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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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Alright boys, lets start a Muv-Luv thread!
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more thicc meiya?

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Anime Mecha/Robo girl
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I found some old official persona wallpapers
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bro, thread is already there
this fucking newfag doesn't even know the name of the series and didn't think to check ... go back to running your animecore instagram page normalfag.
figure out more than one thing about a series, check the damn catalogue. and you're supposed to lurk for a year before you start posting.

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FMA Wallpaper thread
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Man this thread is OLD
Please upscale this to 4k

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Hello everyone. I'm a huge fan of 07th Expansion even though the franchise took a hit with Higurashi Gou and Sotsu + the lack of news regarding Ciconia, in my opinion. Regardless, I think a thread with comfy, stylish, cool and magical wallpapers could be fun.

I'll post the few I do have and use, I hope you guys have some stuff from the lesser known titles like Rose Guns Days, or Higanbana.

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys can also contribute.
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Literally came to this board for the first time for this. Thank you.
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>in a bit
Onii-chan never came home :'(
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here's some Rena for you

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Cirno Wallpapers Thread. Let's go!
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Not a wallpaper, but I liek this cirno I accidentally genned
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Girls using computers thread
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Nice blog. Where are the wallpapers?
The logo on the screen is a clear reference but she really doesn't look like her.
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>Madoka Magica
>No Thread
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artbook very nice thank you madoka
I wide faces in madoka and hs look gross and disgusting.
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I've been using this one for ages.

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show what you have!
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The greatest anime of our generation, Chainsaw Man.
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Anyone got a shot from the opening where Denji and Power are looking at one fence, Aki is looking over it at another, and Makima is above them to the side looking over both fences?
Would be appreciated it you share, thanks.
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If the text on the back was in English or Japanese and not in Brazilian, it would be the best wallpaper
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can someone help me find the original? I did all the typical reverse image searches.
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Actually it’s greatest manga of our generation. Season one of the anime doesn’t capture the soul of the manga.

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Thread for Vtuubas and related accessories.
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always nice to see another dad in the wild. I'll post what I got
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cute foxgirl
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Please post your Komi wallpapers here. Ideally ones where there are other characters other than Tadano and Komi.
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>Absolutely would
He's a dude.
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The third installment if the Gloomy Urban thread!

The picture must be *Gloomy*.
*Urban* is ideal but not required.

I have made a MEGA folder with every image from Gloomy Urban #1/#2 as well as some from my collection. I will update it to have more from my own once I sort my files

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just some manga panels or edits (black and white only)
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I'm gonna need some lore on why Boruto has the missing eye and headband cut through. I refuse to watch the shit show anime but I wanna know the why if Boruto
Nice pics!
This is /w/ not /a/ you fucking faggots. Post actual papes. Goddamn tourists I swear to God

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Does anyone have any good ones of cooler or metal cooler?
choose one
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