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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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-Nothing created after 2012
-preferably optimal for CRT monitors (e.g 4:3, 1024x768)

don't know where to find any? Go to konachan and go to the last page.
Have fun!
35 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
cool shit anon
lucky star hell yeah
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I feel like I remember this also being the one Konata Izumi had in the anime.
These are nice, anon. Thank you for the link.

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256 replies and 96 images omitted. Click here to view.
ive tried with 1000 mg melatonin. Felt really sleepy like I hadn't slept the day before but I'm still here. I'm going to hang out with friends tmr, see if it changes my mind on things.
>1000 mg melatonin
That's an endogenous hormone.
You can't overdose on that, as there isn't even a known LD50.
You could have taken 100 times that dose and still be fine.
Barbiturates are what you want, but they're not prescribed anymore.
fuck this dogshit board man
I don't think it's a board-specific thing, I've seen it on other boards, too.
Also, I'm seeing quite a lot of gore ITT, is that allowed on a blue board?

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Girls using computers thread
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widened and upscaled
there are no robots in Azumanga
That's Nano from Nichijou.

The one you always come back to, the "default" for testing out a screen.

This one is mine, albeit super sonico is a random literally who made for capitalistic merchandizing, it just always feels right, i don't know.
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for about five years now
All hail the stale American cheese slice
>the senpai from r15 ja dame desu ka out of nowhere
this artist is based
so beautiful

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>What is Renders in Shapes?
A style of wallpaper that has a render, within a shape, on top of a nature/urban background. Shapes are typically white/black in color. Background is often blurred around the shape, and left unblurred in the middle. Text is sometimes added.

>Tutorials & Resources
Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVXAMdNCJZDgyrvDC2kw3vCSEMvAQVbBN
BG & Render Links: https://pastebin.com/yBxerZZw

1) Please post rendered images - preferably high quality ones
2) Please post background image you want (optional)
3) Thank whoever filled your request
Previous thread: >>2247201
>Thread Archive: http://pastebin.com/qQNYTLiS
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They're asking for email verifications now, wtf?
>>2262085 #
Yeah, 800 seconds to post. Wat
And this looks awesome. Thank you!
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Requesting something green in 3440x1440
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Requesting. I don't mind if you have a better idea for the background, I just want to see Elsa's full body in the final result and you can play with the robes and the shape, maybe hiding a part of it behind the shape to make her look she's coming from the inside the shape or something.
Thanks a lot anons
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these 3 btw is from Gotcha music video, if anyone managed to capture a better resolution would be greatly appreciated
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I'll need this later
insanely cool

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A thread for anime wallpapers with Christian aesthetics or themes.
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There are lots of Luce pics, but few make good wallpapers...
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Makoto Shinkai papes
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GOATed thread. Your Name is fucking amazing.

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Hit me with your best JOJO papes /w/, both PC and Phone
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I love this manga-style so much. thanks for sharing
PT 8 jojolion
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pls cut the fujo crap.
this artist also draws yaoi.
thanks anon.
God doesn't want you people doing this homosexuality. repent.

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Holiday season is approaching!!!
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First gen on one of the websites. I think it came out pretty well I just wish I knew how to make it look less ai-y
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>Poorly crop out a character
>Slap a logo on the shitty work.
I'll never understand this mentality.

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Anything related to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Anime, Manga, Fanart, Movies, Dolls, Toys, Cosplay, everything goes.

Previous thread: >>2242572
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Evangelion is the goat.

This is a long shot, but does anyone have any good screenshots or copies of landscape backgrounds from the original series? Maybe from an art book for the series or something. The landscapes in episode 4 are absolutely wallpaper material if there's any high quality copies.
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Need more.
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post some wallpapers like picrel
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Great thread idea
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Pictures involving girls wearing tights. Any aspect ratio.
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