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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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File: CG Kallen S.jpg (242 KB, 1920x1200)
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284 replies and 184 images omitted. Click here to view.
Holy shit this thread is nearly 6 years old
And it’s almost all trash for a really trash anime. So yeah, it tracks.
code geass isn’t great, but it’s certainly not trash either

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1.68 MB PNG
Post Touhou wallpapers.
In the meantime I'll dump some from my folder.
257 replies and 219 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Dope thread. Expressing my thanks!
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File: wallhaven-d6rzpj.jpg (2.9 MB, 5000x2495)
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Does anyone have some more wallpapers in this style?
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ive had this one for about 4 years

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Comfy wallpaper showing small spaces. Old thread: >>2166299
113 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
God is good/ ++ I love the comfy stuff.
does someone still have this image? the file looks to be corrupt and i can only find 750x750 versions of it online
I just tried to post it, but was denied by "Error: Duplicate file exists".
I posted it in another somewhat appropriate-ish thread instead now >>2262607
thank you anon. you are my hero

31 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
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na man your the strange one, what's your issue?
lol cute

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Not a huge fan of the series but these title cards are so handsomely illustrated. Especially a fan of the autumnal ones from season 2. Wish I could find more
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My favorites at a higher res are not posting due to "corrupted file" ಥ﹏ಥ
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not necessarily Clannad, but i'm looking for wallpapers that share this specific art style that was so prevalent in the 2000s
84 replies and 69 images omitted. Click here to view.
anime going mainstream has been awful

File: SMT 35.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1080)
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Drop your SMT / Persona / Etrian Odyssey / Maken X or other Atlus papes
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In case anyone else wants a blue version.
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Dumping some of the wallapapers that i made. Feel free to post yours here.
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some raiden shogun folks
File: carlotta 2.png (3.58 MB, 1920x1080)
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gimme more Carlotta Wall
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space loliz
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Dumping my little collection of Monogatari papes. Feel free to continue..or don't.
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last pape
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would like to see some crab in this thread

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Cirno Wallpapers Thread. Let's go!
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>1025 x 768
ye olde wallpaper
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>Search for Slayers
>0 Results

Time to post some Slayers wallpaper
Here some i found online, anything Slayers related goes. Bonus point for vectors and abstarct wallpapers but i'm not picky.
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I think this are some screenshots that could be used as wallpapes

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are there actually any good yotsuba wallpapers? this is the only good one i've found.
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haven't been here for a while but how do we not have a decent length yotsuba thread? how has this place fallen so far that you fucked up the one thing you shouldn't have fucked up?
been using this one on my laptop for years
Fuuka's beautiful eyebrows.

250 replies and 120 images omitted. Click here to view.
when i play mmos i use my razer, gpro for fps and everything else
anymore of the one on the left???
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femboy feet
i want more feet
Me too. Femboy feet is not something catered to. I've asked for foot kink related content on the regular femboy threads at /aco/ and get ignored. Hell, I've even been attacked for asking. Gays seem to hate foot monsters quite a lot more than Hets do.

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114 replies and 81 images omitted. Click here to view.
Do you have a better version of this picture? Also, it says it was deleted?
Inhaling deep into tomboy salted caramel creamy pits
File: klk - ryuko sketch lines.png (4.32 MB, 5333x3000)
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4.32 MB PNG
Source media for this chick? And her name?
Her name is Luffy, she's from Gall Force.

Anime girl feet wallpapers
90 replies and 73 images omitted. Click here to view.
That toe spread, though.*chef's kiss*
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deep breath
Here you go anon.

For next time, so that you don't have to wait 2 months, you can open the preview and reverse search that. That's how I found it.
Do better, anon.

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