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Previous >>2253065
151 replies and 132 images omitted. Click here to view.
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this one is normal
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I don't think I've ever seen a thread for Birdy, not a huge show but one of my favorites, drop some papes and discuss
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Background (mostly) removed by AI.
This do?
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Sorry, I only read your reply now. The nice thing about this board being so slow is that you can come months after and the topic is still there.
I can do you even better: I'll share the images I used in the wall.
The one from the right was taken from a picture that had another image on top of it, so it only works if you use an image over it as I did.

No offense, my fellow Anon, but that looks like crap.
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Almost done.
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If you do anything cool with this pics please share.

It didn't even keep the resolution of the original picture, it downscaled it.

not necessarily Clannad, but i'm looking for wallpapers that share this specific art style that was so prevalent in the 2000s
70 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
Have you same wallpaper in 1920x1080 ?
Modern 4channers are just normalfags who can't even describe styles with studio name. And at that cant even name key. Why do you people come here if you can't even read. If you like something the least you can do is even vaguely look into it. Just go to reddit please. 4chan isn't even cool. You aren't cool because you can post here. This isn't tumblr. You are a sub Saharan. Get hung.

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Fuck, bros, Kogecha died. I'll dump my 16:9 collection of his art and then some in original res, hope you like them. rip
222 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.

Thanks for the thread OP I have been looking at it from time to time these last few years
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Don't be so impatient. Threads last a long time in pages 9 and 10.
Anyone in this thread have scanned copy of his artbook? I can't find any on the web
You can have a spine, anon. :) I think real friends would understand. But I understand the struggle. At least, you can print these out and put them in some type of art binder to look through.
(And then you'll already have them printed out in case you DO end up wanting to plaster them on your walls.)

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Preferably also with girls.
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Post wallpapers for games, as long as the game originated from Japan. This includes visual novels.
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It's amazing how well this company did with facial scan, et al. meanwhile in western studios...
This game is running on fucking Cocaine, everything is so fast, your character moves like light, attacks and enemies are crazy fast, the plot is fucking nonsense and the protag isn't playing along at all, doesn't take long to match the game's frenetic style and it is truly a delight, it's pretty short, which to me is a plus, playing it on a single sitting feels like a fever dream.
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Ripped stuff from website and made a wallpaper after seeing it at Games Done Quick.
It’s not on steam. Where can you acquire it legally?
There's nothing else quite like it. It's also the most conventional game the developer made, all their other (non-shmup anyway) stuff is pretty out there.
Think there's a version on PS4 and Switch. You could also just find the old doujin release on doujinstyle, which is preferred to the Steam Rockin Android release imo, because it runs smoother and has better music.

Makoto Shinkai papes
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Bros... I think it's time we got another one going

I only have the ones from the old thread but hopefully we get to see some new ones
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usually you find a server about a topic that interests you and from there start talking to people who actively interacts with the server

sharing interests makes it easier to connect with others
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i love this thread, it make me feel less lonely for being in the bottom of the pit
Same, I have been coming here for months. I feel bad that I cant contribute much, but this anime and manga will always have special place in my heart.
wrong pic sorry
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enthralled by this pape, I like it so much as a work of art, but no matter where I put my windows up It feels like it detracts from the whole.

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It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
Just take it one day at a time Anon, have to tell my self that everyday
life is pain, but living is worth suffering for
permanent solution to temporary problems
sometimes ... the only winning move is not to play.

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Anything related to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Anime, Manga, Fanart, Movies, Dolls, Toys, Cosplay, everything goes.

Previous thread: >>2242572
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I don't know what this style is called, but I like to call it the "y2k aesthetic". Basically, post wallpapers that look like they belong on a Windows XP machine, or an iMac G4. The more kitsch, the better! And the wallpapers don't have to actually be from the 2000s, they just have to look like it, in other words, wallpapers of modern anime are allowed, as long as they look the part.
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This is sick man
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Palemoon is so slow for me and I tend to have video problems with it.
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what are the websites you would get such wallpapers from anons?


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4k https://files.catbox.moe/c1md2k.png

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Post something
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I saw the first season, it was ok. Had some of the fun of the SAC which I really liked, but felt like it was adjusted a bit for a more western audience. Overall it was enough to overcome the annoying CGI for me once the show got going.

However my big complaint was the larger conflict arc they setup was too big, the scale was all out of wack with seemingly no end condition which lead me to conclude that they were going to drag the series out or not have a good ending. Then I had to wait a really long time for season 2 on what I would call in my opinion a cliffhanger hell, so after I managed to move on I never started the second season. I might have let it go if they didn't leave me hanging as much, but I felt like there was too much forced mystery and cliffhanger tricks as the stakes kept getting higher and higher to the point I eventually lost interest during the wait as I couldn't see an a good ending.

Also I say to avoid the trailers for season 2 as they give away what looks like a major plot point, unless they reveal it in the first episode which would make me wonder what else they got to fill the season as it would only further escalate the plot. I don't know I never got into season two.

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Papes for the latest /c/ute anime.
66 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.
Trying too hard.
Mahiro BUMP

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