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Normies are nonchalantly dancing rhythmically while western civilisation is collapsing all around them.

They care about their social status, their friend group, their career and dancing rhythmically to a TikTok.

A deep thought have never once passed their front cortex.

People like this have never reflected upon history, genetics, phenotypes, nationalism, the nuclear family, geopolitics, militaries, demographic statistics, traditional cultures, human intelligence, religion, philosophy and different countries.

What you ponder about on a daily basis is a completely foreign concept to them.

Would you like to be neurotypical?
Just because you're neurodivergent doesn't mean you're special
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Why exactly do you think you're smarter than these people? Where exactly is your evidence?

The first one runs a company which has been going 5 years now and just received 5 mil in startup funding.... you just don't accomplish this if you're not razor sharp and capable of leading people. Meanwhile the average 4chan chuddie works a dead end job and lives with their parents... doesn't exactly scream intelligence and understanding to me.

Even in your post when you say history, genetics etc you clearly mean chud shit rather than an actual in depth interest in these subjects. Yeah no shit she doesn't ponder the average IQ of black people, she's busy being a multimillionaire and getting her pussy eaten.
it's okay Rachael, we know you're doing a great job as Gen Z boss :)
Women aren't even people
>People like this have never reflected upon history, genetics, phenotypes, nationalism, the nuclear family, geopolitics, militaries, demographic statistics, traditional cultures, human intelligence, religion, philosophy and different countries.
Honestly, I think Fake tan hands and a hoop might actually think about those things sometimes
>Why exactly do you think you're smarter than these people? Where exactly is your evidence?
How is your reading comprehension?
Funny how illiterate you are, what you just replied with has nothing to do with anything I stated in the OP
how do you figure that?
Idk she just looks the most introspective one out of them
it might sound chuddy but it's a just a fact, thinking they deserve the same rights as men is the biggest mass delusion we've experienced as a society
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"A deep thought have never once passed their front cortex."

You're clearly implying they're thick as shit. Sorry sweetie but in all likelihood they're smarter than the vast majority of chuds on this site who can't even get a professional job.
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They received $400k in startup just for being female. When will you stop blindly defending vapid women because you think it's the "high-road" and makes you a "better person"?
It quite literally means you are, moron. The opposite of typical is special. That's what the terms mean.
QOS tattoo and a BBC
QOS tattoo and a BBC
>The first one runs a company which has been going 5 years now and just received 5 mil in startup funding.... you just don't accomplish this
> quality of service tattoo and a british broadcasting corporation
What did he mean by this?
>it's another midwit believing in the meritocracy myth episode
Lmao, even
In fact, rofl
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I'm not sure if she benefitted from that or not though I can't find anything related to it so presumably you made it up. Secondly even if she did it will still be a highly competitive process and if the average chud received this there's no way they'd be able to spin a successful company.

Again, most chuds can't even get a professional or job or move out of their parent's house. If they can't do this how the FUCK are they going to found a multimillion dollar company. They're completely and utterly out of touch with reality.
It's funny because just from your syntax, typing style, and sensibilities I can tell you have a lukewarm IQ.
Keep simping dude, as long as it makes you happy.
apparently they were crowdfunded at some point
seething replies prove this to be right
Nordic fail
i win
i win
i win
im ALWAYS right okay, got that everyone? always...
These girls really buckbroke the chud didn't they. It's the absurdity of how hard they seethe over something so innocuous that does it for me
For me, it's the subconscious discrimination of the video that's really funny. All of them are white except for the asian, and all of them jestingly highlight innocuous traits about themselves that are not of a sexual-anatomical natural, save for the asian (one could argue that one of the white women mentions her height but honestly, most man prefer women to be small in stature), who mocks her tiny breasts. It's like these white women subconsciously made it so their racial group would come off as more valuable in the dating market, and no one notices it because it's a stupid tiktok that shouldn't bear any deeper implications.
Everything they have is because of affirmative action and DEI. Women are naturally dumber, weaker, lazier, and all around less pleasant than men (unless you are fucking them) and without government forced affirmative action, these women would be housewives right now gossiping about the Olympics and Trump/Biden.
>Shitting out bait this low quality
Nigger chud is a term of respect
Troof nuke
Chuds eternally BTFO
I am a male supervisor at a company that's 90% normie women. Those don't seem like neurotypical women, they seem like mentally ill women on SSRIs who probably cry at night over wine.
You've been defeated OP. Close the thread and pretend it never happened

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