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Wallpapers that make you feel that speical kind of sadness
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>>2213864 (OP)
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Nevermind found it
artist is shion/mirudakemann
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upscaled to 4k
this is beautiful, thank you so much
You just know.
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who is the artist? its beautiful
Looks like Gustave Doré. His workshop did all the illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy
not 4k, i understand where you are coming from but thats an inaccurate statement out of laziness
you're right. do i care? no
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I don't know if this should be here, but here we go.
Does anyone have something like these for a phone? Great stuff
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Devastating chapter
your edit?
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>>2213864 (OP)
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Yea, didn't realize how obvious the edit is until I posted it and saw the thumbnail though.
what manga is this from?
im retarded
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please reccomend me some anime/manga/movie/tv that have a similar vibe to these pics
artstyle or mood?

Mood probably. I like the lonely city sorta vibe it has
Texhnolyze, shinsekai yori, shoujo shuumatsu ryokou, mushishi, made in abyss; some off the top of my head.
Sadly, I’ve watched all of those but texhnolyze
Texhnolyze is one of the greatest anime of all time
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Second this, an absolutely stellar, crushing work of art.
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Don't you die on me! Kinda cheating to post stuff by Gracile, literally all their art fits the tone of this thread perfectly, but here's some of my personal favourites
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Background look like post-soviet country. And one of the cars look like zhiguli(A common brand of cars in post-soviet countries)
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>>2213864 (OP)
this picture give me an mdma comedown just looking at it.
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pls post whatever without anime girls and not in anime stylistic
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Is the original art from a manga? Looks familiar
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Is this from an anime?
my favorite image ive gotten from this board, something about its aesthetic makes me love it
>>2213864 (OP)
It's called mono no aware. It's the umami of feelings.
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Space Girl 88 01
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Space Girl 88 02
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Space Girl 88 03
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Space Girl 88 04
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Space Girl 88 05
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Space Girl 88 06
Wow anon, those are really really shit!
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What the fuck did you do?
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Sir, these are anything but "melancholic"
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Such a great manga/anime
>Melancholy = Blue tint + Animu gurl
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for us newfags which one is it ?
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that's pretty good, ty anon
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it can be red + animu girl too.
The cat is what makes the picture.
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blessed thread
everyone here is based
love it
I also must know the artist for this. It looks a lot like Yin from Darker than Black, but searching boorus for her doesn't give me anything.
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Any one has Yokohama Shopping log?
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oh man, thanks for posting this.
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what's this from?
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The Planetes manga.
The anime is great too.
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Would anyone happen to have a picture Im looking for? Set at night, downtown, girl in a coat, shirt and tie walking toward the viewer, a folder under one arm and holding a cigarette in the other while looking to the side. Like she worked late and now heading home.
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Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
merry christmas
Belated merry christmas and a happy new year. Thank you anon.
just watch taxi driver fr
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Ergo proxy
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Night time beta(ish) Minecraft is where it is.
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>>2213864 (OP)
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>>2213864 (OP)
Damn, I made this thread 2 years and 8 months ago. I remember the place I was in well. I remember how sad and alone I was. I'm out now, I found love, I managed to turn it all around.
It gets better anons, we can all get there. Bless you all.
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I'm glad things are going better anon! it's been fun reading this thread every few months. Whenever I need a wallpaper, I come back here and wonder how things are going for the different anons who have posted here.
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Glad to see this thread is still up after so long and that you made it OP!
MODS, whatever you did to restore broken thumbnails seems to have broken this image - it's all zeroes inside.

Here's the copy I got from archives if anybody wants it https://files.catbox.moe/3jhdqv.jpg
anyone still got this pic?
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