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File: thumb-1920-638933.jpg (506 KB, 1920x1080)
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506 KB JPG
>Search for Slayers
>0 Results

Time to post some Slayers wallpaper
Here some i found online, anything Slayers related goes. Bonus point for vectors and abstarct wallpapers but i'm not picky.
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I'll share a few
seems the captchas get easier after you do a few nice. the ones with the slider is really annoying.
last high res one I have
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Thanks for this thread. I just watched a few of these for the first time and was going to look up some wp and blam here you are.
You know op only posted the min required, others carried the thread
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moar pls?
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I was literally just looking for some on Safebooru. Thanks OP
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can someone make this with #00000 background?

The IMT is in another castle anon
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This is a good thread.
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I love Lina so much
Are you the guy who’s always posting slayers threads in /a/? We had a thread about naga’s titties hit bump limit the other day kek
LINA INVERSE Spooks the Competition!
Lina Inverse was my first waifu
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>No Sylphiel
Life's sad.
Great pic! Thank you.
there's something wrong with this one, but can't put my finger on it... anyone else can make sense of it?
Lina is not for sexual, of course it looks weird.
[spoiler]when will my friend want to watch the rest of Slayers with me[/spoiler]
i believe anon meant in a perspective/composition kind of way
looks coomerwave
the artstyles are contrasting; the BLOOM of the neon lights against the simple color palette of Lina. it's absurd.

besides, Lina isn't just any girl from the future, she's a magician from the mid ages.

it's bad taste, but some may have a thing for this kind of stuff
body is oddly chonky
novice artist?
File: wallhaven-5w1qz5.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1080)
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Started reading the light novel. Perfect timing.
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Based thread, came by at just the right time
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i have only this one
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These are fucking gorgeous.
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2.6 MB PNG
one i made forever ago
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