is around, he'll meltdown and end up spamming tranny porn which is a bigger problem so in a manner of speaking, people would see me responsible for that

Now I have a wheelchair?
spaino, with absolutely no malice behind this question: would you honestly not take up therapy?

Almost as sad as being a tranny and working at aldi
shut the fuck up you spastic freak
i have covid, please kill me ugh
been practising lying to gfberg
Was referring to a different wheelchair user Mikey, sorry for the misunderstanding
the brit donening
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hmm so what did i do this week
he unironically is though
>136 posts about him using "Spaino" since 4th May
>10 posts about him using "Spainnonce" ever, most not even by cansmong

no they don't, and cancer isn't funny it ruins this thread
Make your lies start lying for you
shut it
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a shiver just got sent down my spine... not sure why
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spainnonce and cansmong should both die
So you want one person to die?
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who's more mentally ill, spainfreak or mousenonce
spainmong never antagonizes one of his own personalities
always pretends theyre his mates because he has none
they're the same person
plot twist: sacked tranny isn't spainnonce
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Canslad's guide to lying
Lie about small things, but learn to lie badly
Learn to have at least one tell about you when you're lying
Personally, I like to go with a sigh and keep denying it till they catch me out as my tell
When I am trying to lie I sigh and then lean into the idea that I'm angry that they think I would lie to them, not that I'm lying in general

This way, you can 'lie' sometimes, get caught out, gfberg thinks she knows how to tell when you're lying and she won't actually catch you out

Should also point out that Canslad is most likely a sociopath so there's that to keep in mind also

Lad, plesae don't call me a tranny
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hot choccy is based
gen z boss and a mini!
So i come back and Spainfreak is spamming the thread but apparently we should all be mad at cansmong, or heathermong, or ... idk?
got multiple gfs on the go

its the only way to live life
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>erry day we 'bove ground happy day
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>Should also point out that Canslad is most likely a sociopath so there's that to keep in mind also
I sympathise but it's hard to take him seriously when he uses such a retarded phrase as "woke mind virus"
Another victim of the woke mind virus.
do something mad everyday and you'll stay alive
Bovril fan myself, actually.

A few months ago, Spaino put on an Irish VPN and said he was me and was a 47 year old alcoholic
Then a bit later he posted a screenshot of his computer and forgot to black out the tabs and it turns out he likes judge dredd so his new thing is pretending he was me then and that I'm apparently a judge dredd larper who is in a wheelchair for some reason
>Should also point out that Canslad is most likely a sociopath
after actively destroying /brit/ for a year? you don't say?
are you really a larp puppet of spainlard?
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remember when spainlad posted pictures here of random things around his house to prove he isn't a loser
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doesnt he have 10 kids he doesnt see?
blonde bae giving me a bit of this that and the other if you get me
covid sweating ahgh
Spaino er... why are you posting a fat tranny with a sword?

I feel like you're threatening my life here, lad
cant be arsed getting out of bed, putting my joggers and a tshirt on, going downstairs, and having a ciggie standing by the back door.
but i want a ciggie and they are downstairs
could go down in my boxers, grab my smokes, back upstairs, get my old ash tray from the spare bedroom, then get back in bed and have a ciggie in bed
the window is open anyway but since its a rental im not really supposed to smoke inside
occasionally do anyway especially when im poorly
and landlordberg rarely does inspections
could have had a smoke in the time its taken to post all this
and now im considering throwing a cheeky late night pot noodle into the mix
thanks for reading my blog
IM GAY!!!!!!!!!
mad that Central Cee and Ice Spice are shagging

"How can I be homophobic, my bitch is gay" meets "You think you the shit bitch, you ain't even the fart"
The Aristotle and Plato of our time
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was a good watch
i had coofid in July '22, fucking thing sucked being sick in 110 degree weather
Mousenonce is actually schizophrenic. But spainnnonce is the sort of cunt you hear about on the news for doing a mass shooting.
i just don't care
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Quite fucked
I hate larpers and liars so much, I want to stomp their heads into mush
belgium bbc spammer
sacked tranny

why does 190 do it? he must be in his mid 30s and he's still doing this type of thing, gives me the fear to be honest
Who is mousenonce, lads?
I never quite understood who that is
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would love to see mikey batter sacked tranny(s rear end)
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Based Baz
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Me in the 1%
remember when /brit/ was on /bant/
might have a cheeky snus
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where did 'berg' come from and what does it mean?
literally me but bfs
love baz he makes my day
Iceberg. Cool like the lettuce.
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Bergowitz Jewenstein
Nuff said
Common joo surname ending. You attach berg at the end of anything that annoys you atm.
why is /brit/ so cosy
How does she keep going bankrupt
'mumberg' 'toilberg'
someone with power who tells you what to do
mad how KSI's gfs have all been white
Brexit, -berg means accusing something of being german/a remainer
gays not welcome
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Tory whatsapp group chats are so bizarre
every once in a while one of them goes rogue and screenshots the entire thing
the changing of the lard, truly powerful
Went on a date last week and came to the realisation I fundamentally cannot relate to 99% of women and even if I could theirs is little chance they would find my desirable. My choices are either to construct a fake appealing personality or remain true to myself and die alone
White women cannot resist the big black income
listening to james - sit down
>remain true to myself
>one of them goes rogue and screenshots the entire thing
clearly seething because he got booted out
Is that it? God that's stupid then.
Why is the text all different sizes
I reckon this image has been doctored
just give up most men have
if you can get a date you are doing better than 90%
That screengrab is from the mentally ill Nadine Dorries

