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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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couldnt find a thread,
one more night
34 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
anyone have wallpapers from modern day AU?
>tfw no Mario & Luigi game with Chito & Yuuri
Trying to find a good Shimeji simulation wallpaper too.
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Anime style prefered
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I noticed there's a lack of good phone papes for 1080x2400, so I went ahead and made some myself.
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sharing one I made
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I can't believe we don't have a thread about that
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>Assuming everyone happens to have one of everything
>Especially the guy who is requesting
Get over yourself
i wish they put at least the tiniest bit of effort into the background
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Post wallpapers for games, as long as the game originated from Japan. This includes visual novels.
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Anon never responded but I found three more (from background images on the Playstation store website of all places).
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Man, Bunny Must Die/Chelsea and the 7 Devils is such a good fucking game. Highly recommend if you like metroidvanias.
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It's amazing how well this company did with facial scan, et al. meanwhile in western studios...

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Anything related to the OVAs, series, manga, fanart, etc...

Last Thread: >>2201612

And never forget: a believing heart is your magic.
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This show has a very ugly art style.

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Drop your SMT / Persona / Etrian Odyssey / Maken X or other Atlus papes
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could be used to make a wallpaper

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Might be just a screenshot from the anime, but i use it as wallpaper and i think its great
The background art in this show was pretty decent, shame about the garbage writing and character designs though.

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can we get an Aqua/Aria thread going /w/?
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Anime girl feet wallpapers
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Can confirm that fucking a footpussy feels way better than fucking an actual vagina, heck even most sex toys feel better, feet are on par with assholes, just be liberal with the baby oil.
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>be liberal with the baby oil
Duly noted and thank you for the real life protip.

All I want to do is worship Sayu's feet forever. I don't want to do anything else, not work a job, not pay taxes, not contribute to society. Sayu is where it's at for me and where I'm meant to be.

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49 replies and 46 images omitted. Click here to view.
very good wallpaper! i like it
I meant this. this a really good wallpaper
Anybody have the bliss wallpaper with the safeguard standing in the background?
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Was this supposed to be Mensab or Cibo?
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i believe it's time for a fate grand order thread. lb6 is most welcomed
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What a wonderful collection, thank you for sharing

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I dug out and fixed up my tiny old Windows XP laptop. Post your old nostalgic 800x600 wallpapers for me to put on this thing
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.

The one you always come back to, the "default" for testing out a screen.

This one is mine, albeit super sonico is a random literally who made for capitalistic merchandizing, it just always feels right, i don't know.
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these are so fucking good
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really comfy

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