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Lemme see some Rin phone wallpapers
dont give up OP it will happen
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656 KB JPG
shit thread
File: GmI2vaq.jpg (477 KB, 1158x1638)
477 KB
477 KB JPG
Shut the fuck up.
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384 KB JPG
File: wwaekjqeubh21.jpg (396 KB, 2478x3399)
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396 KB JPG

Love me some Rin.
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305 KB JPG
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151 KB JPG
Rin Tōsaka (Render) - my.mixtape.moe/aundst.png
Rin Tōsaka1 (Render) - my.mixtape.moe/ljehok.png
Rin Tōsaka2 (Render) - my.mixtape.moe/vhwqsz.png
Rin Tōsaka1 (Detext) - my.mixtape.moe/evjmad.png
Rin Tōsaka - my.mixtape.moe/rrmjen.png
Rin Tōsaka1 - my.mixtape.moe/lozrum.png
Rin Tōsaka2 - my.mixtape.moe/xqkslz.png
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1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
File: 1505708941730.png (2.24 MB, 932x1523)
2.24 MB
2.24 MB PNG
cursed image
rinfags literally gay
Just like you
what I miss?
File: 1517640362176.jpg (1.61 MB, 3543x4455)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB JPG
Any chance of an alternate host? They're dead.
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1.02 MB
1.02 MB JPG
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93 KB
Got some new ones?
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1.5 MB
1.5 MB JPG
no because you're waifu is shit
File: rin-done.png (2.5 MB, 1356x2019)
2.5 MB
2.5 MB PNG
I couldn't find a non-cropped version so I drew one.
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74 KB
bad job
Good job
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1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
nice phone pal.
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891 KB PNG
File: Rin_character_sheet.png (835 KB, 1276x1276)
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835 KB PNG
You asked some Rin, arent u?
Go back to school you ignoramus.
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221 KB JPG
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190 KB JPG
What the fuck is this garbage
Half of the pics ITT aren't even phone/desktop wallpaper size. I love Rin but if you're gonna do a thread do her justice
File: desktop1.jpg (1.85 MB, 1920x1152)
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1.85 MB JPG
Guess I should contribute a few to make this thread less /c/ while I'm at it

These won't look shit even if they're cropped/zoomed in
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2.57 MB JPG
File: desktop3.jpg (1.13 MB, 1920x1080)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB JPG
Okay, maybe "half of the pics ITT" was an exaggeration but there's still some unacceptably small pics in here

Also OP is a faggot who needs to read the sticky
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661 KB JPG
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Might as well post this too even if it has another girl in it
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Don't be sad!
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836 KB JPG
Awesome pic.
Rin is easily the worst F/SN BAKA
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1.19 MB JPG
>she'll never be real
It hurts, bros.
poo on yourself, it's the same thing
The fuck this thread is still here?

Go back to your containment board >>>/a/
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1.05 MB JPG
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166 KB JPG
Absolute best!
File: ishtar.jpg (584 KB, 3419x4096)
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584 KB JPG
Thanks for these posts lads. Rin a best.
Oh yes
The only good one
can we get some regular 1920x1080 Rin wallpapers pls?
File: Tohsaka.Rin.full.2725249.jpg (4.02 MB, 1920x1860)
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4.02 MB JPG
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1.08 MB PNG
Appreciate your efforts, man.
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572 KB JPG
Rin is a miracle of the universe, but most of those pics suck as a mobile wallpaper.
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1012 KB JPG
thanks also Keeping it alive
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2.86 MB PNG
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1.65 MB PNG
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939 KB PNG
I know what that really means!
Ishtar > Rin
>you gf's anus will never be this defenseless
Why even live?
how is there a whole internet communityaround rin? I beat fate/extra and im kinda suprised that such an old game still has a fanbase here.
The answer is in the post you linked.
I'll give you credit, that was a creative shitpost
I believe this piece is a WIP so posting with sauce

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Hard to find Tohsaka art that isn't Ishtar/Ereshkigal lately
Personally, I'd take either
Ishtar took Rin to the next level.
I would also like to know what
was supposed to be.
10k likes is impressive.
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918 KB PNG
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Sorry Rin distracted me and I forgot this was a phone thread.
you big gay
any update?
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923 KB JPG
Anyone have any Extra Rin papers? Particularly in her Lancer form from Last Encore?
File: tohsaka wallpaper 4.png (3.36 MB, 2560x1600)
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3.36 MB PNG
I can't decide which I like better.
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491 KB JPG
I'll go with classic
File: attempt.png (367 KB, 491x609)
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367 KB PNG
attempted to paint out sakura (original konachan 287304)
better with a smile
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123 KB JPG
if only...
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Ooooh that is a nice dress for Rin!
my wife
No she is not.
gddamn what a thread
yes, she is.
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207 KB JPG
This art jesus christ
I think those proportions are off.
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File: Rin phone WP (2).png (531 KB, 640x1650)
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531 KB PNG
Had to do some editing to get a flexible resolution.
I can use that empty space!
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188 KB JPG
File: Rin In Chair.png (555 KB, 1080x1920)
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555 KB PNG
Turned into a 1080x1920 portrait.
File: GermanMagecraft.jpg (125 KB, 1981x1488)
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125 KB JPG
File: rin phone WP 1080x1920.png (564 KB, 1080x1920)
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564 KB PNG
just fixed the leg
No Canon image, she no use panties
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1.31 MB PNG
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh
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898 KB JPG
Well done.
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194 KB JPG
If only...
Rin doesn't deserve most of the memes.
what is she from?
perfection. ya know, i used to hate this bitch, but she really grew on to me and now we're expecting twins.
the Fate series. Unlimited Blush Works.

Wow, 4chan not recognizing...
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File: Rin - Ishtar (10).jpg (4.58 MB, 3500x4659)
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Is this a reference ?
Does anybody have more of f/extra rin?
That's not very nice.
Found this and its beatiful
Old phone had this for the entirety of its lifespan, I love this image so much
pieces of shit where the fuck do you think you are go fuck yourselves
pre-covid thread..... SAVED!
Thank You.
This is a quality thread, thank you!
Great thread, sorry I don't have mobile papes.
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319 KB JPG
File: tohsaka-2-merge.png (1.71 MB, 2123x1190)
1.71 MB
1.71 MB PNG
ai expanded to 1920x1080
built for big black sock

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