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lewd anime girls
remember that this is a blue board
Previous Thread: >>2214681
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Thank you for pointing that out OP. Not everyone remembers.
is that as109 ?

Goat is back at it ?
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>anime girls
Why are these all phone sized? Do you guys walk around staring at anime titties all day in public?
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4chan has been overrun by phoneposters in the last few years. Also don't complain about shitty papes if you're not gonna post one
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Papes are papes. Phone or desktop shouldn’t matter.
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Pretty much this, lol. I could never use lewd shit on my phone. Only on desktops.
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Thanks for the collection anon, great stuff.
Here's another AI pape
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np, I have a few more
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I'll see about organizing these on Google drive or something for next time we one of these threads
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>Do you guys walk around staring at anime titties all day in public?
You mean you don't? Live a life.
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You walk around in public?
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God Tier. Thank you anon.
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More ai. been using this for the past month or so
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>lusting after pedo shit
>previous link so bad its not archived
>exact same thing for thread before that
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I feel dumb, what does kanbawa mean?
>こんばんは [KONBANWA] Good evening. >In the evening and at night you say KONBANWA.
It's がんばれ (ganbare), not kanbawa (かんばわ), which is not a word.
It means "let's go", "come on", "go for it", or literally, "do your best".

When there are ten-ten (double quote looking strokes), on k-kana's, it makes g-kana's, so ka turns into ga.
wa (わ) and re (れ) definitely look like each other (as do ね - ne), but if the twirl goes outward, it's re.
Relevant Samurai Champloo:
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Oh, man. I was clearly way too tired last night. Missed the dakuten and was certain I read わ for some reason.
I thought it was some variation of こんばんわ
Even >>2245815 thought that's what I was talking about, lmao.

I was searching every online dictionary I could find to try and understand.
I appreciate you guys, my deepest thanks.
That clip is fantastic, haha.
My spouse always talked about that show, but I think you've finally been able to convince me.
>AI shit
Even if you couldn't tell by the filename, the hair is pretty weird.
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>AI goyslop
I really like these, but I am not brave enough to use any of them.
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5.56 MB PNG
thank you for your contribution to the thread
Anyone have some wallpapers of twin milf authors characters in sfw clothing? Any thick milf type I'd appreciate too
based asukabro
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this is the pape I use on my uni laptop
Is this Kanbaru?
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>AI proompter keeps thread on topic
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Okay it is worksafe again.
it's really hard to download pictures with just my left hand
hahaha you are so funny
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literally. i used to when i was like 12 but quickly realised that it just instamarks you as the degenerate weeb that normies think of anyone who watches anime
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>ai slop
congrats on the worst post in the thread
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I have a type
Then post AI bullshit dumb ass yeast yeti
Ew options like this is why your kind is gratefully dying out Boi
gawd dayum what's her name?
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SauceNao says it’s Kashino from Azur Lane. Couldn’t say for sure since I’m not familiar with it, but I’ll trust it.
yep that's her. thank you

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