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kurisu is best girl
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my fav one
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hello frens,
i need your help:
my brother hates kagari. could you all share your kagari papes, so i can improve his setup a bit
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I don't really have much of kagari
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4.63 MB PNG
understandable. thanks a lot anyway :)
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Respect to your brother for having good taste
holy fuck this gets even more grainy each time it's uploaded. Here's a significantly better version I made some time back.
Oh yea Loving these Steins Gate posts
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maho is life
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1.03 MB PNG
Does anyone have a rip of the S;G 0 title screen?
I'm trying to find a clean shot of Kurisu here, but the only other one by Huke has a green background
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1.55 MB PNG
here you go :)
you can get all the assets here: https://www.spriters-resource.com
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Well, a pity that there was no kiss
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Good Lord
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remade daru's wallpaper
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1.01 MB JPG
tried to upscale this
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I'll be honest here, I never liked the taste of Dr. Pepper. True men like Daru are Cola enthusiasts.
How do I rip the cgs from the vns? Don't know if it's relevant, but I have cracked versions from Nyaa. Also, how do I upscale images?
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Does anyone have the SERN logo wallpaper? I lost everything in a HDD crash a few years ago. If no one has it anymore, I guess I could do it myself, a letter change should be easy enough.
okabe handsome
mad scientist if he cool
Re-created the image, didn't have the original
File: SERN-Logo.png (110 KB, 3840x2160)
110 KB
110 KB PNG
Based anon, thanks. Though it's not quite exactly the same font, but close enough I guess. I wonder which one they use.
>dat filename
I sure hope no one noticed.
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the jannies sleeping for a whole year
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I thinks its one of the best sci-fi what do you think about?
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5.25 MB PNG
My current wp. It's a bit too light but ok
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4.13 MB PNG
lol, that's perfect
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2.17 MB PNG
This thread will never die
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Help me anons. I've lost an awesome Steins;Gate pape that was okabe sitting on a couch with his head in his hands. Was really moody and I adored it.

Please post it if you have it
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881 KB JPG
didn't see :,(
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907 KB PNG
This ?
Holy hell!! Yes! Thanks Anon!
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351 KB JPG
ยก Merry Christmas !
File: ai.png (2 MB, 1440x1024)
2 MB
pls don't kill for reposting SD
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3.15 MB JPG
Let's keep this thread alive, anons!
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1.13 MB PNG
nice image GPTAnon! The double underboob is new!
good eye, bad bot
anyone have the naked kurisu from the 1st ED of 0 ?
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1.97 MB
1.97 MB PNG
also why does she literally have 0(zero) figures other than the panda maho and some acrylic stands ?
File: EV_SP15.png (2.31 MB, 1920x3054)
2.31 MB
2.31 MB PNG
why bother with AI generated trash when you have the official art
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2.41 MB
2.41 MB PNG
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1.11 MB PNG
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2.78 MB PNG
captcha: trany
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2.3 MB PNG
damn huke really did forget how to draw when drawing some sg0 art
There are like 10 plain bad CGs in s;g 0, while s;g, s;g lbp and the dating sim have maybe 3 bad CGs (all of them combined)
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3.33 MB PNG
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392 KB JPG
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1.04 MB PNG
I remade it better )
Gay I is not welcome ITT
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720 KB PNG
hello russian frend

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