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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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skinny/small-framed Farin seems so wrong
Are there any senshi pantsushot collections or arts?
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Might be just a screenshot from the anime, but i use it as wallpaper and i think its great
The background art in this show was pretty decent, shame about the garbage writing and character designs though.
kill yourself faggot
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kui art
cringe btw. i don't even have a problem with yuri depictions of them, this is just some blatant unattractive dyke shit
> person posts normal, everyday relationship image between two women
> "unattractive dyke shit"

Consider: That's a fucking weird thing to think, much less type
coudnt have said it better lule
they're not, touch grass. everyone has a gay cousin, sibling, or coworker. it's a fact of life. most normal people are ok with it. the only ones not ok with them are like super conservative christians/catholics/religious or EXTREMELY online people.
Yeah yeah. And tv and facebook/ig will present opinions of 10% of brainwashed retards as the opinion of majority.
But ! Yuri is more than ok for most of the straight man. So who is he calling a fag?idk, maybe projection
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Everyone has them. But lets be real here the average people are "barely tolerating them" at most.
You're gonna see in a year or so the swing of the pendulum. Already happening in real time.

Cope harder Faghag.
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why would anyone have so many raped relatives? what kind of family do you come from?

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