Anime Mecha/Robo girl
Truly having a serious lack of good ones
>>2188903who would really use this badly done garbage? you can see the fucking pixels around her.
>>2189896BroThe man said it>>2188907
>>2188903my wife /w/
>>2191767This one analog hacks me
thankj you
>>2192702what show is this from?
>>2189704Get in the franxx shinji
>>219176610/10 would preform maintenence and update systems
>>2191767>>2192196It sexually analog hacks me
>>2191989based AGAchad
>>2218421Turururu, turu, turu
anyone got Sunrider mecha wallpapers???
>>2192028Narcoleptic power rangers!
I use wallpaper engine, using this right now but animated. does anyone know of anything like this, artist is AGOTO
Can't find a good paper of a mecha running towards camera
>>2231175The use of textures and shading in this one is phenomenal. It doesn't feel flat and generic like most posts ITT which feel way too clean and lacking in dirt and grit.
>>2189699>>2189700Just two sympho posts how sad...
>>2188903do the cyberpunk edgerunners girls count?
i wish there was more non porn art of the sky strikers
>>2240363I wish there was more porn of the sky strikers
>>2204891Edited to fit my shitty taste:>>2241548
>>2189707Another one res version is too big, small version too small, it's the roze version of >>2241823
>>2231000>>2230999T-T we need more like theses
>>2233829Robot and cyborg, as long as i has boobs and metal
does anyone have cute chibi style Robots(doesn't have to be mechas) ?