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The one you always come back to, the "default" for testing out a screen.

This one is mine, albeit super sonico is a random literally who made for capitalistic merchandizing, it just always feels right, i don't know.
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>>2240874 (OP)

nevermind im retarded

to err is human..?
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been using this at home or a blue gradient style wallpaper to hide the powerlevels since 2010
>>2240874 (OP)
>super sonico is a random literally who made for capitalistic merchandizing
agree but the capitalistic machine knows how to design a loveable character
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>>2240874 (OP)
It's a nice wallpaper, anon, I might use it myself.
I like this one a lot, I think some anon here made it some time ago, but I always come back to it, especially on laptops. I think it's Nadeshiko from Yuru Camp
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while I normally have my wallpaper settings set up so it changes the desktop background every 6 hours, this one is the favorite of the bunch
This has been my wallpaper in a lot of things for years
im a neanderthal and use sort of low res
i like this one but i cant real the letter on hte icon on my desktop relly good with it i just liked this show a lot :))))))
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Really like this one but starting to work remotely. Don't want to have this pop up while I'm screen sharing
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2.52 MB PNG
had to compress
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1.78 MB PNG
I know it's low res and all but I used this for literal years. Always get a warm and comfy feeling from it. Ushio Best
used this for years
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I've used a couple by kogecha for everything for a long time now, but I usually put this on any new PC unless I'm ricing.
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been using a dark edit of this one for years now
this one looks good as fuck anon. thanks for sharing
post it
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An AI upscaled screenshot of the Roaring Star Cannon by Boros in OPM.
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PLEASE CONTINUE POSTING YOUR FAVORITE WALLPAPERS SENPAI!!! desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu b u m p desu
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Dl'ed these

based lucky star appreciator

just rewatched up to 2.22 rebuild films with my doggo. rei is...rei.
you get points for the hugo boss appreciation but nazism is eh essay k on is good tho

good series

a winrar is (you)
i have a basset hound named phillip i watch eva with
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good atmosphere
of all the vectors in shapes i rike this one alot
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I use this one nowadays. still gives contrast to the stuff I have on my desktop. any bright wallpaper just doesn't work for me
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2.7 MB PNG
and this is one I've used in the past a lot. funnily enough it's just a screenshot from the zaregoto anime and captures the vibe perfectly.
>>2240874 (OP)
Do not have one
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dis is my current pape
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Been using that one a lot recently, i like anime wallpapers with a minimalist approach.
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holy shit these are amazing

i've been using this haibane renmei one for a long time.
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2.18 MB PNG
This is the one im using right now
Currently my wp
I've been using this for about two years. When I was still in school, I'd also use this on my school PC. I wonder if the staff ever deleted my data because they usually left everything untouched.
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Found this on here two years ago haven't change it since
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Been in use for several years now
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I use this one a lot too. Love this stupid show.
Thank you :)
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Ive been on and off with this piece as my wallpaper for years and its been so consistent for me (Was even about to post it before you managed to what a coincidence)
>this fuckin show
god it's been so many years. I need to rewatch it
I assume this artist is the same as the one on another thread >>2190023 → correct?
Nope, kogecha (pbuh) always used lineart. This is ogipote (on pixiv, at least.)
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Man is this ever coming back from hiatus. Beautiful wallpaper tho
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>>2240874 (OP)
had this as a wallpaper for almost 3 years until recently
though, if I start NFS Shift Unleashed 2 it reverts my wallpaper to this one. I have no idea why.
man this is good, shame there aren't many more this artist's done that can be used as wallpapers
just added pic related to my slideshow collection
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these are so fucking good
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2.25 MB JPG
really comfy

Pretty sure it finished
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for me it's this one. I switch occasionally, even for longer times, but I keep coming back to this one.
>t. haven't even seen the rebuilds.
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Here, I unpoopified it for you.
Sorry about the slight differences.
I used somebody's vector and it's not exactly the same.
that's awesome, thanks for the fix, anon, I've just updated my desktop with the new one
I unpoopified it further by upscaling it for you.
1440p Supremacy
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4.82 MB PNG
cool, thx! also check'd
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>>2240874 (OP)
Grabbed a meme pic with daffy duck and tom, deleted tom and made the pic horizontal. And got this.
Its the most fucking stupid thing ive ever seen
I love it
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This is so bad its good.
I hate poltards so much
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More SYD. This one has been increasingly relevant. I should probably change it
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*Liquid Snake*


Cute, built for hugging
This one is my wallpaper for a couple of months now, kind of a record since I used to change it nearly on a daily basis
And this one was my previous one. Yeah, big fan of the artist

same artist as

it's a shame the thumbnails are all broken, it was a pretty kino thread
4chan X has a gallery option in the top right of the screen to scroll images. This board is basically unusable for me without it.
If you for some reason don't have 4chan x, it's a very useful userscript and you should get it.
I love this one
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Leaving my contribution to this board. This ones been my phone wp for years
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203 KB JPG
for about five years now
All hail the stale American cheese slice
>the senpai from r15 ja dame desu ka out of nowhere
this artist is based
so beautiful

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