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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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I'm gonna get a custom stein gates mousepad give me deisgns
I love Suzuha so much it's unreal
One like these for Maho please

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I've notice that there isn't an thread on this anime
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Here's one... Kinda
upscaling these in figma to at least 6k. here's the ogs if anyone wants them (from konachan)
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Quick messy OC

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Not even close lol

1978, 1981, 2022, and anything in between
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4K: https://files.catbox.moe/puikqv.png
just got a new phone, anyone got anything good?
pretty sure this was my post last year lol
>tfw no Lum gf

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KLK thread
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i love Mako
thank you anon, it's lovely

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I don't know what this style is called, but I like to call it the "y2k aesthetic". Basically, post wallpapers that look like they belong on a Windows XP machine, or an iMac G4. The more kitsch, the better! And the wallpapers don't have to actually be from the 2000s, they just have to look like it, in other words, wallpapers of modern anime are allowed, as long as they look the part.
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I'm surprised not a lot of people are posting shonen ones, I think I had this exact one on my XP machine back in the day.
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Range Murata thread. Desktop preferred. I'll dump what I have.
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i downloaded all the images in the thread a while ago. here's all of them since >>2239098

enjoy with love,

Thank you so much anon!
this is kino, thank you anon!
Need more higher res png wallpapers like 4k size

To this day, Nino is still my phone wallpaper
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File: Megumin Wallpaper.png (2.82 MB, 2880x1620)
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i missed it, what was the emoji stuff
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Underwater cities, sea life on land, diving, aquariums, surreal water themes.
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please post any jjk! i just started using this board so if there was one in the past i never saw it, i love the scenery/summery ones or just anything from jjk
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any girls last tour wallpapers?
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90% of that thread is broken, just like the rest of this board, retard.
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tkmiz's xwitter has a bunch

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Post PC-98 screenshots/cgs
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Thank you, anon! You're a legend. Did you find these online or make them yourself?
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Just took some emulator screenshots and upscaled them.
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File: Kogecha.full.2360634.jpg (1.07 MB, 2456x1381)
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Fuck, bros, Kogecha died. I'll dump my 16:9 collection of his art and then some in original res, hope you like them. rip
225 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
thanks for re-uploading anon. there's about 60 files in the folder. is that all of them? seems a little less than the previous one you shared.
I'm not the og anon and now I see it's only the Kogecha (my collection) folder, that's all I have, so we have to wait for the anon to check his old laptop
so mega emailed me like half a year ago that all my stuff is going to be deleted, because my account was inactive
here's the reupload https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bp2kWPbSzKUIdgSfvXLKAmvYxsI0i-sL?usp=sharing
Thank you anon :)
man this one is amazing

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