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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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"clean" artsyles are less desired
no vectors or ai upscales pls

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Post wallpapers for games, as long as the game originated from Japan. This includes visual novels.
235 replies and 186 images omitted. Click here to view.
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5.23 MB PNG
Seems its time to revive the thread
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>This includes visual novels
I like how it can symbolize the whole plot with just an image

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3.17 MB PNG
Last Toradora! thread has been archived after almost 3 years. Please continue dropping great wallpapers here. Anime, manga, light novel, everything goes.
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The previous Lain thread is about to bump off, so let's get another Lain thread going. I'll dump what I have
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Does anyone have any Haibane Renmei wallpapers?
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so many of these files are dead for me, bleak.
Let's All Love Lain

Thought I'd make a GuP thread since there seem to be none and it's a wholesome anime.
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I wanted to do some kind of GTA loading screen wallpapers but using lewd anime girls, any models you recomend me to use?
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Yeah, the back ground is also from black lagoon, anyway, if you have other ideas just ask
May I have one with Rise from Persona 4
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Great concept. I saved plenty of pics from this thread. Thanks for sharing.

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Needs more Bebop.
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Drop your military themed wallpapers here
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Any version is good, preferably the game one
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1888 days lets gooo
Oldfag who played Pokemon when it was released, I can't believe they gave her this whacky haircut in later gens… I'm discovering it. Original design was the best by large.
yes absolutely
What level of autism is “cares about imaginary haircuts of imaginary characters from children’s entertainment franchises”?
Realized I had the full size of this one!

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Holy shit this thread is nearly 6 years old
And it’s almost all trash for a really trash anime. So yeah, it tracks.
code geass isn’t great, but it’s certainly not trash either

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I'm surprised there isn't any thread for my favourite isekai anime yet, so I'll make one here!
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sorry boss ill post a gigabit image of anime boobs next time, fuck off man
i like your wallpaper anon :)
lets keep sharing our love for this anime
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here's the full
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1978, 1981, 2022, and anything in between
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4K: https://files.catbox.moe/puikqv.png
just got a new phone, anyone got anything good?
pretty sure this was my post last year lol

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Where are all my /m/en and wo/m/en at?
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I- is this... Skibidi Toilet?
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This thread is nearly a year old.
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>Search for Slayers
>0 Results

Time to post some Slayers wallpaper
Here some i found online, anything Slayers related goes. Bonus point for vectors and abstarct wallpapers but i'm not picky.
105 replies and 87 images omitted. Click here to view.
These are fucking gorgeous.
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one i made forever ago
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in this thread, post only Gantz wallpaper.
4 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
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