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File: Kogecha.full.2360634.jpg (1.07 MB, 2456x1381)
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Fuck, bros, Kogecha died. I'll dump my 16:9 collection of his art and then some in original res, hope you like them. rip
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also here's his pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12845810/illustrations
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I'd never heard of him, but it's always sad when a talented artist dies. How did he go out?
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>Ladies and gentlemen, today I would like to share with you a very sad report from my family about Kogecha. Kogecha passed away in June of last year due to an accident at work. The police confirmed there was no incident. He and his family spent a week at his favorite cottage in Nasu Highland, and the day after he returned to work, he was rejuvenated and talked about his future plans and dreams. In the past, Kogecha was very interested in animation, fashion, and music, and was involved in the clothing design of music videos and characters. I am sure that Kogecha himself is feeling the most frustrated and disappointed because he was looking forward to working with these people. I hope that you will continue to cherish his works in the future. I wish I could have seen the animation of the characters he created moving and talking vividly. I would like to add that the funeral was held with close relatives only.
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and my favorite
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5.9 MB JPG
also full res
I'll leave a link to his Pixiv right here, so you anyone who's interested can grab some other pics:

Damn, I saw that the artist that made Azki died. Didn't know it was this guy.
I've been using his art as background in my phone for over a year now
Thanks for sharing OP
Thank you for sharing the news. Didn't know him, but his art is amazing.
man, this is sad news. i found out about him only recently because of pic related, love his art.
i'd be nice if someone made a folder with all of his wallpaper material, like someone did with tkmiz.
yeah, i'll do something like this today/tomorrow. will post link later
Fuck, I loved his art so much. Such a shame that he died.
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Here's the link. My 16x9 collection, fav art collection and pixivDL folder with every artwork from pixiv/sketch
one of my favorite artists. Had a lot of nice osu backgrounds. I have him followed and i was really wondering why he hasn't posted anything in like 6 months. Wonder why they took so long to release the news
Never heard of this guy but this art is incredible. Real shame
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Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.
dropping this
fuck man...
I have nothing to contribute, but I wanted to thanks you (all) for sharing this.
feels so strange having a dead guy's art as my wallpaper
Wow this guy was a great artist
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such nice artist
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A bit bigger.
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750 KB JPG
God damn... cant believe it
Holy shit he was talanted af.
Awesome thread op

May he rest in peace. So saddening to hear that he passed with so much more to offer the world.
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My first time hearing this news, such a shame to lose an incredible artist.
May he rest in peace.
What a feeling of total dread, I was just enjoying all this fantastic art, and then to learn this is just, devastating.
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why are these wallpapers so fucking good?

where did you get them?
anon.... are you retarded?
Nothing like that slow sense of dread as you realize you do, in fact, recognize this artist. Thanks for dumping, OP.
Fuck, didn't know he died, fuck fuck. Me and my sis have papes with his art and I can't believe it took me browsing a board I rarely use to get the news. RIP.
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i was playing yori nu kakeru on osu and i wanted to make the background my wallpaper, coming acrossing this artist and his art has given me such a mix of emotions...i wish i had a chance to support him when he was still doing what he loved
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Got some phone wallpapers from his amazing work
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Is this one from him too? seems similar in style
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fucking god, I literally have his pieces as papes in all my devices
Why couldnt it be me instead
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dude really likes his smoke with girls
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I appreciate you bundling Kogecha's art like this. Makes it a LOT easier to save and archive it.
Fantastic, thank you anon
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File: kimono-cogecha.jpg (750 KB, 2048x1448)
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This one really speaks to me. Going to use this for a long time. Thanks anon.
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bump thread too good to lose
i'll help you bump this amazing thread anonbro, this art deserves to be seen.
If it weren't for the shading on the hand, this would probably be my favorite of his.
did you upscale that?
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Originals way too big for this and /hr/ boards.
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Can't believe that I just realized that he died now.
I've seen some of his art work for some while.
It being as distinctive as it is.
I wasn't that attached to him, and yet, I'm saddened that he's gone now.
Great thread anons.
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Nagano Aniera Festa
Source? His last work on pixiv is dated 15 Jan of this year.
oh man I didn't see there was another thread, may he rest in peace.
his gorgeous style was definitely inspired by Eijin Suzuki
>at work
So you're telling me this guy was this good and still had to work in a side-job physical enough to carry a risk of dying of an accident? There's no justice in this world
Guys, how do you manage to download all the images full size at once in a thread? I was using the Xchan, but aparently that doesn't work anymore. I want to save all the images from this post.
Browser extensions.
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Change music to listen pls baka
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so, how did he do these backgrounds? a photo filter? tracing?
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I don't even understand
Where did you get these high rez versions of these images, the one on pixiv is lower res. Is it twitter? Like many of these images arent found on his pixiv account so id like to know your source for finding kogecha's art
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Not that anon but gelbooru has a lot of very high-res pics of this artist.
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I love his art, its really sad to see such a talanted artist go. Prayers to him
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wait what how did he die? how do you know?
Are there wallpapers without girls? I really like the backgrounds
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let's post artists with a similar style
>675 days and 7 hours
>705 days and 5 hours
Well shit, I missed the 2 year mark by a day...
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thanks for the (you) saw the thread then got remined that I saved this right here

