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File: Little Nuns Anniversary.jpg (401 KB, 2048x1160)
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A thread for anime wallpapers with Christian aesthetics or themes.
>>2226965 (OP)
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>>2226965 (OP)
Are these from a real series either manga or anime? If seen them posted for a long time and I've never found anything.
the artist is called diva and they make one of these everyday
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It's interesting to observe how the style has changed over time.
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Look at these ducks.
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I love this series is there a zip somwhere of all the images?
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Not that I know of.
Pic related is my mobile wallpaper.
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i want to rape them
that's so me irl hahaha literally me right there hehe
>Protagonist sleeps on a clothes nest
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>>2226965 (OP)
Another anniversary picture.
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Seek Jesus
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It's low res, but I'm using this one, now, since I love Wind Waker.
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>it is October
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Low res but it's my mobile lock and home screen
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Happy All Saints Day.
>>2226965 (OP)
I don't think you're on the right board, but i'll roll with u
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I mean, Christmas
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Happy Saint Nicholas's Day.
Uh it is the anime wallapapers board and he is asking for anime wallpapers (christian). It is the correct board, stop posting offtopic shit in this thread.
Sad I missed that one, glad it's here. Love the little nuns.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Hard to believe this thread is half a year old!
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>>2226965 (OP)
This thread is like nun that I've ever seen.
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Glasses nun best nun.
spilled my drink scrolling to this pic
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It's Good Friday.
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And now it's Easter!
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I went to the Vigil Mass last night. Now I am tired.
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Rare LN picture that actually has a bit of relevance to Christianity.
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>> ^
>>/ _\
> ^ ^
>/_\/ _\
Ask in the /fat/ loss general on /fit/. These get posted there almost daily. Maybe someone has a compilation.
>>2226965 (OP)
Cool thread. It feels a bit weird without the mpv logo though.
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What's up with the mexican sombreros? Is that nun supposed to be mexican?
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She likes Mexican food, certainly.
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Merry Christmas!!
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here you go buddy https://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/16322
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we must break the nuns' hegemony
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I hope you all had a good Easter and I wish you all a swell Eastertide.
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I love it
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who is the artist? :o
samefag harder
Implying having a good time with your loved ones on earth is not what Christianity is partially about
I wish it were an actual Christian thread and not, weird-anime-nuns-doing-cute-stuff
That’s what >>>/wg/ or literally any other website on the web is for anon.
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different anon, but thank you
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File: Little Nuns Graveside.jpg (271 KB, 2048x1152)
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Need this in my life...
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There are lots of Luce pics, but few make good wallpapers...
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