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Would appreciate more landscapes!
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I love Whisper Of The Heart
any nice pom poko ones? my favorite from them
Ask and you shall receive.
:') perfect
god bless anon
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everyone forgot about the flying piggy...
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thank you for sharing, beautiful
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I wish someone made a clean version already. I looked for a bit but couldn't find it. This is the highest res one I found (the crunchyroll one has the top and bottom mirrored).
I will ask on the IMT if any kind anon would care to do so.
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Oh nvm, didn't try to just Google "textless", it looks like there is a Twitter account dedicated to do just that. @textlessposter if anyone is wondering. I'm gonna print it later, or maybe add back just the title. Probably both.
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why the fuck has she got plats
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This is my favorite tattoo.
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I'll just share my favorite screens from the Ponyo intro.
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got anything from Boy and the Heron? The backgrounds are really good
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What's with the AI slop?
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this thread needs more takahata
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