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French TV is saying it doesn't matter it was shit because London 2012 was shit too
What would Mussolini do?
are they saying that yeah
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Me when I see the small boats
some good tunes but otherwise the whole ceremony was dogshit
siɥʇ ǝʞil ƃuiɥʇǝɯos ʎlqɐqoɹd
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opening ceremony was fun albeit TERRIBLE
This was undoubtebly the highlight
Banging British tune
Refuse to believe french TV would admit it's shit
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it started out pretty good
this week's boris

>BORIS JOHNSON: Ignore the gloomsters, the Olympics will be a triumph - and a rebuke to Labour's war on aspiration and achievements

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this bit was utter kinosoul
looks like some sci fi shit
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right lads im off for a maccies
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Evidently a lot of the planned shots and stunts couldn't be done and they had to extend with lots of dancing
wtf they wheel the pope out for
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local MacDs became 24/7 AND available on UberEats

I'm not going to make it
simple as
get the nuggets bought
>muh paint explosion
laying an egg
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Why are you posting this traitor's dribbles here
Yeah that was good

Old man yells at government

It was cool at first but it took ages
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laaaaaaaaaaaaaa la la la la lalaaaaaaaaaaaa
going crazy with boredom for some reason
Michael Jackson was good desu
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They're too stupid to hide the con
i like a drive. part of the fun

will be getting a double quarter pounder with cheese no onion no pickles
with a large coke and fries
and 20 nuggets with ketchup
>this bit was utter kinosoul
and then it lasted like 20 fucking minutes
you piggy
don't get why half the athletes att he end including all the ones on the 10 minute long boat ride were not french
france is full of gay ass coward bitches who'd surrender their ass to mohammad's bbc if america didn't slap them the fuck up
blackpool tower was built just 5 years after the eiffel
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/brit/ will tell me she's ugly
The horse is obviously not running on water I can see the platform
great you ruined it sons crying now
Seriously though how did they turn Michael Jackson white
might as well go big or its not worth going at all
black towers were erected in your mum's bedroom 5 minutes ago
How can you tell what sex this lard elemental is
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he was born transrace and just came out as white, but was white from birth
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having a wank but i'm not really into it
fucking dirty camel raw-doggin arab bitch ass hoes
210 megatons

Starvation, eating rats, fighting over loaves of bread. Cannibalism. Shootings. Suicide. The sun doesn’t rise for 6 months.

Toiling over the fields 10 years later like medieval peasants. 13 year old raped children giving birth to mutated babies in a wasteland Peak District.

Don’t get the white man angry. We’ll send each other back to the Stone Age.
/pol/ was right again
every great empire was created and ruled by white men
ancient china
ancient india
ancient eygpt
ancient greece
ancient rome
all white men
unfortunately subhumans always breed like rats until white empires are overrun and then quickly reach breaking point
she's fat
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shut up you whiney bitch ass you sound like a fucking socialist
pathetic zoomer cretin

yes, you, you faggot
omg lads!
where can I find a lass that will let me cum in her eye
wood plap
in case you didn't know there used to be indo-europeans in the tibetan plateau.
The white mans wrath. It used to be Germanic and Celtic barbarians raiding the walls of the glorious Roman Empire.

Now it’s the sun collapsing over the sky, the trees, the dirt, the water, with microscopic death. Famine, starvation. Children starving, crying out in the barren fields “oh Lord, why have you done this, where are you?!”

But there’s no respite. No salvation. No relief. Only the starving, scared Aryan man looking upon his wasteland that used to be his cities of great industry and culture.

The Aryans, the whites. The most brutal race the world has ever seen.
Enjoyed this bit desu
Beijing 2008 still the GOAT.

Then Athens, then Sydney, then London
literally why do drivers act like you are in the wrong for walking on a grass verge, always the fat chavs whores aswell
snoop dogg is hella cool. i have loads of black friends from the ghetto and i get laid with black hoes everyday
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aryan cuteness
the olympics is for boring mongs
odd post
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another wrong'un add her to the list

Scots are such wastemen
Remember Juventus
Remember Valencia
Remember Man United

>be me 2008
>just finished A levels, looking forward to starting Uni
>working a summer job as dishwasher in the local pub
>Beyonces Beautiful nightmare, Rhianna Disturbia, Kid rocks all summer long and Coldplays Vida la viva on the radio

should be right up your street then
Are you proud? Ye who conquered the Earth. The beautiful, the noble, who submitted to Christ.

