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Should i keep posting minimalistic wp? I have few more.
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please post more!!
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Not mine link, but there are most of wps i have
Downloading now.
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Why isn't there more awesome Kallen art?
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There's a shocking lack of Lloyd in this thread.
That would be worth saving if Lloyd wasn't in it.
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Genocide never looked so good.
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*^4^* 5
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Nice fingers.
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Here's one for mobile users.
If you don't get it, try watching Code Geass Abridged called Code MENT. "Soup store" scene this pics reference happens in the 16 episode.
How about no
I don't remember that at all.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAUnDDTz30k [Embed]
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I must have missed that episode.
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>watching [insert anime] Abridged
Less talk more Kallen!
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Posting some OG Album art
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I don't get it.
its high res scans of album art
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The lack of Shirley in this thread disgusts me
So burgers > pizza
Then post some feggit.
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Just makes me want to hug Suiseiseki.
I never understood the appeal of abridged anything. It's just trash. Every single abridged anything I've ever had the displeasure of seeing even the shortest part of has been nothing but painful.
It wasn't funny/amusing/entertaining in 200X nor is it in 201X. And the amount of time people have apparently put into the lip syncing doesn't make it any better.
>not watching classic parodies
do not even bother answering this senseless monster
Just too silly.
Where's Kallen?
Kallen wins!
As always.
>>2104338 (OP)
When is the next season? Seriously. They have waited long enough.
Yes, yes, the girls are great and all, but I've never found anything good for the Knightmares.
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Never. You can't do much with the CG world after zero requiem, I mean they were already stretching things out in R2 with that whole Chinese Federation arc because they wanted 25 episodes instead of a more comfy twenty.
There's nothing more based than a Vincent commander model.
I suppose you are correct.
Little Miss genocide is a close second however.
I need more new Kallen images.
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And ever.
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Gino is arguably the best pilot.
I don't remember that episode. I did like the one about the breakfast cereal though.
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I'd prefer a different replacement on the black/starlight.
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>hfw people wrongly prefer
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ur loss
I fucking hate you
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good one
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I wish anyone had literally any Milly Ashford. Remember when journalism was good?
Simply couldn't compete.
this is beautiful, thank you
everyone needs a hobby
A bit mean to be beautiful.
Is Geass still popular?
Less so than I would have guessed a few years ago.
Just rewatched season 1, and the amount of cheap fanservice is just cringe inducing. Guess that comes with being a 2006 anime.
That aside, there's a criminal lack of love for my boy Gilbert.
>the amount of cheap fanservice is just cringe inducing
Post an example
Time to move on.
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the beginning of the story
the fanservice is fucking great
What a wimp
I’m watching for the first time, absolutely loving it. The fan service is fun, just standard anime fan service IMO. Even Evangelion wasn’t subtle about this shit.
Need more Shirley
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>>2104338 (OP)
Got as far as watching like episode 17 of season 1 and sorta put it on hold. Should I stick with it. What bugs me is the pacing it just seems all over the place, like they decided what the episode was going to be about a week before it came out, all seems barely coherent. Also the timeskips where you have to infer what happened. Like I understand "show, don't tell" but this seems to take it to another level.

Should I pick it up again? Do things become clearer? I liked the characters, the mechs, the fanservice etc.
I recommend continuing. It's wonky at parts, but it's fun, and there's a good payoff at the end (ignoring R3 and such)
Just finished it today. Great ride, R2 is better than R1. Stick with it, it’s very fun for some reason.
>Should I stick with it.
Yes, as long as you know what to expect from the show. Almost every show has filler and worthless characters.
if i recall this was one of the main reasons it was referred to as code trainwreck in affectionate manner...
makes sense
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>>2104338 (OP)
More like code gay ass haha
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>hfw this thread is on page 10
Why this does not get cosplayed everywhere I will never know.
When is the new series?
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Just took this while watching the series again and messed with the colors
So hating the captcha I forgot to comment.

Too generic I' afraid.
Anime is doomed if we don't get more
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do you not remember the end of the show
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It all became a blur to be honest.
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Can I get more of these? The photos from the ending "Mosaic Kakera"
I'd like that.
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2018 lol
Thinking of all that has gone wrong since then this is one of the few things that went right.
Remember how much better everything was back then?
Was the recent stuff worth watching?
Suzaku = Kallen > Bismark > Gino = Xingke > Anya = Jeremiah = Todoh
Some of the main ones.
I only remember Kallen so all those other names could have been anyone.
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Is this series actually worth it? Watched the first episode and seems super boring.
Watch it!

You’ll have to do something better than this to convince anyone anon.
It is good, in a train wreck sort of way. It's engrossing watching the MC dig himself a continually deeper hole, and then have to claw his way out of it. Tropey at times, but not too bad. The mechs are... there. Not my thing, but they seem well enough done. Animation is pretty good.
Here's all the people need to know
holy geeze, they tried to negotiate and BRIBE /pol with more soup?
I guess not.
First part is good. Second part is okay. I wished that the end of part one was the end of the show. Lancelot is the best part of the show. In part two, they start obsessively pumping out new mechs and every new mech they introduce disappoints. Even the Lancelot Albion, which doesn't even have a long, drawn-out launch sequence.
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Bump this bitch
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wow...this thread will be coming up on it's 4 year anniversary.
I've NEVER seen a thread last that long on 4chan before, EVER.
as an added bonus, one of the banner ads is the 'I recognize that bulge' quote
but is it funny/amusing/entertaining in 202X?
seeing the shitty arguments and the lack of activity on the thread it seems it’s safe to say it’s mediocre and you should give it a hard pass
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bump to save from page10-kun
I don't have any good wallpapers but I do want to bump the thread.
It will never be finished.
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is there a clean version of this without all of the text?
This is peak comedy
these are dope, thank you very much for sharing
RIP Takahiro Kimura
I rewatched the series in 2022, about 10 years after watching it for the first time

back in my edgy days I looked up more to Lelouch vi Britannia than Light Yagami, because he rejected luxuries and as the series goes, he went for a far more personal approach, increasing the stakes to achieve his objective, whereas Light initially was a spoiled bitch who thought he had already become a literal God

(yeah ik, very gay opinion)

nowadays there's only so many animes that are worth binge-watching for the ending alone
imo CG is one of them
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its almost halloween and i still dont have the clean version of this yet. im so sad.
You can always request a detext of it in the image modification thread (>>2249547). No certainties it'll be done, but a kind anon may come along & do it.
>>2104338 (OP)
So gayass
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CC is to die for
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Holy shit this thread is nearly 6 years old
And it’s almost all trash for a really trash anime. So yeah, it tracks.
code geass isn’t great, but it’s certainly not trash either

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