here you go OP, i aint got much, just a picture and a bump
this one too :)
>>2224030what anime is tis
>>2226192>>2226193>>2226197Thanks for these
>>2226198have another one
and blue
>>2226193and blue
>>2226207Bro...sfw board
>>2223911wow the april fools emojis are still there
>>2230614>>2230615>>2230616>>2230617Very nice!!
>>2230614>>2230617Does anyone know who the artist is for these?
>>2230614>>2230615>>2230616>>2230617Cuteness overdose
>>2233418>>2233758I'm the OP, and thanks for the bumps, but if the thread isn't interesting anyone then it should fade away, that's the beauty of imageboards.
>>2233956not them but I think it should stay up because it's not possible to get the emojis anymore
>>2235108not him but you could always just likemake a post and then delete it.it still bumps the thread and doesn't use a post slot that could be used for an image or something.
>>2230574I hope they bring it back this year (=^.^=)
I don't know what anime this is from, sorry :P
>>2239114i mean it is right there and i recommend checking it out
Bros, I need wallpapers of nanachi from made in abyss in 16:9 format, needs to be /c/ute..
Steins;gate supremacy
Spirited Away is always cozy
>>2226195I keep seeing these two bitches where tf they from? Reverse search just finds a bunch of artwork. So they OC or some shit? No manga/anime?
>>2224004Man I miss Kyoto, now. Makes me wanna go back.
>>2226194I can't seem to find the sauce, do you know what this is from?
>>2242938>>2243823https://yande.re/post/show/801399https://yande.re/post/show/857199Twitter: @imlllsn
two hidasketch papers I modified to be 16:9
>>2239849El Psy Kongroo
expanded this mobile pape...
>>2245308...to this in gimp. edit skills aren't that good.
>>2244933she's KuriGohan and Kamehameha on @channel
>>2243822It's in Tokyohttps://www.google.com/maps/@35.7369514,139.7278503,3a,75y,39.01h,82.5t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMNILOILPaYIhuQoIaljmdA!2e0!5s20100101T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
>>2243823by ohisashiburi, seems to have originally been posted to pixiv fanbox before making it onto the broader web
Maybe this will also still be here in 2 years
>>2237946>>2230574i missed it, what was the emoji stuff