I can't believe we don't have a thread about that
Thread for Vtuubas and related accessories.
>>2252486Wrong board nigger
Houshou Marine papes please
>>2257545Ive been looking for this one too
Where are all my /m/en and wo/m/en at?
>>2249868This thread is nearly a year old.
>>2260110That's young for this board.
reallife pic, but anime charactersSO GOOD
>>2261365An attempt was made
>>2252075same...>>2257879>>2259338can i apply too? not a femboy though
made this for a youtube thumbnail recently
anyone got one of this with lain?
post your yuri/shoujo ai wallpapers!this includes things from series like k-on, yuri yuri, new game... you get the point
Post collage wallpaper
>>2262078bumb, man am I illiterate. I read OP and was like: "what does this have to do with university?"
Wallpapers that make you feel that speical kind of sadness
>>2258255Glad to see this thread is still up after so long and that you made it OP!
>>2257008MODS, whatever you did to restore broken thumbnails seems to have broken this image - it's all zeroes inside.Here's the copy I got from archives if anybody wants it https://files.catbox.moe/3jhdqv.jpg
>>2213910anyone still got this pic?
I don't think I've ever seen a thread for Birdy, not a huge show but one of my favorites, drop some papes and discuss
>>2260884I really shoukd stop being a bitch about fanservice on my wallpapers and just use her...
>>2261625Don't let self consciousness bring you down, do what makes YOU happy!
just finished hanako's route
>>2251418the german do
>>2250161>>2250162>>2250352Thank you for these. I'd love to see some more if anyone has any, especially for phones.
>>2260128phone is not a real resolution anon... AAAAxBBBB format please.
Who’s your favourite, dear anons?
just some manga panels or edits (black and white only)
Previous thread: >>2200016
>>2250921HNNNGGGG more of these pls
anyone happen to have this >>7832249 saved?
Dumped a bunch of YKK papes/panels over the last few days without realizing this thread was a thing. >>2257051>>2257025
this is ykk...
>>2256028Is that from the previous thread? Because if it is then I have all the pictures saved
death note is literally: how dumb people think smart people think
>>2261557>doesn't think like light yagamiat least try not to out yourself as a midwit
>>2261808>Light literally led L right to his fucking doorstepat least try not to out yourself as a dumbass
>>2261826>no pape givenimagine being this retarded
• Please always do a reverse image search before you ask us for help; iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.• Please explain your request in detail. We can't read your mind; every hint helps us get you the image you want.• Please give the specific image size desired: WIDTH x HEIGHT is the convention when giving dimensions.• Please include all requests in one reply. Link any additional requests to the original request.• There is a separate thread for vectors. Please take your vector requests there: >>>/w/vector• This is a SFW board. If you must request a lewd picture, please do warn us before you post the link.• Please upload and link to an image hosting sites such as catbox.moe; mixtape.moe; temporary file hosters like uguu.se make the most sense, so use them whenever possible. Please DO NOT use Imgur — it compresses images.• Please DO NOT add white space NOR stretch/shrink your picture since that makes it harder to work on.• Please be patient. Your request might be very difficult or maybe the available editors are not interested. Don't take it personally.• Please DO NOT «bump» your requests.TO EVERYONE:• Please DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.• Please BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2261316Super late but thanks anon, really appreciated!
>>2261985Not bad at all, thanks.
Can someone please help me with this image. I used chatgpt to make it.I would like it to be cleaned up of all the little weird things GPT left behind.
>>2262774what do you want in text and in what font, it's usually always better to just remove ai generated text and redo it by hand
>>2262785Just Doo DudesIn a clean font.