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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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I don't know what this style is called, but I like to call it the "y2k aesthetic". Basically, post wallpapers that look like they belong on a Windows XP machine, or an iMac G4. The more kitsch, the better! And the wallpapers don't have to actually be from the 2000s, they just have to look like it, in other words, wallpapers of modern anime are allowed, as long as they look the part.
246 replies and 175 images omitted. Click here to view.
stfu, you look at pixels and try to defend them. they don't have an age you creep
I forget the proper term, but does anyone know how to recreate the looks of these types of papes? My current idea is:
>high saturation
>soft white borders on character
>those weird abstract lines in the background (think ps3 xmb)
Does anyone know the name of the photoshop tool that randomly generates those types of lines? I forgot the term, but in execution you'd just wave the mouse around and voila, lines.
Look up "abstract brushes photoshop". I'm gonna try and make some true OC for this thread now that I got a Windows environment lying around.
Can't wait.
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Those were the days

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Last thread is gone after so many years, and I've only noticed it now, like so many other things in life, it as well slipped away, let's cling to the past once again friend, to reminisce of better days
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reallife pic, but anime characters
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she's just grooving
Wallpapers like these make me feel melancholic and lonely, but also nostalgic for some reason. I don't know why.
Helpful link:
.moe is absolutely terrible
its because of the setting anon, its a peaceful yet sad sight

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can we get an Aqua/Aria thread going /w/?
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I found some old official persona wallpapers
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bro, thread is already there
this fucking newfag doesn't even know the name of the series and didn't think to check ... go back to running your animecore instagram page normalfag.
figure out more than one thing about a series, check the damn catalogue. and you're supposed to lurk for a year before you start posting.


About 10k wallpapers for mobile and desktop. I have a wallpaper changer on my phone that cycles through them.
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NM deleting now as no interactions in a month
Can you make it public again I'm not sure reason for making it private I would like to download
Lol. I just sent a permission request.
Please open up
damn, who tf cares. who's a prude on this site?
thanks for the access anon

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anyone happen to have this >>7832249 saved?

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Anime landscapes that give you that calm feeling.

Old thread: >>2126169
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I've been obsessed with this wallpaper and then I lost it and now I found it and sharing it with you guys!
art by fasnakegod
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Also this one is cool too
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Post your best mobile papes. Doesn't have to follow a specific theme, and there is no genre, just has to be mobile format and of good quality
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That's fantastic, you deserve more than just this (you) anom
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AI garbage is distasteful.
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• Please always do a reverse image search before you ask us for help; iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.
• Please explain your request in detail. We can't read your mind; every hint helps us get you the image you want.
• Please give the specific image size desired: WIDTH x HEIGHT is the convention when giving dimensions.
• Please include all requests in one reply. Link any additional requests to the original request.
• There is a separate thread for vectors. Please take your vector requests there: >>>/w/vector
• This is a SFW board. If you must request a lewd picture, please do warn us before you post the link.
• Please upload and link to an image hosting sites such as catbox.moe; mixtape.moe; temporary file hosters like uguu.se make the most sense, so use them whenever possible. Please DO NOT use Imgur — it compresses images.
• Please DO NOT add white space NOR stretch/shrink your picture since that makes it harder to work on.
• Please be patient. Your request might be very difficult or maybe the available editors are not interested. Don't take it personally.
• Please DO NOT «bump» your requests.


• Please DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• Please BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thank you so much!
thank you very much!
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Requesting the removal of the dialogue balloon and the text box in the inferior part of each image reference and img in high resolution: https://gofile.io/d/9PkBYP
thank you so much brother.
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Can someone help me make this picture a darker color and easier on the eyes to look at?

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God I love Zoraida so fucking much.
I’ve fapped over that picture several times
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>AI faggotry
Fuck off
ACAB includes anime girls

Please post your Komi wallpapers here. Ideally ones where there are other characters other than Tadano and Komi.
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Re Zero collab
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Hello everyone. I'm a huge fan of 07th Expansion even though the franchise took a hit with Higurashi Gou and Sotsu + the lack of news regarding Ciconia, in my opinion. Regardless, I think a thread with comfy, stylish, cool and magical wallpapers could be fun.

I'll post the few I do have and use, I hope you guys have some stuff from the lesser known titles like Rose Guns Days, or Higanbana.

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys can also contribute.
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Anyone have this in better quality?
bump, don't have images to post now but I'll be home in a bit
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>in a bit
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Literally came to this board for the first time for this. Thank you.

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The third installment if the Gloomy Urban thread!

The picture must be *Gloomy*.
*Urban* is ideal but not required.

I have made a MEGA folder with every image from Gloomy Urban #1/#2 as well as some from my collection. I will update it to have more from my own once I sort my files

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Love this thread and love you anons

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