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Gotta keep mine in check so people won't find out that I'm a continental buster with massively hypersonic combat speed and reaction.

What is a powerlevel wallpaper?

Powerlevel is, above all, SUBTLE. It attempts to obscure its source material to anyone unfamiliar with it. It looks good to the uninitiated, while providing a neat nod for anyone who knows the reference.

Good examples of powerlevel include:
Insignias and logos
Distinctive equipment or ornamentation (weapons, masks, ribbons, hats, necklaces, glasses, anything that can identify the character to someone who knows the source)
In-universe organizations
Mascots and some non-humanoid side characters. Be careful on this one, it can be borderline.

What powerlevel usually does NOT include:
The anime's name or a character's name. There is some wiggle room here if all other criteria are met.
Faces, or most of a character's body.
Minimalism, if it depicts a character.
Landscapes and cityscapes. There is almost no wiggle room, unless you are 100% sure it's powerlevel despite being a landscape. We know, Monogatari and 5cm/s backgrounds look pretty good, but this isn't the thread for them.
Screencaps, unless the screencaps have been doctored to be high quality.
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another one to kick start the thread
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and one more for mobile
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where's this from?
No Game, No Life
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>Powerlevel is, above all, SUBTLE. It attempts to obscure its source material to anyone unfamiliar with it. It looks good to the uninitiated, while providing a neat nod for anyone who knows the reference.

>What powerlevel usually does NOT include:
>The anime's name or a character's name. There is some wiggle room here if all other criteria are met.
>Faces, or most of a character's body.
>Minimalism, if it depicts a character.
>Landscapes and cityscapes. There is almost no wiggle room, unless you are 100% sure it's powerlevel despite being a landscape. We know, Monogatari and 5cm/s backgrounds look pretty good, but this isn't the thread for them.
>Screencaps, unless the screencaps have been doctored to be high quality.
Read the OP, powerlevel wallpaper should not look like referencing anime/manga at all.
It's funny how i never watched and or read that series but looking at the colors and the chess piece that was the first thing i though. only know about it it passing.
No, it's a simplified version of the NERV logo from Eva
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is this better?
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anyone got any Darling in the Franxx power level type wallpapers?
Pointless to hide power level these days when every normalfag is not in to anime. Unless you want something from some 'problematic' anime like some heavy incest anime or stuff.
doomers are exhausting, touch grass
Geass? Haven't seen the series in ages.
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thank you! love it, please keep them coming
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This one's nice
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might not be so subtle, but jin from samurai champloo
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>>2241363 (OP)
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anyone got an Utena wallpaper that would qualify?
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is this subtle enough?
posting Okabe's wallpaper again, I quite like it and still use it on my phone
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Also this is what I use on my lockscreen, both are from an imgur album of 'discreet' S;G papes (https://imgur.com/a/ezjoVEP)
can someone share the yellow one for radical ed "virtual virus mascot" pleaaaaaase
>powerlevel threads are no longer powerlevel
What a sad state of things.
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>>2241363 (OP)
Is it a joke about fingerbanging fishy pussies?
It's clearly a reference to Inuyashiki and Shishigami killing children and families with his finger gun.
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clearly a Bebop reference
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>a fucking MS in the backgrond
this anon was right >>2245637
Anyone got ideas for a good power level tattoo? I already have the one piece X and want to get another.
I think >>2246025
is the real answer.
I have the spear of Longinus from Eva. In the almost decade that I've had it, no one I've shown it to irl knew what it was. Most just guessed "a pitchfork?"
>"That's a weird looking snail fork. Are you french, anon?"
I would rather be known as a weeb than suffer the embarrassment of ever being mistaken as french.
Ooo I might get that. I already have the X from one piece which a surprising amount of people knew where its from
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The Simpsons
> [click]
i can hear it
love this one, got any more in 1600x900? need some more for my memepad
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Girls' Last Tour
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Haruhi Suzimiya
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End of Evangelion
Good old 4chan
What's this a reference to?
Not him, but that's the tape player that Shinji listens to.
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who the fuck frosts a donut in that direction?
Fails to load, can someome re upload?
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Had to post the PNG on catbox because it weighs over 9MB. https://files.catbox.moe/odiwos.png
This looks intersting as fuck. Sauce?
Armored Core VI. /v/, but also /m/. Sorry if you were expecting a show.
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>>2241363 (OP)
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I love you for this one anon full homo
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Does anyone have the rather high def wall that is a desk and a rather scratched up floor?
Found it.
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Cleaned up
How the FUCK hasn't anyone posted the The End of Evangelion?
Are there any archive's of these boards?
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>The End of Evangelion?
which one?
THAT one
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thank you, also. Guess I'll dump.
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I don't know if this counts, honestly.
That's not power level. That's tital weebshit.
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pic rel is also nice
do you have the original ascii art?
NTA, but when someone asked about it on /wsr/ about a year ago, I wrote a script to resolve the characters and color in the image.
Here's the end result: https://files.catbox.moe/lgxct8.txt
It uses ANSI escape codes for the colors, so if you run `cat lgxct8.txt` in a terminal on Linux, it gets printed out with colors.
And here it is without colors: https://files.catbox.moe/duov0f.txt
anon, you're a saint
do you still have the script?
Yes, but I only made it to work with this specific image.
It's of little to no use with other images, unless modified accordingly.
Thanks a lot again! It still helps
>verification not required
3.0, the third Rebuild movie introduced a new Nerv logo, that is a simplified version of that.

