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FMA Wallpaper thread
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So underrated.
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How do you mess up icing that bad?
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Aren't his eyes a bit small for that?
for mobile.
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I use this as mobile.
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Here's a mobile one. I spliced it together from screenshots of a panoramic shot, so I might have missed a couple seams.
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and here's a couple desktop ones
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Very respectable.
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i loved this part in the manga.
Agreed. Wasn't as good in the anime.
Needs more WINry.
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Shame about the tangent.
what do mean by tangent?
There should be space between Ed and Al.
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power level
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mmmmm lust
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This earns a bump.
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any greedling?
I hate this. God dang, 2003 show was so much better than Brotherhood.
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...you....... are factually incorrect my friend
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This is one of the very few cases in which there actually exists a universally, objectively wrong opinion
some screenshots
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nvm the dropbox is rip
Kinda weird but I'll take it.
Oh how I hated that bastard.
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that, and the wrists were pissing me off. here, I fixed it.
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I've seen both, and at first I liked 2003 a lot more than Brotherhood but over time I've started liking and appreciating Brotherhood a lot more
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Would be a good edit for the back.
that looks 1000x better than the anime
Let's not get carried away. Maybe 100x.
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I love these thank you
those are like 15 years old, muh nostalgia
It's almost as old as the characters at this point.
Best way to watch it is first 25 of 2003 and then start brotherhood on 11
Skip Brotherhood and last 3 eps of original.
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Terrible lack of Lust in this thread.
I think except for the bad ending, the only reason to prefer Brotherhood is if you started watching when it came out and reacted to people saying the first was better.
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Like this one but it's just a spread from the manga
still great
Excellent design.
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Someone got a good Riza Hawkeye wallpaper?
i think you're right but brotherhood just gave us more answers
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That's the worst way since 03 sets up it's own foreshadowing from episode 1
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Not really in season but might be nice to have around.
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Shouldn't Ed be an elf?
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So when is FMA: C being done?
Phone wallpaper
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Removed that watermark
something about this I don't like but not sure what
hate that smug bastard
This is my mobile and I absolutely love it
It always upsets me to no end that Pride has an extreme lack of good art for these types of things. He is my favorite anime anything.
I want more Lust.
I'm sorry but no the 2003 series fell apart completely near the end
this is underrated
There's a lot still great
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isn't this fmab
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Don't think the glyph is accurate.
Will this show be forgotten after all?
>one of the greatest manga
>had not just one but TWO fantastic anime adaptations
FMA is here to stay
But second tier I think.
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Am I the only one that still likes this?
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NGL I was so spoiled by the 2003 anime that I refused to watch more than a few minutes of brotherhood. Just went to the manga after that lol
is that bradley, lust, greed, envy, who?, gluttony, bradley again? , pride
Greed, Wrath (Bradley), Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, also Greed (first iteration, before he possessed Ling), Lust, Pride

I think.
B was nothing needed. No one would have thought it was a good idea if it had not been for the zeppelins.
I tried twice and failed both times.
Best thread so far...
I was looking for a good one of lust yesterday, don't know how I missed this one.

ty anon
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I use her as my phone
I like 2003 way more than Brotherhood, but Brotherhood was objectively speaking, better.
2003 felt grittier and more personal, a character study. Not for everyone.
Brotherhood was an action adventure. Something everyone can enjoy.
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completely agree
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I'd use her for something better.
Look again, she was doing well then got distracted
Hawkeye distracted by flour? Doesn't make sense!
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Absolutely based take.
Thank you anons
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Is that a joke or have I been hearing it wrong this whole time?
The jokes are based on a true stereotype.
Anyone got this for mobile?
You can edit.
upscaled to 4k and converted to 16:9
upscaled to 4k
upscaled to 4k
upscaled to 4k and converted to 16:9
converted to 4k
i have made this giant file so that you can crop however you want for your mobile device
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fixed for an extremely picky anon
This is correct
makes me sad how rare this opinion is
i can't stand brotherhood
Both are shit, read the manga.
Incredibly based
I have so many problems with this.
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Incredibly cringe
Found the loser with the tiny monitor
It was a different time.
OP here. its hard to believe this thread is still up 3+ years later. thanks for all the bumps. time sure flies.
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Any fullmetal is good fullmetal
It was a good show. The original at least. Until the zeppelins showed up.
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I miss FMA
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post conqueror of shamballa wallpapers
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I fucking love this opening
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2003 had a better first half, brotherhood had a better second half
watched both recently and this is my opinion too
i'm gonna start my next brotherhood rewatch from the beginning of the briggs arc
Huh weird, you'd think the funny.png poster would be here
you can't undersell how hard it went fucky anon

it was almost spectacular in how mediocore it was
Lol, clever
i just wanna go back to when me and my brother would hurry home from school so we could watch this. hold me anons
I'm happy this thread still exists.
What have you done with your life since 11/18/18(Sun)02:12:39?
sadly not killed myself
Not Op btw
>tiny monitor but huge cock
>(You) Huge monitor but tiny cock
post it
Man this thread is OLD
Please upscale this to 4k
I felt the same way for a while, but then I watched it and was blown away. The soundtrack is one of my favorite from any Anime and I've been hooked since the 90's. Also the animation for some of the fights is outstanding. Definitely worth at least a watch through.
Discussion about Fma adaptations are the most polarizing thing on the internet. There's never a middle ground. I've seen people shitting on Brotherhood more than 03
Does someone have one or more of Edward and Alphonse at the gate of Truth? (Volume 13 or episode 26 of Brotherhood) It's one of my favorite parts in the series.
ive had my ups and downs im 28 now which lines up with your post number 88 going on to the 8'th month of 2024. I'm happy to be reading daemons of the shadow realm created by hiromu arakawa the same creator as fma and look forward to it getting a anime adaption one day.
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