Doing....you'd never guess, defending her boyfriend Boris yet again

just be gay ffs
Anyone else fantasise about death? Honestly just wish I could fuck off and be forgotten
why do you think im here? of course not
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it's not there's just a bit of it in bold you blind buffoon
and quite frankly find suicidal people bizarre
you only get one chance at living so why throw it away
got called transphobic in Aldi lads
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The adults are back in charge...
kemi refilling the fuel tanks on my racism engine there
bless her
Someone post that webm of the austin powers spaino thing
any smoking man in?
Yeah I pretty much have given up, I still need sex though, don’t know if I try night club toil or just hire a prostitute
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l wish
Man looks like an Arno Breker sculpture.
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When life is just pointless and meaningless, the only feelings you take in are hurt, pain and rejection what is the point of being alive
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Arctic Wolf Starmer
steve baker
proper cringecase that
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The countenance of Aryan man.
dominated by death drive so i am. everything in my life is motivated by the desire to be done with everything .
But seriously why's he look like that?
often, most nights lately since I fugged up with a girl i really liked
From my profiling analysis the poster known as "Mousenonce" and sometimes "mousey".
>gender: male
>nationality: Scottish
>age: 25-30
>low IQ
>not religious
>background: working class / underclass
>characteristics: unsociable, lacking in hobbies, addictive personality (energy drinks, cigarettes, internet addiction), and significant delusions
>no relationship or significant other, no friendship, little family contact, no community involvement
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why are americans like this?
they fuck with your feelings until one day, you wake up and you no longer have any
an alien general would explain to you what a electric microwave does how
Happens bro, there will be others out there for you that will make you forget her. Don’t give up
16 yo gf needing shagged
aye I don't get that mindset at all
just too busy being happy all the time
not a normie either I just love living for good food, a shag here and there, olympics starting on the morrow, love me toil, like science news

it's quite easy to enjoy life lest you have some sort of disease OR have people close to you who are suffering
But what the fuck makes him a gimmick or character, lad?
Myself, I love the cans and the ginger women and the wife for example
antisemitic trope
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>What is good?—Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.
>What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.
>What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that resistance is overcome.
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He's lying you will literally never forget her especially if you really liked her.
It could be five years later with a new girl you like and she'll still be there
I kind of want to kms to send a message, I have some close friends and I try my best to be nice and helpful to everyone I meet at my job. Would be a classic case of “he was always smiling, I never would’ve thought he’d do something like that”. It’s honestly just what happens when you’re born into a world that doesn’t give a shit about you and beats you down at every opportunity
thanks i do appreciate it, but she really felt like the one. girl who was out of my league I'd been chasing for 2 months, finally got her, and epically punted it. she hates my guts now.
this buds for you
Labour now is like the Labour of the 70s only more insane
>>age: 25-30
>>low IQ
>>not religious
>>background: working class / underclass
Thats literally just Spainonce
this is exactly why Bibi can do whatever he wants
literally nothing will happen to him regardless of how many war crimes he commits
he would probably nuke Gaza if it wasn't so close
kek saved
you are seriously fucked up as an individual
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>I kind of want to kms to send a message, I have some close friends and I try my best to be nice and helpful to everyone I meet at my job. Would be a classic case of “he was always smiling, I never would’ve thought he’d do something like that”. It’s honestly just what happens when you’re born into a world that doesn’t give a shit about you and beats you down at every opportunity
Tilde's little knob twitches whenever someone things he's a spaino character
>love me toil
Don’t trust anyone who loves their job, means you don’t have a real job and probably do fuck all all day, opinion dismissed
most american exercises over seas exists to destablise the afroeurasian world because whoever commands that commands the world. with that america can exist isolated and get rich as it did prior to WW2 but it can't get filthy fucking rich and it can't control the world. post WW2 they're drunk on money and addicted to power. they'd rather nuke world now than go down in lifestyle and cede the world to the afroeursians
wait she hates you? Then this shit is easily salvageable. Go get a rebound girl and make sure she knows it. She'll soon get back with you.
foul stench in my nostrils
thanks mate, kms
feel as though I smell of onion after eating onion
not my breath but my skin
Why not go out with a bang then?
*destabilises the afroeurasian world*
There’s so many false dawns in life bro, I’ve probably seen more than most because I’m an emotional person and get my hopes up a lot. If you could get her there will be others, it’s all just a learning experience and you won’t fuck it up next time. Keep the faith bro
>afroeurasian world
today marks 17 years since a boy twice my age offered me 20 quid if i let him stick his willy up my bumhole. the events of that night changed the course of my life forever. cheers.
got zogged in argos lads
bro really said "it's not about killing myself it's about sending a message"
i have several deepfake pornos of her
This just might work. I've heard from one of her friends that she still talks about me all the time. Maybe that's not a bad idea bro
I'm in tech
It's just fun when new shit comes out, you master it and suddenly toilberg starts fellating you like you're the second coming

