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File: p6fjhh9zswo51.png (716 KB, 4000x5800)
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just some manga panels or edits (black and white only)
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black and white faggot
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what the fuck is up with that costume? It's like the love child of Araki and Kingdom Hearts character costume designer had a love child that doesn't have a soul. It's an OC level design
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peak fiction
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>>2257025 to this post are from Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. Highly recommend it.
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>>2257031 to this post are from the Madoka Magica manga. Not worth reading over the og anime but it has some pretty pages.
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>>2257034 to this post are from Alcohol and Ogre-san. Great yuri manga please check it out if you are into that.

I'll post more caps from YKK once I'm done with it. Hopefully someone finds some use in these. Till then, I'm out.

P.s. if anyone knows of a better way to upload tons of images at once please let me know. Upping these was a pain in the ass
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Have another YKK batch. This manga has so many nice pages. Hope to finish it up this week.
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All for now folks. Have a good day and make sure to wish your mom's a happy mother's day!
what is this manga?
Alcohol and Orge San. I don't remember what chapter but I'm pretty sure it's volume 5?
I can't spell
Another YKK dump. Next one is gonna be the last probably. These are a pain in the ass to upload.
Last one of this dump. Have a good evening anons
much thanks anon
Np anon
I'm gonna need some lore on why Boruto has the missing eye and headband cut through. I refuse to watch the shit show anime but I wanna know the why if Boruto
Nice pics!
This is /w/ not /a/ you fucking faggots. Post actual papes. Goddamn tourists I swear to God

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