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Didn't the last thread survive for like three years?
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sure did
theres no way i can prove it but i made that thread
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I use this as my phone pape, it seems appropriate as this is a phone card.
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this old fanmade SAC intro one is nice
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Would like to see more of the actual Masamune Shirow artwork. Dropping a few...
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Some of these are terrible resolution though
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Some of my favourites from the last thread
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and here's some new ones.
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when I was younger and watched GITS for the first time, Motoko became an instant role model for me. She's always been my favourite anime character. A shame most of the papes featuring her are a little too coomery for my taste, but there are still some hidden gems
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last one for now. enjoy the dump and have a good day anons.
I hate this.
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I wish there was the hoodie version of this available.
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its too bad windows still doesnt support animated wallpapers, id love to have this but rotating
wallpaper engine works great
I miss playing GiTS First Assault. Pretty typical shooter but was fun with the GiTS aesthetic. Anyone got a recommendation on a replacement?
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Live action film turned the franchise into a psyop.
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yeah the first film is the peak of the series

Is the new series any good? I really hate cgi...
I've had this one from Appleseed since 2010
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Appleseed needs more love, too bad a lot of the anime's are trash
None of them get Briareos right.
If you like SAC you'll like SAC2045, it's the same cast and crew, but if you have an irrational complex about CG then you won't like it so why even ask?
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very good, here's some more:
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Best in thread thanks. Have any more scans? Hard to find.

Not sure if all the good sites just moved.
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All I've got sadly
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let's see
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>last night i appartion clam your mokoto
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There's a new GitS official website, with a new Shirow illustration.
Anybody got more like this?
GitS cityscapes are some of the best in the biz
Ah so thats where the interview with shirow came from! I saw it on another site. Glad theres still such an interest in this franchise still.
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Does anyone have a full higres scan of this manga cover? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Contributing.
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Just found this from the Kodansha website.
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And this.
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hi-res full poster
any leaks of this broad?
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Post something
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I saw the first season, it was ok. Had some of the fun of the SAC which I really liked, but felt like it was adjusted a bit for a more western audience. Overall it was enough to overcome the annoying CGI for me once the show got going.

However my big complaint was the larger conflict arc they setup was too big, the scale was all out of wack with seemingly no end condition which lead me to conclude that they were going to drag the series out or not have a good ending. Then I had to wait a really long time for season 2 on what I would call in my opinion a cliffhanger hell, so after I managed to move on I never started the second season. I might have let it go if they didn't leave me hanging as much, but I felt like there was too much forced mystery and cliffhanger tricks as the stakes kept getting higher and higher to the point I eventually lost interest during the wait as I couldn't see an a good ending.

Also I say to avoid the trailers for season 2 as they give away what looks like a major plot point, unless they reveal it in the first episode which would make me wonder what else they got to fill the season as it would only further escalate the plot. I don't know I never got into season two.
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I wish there was a version of this with the title removed and just the tank
Rest in peace Atsuko Tanaka.
Rest in peace
Fuck that looks so cool. I love the style of 3dcg and how it blends with 2D motoko.
Rest in Peace, Atsuko-san.
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