You could kill the world in half an hour. Your responsibility is huge. You brought freedom and civilisation to the world. Every human on earth lives in better comfort due to your kindness. But all it would take. A nuclear bomb near somewhere in Ukraine. A dodgy invasion of Iran. An incident in the Pacific.

Aryan man, the human race rests in your hands. Stand down your weapons at each other. By Gods order.
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open the fucking pubs
Now 90s still rocking the Ukraine colours, good lads
Just say you're fat.
See you in 1 month little fella
the white man forgot the concept of duty
white supremacists cope up with as much drivel as wokies
Back from my very deserved 3 day ban. l sweat l will never discuss any world events ever again
>"superarse" is an actual Spanish word
The only 3 men i will ever serve are Farage, Trump and Putin
Surely underage bans should be permanent, not they're not gonna be underage 30 days later
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If true then stop using this website before you ruin your life.
good lad. stick to posting about poo and trannies
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>l sweat l will never discuss any world events ever again
thoughts on this
Cronem doll
only have 3 ETH left
man we need to fucking nuke those commie sons of bitches before they take our freedom. try that shit in cleveland putin you fucking pussy ass bitch
White man, you were given a responsibility. Sons of the steppe. You brought the light of the Lord to the world. The one sky father, and you accepted his son when he came.

We must make peace with the Russians. There can be no war. No suffering. We were born white men, with superior intelligence and morality. We have a responsibility to the lesser races to bring them to our ways. If we bomb the place to fuck in our petty tribal wars, humankind is doomed forever. Fuck Ukraine, fucking unite. Sort it out.

If we ever die, there will be no one like us again. No one more beautiful, no one more moral, no one more wise. The Lord gave me us the privilege of being incarnated as WHITE men, the best.

Sons of Dyeus, from Ireland to Russia, to Greece to Lisbon. Give the world hope.
Now post the number of mosques in Britain from 1980 to 2021.
heathernonce spamming his zionist shite expecting us to care is he
Um, based?
no clue what a zionist is me
right is my type confused identity probably mixed breed and angry and impressionable with the crazed suck dick eyes
He cute
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>mail and express hated the opening ceremony
>the guardian and the bbc loved it
Right. So who won the Olympics then?
100% /cum/ or scandinavian/baltic post

betting my entire lifes savings on this
watching some goyslop (Andor)
Prefer not to know
Only us. Only us would bring them up.

Were it up to the Chinese or the Arabs this would be a brutal slave planet of complete suffering and death.

We MUST establish suzerainty over non whites for their own good. We would not enslave or oppress them. Guide them. Fuck Bronze Age religious barbarity. Under the blue eyes and the cross will humankind advance.

Arise, sons of Adam. Slay the snake once and for all. Establish the once and eternal kingdom. This is your purpose, this is your duty.
USA because they bring more competitors than the other 150 or so countries combined.
free palenstine?
Sorry, mate. Getting a Chinese wife and moving to China.
the opening ceremony was great fuck you
No you're not. You'll stay in your stinking childhood bedroom wanking into a crusty sock that you should've thrown away 5 years ago.
Lads, cans update?
Just finished the latest Deadpool movie
Was kino
For me it’s lovely Japanese women.
I don't use a sock.
Tony Pooless
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Whats the lore on beard guy?
charlie veitch is a mental deranged manchild
The Chinese must be brought to the light.

They are far more scared of the tall, good looking, intelligent, nuke having, space going pale people than we are of the massive yellow army. They are shit scared because they think we are going to kill them all.

We must get through to the Chinese that were past all that shite. We must integrate them to the world. Tell them it’s all over, we won, and we’re taking you on for the ride. Make pals with the Chinese, not enemies. We won’t kill them, we’re chums now.
he needs a slap desu
She doesnt deserve him, she needs a nice guy like me.
Take up the White Man's burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.

Take up the White Man's burden—
In patience to abide
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain,
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden—
The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.

Take up the White Man's burden—
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper—
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go make them with your living,
And mark them with your dead!

Take up the White Man's burden—
And reap his old reward,
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard—
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah slowly!) toward the light—
"Why brought ye us from bondage,
"Our loved Egyptian night?"

Take up the White Man's burden—
Ye dare not stoop to less—
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent sullen peoples
Shall weigh your Gods and you.

