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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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Girls using computers thread
I can't captcha solve fast enough edition
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Or post correctly because I'm a phonefag
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100% femboy. No females cross their legs like that. Not complaining though
imagine the smell
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Got just shy of a thousand of these. Too bad most of them aren't at the standard aspect ratios.
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Bumpity bump
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Someone needs to clean that nasty window and get her a mouse pad so she doesn't keep fucking up the wood.

That cable management makes me want to scream if I think about it too much, otherwise I like the aesthetic.

Snacks in bed and getting crumbs everywhere is unforgivable.

This is a good thread, don't take my autistic screeching personally.
I'm not sure why I'm so upset right meow.
Please don't live like this.
I can't even have people into my safe apartment unless the cans in the closed cupboard are neatly organized.
My lab is the only exception, that place can look like a fucking tornado ripped through there with shit scattered on every surface, so I really shouldn't be upset at any of the homely depictions ITT, but I just can't turn that off at the moment, sorry.
I look forward to moar, even if I'm still a little amgry at them.
My boyfriend loves when I wear my programming socks.
Stay mad. Stay sad.
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>Stay mad
Says the guy who just wrote a paragraph about how he's angry for no reason
Why is she in a dentist chair
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is that Star Citizen on the middle monitor there? looks like 2.4 arena commander super hornet.
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I'm using it in my browser but little bit different
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Is there a way that you can share the theme or the Configuration of your browser so that I can use it. It looks pretty nice and I want that too.
cute girl neet
is that lain??? for years i have known this image but i never knew it was lain
>Want girl on pc pic
Anime ? Sorry if this is a classic
how i feel afer debugging for 4 hours and realizing i mistyped one character on line 5O
look at the monitor.
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Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru

Use trace.moe or saucenao in this situations
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Nice blog. Where are the wallpapers?
The logo on the screen is a clear reference but she really doesn't look like her.
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