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I don't know what this style is called, but I like to call it the "y2k aesthetic". Basically, post wallpapers that look like they belong on a Windows XP machine, or an iMac G4. The more kitsch, the better! And the wallpapers don't have to actually be from the 2000s, they just have to look like it, in other words, wallpapers of modern anime are allowed, as long as they look the part.
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I'm getting fuckin old...
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I found this on my hard drive. I completely forgot about the broken screen wallpaper trend.
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Excellent thread. Wish I had something to contribute.
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This is how I feel too. It makes me sad that this aesthetic died out.
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none of these look like the sorta shit you have on a xp machine,just weebs posting loli shit

t.someone who used xp since it was released
post something then faggot
>just weebs posting loli shit
Do you have any idea where you are
>t.someone who used xp since it was released
wow anon-kun you are so cool, please tell me more about yourself
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You're on Anime/Wallpapers, pal.
On XP machines, we didn't use wallpapers like this, true. We would hoard wallpapers like these and never use them.
This thread gave me some of the most intense nostalgia I have ever felt in my life. I swear I had some of these pictures as my desktop when I was a teen.
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I like Kallen!
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i still do this rofl
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Here are some I've been using
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these ones are the closest things to y2k
y2k is an actual style based on late 90s early 2000s futurism not just shit from the 2000s
shut the hell up.
The anime art book style wallpapers were plenty popular in XP days, I would hoard them obsessively when I was like 11.
While I don't like some of the gross ass loli shit, because I have to defend them for this. It is shit one would have if they were using an XP-7 machine back then, if you are into anime.

and guess what this board is called, anime/wallpaper.... So yea, alot of the people here would have likely used the photos here as wallpapers back then.
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It's almost like lolicon wasn't considered pedophilia until gamergate happened.
Need more in 4k!
You probably have to make some with that aesthetic yourself or upscale them. Or look for new ones with that aethetic.
Primary resolution back then was 1024x786 or the next higher one.
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Need more Air wallpapers!
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Found a few from 2006.
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There's a lot of this on minitokyo. I used to create graphics like this. Still have my account on there lol. S/o for this thread and every1 innit.
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Not Op, but definitely delivered.
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Looking for the wallpaper of Ruri Hoshino in this pic, anyone willing to help me out? I've tried everywhere i know, to no avail...
There was one like this with Ichigo too, thanks for reminding me.
does anyone have any cinnamoroll wallpapers that cuz i only get really shit ones from like early 2000s on when i google shit for him
That one is a classic
I'm sorry anon, I've looked on boorus looking for that Ruri Hoshino wallpaper and haven't found yours.
But I'll post some that I liked while searching.
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hilariously ahistorical

thanks anon, I always wanted to know what these types of images were called
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Thanks for the help! I'm still looking for it myself, trying over and over again on many different places and still have had no luck, I'm starting to think it's lost forever (the pic itself is from at least 2000) and it was never backed up on any wallpaper related website. If I do find it one day I'll be sure to post it on this thread if it's still alive. I'm gonna use >>2223308 for now, it looks great on my monitor.
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/jp/ had a thread for these exact style of images (kinda.)
Pic related.
Neat, thanks dude.
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Currently up-scaling and cropping some older (2008 and below) artwork.
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This one was already high-res, just needed a basic noise reduction.
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And that's all for now.
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Forgot to crop it.
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Hey I can give you a bit of a lead. It's art used in the Ruri Hoshino at Vocal CD.
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>bit of a lead
Oh wow, thanks to that, I was actually able to find it, though it's scans of the CD album. I'm going to crop all of the images in the scans and dump them here, some of them make nice wallpapers. Picrel is an example of the scans included.
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If you any of you are interested in downloading it, it's sang by the seiyuu of Ruri herself.
love this thread
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Dumping all waha
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This is my supply of waha
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>weebs posting loli shit
This is /w/, not /wg/, faggot.
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Accidentally typed captcha here
Comfy as fuck
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And a mirrored one (better suited to OS-X since icons are left aligned on the desktop.)
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I didn't want to really denoise this or anything for fear it would detract from the CRT 90s look, but I really liked the colors in the pic you found it from. Here's a mild recolor to try and capture that look.
These wallpapers make me want to get a second monitor with a 4:3 screen
Me too, how old are you man? Im 28. FUCK wish I could go back to these times to play wow, ps2 and watch subed anime on youtube.
Everyone seems to take lucky star as the symbol for y2k aesthetic

