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I remade it better )
Gay I is not welcome ITT
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hello russian frend

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just some manga panels or edits (black and white only)
90 replies and 82 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nice pics!
This is /w/ not /a/ you fucking faggots. Post actual papes. Goddamn tourists I swear to God
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Okiku-san wa Ichatsukitai

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one yr later and i still use this
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I use >>2243743 because I like the absurdity of having your set-up as my background desu

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Where are all my /m/en and wo/m/en at?
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I- is this... Skibidi Toilet?

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I can't believe we don't have a thread about that
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>Assuming everyone happens to have one of everything
>Especially the guy who is requesting
Get over yourself
i wish they put at least the tiniest bit of effort into the background
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epic thread lads

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The greatest anime of our generation, Chainsaw Man.
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can someone help me find the original? I did all the typical reverse image searches.
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Actually it’s greatest manga of our generation. Season one of the anime doesn’t capture the soul of the manga.
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The entire thread is based art, holy shit

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Any for Synthesizer V?
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Not 2B, but I edited this image that had 9S in Emil's Cave, what does /w/ think?
Well it's 2B's grave so it's not exactly not related either.
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I'm not even in the adult section
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The best
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Hit me with your best JOJO papes /w/, both PC and Phone
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SDC Wallpaper 4k

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PC, Phone anything goes
AIslop fuck off
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pt 4
anyone know of an landscape bunny asuna pic that matches this aesthetic?
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Anime girl feet wallpapers
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I tried to post this image of sayu but got v& for posting furry because the hand holding her feet is a hilichurl's or smth
The image doesn't show up for me. All I see is the GUI of some sort of beta SenkakuComplex site, and the border GUI says 0/1 (whatever that means) but otherwise nothing is there. Would you be willing to try again but this time upload it to Catbox. I will always need more Sayu feet. Fuckin' Sayu feet destroy me, man. In the best way possible.

And on that note, I fucking love her feet. Fucking put it in my face forever.
Looks like you have to be logged in. Try changing the subdomain from "beta" to "chan". You can also just search on chan.sankakucomplex.com for my sayu favs, just type in "sayu_(genshin_impact) fav:bigrichard". You can also exclude AI pics with "-AI-created" if you prefer.
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FMA Wallpaper thread
212 replies and 111 images omitted. Click here to view.
Please upscale this to 4k
I felt the same way for a while, but then I watched it and was blown away. The soundtrack is one of my favorite from any Anime and I've been hooked since the 90's. Also the animation for some of the fights is outstanding. Definitely worth at least a watch through.
Discussion about Fma adaptations are the most polarizing thing on the internet. There's never a middle ground. I've seen people shitting on Brotherhood more than 03
Does someone have one or more of Edward and Alphonse at the gate of Truth? (Volume 13 or episode 26 of Brotherhood) It's one of my favorite parts in the series.

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>What is Renders in Shapes?
A style of wallpaper that has a render, within a shape, on top of a nature/urban background. Shapes are typically white/black in color. Background is often blurred around the shape, and left unblurred in the middle. Text is sometimes added.

>Tutorials & Resources
Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVXAMdNCJZDgyrvDC2kw3vCSEMvAQVbBN
BG & Render Links: https://pastebin.com/yBxerZZw

1) Please post rendered images - preferably high quality ones
2) Please post background image you want (optional)
3) Thank whoever filled your request
Previous thread: >>2247201
>Thread Archive: http://pastebin.com/qQNYTLiS
49 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
Maybe an outer shape to rest her hand on?
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I tried removing the head but did not like it
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Maybe this is better
Yeah, I like her resting her hand that way best.
Love the color scheme and the focal point. Have you played around with blurring the background or adding shadow around the shape?

post some wallpapers like picrel
4 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
i love clouds.
Checked. I made this (bad) edit years ago in >>>/wsr/
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that's a classic, never gets old. been using it on rotation for years

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