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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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1.53 MB JPG
This thread is slow, such a shame, I love sky too
File: ESf6ibLUUAApBdr.jpg (199 KB, 911x1282)
199 KB
199 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
Akihito Yoshitomi
Thank you, that's perfect!
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2.69 MB
2.69 MB PNG
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657 KB JPG
keeping this alive
Thank anon
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>>2155575 (OP)
File: download.jpg (3.19 MB, 3840x2160)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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487 KB JPG

What a great image! I'm gonna request a fix to get rid of the annoying watermark on the bottom left
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>>2155575 (OP)
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1.27 MB PNG
One of my favorites.
File: RemSky1080.jpg (1.24 MB, 1920x1080)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
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>5 centimeters
take me back
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File: YgTeR33.jpg (646 KB, 1640x860)
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646 KB JPG
best and blessed thread
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394 KB JPG
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File: Sunset_clouds.jpg (1.05 MB, 2480x1753)
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>>2155575 (OP)
Thanks. It s fantastic
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1.58 MB PNG
>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
File: Babylonian Night.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.64 MB PNG
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3.81 MB
3.81 MB PNG
>>2155575 (OP)
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1.2 MB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
Buy it on patreon :)
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1.33 MB
1.33 MB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
All downloaded, ty so much
>>2155575 (OP)
File: platno.jpg (479 KB, 3760x1600)
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479 KB JPG
what's the souce of this image
File: summer-anime.jpg (620 KB, 2880x1800)
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620 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
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>>2155575 (OP)
I bestow on you the power, spicy noodle
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What kind of cloud is that?
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776 KB JPG
better one.

no idea.
File: clouds.jpg (509 KB, 2048x1536)
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509 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
Just some clouds...
Clouds have names, you know.
I think we are done here.
who is "we" and why end it? i've been watching this thread since february of last year and i fucking love it
will contribute in the following days
these hit different after watching the respective movies
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3.59 MB JPG
would've posted more but maximum file size is a bitch
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>>2155575 (OP)
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Carry that weight.
thats cropped idiot
Is this Docomo Tower and Yoyogi? I fell in love with this building after seeing it on an album cover and accidentally cross referencing the location when watching Weathering With You.
so? shut the fuck up faggot
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Such a beautiful place. I imagine myself lying there, facing that valley and the wind than blows towards me. The sky is heavy with clouds, the wind picks up in strength, throwing my hair back. I light a cigarette. Storm is coming.
How and where do you guys find scenic images like these that have the anime artstyle but without any anime girls or whatnot taking up 20% of the screen?

Seems like 99% of all images like these have something that ruins them.

And I'm lying next to you, sucking your titties ^_^
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>>2155575 (OP)
File: Evergarden.jpg (216 KB, 1920x1080)
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216 KB JPG
Blessed thread thank you
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>>2155575 (OP)
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1.96 MB PNG
>>2155575 (OP)
>What kind of cloud is that?

>not knowing best cloud
Rethink yourself
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886 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
File: backyardempty.png (1.26 MB, 1920x1080)
1.26 MB
1.26 MB PNG
This game has been meh but providing ton of excellent wallpapers
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3.86 MB
3.86 MB PNG
>>2155575 (OP)
File: kimino_stitch01.jpg (4.36 MB, 1907x2723)
4.36 MB
4.36 MB JPG
I'll just put that here. Explore at your own leisure.


5000+ anime landscapes and skyscapes + some other real life pics.

Enjoy =]
>>2155575 (OP)
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618 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
File: 20220102_133857.jpg (2.3 MB, 1962x2874)
2.3 MB
2.3 MB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
Thank you for great thread!

Thank you!

This one is awesome! Do you have more?
upscaled this to 4k
upscaled this to 4k
upscaled to 4k
upscaled to 4k
upscaled to 4k
upscaled to 4k
Thank you!
>>2155575 (OP)
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1.45 MB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
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2.94 MB JPG
Fun fact, this artist lives in Zhaporizia in Ukraine. Right on the battlefield.
I wonder if they survive if they'll draw a bunch of ruined cities and stuff.
>>2155575 (OP)
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4.55 MB JPG
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369 KB JPG
Bit on the edge of what you want but i always loved this one for the colour of the sunset
konachan.net with tags nobody and scenic,

anyway, based opinion
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920 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
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4.35 MB PNG
>>2155575 (OP)
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5.85 MB PNG
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>>2155575 (OP)
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438 KB JPG
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3.99 MB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
best in the thread
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2.36 MB JPG
File: Nightsky.png (2.39 MB, 1021x1604)
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2.39 MB PNG
I love this one.
Sauce is in the filename for more.
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File: Sugi87 (edited).jpg (1.33 MB, 4608x2592)
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I edited it a little bit just to make the sky pop more
i'm using it now
i think by increasing saturation, you went against what the artist tried to convey
the slightly denatured colors are due to the fact that there's a storm/clouds on the horizon and i think that's a very important part of the composition, moreso because of the fact that it's located at the very center of the image
by increasing saturation, HE became the artist
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272 KB JPG
>>2155575 (OP)
>>2155575 (OP)
That wallpaper gives me a very good feeling,thanks for posting it Anon :)
File: catstarssharp.jpg (192 KB, 2680x1508)
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192 KB JPG
Not anime but i made this wider and sharper from this
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1.73 MB JPG
Thread is lacking a bit in Kinoblade 2's comfy Cloud Sea. Posting some.
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636 KB JPG
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279 KB JPG
Source? SauceNAO returned with nothng sadly
Thank you very much. There are some beautiful pictures in there.
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File: orbis.png (4.11 MB, 3000x1535)
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4.11 MB PNG
>it's been 3 years
File: 113357776_p0.jpg (4.01 MB, 1736x1736)
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4.01 MB JPG
Damn, that's a great one... totally stealing it for my desktop
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2.82 MB PNG
Same artist.
bump, this thread is one of the best
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360 KB JPG
We're entering 4 now, here's to a new year (sorry if this is super late).
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1.04 MB JPG
this is now my wallpaper
I like this
>>2155575 (OP)
Slop thread
going strong for 5 years
File: 9u08iygbuvuytft.jpg (635 KB, 1600x1200)
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635 KB JPG
God has a magnificent paintbrush. ++
Glory to Jesus Christ.

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