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not necessarily Clannad, but i'm looking for wallpapers that share this specific art style that was so prevalent in the 2000s
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so fucking ugly, can't believe those stupid japs thought this looked good.
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You say that like hentai nowadays is any better.
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2000s moe style! I suggest checking out Heyuri.net if you're into this type of stuff
I won't upload two pics of my small dump here because they are too high res, here are their links:
1- https://files.catbox.moe/qpta8f.png
2- https://files.catbox.moe/mg4kgn.png
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You mean, like, Key?
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Where do I find hi-res images?? Im too stupdis to get sad panda script to work
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I really am an stupdis.

Have a 4:3, moe Tifa.
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I have to give credit to an anon on Heyuri for finding this.

There is a artbook with similar high quality images:


I cant download it myself so if some anon could share a torrent link, I would highly appreciate it!
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>I cant download it myself
you can use this: https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/10379-e-hentai-downloader
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Here's a catbox link, I had to use litterbox due to the file size.
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Thank you very much!

I tried to using that before I made the post, but I didnt get it to work.
Did the link work? I made a mediafire link that should last longer.
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While I pop in to try & look for some hi res images to make a cute deskmat out of, I'll contribute some I saved from like 10+ years ago
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and think that's it for the highlights
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>no Hahuri Suzumiya
>clannad art style

you don't know key? and you don't know how else to describe this? gtfo webcore normalfag. jesus this place is a mess.
This one is from the VN Monochrome. Thought this one looked nice.
what anime?

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