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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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File: F90VC1KbQAAsF0I.jpg (180 KB, 2048x1058)
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Phone wallpapers also appreciated
11 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
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artist name?
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Why is it so hard to find tropical anime images, reeee I hate winter
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it's from an old rpg system and setting from /tg/ called CATastrophe. Got a bunch of surprisingly good art when it had its 10 minutes of fame back in teh day.
This is almost a perfect wallpaper for me, if only it were a little less empty. Having a hard time finding a wallpaper that's not too busy or too empty.

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Post your Ergo Proxy wall papers
29 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
if true my fucking heart is broken for you holy fuck

this is so sad

ergo proxy my favourite anime

also need to watch again
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I need more
I need to rewatch this I just remember that it's ok

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jjk thread
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annnnnd last but not least 135/135
Although they are screen shots, they look incredible
and its a chink font too lol
Anybody got more of her?

Remember keep it sfw
Previous thread:
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Anyone have any cute Becky Blackbells
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Looks like it will have to wait until the next thread
Noooo, not the 404 girl

• Please always do a reverse image search before you ask us for help; iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.
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• Please BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
310 replies and 154 images omitted. Click here to view.
New thread
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Hi, can I get this image in black and white, centered on a black background with a white frame over the original image edge, on a 1080x2340 resolution? Thanks!
Thank you so very much!!
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this was my first ever render attempt, if someone could touch this up and make it actually good that would be cool
thank you so much

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anyone happen to have this >>7832249 saved?
Dumped a bunch of YKK papes/panels over the last few days without realizing this thread was a thing.


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We have a black and white manga thread over at >>2247545 but I needed a place to dump my full colors so here we are.

Post sauces if you know them.
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Last one. Farewell for now anons. Imma go spend another hour dumping the black and whites when I get a chance. Have a good day!
B-But Anon
You just post YKK papes, and there already one thread for it

I might (definitely am) be retarded.

Previous one got nuked >>2229345
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Anyone got any really good pictures they think would look good on a skateboard deck?

If so please reply to me and post them.
Much Appreciated
bitch knocked over my bull
looking a for miku pape, it's a sunny autumn scene with leaves falling, she's facing the left side but looking back with a wistful, worried look towards the viewer. any kind anons know what I'm referring to?
forgot to post pape sorry
i'm bad at this baka

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post the screenshot papes
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Not 2B, but I edited this image that had 9S in Emil's Cave, what does /w/ think?
Well it's 2B's grave so it's not exactly not related either.

1978, 1981, 2022, and anything in between
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This was my phone wallpaper for a few years. My old phone bit the dust, and I don't wanna re-use this for my new one.
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4K: https://files.catbox.moe/puikqv.png
just got a new phone, anyone got anything good?
pretty sure this was my post last year lol

anime wallpaper with black or dark background
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Is there a higher resolution version of this? It's pretty low resolution.
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post some wallpapers like picrel
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
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i love clouds.
Checked. I made this (bad) edit years ago in >>>/wsr/

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Hit me with your best JOJO papes /w/, both PC and Phone
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Starry, sunny sky at any time of the day and maybe with some clouds, I just love sky
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bump, this thread is one of the best
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We're entering 4 now, here's to a new year (sorry if this is super late).
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this is now my wallpaper

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