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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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vidya lawyers can be cool too
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just finished TGAA
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Wallpapers that make you feel that speical kind of sadness
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Damn, I made this thread 2 years and 8 months ago. I remember the place I was in well. I remember how sad and alone I was. I'm out now, I found love, I managed to turn it all around.
It gets better anons, we can all get there. Bless you all.
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I'm glad things are going better anon! it's been fun reading this thread every few months. Whenever I need a wallpaper, I come back here and wonder how things are going for the different anons who have posted here.

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are there actually any good yotsuba wallpapers? this is the only good one i've found.
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This one too.
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I've used this one for a while.
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i can't imagine programming anything more interesting than whatever this is from. some imaginary shop system?
Its not from anything its all variable declarations and print statements
>how i felt using a terminal for the first time
it looks like it's all taken from examples from coding tutorials
Looks like the first full program you write in an introduction to programming class. Followed by one for an elevator or train.

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Winrar: The Home
I used to love pics like this when I was little they would become the setting of my daydreams

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Recently, I started watching Naruto and Dragon Ball with my kids and I would love to surprise them with themed mugs. I would greatly appreciate it if any of you have high-quality pictures I could use for printing. Specifically, I’m looking for images depicting the heroes from the early episodes, like young Naruto with Team Kakashi, or something similar to the attached Dragon Ball picture. Thank you!
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sorry op, dont have anything of early dragon ball, but i think these somewhat fit what you're looking for
See: >>2255139

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The previous Lain thread is about to bump off, so let's get another Lain thread going. I'll dump what I have
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my shitty oc, but it's good enough for my fresh win10 install
It's really beautiful!
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Does anyone have any Haibane Renmei wallpapers?

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Alright boys, lets start a Muv-Luv thread!
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more thicc meiya?

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Anime Mecha/Robo girl
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I found some old official persona wallpapers
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bro, thread is already there
this fucking newfag doesn't even know the name of the series and didn't think to check ... go back to running your animecore instagram page normalfag.
figure out more than one thing about a series, check the damn catalogue. and you're supposed to lurk for a year before you start posting.

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Hello everyone. I'm a huge fan of 07th Expansion even though the franchise took a hit with Higurashi Gou and Sotsu + the lack of news regarding Ciconia, in my opinion. Regardless, I think a thread with comfy, stylish, cool and magical wallpapers could be fun.

I'll post the few I do have and use, I hope you guys have some stuff from the lesser known titles like Rose Guns Days, or Higanbana.

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys can also contribute.
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Literally came to this board for the first time for this. Thank you.
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>in a bit
Onii-chan never came home :'(
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here's some Rena for you

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Cirno Wallpapers Thread. Let's go!
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Not a wallpaper, but I liek this cirno I accidentally genned
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Please post your Komi wallpapers here. Ideally ones where there are other characters other than Tadano and Komi.
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>Absolutely would
He's a dude.
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Phone or PC, indie or corporate, any theme. Post your chuubas
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what are the chances that there's a membership only wallaper in here?
Any Ayame wallpaper? Preferably powerlevel or at least discrete.
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Reminder to Holobronies vtubing changes in 2.5 years
Kanata wallpapers?

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Dumping some of the wallapapers that i made. Feel free to post yours here.
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Experimenting a little with blurring
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Darker ver.

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