Take up the White Man's burden—
Have done with childish days—
The lightly proffered laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgement of your peers.
Might go to bed
You've picked a good time for it.
Is it only me or has anyone else noticed a recent uptick in the amount of female nonces being caught?
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Good men
Get a chinese gf, gain a clue (from a fortune cracker)
Get them tucked in, get them cosy
>The blame of those ye better, The hate of those ye guard
so true
Might move to China and go to bed
Good gimmick from the covid-era
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I'm in bed. I'm very comfy. Sheets need a wash. They starting to pongaroo
The first lockdown had already come and gone 4 years ago

thats over 1000 days ago
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Mental really
Some cunts riding horses out in the Ukrainian steppe in 4,000 BC

6,000 years later half the human species speaks their langauge and we invented nukes, the internet and walked on another celestial body
didn't look like that though did they?
womens sports belong in the paralympics
Do you cunts take supplements?
Reminder that because of lockdown you are legally entitled to subtract two years from your actual age
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Satanic opening ceremony.
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appp uooo derr itkc osyh
why'd they let two black folx light the flame
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there's been an explosion
none of u have no idea how evil iam
Need an Evanescence gf
extremely easy to make up with a gf by saying "we were both in the wrong" and "We're both sorry"

but genuinely how do you convince a gf she was 100% in the wrong and allow her to take responsibility for it
Satan isn’t real
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Don't think this bloke's been in one bad film.
Why's he doing a normal post then
Deadpool and Wolverine
too vague a question
He’s starred in a bunch of capeshit. Those are automatically bad films.
It was alright.
Wolverine Origins
going to take a stroll in front of a bicycle race
Mad Max
Woman don't understand responsibility, don't even bother
that gay peter pan one
I hate 99% of capeshit but I give X-Men and Batman films a pass.
guts are on the ropes
x men flms, the wolverine flms and deadpool 3
women very very often overreact to trivial petty shit, especially on their periods. getting in a mood, swearing, going silent treatment, storming off; common.

they can apologise and become friendly again but usually only if you say you're sorry for doing something as well (like "how you handled it")
But how do you get an apology when you've genuinely dindu nuffin and don't feel like pretending you've done anything wrong just to make her feel less guilty that she's the sole reason for ruining the night
Honestly thought it was quite symbolic that the old wheelchair bound white veteran passed the torch on the a couple of blacks
Highly doubt it was accidental either
just crawled into bed like the slug i am
was down to 19mb of internal storage just a minute ago, had to quickly delete and move some files over
sucks to be you, my gf is chill
Ok satan
I'm so hungry all the time. Think I need to up my calorie intake.
Any crippled by inertia man in?
Get them greased up, get them oiled
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this time tomorrow, my penis will be in a vagina
like you stand up to fast and get dizzy?
Shut up.
Can't think of a single good film he has been in.
Just want it all to be over
Suggesting slugs have beds is a level of sophistication that they simply do not have YOU FUCKING IDIOT
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>Woman don't understand responsibility
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oh his name is Andor l assumed it was the planet
van helsing
movie 43
she gave away her responsibility by giving away the powers of the crown
diego in or is he out shagging like usual?
wish i had a nice tv. my current one sucks. the input lag is so bad. can play no games on it, it's too laggy.
man at work called me bitch boi
in a friendly way like
watcing a bit a prizzy B (prison break)
am hungrys
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They filmed a lot of Andor in the UK
The Scottish highlands were used for Aldani
The Barbican was used for Coruscant
They used Blackpool for the “holiday planet” he goes to after Aldani
But how can we be sure? Have you observed slugs? Maybe they grab a couple of leaves for a bed.
eating a BLT without the B,L and T
he's /brit/'s top shagger. it's friday night so he'll be out on the heath
video games train the kids for war
Can't stop wanking to this. My cock's red raw.
>he'll be out on the heath
He a character in a Shakespearian tragedy or something?
just got called the n word in the local
It'll all be over soon
well he's never here on friday nights anymore
nah thomas hardy
not my cup of tea
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shit wrong link

*to the tune of aqualung*
Cruising on a park bench
Diego eyes men with gay intent
Hey incelmong
Bit gay
worms arrange little stones to make burrows so i bet slugs do something similar
but they probably eat leaves not sleep on them xx
Based, fuck the monarchy
What's your cup of tea? Need some films to watch.
oh god i'd forgotten about that
Wow, he's a real ass
get rorked gooped on
the game? just lost it mate
sleeping in the grass with the slugs
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it's impossible to put a sleeping bag back in the bag
I just realised I have no idea what happened in 90% of the Joker movie
just came in a dame
runned out of money lol x
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Just remember the bit where he dances down the stairs. Kino