I found this thread today, I would not have done so if you guys didn't bump it.

Thank you. I've saved the mega.
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Wtf, the thread is already 769 days old. Really glad I made that one. RIP
Here's an archive link again if anyone is interested >>2191794
there's a trojan in the pixiv folder btw
Is there a name for this kind of artstyle?
I downloaded a few images from there. Is it in a specific file?
according to this video, it's a variant of ligne claire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aAFqtoc33k
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i love this one, really speaks to me for some reason
almost a year late but I use Hydrus to save and tag them and Hydrus Companion, the browser extension to watch threads and download the pictures.
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2.64 MB JPG
very interesting video
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I'm gonna keep asking, what kind of filter did he use for the backgrounds?
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Thanks to whichever anons linked this all the way from /wg/ when I was looking for inspiration to do something. It's exactly the aesthetic I was looking for.
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1076 days and 10 hours
I did not know about this artist before this thread but it's all really fucking good, bump
Damn, I always new his works floating around but never the artist, may he rest well <3
ofc the classic
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BUMP (op gay 100%)
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liked this one a lot, upscaled it for myself and others who want it
>1209 days and 21 hours
I have nothing to contribute, but thanks for sharing op. These are beautiful
This is really nice, thanks for the posts, OP.
I wish I could just plaster my appartment with these. Too bad I have friends and no spine at all

Thanks for the thread OP I have been looking at it from time to time these last few years
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Don't be so impatient. Threads last a long time in pages 9 and 10.
Anyone in this thread have scanned copy of his artbook? I can't find any on the web
You can have a spine, anon. :) I think real friends would understand. But I understand the struggle. At least, you can print these out and put them in some type of art binder to look through.
(And then you'll already have them printed out in case you DO end up wanting to plaster them on your walls.)
Just found out about this guy from this thread. RIP, downloaded every last pape here and I'll hunt for his full res stuff as well.
same. RIP
I'm 3 years too late, didn't know this artist, but what an amazing artstyle did this person had. Thanks for sharing
Some time ago, for a long time, I used this image as my desktop wallpaper. I got it from my friend but he didn't know who the artist was either. And now I found it. Rest in Peace
there's only 3-4 pics in the folders. did mega delete them?
seems so, what a bunch of faggots
i'll go check my old laptop from 4 years ago and reupload if I still have it there
I have it
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564 KB JPG
she happy now, ig
thanks for re-uploading anon. there's about 60 files in the folder. is that all of them? seems a little less than the previous one you shared.
I'm not the og anon and now I see it's only the Kogecha (my collection) folder, that's all I have, so we have to wait for the anon to check his old laptop
so mega emailed me like half a year ago that all my stuff is going to be deleted, because my account was inactive
here's the reupload https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bp2kWPbSzKUIdgSfvXLKAmvYxsI0i-sL?usp=sharing
Thank you anon :)
man this one is amazing

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