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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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-Nothing created after 2012
-preferably optimal for CRT monitors (e.g 4:3, 1024x768)

don't know where to find any? Go to konachan and go to the last page.
Have fun!
File: Gallant-002 & 003.jpg (2.65 MB, 4000x2800)
2.65 MB
2.65 MB JPG
File: furikuri_46_1024.jpg (219 KB, 1024x768)
219 KB
219 KB JPG
File: heart_7_1024.jpg (157 KB, 1024x768)
157 KB
157 KB JPG
File: becky HD.jpg (480 KB, 1280x1024)
480 KB
480 KB JPG
>>2261322 (OP)
File: 892.jpg (1.38 MB, 1318x988)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB JPG
>>2261322 (OP)
>those fucked up eyes
pure, unfiltered, sovl
Is old school mobile wallpapers a thing
File: kagamiiiii.jpg (220 KB, 1080x810)
220 KB
220 KB JPG
File: swordfish.png (758 KB, 1024x768)
758 KB
758 KB PNG
What's the best way to display these on widescreen monitors? Is there some AI tool to expand them or do you have to just cope with borders?
>Change your resolution to be 4:3
>Make a request on the image mod general
Cope, crop, or fill the gaps with photoshop. AI sucks at expanding anime images
add another image you like to fill your screen res
File: nagato.jpg (343 KB, 1280x1024)
343 KB
343 KB JPG
im too lazy to upload each image so uploaded them to catbox https://files.catbox.moe/ab5x08.zip
cool shit anon
lucky star hell yeah
File: GOxPwuUaMAI68Zk.jpg (81 KB, 800x600)
81 KB
I feel like I remember this also being the one Konata Izumi had in the anime.
These are nice, anon. Thank you for the link.

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