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post your best summer related wallpapers. summer is my favorite time of year

old thread: >>2135183
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>>2194025 (OP)
old thread died? fuck that dude that said something about visual novels with this feel but didn't name any then.
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Nap time in a warm spot never gets old.
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Summer will be here before we know it... And gone too...
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how can i see the old thread?
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Sadly yes
For real. I read his shit the day he posted it and have been holding out ever since. Maybe covid got him.
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thread could use a BUMP
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Loving this thread, bump
been awhile since I've gotten so many out of a small thread. I'l break into my old set and fill this thread out some more tonight
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>>2194025 (OP)
I love this picture so much
it might be my favorite of my thousands of papes
One of my all-time favorites
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all time fav, modified it to make it 4k
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that dude just posted it and never came back, maybe he had knowledge we couldnt handle.
op from the original thread here, i'll dump some more stuff i managed to get.
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best one in the whole thread
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belated happy summer, reposting my favourite from the last thread.
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really not feeling summery this year, its shit. oh well, autumn is nearly here.
The other version is better
With the shadow cast from nothing?
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>>2194025 (OP)
Search for it in the archives.
Well I'm not him and I'm also 5 months late, but Everlasting Summer is aptly named and gives off this feel. Its Russian, but obviously in a Japanese VN style.
Summer is the best and should be the only season. (Spring is still acceptable too.)
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>>2194025 (OP)
Nice thread.

>Summer is the best and should be the only season. (Spring is still acceptable too.)
I totally agree.
Let's be friends!
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>>2194025 (OP)
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200% sure you don't live in a tropical zone.
Summer is easily the worst season. You can't go out anywhere because you'll get sunburnt (even with sunscreen, etc) and you sweat like crazy both indoors and out. All of the plants die, everyone is prone to anger because they're sweating so much, and you have to run the air conditioning 24/7 just to be able to sleep, etc.

That said, what are some comfy summer anime? I like watching the Endless 8 during summer.
No I don't but the seldom times it gets between 77-95°F or 25-35°C here I feel super alive and happy even if it's humid. When temps drop below 59°F or 15°C I get super depressed.

I rarely get sunburnt even if I run outside a lot. I never had trouble sleeping at 77°F/25°C or above without air-con and I sweat lots even in winter because I have an illness so summer actually makes that bearable because then the sweat doesn't make me freeze.
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>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
>>2194025 (OP)
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Damn! Don't even know what franchise this is for. Any way I can find this in a 19:9?
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It's finally spring! Serotonin + 200%
Further proof that Winter just sucks and nobody needs it.
>>2194025 (OP)
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>>2194025 (OP)
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It's summer now, things are fine. I just love May, June, July and August
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>It's summer now
u wot m8? it starts june 21st
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its time. im making the switch to summer wallpapers now.
I tried too but I couldn't find a summer one I really like so far
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set it to a slideshow of all the ones from this thread.
It's an idea
Time to look up some ghibli images
I live in a sub tropical zone
Yeah lol it gets really bad in June-july
Especially when it's humid AF
This might not be the right place to ask, but does anyone know the artwork of ocean houses or semi-flooded beach cities? may or may not feature catgirls, but I remember them being super cozy and want to find them again
This? >>2218939 →
yes! thanks anon
see also
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Happy summer everyone!
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>go outside on a sunny day with cumulus clouds
>think to myself "WAOW its just like muh anime wallpapers"
any other mega autists do this? to be fair I do live in the UK where these days are less common
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You should touch grass more often anon. Move to the countyside for a few years.
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I realized it's already August and made a new wallpaper in a fit.
>>2194025 (OP)
A trip to the ice cream store is required summer activity.
Does anyone have the art picture of girl in a sundress sitting on a yellow car much appreciated
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Summer: Hiking, Traveling, Swimming, Working outside with laptop at swimming pool or some barbecue place, LSD or Magic Mushrooms trips in nature, Thunderstorms, it's warm and the days are long, tropical drinks (rarely)

Winter: Existing.
It was in the previous thread
Sounds like we should alter the Earths trajectory to have more summer and less winter.
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Winter can be nice too. Its cozy and comfy indoors when you're under the covers with a mug of warm coffee or tea, watching the snow fall outside.
Its even nice outside sometimes, if you listen to some atmospheric music while walking out in the snow and larping as some sort of character braving the harsh brutal winter. Different seasons, different feels
For me to enjoy anything but spring and summer I would need a proper family else it's just lonely and depressing so rip on that part
All of these things make me want to die
Posting from your future
Sayonara, summer...
(Hello, new 4K rig)
You mean this picture of a girl in a yellow sundress sitting on a white car?
Is this it? >>2222045

And now summer is gone... :-(

Great pic! So calm and comfy.

Good job!
I'm already fed-up with the weather, I want summer back
>>2194025 (OP)
nice pits
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>>2194025 (OP)
Wish I could just hibernate till April
Meteorologically it starts on 01.06
Astronomically it starts on 21.06

Actually we consistently had summer days (>25°C) since 15.05 this year :)
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>>2194025 (OP)
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This is such a cool picture to me
I used to use this as a wallpaper for a long time
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>>2194025 (OP)
>>2194025 (OP)
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Bro you're a god, came here to ask for this one after my old HDD died.
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Happy summer solstice! anyone else still here? Teared up looking back through this thread, so much has changed in 2 and a half years.
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Summer is finally here and I heard it's gonna be a hot one
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summer is almost over bros... another year gone, just like that
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halloween is technically in summer right?
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>>2194025 (OP)
wow , thanks anon its my wallpaper now
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I'm lost. Wow a 2 year old thread. I don't normally go to boards this slow.
you're missing out
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spring and summer hands down the best season ,will take them whole year everything is alive ,the winter is just sad and depressing shut ins like it
i randomly found this idk where tho
>>2194025 (OP)
>Summer Wallpapers #2 Anonymous 03/02/21
Is this like the oldest thread on 4chan?
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summer is coming soon, gonna contribute with a comfy pic.
Not with clouds specifically but I started a new job on the 10th floor at a sprawling facility and when I looked down I was like "wow it's like Academy City in muh Railgun! this would be a great anime background!"
not even close lol.
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Brighter version
you gonna waste your whole life with forward-regret? jesus tapdancing christ
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Imagine complaining about a three year old post... couldn't be me!
I've never hung out on top of a building before. What is it like?
My experience, I watched NYE fireworks surrounded by friendly immigrants
it's... windy
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>>2194025 (OP)
Thanks for the pictures. This is a nice thread.
Same, anon.
Hello are you me? Do you also have a few thousand pictures of clouds with a landscape?
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I live in Japan and the clouds really are exactly like that in summer
Whoa, they made anime clouds a real thing...
I've seen some really nice clouds in Spring when I was there. Would love to see them in Summer.
From the depths of winter to the peak of page one.
God is good. + + +

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