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File: 1301944.jpg (4.39 MB, 3000x1602)
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>Madoka Magica
>No Thread
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Damn nice one this is.
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more sayaka pls
WTF is a "Puella Magi"?
It's "Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica"
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>WTF is a "Puella Magi"?
Latin for "Magical Girl"
It's the actual name for the series, as you can see in its poster
There are actual fans of this manga?

I'd be shocked if i learned it got an anime
Posted a couple from the manga

File: Homulilly.jpg (663 KB, 904x1003)
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Post witches, they look cool as hell.
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artbook very nice thank you madoka
I wide faces in madoka and hs look gross and disgusting.
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I've been using this one for ages.
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homura in rebellion
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I watched this show recently. I wasn't expecting an anime about lesbian middle school girls who are also magic or something to be so depressing. It's great, but way too short.
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NGC 6357 is watching you masturbate.
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the only one ive ever kept
here, you can have it ,anon
File: ED.jpg (457 KB, 1920x1080)
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Now a few 16:10
File: Wall - Me-Gun-Kata.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1280)
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1 MB
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