>i want to be kidnapped and killed liken hat girl


why are kiwis so degenerate?
He went crazy, imagined a relationship with the black neighbour, then shot Robert De Niro in the face
chav neighbour girl is on the phone outside smoking a joint and talking shit about her mum to her dad because her dog bit her
Where's that bald French slaphead?
It's a bad situation when the family doesn't have a family pet but instead the mum has her pet.
We've all been there desu
you just lost the BAME
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>Sadiq Khan calls for Premier League matches to be played in US
too many cherrys haha x
So nobody else is on the cans?
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About to crack the Shiraz.
feel like SHIT
drinking jamesons straight (trying to lose weight) x
anyone heard from noncelad recently
fuck you nerd
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>have cocktail on scorching hot day in pub
>ice remains in drink after taking 30 minutes to drink it
>put ice in my pepsi max at home
>it's melted within 2 minutes

fucking annoying
HOW do you stop ice from melting
I hate it
>He told The Sports Agents podcast: "Liverpool, the club I support as Mayor of London, are currently on tour in America"
what a shock, sadiq khan the islamist doesn't support his local
From memory
>kids steal his sign and beat him with it
>goes to a hospital with a gun and drops it during a performance, gets fired
>gets bullied on a train, shoots 3 businessmen dead
>bathroom dance
>performs a shit standup set with his neighbour in the audience
>goes to wayne manor and gets beaten up by thomas wayne in the bathrooms
>robert deniro plays the shit standup on his show
>joker smothers his mom to death in a hospital, kills someone at home and taunts the midge
>shoots deniro on the show
>end bit where everyone's rioting in the street
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Presumably the mixer is already cooled.
kill yourself
how do you make your text green
anyone else think it was saturday
only the most demented leftoids didn't hate that shit
Premarital sex is a sin.
Mental how badly our opening ceremony mogged the French one lol, that one will be laughed at and mocked for an eternity
no. ive had a valium to hopefully help me sleep
without the spaces
[ green]your text[ /green]
I'm a fat, disgusting piece of shit
imagine the first olympics
by reducing your carbon footprint
it's not easy being green but it has its perks
Singing in the raaaain
>Liverpool, the club I support as Mayor of London
*imagines it*
ok now what
newfags can't triforce

Good. ;ads

Tried, got saved by your mum, lad and she thanked me with a blowjob

Good lad.
[green] test [/green]
twitter timeline is just asian slags arseholes
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>Tried, got saved by your mum, lad and she thanked me with a blowjob
Not according to our /fr/ sisters
What type of Asian?
mad how you can't tell this is bait
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Based Keir dabbing on those soft French cunts
han, yayoi and ainu
If I type 'open' my phone suggests 'borders'
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Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices,
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,
Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,
The clouds methought would open, and show riches
Ready to drop upon me; that, when I waked,
I cried to dream again.
I wont force you to go on /fr/ but they think it was good
mad that it rained the whole way through
even god hated it
get the borders opened, the benefits paid, the social housing provided, a neighbour gained
would love to shag an irish bird up the arse

bet they proper filthy
biggest blunder of our ceremony. it's afraid you dumbarse
>2016: God sends Zika virus
>2020: God sends COVID
>2024: God sends rain
Truly God is an Englishman.
Done him
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why would he like it
mental accent
what if you get poo knob
i dont know why but the french really rile me up

genuinely hate them
Why would you expect a paki transplant to feel any loyalty to the city he rules over
London 2012 still undefeated in terms of opening ceremonies. This one was cringe and boring and woke, can’t remember a single thing about the Japanese one but it was pretty shite, Brazil one was meh, ours was amazing and China’s was good too
same mate imagine crushing their puny wog loving skulls
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'ay 'orn
khans gonna install shanon law any day now
a mite peckish
fuck off rorke you evil ghoul
pay gorn
No one watches the opening ceremony you poof.
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You think there will be a muzzie attack at this olympics?
someone make the NEWWWWWWWWW
athletics is for gay people
nope this is the last /brit/
got zogged in argos lads
new thread
Tot ghe pay gorn no
Most frenchies would have cheered them on if they had blown up the opening

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