AI scares me though
You said yes of course.
Queenan: Microprocessors. We'll probably all be women at war with the Chinese in 20-odd years and Costello is selling them military technology.
Don’t want to hurt anyone else, even those that have wronged me
my piss smells like coffee in the morning but my armpits still smell garlicky. it's really bizarre
vile, VILE freak
the super continent is the world. the americas are just extra
£20 is a lot of money to a kid tbf
can't be doing that. Learning brand new shit constantly too tiring
what did you buy with the 20 quid
how old were you
because i want to fuck her holes
britain is the world
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where is he
only relative to ireland
America and Australia are just weird to me. Not too sure about that Antarctica either.
hot wheels: world race on the ps2
Yeah I’m specifically speaking of the working class experience, middle class tech redditors have life on easy mode
she's ugly though
who even is she?
mental how greta used environmentalism as an ad for her onlyfans
godfather 3 is shit
is her fanny out yet
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having a watch
all i can see is onlybuns
Heath Ledger Joker will never be topped
i wanna know how much greenhouse gases that thing exumes ugh
aren't tradies rolling in it though?
as long as you learn an always in demand skill (sparky/plumbing/any form of diy) they'll be tripping over to grab you up surely

apprenticeships don't even take that long
grad schemes take 2 years minimum, accountancy ones take 4 years and law ones take the fucking piss
it's mad there are 32 year olds in medicine who are STILL training
can't be doing with that
wouldn't mind polluting her waterways if you catch my drift
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a bit younger
shes working up to it
>>aren't tradies rolling in it though?
Yeah in America. HMRC crushes all tradie businesses here.
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feel like SHIT
How is this still on youtube kek
So if Palestine is to be restored what will happen to all the Jews?
not him but not really
their wages have been hit the worst by inflation, self-employed get absolutely shit on by banks and hmrc
running a trade is really fucking expensive and their wages have barely risen. it's only good to get into if you're a mong or an immigrant
trades are for mongs. if you're at least a midwit just learn linux and become a sysadmin. much easier money and the demand is only growing.
getting a new catberg on monday, never asked for it
oozing pus
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tech is a complete waste of time right now. impossoble for anyone to get a job of all experiences but particularly entry-level roles
I might as well give it a shot but I see that docker kubernetes shit and it looks awful
diego out on the town
still a solid 2/10
just bizarre that you want to shag her just because her kid died, surely you'll end yourself sooner or later right
someone PLEASE post the swedish athlete webm
you're responding to a literal paedophile
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If you're good at something never do it for free
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>So anon where do you see yourself in 5 years?
is that why they call it breakdancing? look what it's done to him
am I really?????? :O
just consistently have heard the opposite
perhaps my social media is too yankified

Britain's quite grim on the whole, aye?
And then what's even more grim is compared to Europe we have it pretty good
and even leafs are whining non-stop now

Seems like the only place that's really worth anything is America
more h2o for anon squiiiiiier
Britain is a nation in a state of doomed, permanent decline.
sure but someone who starts now will be in good shape when the job market starts to improve again
what's so bad about them? do you just not like working with the command line?
Gucci flip flop
Mousey is a personality, not a gimmick or character.

My analysis profile of the user "Spainnonce" also known as "Spainlad" and "Spaino" is as follows:
>gender: male
>nationality: mixed race
>age: 30-35
>subpar IQ (90-95)
>not religious
>background: lower middle class, sexually abuse victim, school bully, childhood torture of animals
>characteristics: asocial, obese, friendless, poor relations with family and father issues, cuckold fetish, chronic wanker and porn addict, closet homosexual and attracted to transexuals
>hobbies: video games, reddit/4chan
It's only grim if you want be a millionaire or run a successful business. They country is built to make sure any money you make is drained at all points at all times. Even the rich here have to stay on alert so they can keep their wealth.

I just read that story a few days ago about the guy who killed his wife for the life insurance even though they were running a company with a million in turnover. He was still ridden with debt.

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