Don't know if you know, but from left to right it says "Urgent & Important" / "Not urgent, but important" / "Not important, but urgent" and "Not urgent or important"
Seems like a neat way to organize stuff
Background variation:
anyone got one for Utena? I know it'd be hard, but still
Autist. The question was about the neon chess piece.
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this one is genius, i always come back to it.
can someone please post the Lain one "Present day Present time" on a black background, it's been posted on this board a couple of times but archive links are dead as far as i can see.
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i have the berserk brand, the flower on skull knights shield, and the girls last tour stairs.
one person has recognized the berserk brand.
besides that everybody thinks the GLT stairs is a dna strand, it blends in pretty well lol
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thank you
honestly this is the best power level one
only those who watched part five will be able to tell its jojos and then only the massive jojo fans will be able to recognise the church
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you sicken me
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Imagine trying to hide your "power level" from anyone.
Are you some faggot who still lives with your parents or with other people?
creativity, motherfucker, ever heard of it

the whole point of powerlevel wallpapers isn't about being ashamed of liking a show/movie/whatever, but about it's about pushing how far you can obscure a reference to a show/movie/whatever while still making something aesthetically appealing

as an example off the top of my head, if you wanted to make a Gunsmith Cats powerlevel wallpaper, one idea would be to use the colors of Rally's Shelby GT-500 (blue with two stripes down the middle) and have a handgun (for Rally) and a grenade (for Minnie May) on either side of the stripes, possibly in silhouette - done with enough skill, the result would probably look interesting enough to casual eyes, but those who know about Gunsmith Cats would be more inclined to catch the "hidden" reference
For me I like the aesthetics of a power level wallpaper. I like simplicity that can convey something deeper, which is exactly what a power level wallpaper is. It's just clean.
I don't give a fuck what people around me say about my wallpaper, in fact anime has been normal for a while now, and all the people I know watch anime, so if anything they'll ask me where I got it from.
Based show appreciator
need more phone ones pls
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Does anyone have the Miku pantsu one? The green/white strips pattern one.
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Forget it, made one myself.
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Half the series is Power Level. Anyway, have some...
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Put any color you want in the background for your favorite duelist.
Revue Starlight
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What's this logo from, btw? It seems familiar but I can't recall offhand.
It's from Patlabor, Schaft Enterprises is a labor manufacturer.
Ah, that was it. Pape came out nicely, I like it.
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i spent my entire teenage years embarrassing myself on Evageeks forums and have a minipanic attack anytime i see a link lmao
This code geass?
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did some digging to find Monogatari series related ones, I hope I inspire someone to also post Monogatari papes
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hopefully about Kiss Shot Acerola-Orion Heart Under-Blade...
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i think this one might work?
I remember seeing some Eden of the East power level wallpapers, but I never saved them and can't find them. Can anyone post them if they have them?
Eva's code red with color swap
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>inb4 what anime is this from?
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I found a few on this imgur album
most of them are kinda bad
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>>2241363 (OP)
Not sure if this counts, but...
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Does anybody have any good NHK papes?
This is all i got but i don't know if it counts.
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Why are all the thumbnails broken
see >>2260764
It happened a little while ago.
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya?
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>>2241363 (OP)
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not really power level shit, its literally a manga panel.
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So much data was lost. Sucks. Anyone got the wallpaper thats just the logo for the knights of the eastern calculus. I always felt that group and 4chan irl were one in the same.
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nevermind, I found it
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Saucenao will give you the answer.
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