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14 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
please I need more dawn...
pantsu dawn...
>>>/e/ or >>>/r/
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The third installment if the Gloomy Urban thread!

The picture must be *Gloomy*.
*Urban* is ideal but not required.

I have made a MEGA folder with every image from Gloomy Urban #1/#2 as well as some from my collection. I will update it to have more from my own once I sort my files

261 replies and 191 images omitted. Click here to view.
what >>2228870 means, is that the lighting is off on the character in comparison to the surroundings.
Background is mostly cold light and the 2d girl was made for warm light. If you fix that, I'll make it my wallpaper.
This really makes me want to have a daughter
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Does anyone knows the artis of these? couldn´t find it.
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Hi! Do u have more Nazuna? Any wallpaper size will be fine
83 replies and 82 images omitted. Click here to view.
pretty insane that I still see thread of the best girl on here each time I get on, thank you
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Is everyone ready to admit the series was awfull and the only thing of "value" it has is the girl and the fact she's written to be the perfect girlfriend to all you socially inept nerds?
Also. Cool ties with rap music and urban aesthetics.
>Urban aesthetics
>Doesn't leave the house
>Rap music
>This whole site is racist

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lewd anime girls
remember that this is a blue board
Previous Thread: >>2214681
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Ew options like this is why your kind is gratefully dying out Boi
gawd dayum what's her name?
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SauceNao says it’s Kashino from Azur Lane. Couldn’t say for sure since I’m not familiar with it, but I’ll trust it.
yep that's her. thank you
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This is a 9/11 year old girl...

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311 replies and 225 images omitted. Click here to view.
Hey that was unexpected, thanks! I saved both.
I knew this picture,it's a rare Lain, you even remove the little line it was below obstructing, good! How did you do it? Double thanks.
arch and endeavouros pantsu doko
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I made a few.
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207 replies and 184 images omitted. Click here to view.
This is great. This would work across three 1080p displays or a 48:9 aspect with minimal cropping
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Hibike! Euphonium
nice job anon
People should be careful when auto-cropping.
Made a this one instead.

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got anything from Boy and the Heron? The backgrounds are really good
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What's with the AI slop?

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naruto thread
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God i love amegakure
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Lord Jesus Christ, Son And Word Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner.

Starry, sunny sky at any time of the day and maybe with some clouds, I just love sky
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bump, this thread is one of the best
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We're entering 4 now, here's to a new year (sorry if this is super late).
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this is now my wallpaper

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Comfy wallpaper showing small spaces. Old thread: >>2166299
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Man I love this one, what a nice little attic space.

I'm making a special goals folder for this
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I like this one
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man, that one ticks all the boxes, it's always posted somewhere.

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cringe btw. i don't even have a problem with yuri depictions of them, this is just some blatant unattractive dyke shit
> person posts normal, everyday relationship image between two women
> "unattractive dyke shit"

Consider: That's a fucking weird thing to think, much less type
Fags are disgusting to all normal people. Cry about it, faghag.
coudnt have said it better lule

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>Madoka Magica
>No Thread
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I wide faces in madoka and hs look gross and disgusting.
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I've been using this one for ages.
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homura in rebellion
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Anything related to the OVAs, series, manga, fanart, etc...

Last Thread: >>2201612

And never forget: a believing heart is your magic.
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This show has a very ugly art style.
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Hi anons, this is a stretch but is there anyone who was in the LWA threads on /a/ while the series was airing? I'm trying to find the thank you collage we did for Trigger where we all drew a picture for them, would anyone have it?

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Girls using computers thread
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Ok, does anyone have this one but in an better aspect? without the black boarder and the hour on right down corner?
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forgot the wallpaper

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couldnt find a thread,
one more night
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some ultrawide/mobile wallpapers
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And this one...
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...which I tried to make into an animated gif. Unfinished, I wanted to make the clouds move slower and smoother but can't fit it into the 5mb file limit. Unless anyone else can do it I'll probably post a better version once I figure it out.
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I really like this so I made a shit-ass attempt at making it work for 16:9

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