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not necessarily Clannad, but i'm looking for wallpapers that share this specific art style that was so prevalent in the 2000s
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so fucking ugly, can't believe those stupid japs thought this looked good.
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You say that like hentai nowadays is any better.
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2000s moe style! I suggest checking out Heyuri.net if you're into this type of stuff
I won't upload two pics of my small dump here because they are too high res, here are their links:
1- https://files.catbox.moe/qpta8f.png
2- https://files.catbox.moe/mg4kgn.png
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You mean, like, Key?
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Where do I find hi-res images?? Im too stupdis to get sad panda script to work
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I really am an stupdis.

Have a 4:3, moe Tifa.
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I have to give credit to an anon on Heyuri for finding this.

There is a artbook with similar high quality images:


I cant download it myself so if some anon could share a torrent link, I would highly appreciate it!
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>I cant download it myself
you can use this: https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/10379-e-hentai-downloader
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Here's a catbox link, I had to use litterbox due to the file size.
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Thank you very much!

I tried to using that before I made the post, but I didnt get it to work.
Did the link work? I made a mediafire link that should last longer.
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While I pop in to try & look for some hi res images to make a cute deskmat out of, I'll contribute some I saved from like 10+ years ago
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and think that's it for the highlights
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>no Hahuri Suzumiya
>clannad art style

you don't know key? and you don't know how else to describe this? gtfo webcore normalfag. jesus this place is a mess.
This one is from the VN Monochrome. Thought this one looked nice.
what anime?
paste https://i.4cdn.org/w/1692626451548996.jpg to https://saucenao.com/
agreed fucking zoomers ruined everything
Have you same wallpaper in 1920x1080 ?
Modern 4channers are just normalfags who can't even describe styles with studio name. And at that cant even name key. Why do you people come here if you can't even read. If you like something the least you can do is even vaguely look into it. Just go to reddit please. 4chan isn't even cool. You aren't cool because you can post here. This isn't tumblr. You are a sub Saharan. Get hung.
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nakadashi lucia konohana
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this is one of my favorites
100% true. I kinda of what 4chan to become lame and boring to post on because as i fucking age it just keeps getting worse.
anime going mainstream has been awful

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