Was lucky star wallpapers really that popular back then?
idk. When I think Y2k I think anime paired with trendwhore style and vivid colours. Sometimes text. That's what I had on my desktop back then. I didn't have internet for years when after moving in 2004, so can't really speak for everything that came after that.
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not that guy but yeah man i long for the days of dicking around playing shitty flash games on my dads windows xp pc all day. My neighbor across the street's dad would let us use his computer to watch madness combat and listen to slayer and we thought that was the coolest shit ever
>was popular in the 2000's
>references things popular with otaku around that time
Also it had a lot of fanart made when the y2k artstyle was trending.
kys tripfag
I thought it was printer noise but I wasn't sure. I'll try and clean it up by hand - will take a little while but most of my skillset is art restoration so I think it'll come out alright.
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Daily reminder SeaMonkey exists and is basically y2k browser aesthetic.
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thread theme
Resurrecting a old WinXP machine and holy shit did this thread come in handy.
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made this one recently
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Every now and then I have to binge listen to songs like these, they calm me down.
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very good
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I made one for my wife!
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>that dogbert plushie
Not bad at all. Would you mind doing one with young Bulma?
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i had this one as my first anime wallpaper in like 2010 or so? good memories thanks anon.
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as soon as i saw this thread i had flashbacks to repping this bad boy on windows xp, straight from the old official website's downloads page
holy shit dont let this thread die
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sweet, one of my favorite shows from back then
Thanks for finding this. Wish we had the full-size one with the top of ears not cropped out.
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Does this sort of thing count?
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You're right. I used to make wallpapers and forum sigs in the mid 2000's.
This chobits one in particular stood out to me - the bad photoshop work in the background using cheap brush effects is the giveaway.
This counts right?
I will look into it, although I prefer Firefox. Palemoon is good for those aesthetics too.
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i love shouna mitsuishi's art on white clarity, i wish it was translated
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woops lowres
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The computer wallpaper to the main character from the visual novel Chaos;Head
There's nothing more Y2K than CLAMP anime, specially Chobits
My wife Mion is so cute...
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These fat fingers ruin the pic :(
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>gross ass lolishit
can you normalniggers kill yourselves? especially if you're just zoomers looking for "cool aesthetic" to use for dumb lofi hexd cloud rap/"breakcore" project? You faggots ruin everything you touch. Dismiss Yourself was a fucking curse to this earth alongside sewerslvt. Idiots like you aren't even remotely into anime, unless its dumb normalfag shit. And if you're not, you're a dumb tranny that loves blacked porn like Aero Gros M or some shit. Please consider suicide at the earliest convenience, thank you.
loli shit is bad, it was bad in 2005 and it’s bad today. cope you pedo
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lmao fuck off coomer
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the only real nigger in the thread, godspeed bro
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I wonder if anyone actually has gone through glitter-graphics, anime wallpapers or any other of the ancient websites
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Woah, didn't expected to see the wallpaper I took from this magazine CD-Room, I'm glad someone liked it enough to save it

No luck anon. Might as well crop and scale up/enhance the image with AI tools.
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why not make a list here so we can all collectively look for banger legit 2000's wallpapers? I know konachan is ancient and where I found lots of mine.
i found animewallpapers.com through glitter-graphics.com semi recently that's why i brought it up. there have to be tons of ancient wallpapers because the site isn't that new

Hail great oldfag. These modernfags need the rope. They know nothing of the greate moralfag war. Im sick of seeing every fucking thread filled with:
>omg is she 18 just checking to comply with legal system i fuck my anus regularly with a rainbow dildo oh great school covid video cam that scans my face and discord Gods who link all my phone numbers, emails, texts, friends, and search terms!

Complete niggers.

seriously, you newfags need to flat rope yourselves or figure life out. You never thought a teenage chick was hot in an anime at 12? Scared to have a nonnude pc or phone pape of said chick? GTFO faggot. Shes still hot, and youll think so till your dead. Stop being a pussy. Girls dress hot and try to look young for a reason, and youre bitching about pixels on a screen of something somebody penciled in.

Again, to reiterate:
its dots on a screen,
that come from the power grid,
of a nonexistent person,
who probably has less than 32 bit colors,
who has 1 dimension less than what it takes to exist,
who has no age because theyre made of photons,
made by some whothefuckcares rando,
depicting an image of brainphotons in the said rando's head,
of something that does not exist,
and consequently is not a real person.

try using yandex, they tend to have better search results from time to time
Yeah bro can't let the government see my face then they'll know what I look like!!
Literally the attitude that gets us into this mess in the first place.
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made a 1080p version of this
Anon, do you have precognitive powers? I was just thinking of this image lol
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Refreshing take in this modern hellscape so glad to see people with common sense about fiction vs reality
These anti loli anti free speech faggots need to get off 4chan and stop consuming Japanese media
We can tell lmfao
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>Heres faggot
This thread is great. Makes me wanna start making wallpapers again. Stuff like this back in the day got me into photoshop.
I would call it Metalheart, Frutiger Aero or Frutiger Metro. Any of these 3 styles are from the late 90's to the 00's.
You should. You can probably create dynamic papers for wallpaper engine and various other cool videos if you feel inspired.
Some old WoW fanart wallpapers
Oh wait my bad forgot this was /w/ not /wg/

I think I have an anime styled old WoW wallpaper somewhere.
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bitches stfu
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Is this based on an actual anime?
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never was around for the actual y2k era (was still around for the Frutiger Aero era) but like last year or so I did download a torrernt with a ton of early 2000s CCS wallpapers

here's one of them, will post more
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there's http://minitokyo.net/ which surprisingly still exists. it has both new and old stuff.
you're depressing
>Refreshing take
lol pedo
Checked. Based Xenovia poster
Nice. Glad to find a fellow Ghislaine enjoyer
I’m too fucking old..
same bro.
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Next level pape IYKYK
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I've been messing around with retro (2000s) themes on kde plasma and this thread has been a blessing.

Fun fact, the aesthetics wiki refers to wallpapers like this one as "anime new moon".
You guys got any super blue ones
This thread has been up for so long that niche y2k aesthetics are now a popular semi-normie topic with zoomers on tiktok and youtube. I've spent way too much time browsing the aesthetics wiki and watching videos about frutiger aero and the such. Glad to see I'm not the only one autistic enough to care about these things. Anyways, I've posted a few wallpapers I've made here and I made a new one for my main girl Mirko! But I went with a "frutiger metro" aesthetic which I've never done before, but it turned out way better than I thought it would.
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it's cool that the website I used to find anime papers back then is still around today, even some wallpapers are still up
these anti-loli fucks should go back to twitter or something, where their dumbass views are praised by retarded normies like them
stfu, you look at pixels and try to defend them. they don't have an age you creep
I forget the proper term, but does anyone know how to recreate the looks of these types of papes? My current idea is:
>high saturation
>soft white borders on character
>those weird abstract lines in the background (think ps3 xmb)
Does anyone know the name of the photoshop tool that randomly generates those types of lines? I forgot the term, but in execution you'd just wave the mouse around and voila, lines.
Look up "abstract brushes photoshop". I'm gonna try and make some true OC for this thread now that I got a Windows environment lying around.
Can't wait.
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Those were the days
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Quick test, I think I was confusing bloom for saturation.
1080p since the 4K one was too big for the site (8.7MB)
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Here's the recipe after a bit more fuckery:
>background should be something abstract, most likely waves (>>2221004) or lines (>>2234141)
>character should have a white drop shadow around them, with the blur radius/growth making an outline
>boost the saturation, contrast, and bloom
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1 2 7 3 nananannanananana street do you feel that~
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It didn't let me upload them separately because the resolution is too small. Still wanted to share somehow.
This is sick man
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Palemoon is so slow for me and I tend to have video problems with it.
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what are the websites you would get such wallpapers from anons?
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Does anyone want some legit OS-Tan wallpapers that I took from this site in early 2006?
holy fuck yes
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Thanks for this! And by the way you can import photoshop brushes on photopea which is a free alternative.
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I'm surprised not a lot of people are posting shonen ones, I think I had this exact one on my XP machine back in the day.
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cant stand this generation i cant talk about anything anime related with peers without hearing "muh fagon ball" "muh one piss" "muh trending aneemey" and getting called diddy for liking anything that isnt faggot shounenslop not to mention trying to hold a normal conversation without hearing retarded niggerspeak
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Sir, this is a thread about wallpapers.
holy fugg that date post
must be sad once this site is nuked with all the archives
btw does anyone have a link to a /w/ archive? most of these images won't load for me

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